All posts by lisa-legalinfo

Legislators Tackle Clemency Reform – Update for May 24, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


A subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee last Thursday grappled with the jammed-up federal clemency process, in which an estimated 17,400 petitions await Presidential consideration.

clemencypitch180716The Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism & Homeland Security heard from a spectrum of witnesses – from a former Mississippi US Attorney who argued the Dept of Justice’s “policies with regard to review of clemency petitions are correct: clemency should only be granted in extraordinary circumstances and exercised rarely” – to clemency experts who deconstructed the convoluted process in academic detail.

In opening remarks, Subcommittee Chair Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) said that Congress should encourage presidents to routinely use clemency powers, tools she called “useful… not just to correct individual injustices but to overcome “misguided policies that led to mass incarceration.”

Rep Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass) urged passage of a bill she is sponsoring – the Fair and Independent Experts in Clemency Act (or “FIX Clemency Act”), H.R. 6234. That measure would replace DOJ’s Office of Pardon Attorney with an independent clemency board, made up of nine people appointed by the President. The Board would send pardon and commutation recommendations directly to the president.

Clemency expert and law professor Mark Osler testified that what was once a relatively simple clemency system has grown “and metastasized until the process came to include seven distinct actors, each with their own interests and biases, acting sequentially. Today, a clemency petition will be considered in turn by the staff of the Pardon Attorney, the Pardon Attorney, the staff of the Deputy Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, the staff of the White House Counsel, the White House Counsel, and finally by the President.”

“The absurd inefficiency of seven reviewers seeing a petition only after a predecessor is done — rather than simultaneously as part of a board — is striking,” Osler said. “On top of that, baked into this system is negative decision bias; reviewers know they can get in trouble only for a bad “yes,” which incentivizes ‘no’s.’ It is seven valves, all spring-loaded shut, on the same pipe.”

clemency220418Law professor Rachel Barkow, a clemency expert and former member of the US Sentencing Commission, told the Subcommittee that “there are now more than 18,000 people waiting for a response to their petitions, many of whom have been waiting for years. It is hard to overstate the level of mismanagement responsible for this unconscionable backlog. These people deserve answers to their petitions, yet the administration has done nothing to suggest it has any grasp of the urgency of the situation.”

Barkow said, “The view inside DOJ… is that pardon attorneys should ‘defend the department’s prosecutorial prerogatives” and that “the institution of a genuinely humane clemency policy would be considered an insult to the good work of line prosecutors.” In light of this view, she said, “there is a strong presumption at DOJ that favorable recommendations should be kept to an absolute minimum.”

pardonme190123The grant rate for commutations and pardons across presidencies has been low in recent years compared to the rates for most of the nation’s history. Trump granted 2% of the petitions he received, Obama granted 5%, George W. Bush granted 2%, Clinton granted 6%, George H.W. Bush granted 5%, and Reagan granted 12%. This contrasts with Carter’s grant rate of 21%, Ford’s rate of 27%, and Nixon’s rate of 36%. “Between 1892 and 1930,” Barkow said, “27% of the applications received some grant of clemency.”

House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism & Homeland Security, Oversight Hearing on Clemency and the Office of the Pardon Attorney (May 19, 2022)

Statement of Professor Rachel E. Barkow, New York University School of Law, House Judiciary Comm, Subcomm on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security (May 19)

Statement of Professor Mark Osler, University of St. Thomas, House Judiciary Comm, Subcomm on Crime, Terrorism & Homeland Security (May 19, 2022)

UPI, House panel weighs reforms for clemency amid backlog of 17,000 petitions (May 19, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Reluctant Director Candidate Would Inherit “Crisis-Plagued” BOP – Update for May 23, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Associated Press has reported that Gary Mohr, former director of the Ohio Dept of Rehabilitation and Correction, has emerged as the leading contender to run what AP calls “the crisis-plagued federal Bureau of Prisons.”

Citing three people familiar with the matter, AP said last Friday that Mohr is among those at the top of the list of candidates to replace BOP Director Michael Carvajal, who resigned in January but is remaining in the post until a successor was named.

A final decision has not been yet been made, AP said, and it’s not clear when an announcement will be be forthcoming.

clownshow220523AP reported that Mohr said he was “shocked to see an article describing me as a top contender” for the position and denied that he had applied or been interviewed. However, AP said, those familiar with the process “insisted Saturday that Mohr remained among those being seriously considered for the position.”

ironyalert220523So somebody here’s not telling the truth. If Mohr is truly in the running, then his falsely denying that he’s applied is not the best look for someone stepping into a position where credibility would be refreshing. Of course, it may be that the BOP really is floating his name as a finalist for a job he’s never applied for. Except that would suggest that the people responsible for hiring the new director are incompetent. And how could that be?

Mohr, with more than 47 years in corrections, might be a good fit for the job. His corrections career began in a teaching position in the Ohio prison system. He has held other posts since, including as a warden, head of Ohio’s youth prisons system, and eventually Ohio DRC Director from 2010 through 2018. After retiring from ODRC, he became president of the American Correctional Association and formed a prison consulting firm focused on promoting system reform “aimed at providing a sense of hope for those under confinement and the staff responsible for their supervision,” according to Correctional News.

As head of Ohio’s prison system, Mohr oversaw over 12,000 employees and about 50,000 inmates at 28 facilities. The BOP is budgeted for around 37,500 employees, operates 122 facilities and has about 157,000 inmates.

candor220523As ODRC director, Mohr sought to reduce the state’s prison population and “spearheaded efforts to reduce the number of first-time, nonviolent offenders behind bars,” AP said. Having managed to cut prisoners by only about 1,000 inmates in his tenure, Mohr said when he left the director’s position that he was “extraordinarily disheartened” he couldn’t do more.

That, at least, is a candid appraisal, and a refreshing change from the current director, to whom every BOP misstep over the past few years has really seemed to Mikey to be “a testament to the hard work of our dedicated professional staff who support public safety and promote reentry.”  Or (remember this one?), “The Bureau has a robust infrastructure to educate and train staff as to prohibited actions and to advise all persons (staff, inmates and the public) as to how to report misconduct.”

If Mohr takes the job, he may find the situation he’s marching into exceeds even the AP’s characterization of the BOP as “crisis-plagued.” This past week alone:

True Crime: The District of Oregon US Attorney announced that a former FCI Sheridan correctional officer (CO) had pled guilty to a bribery and contraband smuggling conspiracy. Nickolas Herrera admitted guilt in a conspiracy to smuggle contraband to an inmate, beginning with food, clothing, and cigarettes but morphing into cellphones and controlled substances.

Sexual Predator:  In Dallas, a former CO at FMS Carswell, pled guilty to sexually abusing several female inmates there. According to the plea agreement, Luis Curiel admitted to three separate sexual encounters with inmates in October 2021.

pervert160728Sexual Pervert: A BOP CO at FDC Los Angeles last week admitted to sodomizing an inmate while she was quarantining in her cell after a positive COVID test, according to a newly unsealed plea agreement unsealed along with an information charging Jose Viera with deprivation of civil rights under color of law. The disturbing and disgusting assault – for which ample DNA evidence exists, if you get my drift – occurred five days before Christmas 2020.

A crisis of credibility: Four months after the fact, the BOP last week got around to admitting to two more inmate deaths from COVID in January, one at Englewood and another at Leavenworth. Meanwhile, the number of BOP employees with COVID has been steadily climbing in the last month, now at 265, while the number of sick inmates has been falling. The reason may have something to do with testing inmates for the coronavirus: as of three months ago, the BOP running total of inmate COVID tests since the start of the pandemic was 128,895. As a running total, of course, it should only be going up or – at worst – remaining unchanged.  But not in the BOP’s wacky world of numbers. As of last Friday, that number had actually fallen to 128,719.

crazynumbers200519Most charitably, it seems that no testing is being done anymore. The cynical view might be that none of the BOP’s COVID numbers are reliable. But with national COVID numbers and BOP employee infections – numbers the BOP cannot control – going up, it is quite puzzling that inmate numbers keep falling.

Mr. Mohr, taking you at your word, we completely understand why you might want to pass on this job.

Associated Press, Former Ohio prisons chief top contender to run US prisons (May 21, 2022)

Correctional News, Gary Mohr (October 18, 2021)

Statement of Michael Carvajal, House Committee on Judiciary (February 3, 2022)

US Attorney’s Office, Former Federal Correctional Officer Pleads Guilty for Role in Bribery and Contraband Smuggling Conspiracy (May 19, 2022)

KTVT-TV, Dallas, Fort Worth prison guard admits sexually abusing inmates (May 18, 2022)

Daily Beast, Prison Guard Allegedly Sodomized Inmate Quarantining With COVID (May 17, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

A Couple of Short Takes – Update for May 19, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Quickie #1 – FAMM Lobbies for Compassionate Release for Dublin Victims: In a letter sent last week to Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, FAMM President Kevin Ring asked the Dept of Justice to recommend compassionate release under 18 U.S.C. § 3582(c)(1)(A)(i) to female Bureau of Prisons inmates who suffered sexual assault at hands of FCI Dublin corrections officials and officials.

compassion210903The letter notes that the BOP has statutory authority under U.S.S.G. §1B1.13 to identify “’other reasons,’ that alone or in combination with recognized criteria merit compassionate release. Sexual assault by BOP personnel of incarcerated women is an exceptional abuse of trust. The trauma resulting from such victimization is without doubt an extraordinary and compelling reason justifying consideration for compassionate release.”

FAMM, Letter to Lisa Monaco (May 9, 2022)

supervisedrevoked181106Quickie # 2 – Supervised Release Violations as Double Punishment: In a first comprehensive analysis of “criminal violations” and supervised release – cases where people violate their supervision by committing new crimes – Penn State law professor Jacob Schuman argues that revocation for criminal conduct inflicts unfair double punishment and erodes constitutional rights. When defendants on supervised release commit new crimes, he writes, prosecution without revocation is a better and fairer way to punish them.

Virginia Law Review, Criminal Violations (Feb 15, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Compassionate Release Numbers Show Gross Disparities – Update for May 17, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


funwithnumbers170511A Sentencing Commission report issued last week chronicled a slow but consistent slide in the rate of compassionate release motions being granted by district courts, even while highlighting how inconsistencies among federal courts are resulting in gross sentence disparities.

The First Step Act granted the right to prisoners to file their own motions for sentence reduction under 18 U.S.C. § 3582(c)(1)(A)(i). For the 30 years prior to that, only the Bureau of Prisons was permitted to file on behalf of the prisoner, and – unsurprisingly – the BOP was greatly disinclined to ask any court to let any of its wards go home early.

In the year following First Step’s passage, around 450 compassionate release motions were filed. But in April 2020, with onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the numbers skyrocketed. Nearly as many compassionate release motions were filed in April 2020 (436) as in all of the 15 prior months. By July 2020, over 1,500 a month were being submitted.

Everyone was scared. But as COVID became more common, the monthly numbers declined. In September 2020, 1,363 were filed, with 19% granted. A year later (September 2021), 456 motions were filed with 11% granted.

The report highlights striking variations in grant rates among the 94 federal districts. Oregon repudiates its nickname of The Land of Hard Cases, remaining the best place, statistically, to file. Of 144 motions, 63% have been granted. The back of the pack includes Western North Carolina (only 3.4% of 534 granted), Eastern Texas (2.0% of 349 granted) and Southern Georgia (2.0% of 248 granted). The average grant rate since the First Step Act permitted the filing of compassionate release motions by inmates themselves is 17.2% out of 3,867 motions.

oregon220517Ohio State University law professor Doug Berman noted in his Sentencing Law and Policy blog that “the District of Maryland — with a total of 211 sentencing reduction motions granted (though “only” a grant rate of 32.7% with 646 motions) — granted more of these motions than all the courts of the Fifth Circuit!” The 5th Circuit has the lower grant rate (9.3% of the 2,197 total brought) of all the circuits.

Not surprisingly, the longer one has been in prison, the better the chances for compassionate release. People with sentences over 20 years had a 26.2% grant rate, compared to a 3.8% grant rate for people with a sentence of 24 months or fewer. But here’s a strange inversion: people with lowest criminal history had a 30.0% grant rate, while those with a moderate history only had a 12% grant rate. But inmates with the worst history had a grant rate of 29.2%, almost as good as those with no prior convictions.

But the most beneficial information in the Report is the list of reasons that compassionate release motions were denied. Courts found that 18 USC § 3553(a) sentencing factors and the need to protect the public required denial in 33.1% of all compassionate release motions. Behind that were the movants’ failure to show they were at risk from COVID factors or a serious medical condition (26.4%), followed by failure to exhaust administrative remedies (17.9%). These amounted to nine out of ten reasons for denial (the courts failed to list reasons in 10% of the cases).

dice161221If it provides no other benefit, the Report suggests that compassionate release – far from being the relief First Step Act intended – has become an enormous geographical crapshoot, and a driver of sentence disparity.

US Sentencing Commission, Compassionate Release Data Report – Fiscal Years 2020 to 2021 (May 8, 2022)

Sentencing Law and Policy, US Sentencing Commission releases latest detailed “Compassionate Release Data Report” (May 9, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

The Supremes Finally Take The 2255(e) Debate! – Update for May 16, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


The Supreme Court granted certiorari in Jones v. Hendrix by order issued at 9:30 am on Monday, May 16.  

Could the Justices be reading my blog? Doubtful, but the certiorari may be good news for thousands of federal inmates trapped in the 10th and 11th Circuits (depending, of course, on the outcome of this case sometime next year).

... but a 2255(e) ain't, depending on where you are.
… but a 2255(e) ain’t, depending on where you are.

Let’s say you were standing in front of Sunny’s Cigars with a gun and two prior convictions, one for selling drugs and the other for manslaughter. If the Feds picked you up, you would have been sentenced to a minimum 15 years under 18 U.S.C. § 924(e), the Armed Career Criminal Act.

After the U.S. Supreme Court (generally known by the shorthand “SCOTUS“) ruled in Borden v. United States that a crime committed through recklessness was not a “crime of violence” predicate for ACCA, you would want to file with your sentencing court to get the ACCA sentencing enhancement thrown out.

The Borden ruling was not a constitutional ruling, but instead just an interpretation of a statute. That meant that you could not file a second-or-successive 28 U.S.C. § 2255 motion, because 28 U.S.C.  § 2244(b) limits successive § 2255s to newly discovered evidence or decisions on constitutionality. However, 28 U.S.C. § 2255(e) – known as the “saving clause,” lets you file a traditional 28 U.S.C. § 2241 habeas corpus motion attacking the ACCA sentence where a § 2255 would be inadequate to address the issue.

Or at least it would let you file a § 2241 petition if you’re locked up in, say, Kentucky (in the 6th Circuit). A § 2241 habeas corpus petition is filed in the federal district in which you’re located at the time you file. If you were at FCI Manchester, you’d file in the Eastern District of Kentucky. Go a few miles east of there to do your time in Beckley, West Virginia, for example, and you’d be filing in the Southern District of West Virginia (4th Circuit). Fourth Circuit precedent forecloses you from using a § 2241 petition as a workaround.

gunknot181009Writing in SCOTUSBlog last week, John Elwood noted that Ham v. Breckon, a 4th Circuit decision, and Jones v. Hendrix, an 8th Circuit decision, both asked the same question, and both have been “relisted” by the Supreme Court.

A “relist” is a petition for certiorari that is scheduled to be decided at the Supreme Court’s regular Friday conference, but is “relisted” to be considered further at a subsequent conference. A “relisted” petition is statistically more likely to have review granted by the Court, and that is even more likely where there are two relisted petitions asking the same question.

This is important, because two circuits – the 10th and 11th – don’t permit § 2241 petitions even where the movant is challenging guilt or innocence. A SCOTUS decision on Ham or Jones would not only settle whether a movant could challenge a statutory sentencing enhancement using a § 2241 petition under the “saving clause,” but would address the circuit split between the two outlier circuits (the 10th and 11th) and everyone else on whether guilt and innocence could be challenged as well.

circuitsplit220516Elwood thinks that, while the Court has ducked the issue in the past, it will grant review this time. He wrote, “The government — which generally is a pretty successful respondent as well as a successful petitioner — admits that there is a circuit split on the issue. It would have a hard time saying otherwise, since the government itself petitioned for Supreme Court review on this very issue a couple years back in the much-relisted United States v. Wheeler, before a vehicle problem arose (the prisoner… was released from prison) that apparently persuaded the Supreme Court to deny review in that case.”

Ham v. Breckon, Case No 21-763 (pending certiorari)

Jones v. Hendrix, Case No 21-857 (certiorari granted)

SCOTUSBlog, Challenges to administrative action and retroactive relief for prisoners (May 11, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

President Packs USSC With Some Good Picks – Update for May 12, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


noquorum191016President Biden yesterday nominated a bipartisan slate of seven candidates to serve as commissioners on the U.S. Sentencing Commission. If confirmed, the nominees will revitalize the USSC, giving it its first quorum in almost four years.

The list includes U.S. District Judge Carlton W. Reeves (Southern District of Mississippi). If confirmed by the Senate, he will be the first black jurist to chair the 33-year-old commission’s history.

By statute, the Commission must be bipartisan and consist of at least three federal judges and no more than four members of each political party.

Biden’s planned nominees include three active judges and four attorneys. Of those nominees, two have experience as public defenders. Nominees also include

• Laura Mate, a former assistant federal public defender in the Western District of Washington, serves as Sentencing Resource Counsel for the Federal Public and Community Defenders in Arizona;

• Judge Luis Felipe Restrepo, appointed by President Obama to serve on the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit and a former assistant federal public defender in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania;

• Claire McCusker Murray, formerly principal deputy associate attorney general in the Dept. of Justice during the Trump Administration;

• Judge Claria Horn Boom, appointed by President Trump to the U.S. District Courts for both the Eastern and Western Districts of Kentucky;

• Former U.S. District Judge John Gleeson (EDNY), a partner at Debevoise and Plimpton LLP, who enjoys close to rock-star status as a forward-thinking sentence reformer;

• Candice Wong, Assistant United States Attorney and Chief of the Violence Reduction and Trafficking Offenses Section in the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia.

USSC170511The Sentencing Commission has lacked a full slate of commissioners for the entirety of the Trump Administration, and has not had a quorum since the First Step Act passed in December 2018. That is why no guideline has been amended since the November 2018 amendments went into force.

Trump nominated four commissioners in August 2020, two of whom – Judges Restrepo and Boom – were renominated yesterday. Their nominations expired when the Senate did not act on them prior to the end of the 116th Congress in January 2021.

The Commission has a stack of work waiting for its attention, chief among the issues being compassionate release. Last November, the sole remaining member of the Commission at the time, Senior Judge Charles Breyer (N.D. Cal.) complained to Reuters that the lack of quorum meant the Commission could not provide guidance on how to implement compassionate release, creating a “vacuum” in which judges inconsistently decide whether inmates under the measure can secure a sentence reduction under 18 USC § 3582(c)(1)(A)(i) amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Some people were granted compassionate release for reasons that other judges found insufficient,” he said. “There was no standard. That’s a problem when you try to implement a policy on a nationwide basis.” The Commission’s outdated Guideline 1B1.13, ignored by most circuits but used as a bludgeon by others, was perhaps the primary mischief-maker, but with no quorum, the USSC has been powerless to fix things.

Don’t expect immediate miracles. The Commission normally works on a 12-month cycle, with proposed topics for amendments to the Sentencing Guidelines issued late in the year, followed by the actual amendments early in the following year, and a final slate of amendments by May 1. Under the law, the amendments take effect on November 1, unless Congress votes to veto one or all of them.

This means that the most anyone can hope for would be amendments to take effect on November 1, 2023.

progress220512Still, the slate of new commissioners would be the most defendant-friendly bunch to ever run the USSC. Ohio State University law professor Doug Berman wrote in his Sentencing Law and Policy blog yesterday, “Because these selections have surely been made in consultation with Senate leadership, I am reasonably hopeful that hearings and a confirmation of these nominees could proceed swiftly. (But that may be wishful thinking, as was my thinking that these needed nominees would come a lot sooner.) There is lots of work ahead for these nominees (and lots of blog posts to follow about them and their likely agenda), but for now I will be content with just a ‘Huzzah!’”

He’s right.  Its progress, however slow in coming.

Bloomberg Law, Biden Names Seven to Restock US Sentencing Commission (May 11, 2022)

The White House, President Biden Nominates Bipartisan Slate for the United States Sentencing Commission (May 11, 2022)

The White House, President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Individuals to Key Administration Posts (August 12, 2021)

Reuters, U.S. sentencing panel’s last member Breyer urges Biden to revive commission (November 11, 2021)

Sentencing Law and Policy, Prez Biden finally announces a full slate of nominees to the US Sentencing Commission (May 11, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Home Confinement Removal Without Hearing Challenged – Update for May 11, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


homeconfinement220511Under the CARES Act, the Federal Bureau of Prisons was authorized to place inmates in extended home confinement as a means of getting medically vulnerable people out of the path of the coronavirus. Under this authority, the BOP has sent about 9,000 inmates to home confinement, where they remain in their residences except for work and a very few tightly-controlled exceptions (weekly groceries, medical appointments, church services and the such).

BOP Director Michael Carvajal has touted the success of the program. He told the Senate Judiciary Committee that only 289 inmates had been returned to prison after being on CARES Act home confinement, and only three of those were returned because of new criminal conduct.

The flip side of that coin is that the BOP sees home confinement as just another prison designation, meaning that the BOP can pull someone at home back to prison for the flimsiest of reasons, or for no reason at all. The government has argued that because inmates have no due process right to placement in any particular prison facility, they have no grounds to challenge a decision to revoke home confinement.

Now, three FCI Danbury inmates have filed a habeas corpus action in U.S. District Court in Connecticut claiming their release to home confinement under the CARES Act was revoked without due process.

“There’s no due process for resolving these cases or real consideration whether the person should be pulled back to prison,” said their attorney Sarah Russell, director of the Legal Clinic at Quinnipiac University School of Law. “There is no opportunity for a hearing or an argument even when children are being impacted.”

On home confinement for over a year, the lead petitioner, Nordia Tompkins, had been able to regain custody of her daughter, enroll in vocational classes and hold down a job. She was sent back to prison after the halfway house supervising her could not reach her by phone because she was in class at an approved time.

The government has argued that because the inmates remained in BOP custody, they had no “protected liberty interest” in remaining on home confinement. Such an interest is necessary in order to trigger a right to procedural due process.

home190109However, the inmates – represented by Yale and Quinnipiac University law school professors – argue that other factors, “such as whether one can form close family and community ties, seek and obtain employment”, are “markers of a liberty interest. It does not matter that someone is serving sentence or is technically in the ‘custody’ of prison authorities. Because Ms. Tompkins has been able to reside with her children and take care of them, attend a community school to further her education, and seek employment, she has a liberty interest in remaining on home confinement under the Due Process Clause [and] was entitled to basic due process protections…”

Danbury News-Times, Danbury prison inmates file lawsuit over home confinement getting revoked (May 5, 2022)

Tompkins v. Pullen, Case No. 3:22cv339 (D.Conn, filed Mar 2, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Ratting Out the Federal Bureau of Prisons – Update for May 10, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


About three summers ago, Associated Press reporters Michael Balsamo and Michael Sisak wondered how Jeffrey Epstein, at the time probably the highest-profile federal inmate in America, was able to commit suicide while in constantly-monitored single-cell lockdown.

lazyguard191127They found that “the dysfunction surrounding Epstein’s suicide — guards sleeping and browsing the internet, one of them pulled from a different prison job to watch inmates, both working overtime shifts — wasn’t a one-off but a symptom of a federal prison system in deep crisis.”

Since then, Balsamo and Sisak have reported on sexual abuse at FCI Dublin, crumbling infrastructure and chronic staffing shortages, pervasive criminal misconduct among BOP employees, and management fiascos like the December 2020 executions at USP Terre Haute that turned into COVID superspreader events.

Finally, in January, they broke the surprise resignation of BOP Director Michael Carvajal, a Trump administration holdover, and his top deputy.

snitchin200309Last week, AP published a retrospective that included a surprising invitation to “whistleblowers, inmates and their families, and anyone else who suspects wrongdoing or knows what’s going on and tells us about it” to contact AP online or the reporters by email with tips about the BOP.

What might there be to tell? Congressman Randy Weber (R-Texas) may have a suggestion. After another inmate died at USP Beaumont in a fight with a fellow prisoner on May 1st, Weber – a member of the BOP Reform Caucus – wrote Carvajal to express his “dismay[] that, time and time again, the especially dire situation at FCC Beaumont remains neglected by the BOP… I have been informed by COs at USP Beaumont that BOP has used the emergency recall system several times to fill vacant posts. Actions like this only serve as a band-aid to the underlying problems.”

Weber told Carvajal that he “want[s] to be part of the solution, especially at FCC Beaumont, but first, these problems need to be acknowledged soberly by BOP leadership.”

The latest killing happened the same week that AP’s Balsamo and Sisak reported that Carvajal’s March visit to FCI Dublin – site of rampant sexual abuse of female inmates by staff (including the prior warden) – was sabotaged by Dublin employees.

charliebrownfootball220510“Officials moved inmates out of the special housing unit so it wouldn’t look as full when the task force got there,” AP reported, “and they lied to Carvajal about COVID-19 contamination so inmates in a certain unit couldn’t speak to him about abuse.”

One inmate did manage to confront Carvajal on the rec yard, and spent 15 minutes describing in graphic detail of her alleged abuse. She “grew increasingly upset,” the story said, “calming down only after prison officials brought her tissues. She was eventually taken out of the room and brought to a prison psychologist, where she was offered immediate release to a halfway house. She objected. She wanted to wait so she could tell her story publicly to congressional leaders expected at the prison.”

However, “Bureau of Prisons and Justice Department officials told the woman that because she was a potential witness, she couldn’t talk about the investigation.” She was hustled off to a halfway house.

So far, the Biden Administration has not announced a replacement for Carvajal.

Associated Press, The story so far: AP’s investigation into federal prisons (May 4, 2022)

Rep Randy Weber, Letter to BOP Director Carvajal (May 2, 2022)

Associated Press, Abuse-clouded prison gets attention, but will things change? (May 5, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Courts Questioning BOP Medical Care As COVID Surge Loom – LISA Newsletter for May 9, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


The Biden administration is warning the nation could see 100 million COVID infections and a potentially significant wave of deaths this fall and winter, driven by new omicron subvariants that have shown a troubling ability to overcome vaccines and natural immunity.

The projection is part of an Administration push to persuade lawmakers to appropriate billions more to purchase a new tranche of vaccines, tests and therapeutics, released last Friday as the nation is poised to reach a milestone of 1 million COVID deaths sometime this week.

omicron211230Omicron variants BA.4 and BA.5 are causing a spike in cases in South Africa, where it’s winter, continuing a pattern of semi-annual COVID-19 surges there. The genetic makeup of these variants — which allows them to evade immunity from previous infection — and the timing of their emergence in the Southern Hemisphere point to a surge in the United States in the coming months, says UCLA Health clinical microbiologist Dr. Shangxin Yang.

The US also should expect a summer coronavirus surge at least across the South. Last week, former White House COVID response task force coordinator Deborah Birx said, “We should be preparing right now for a potential surge in the summer across the southern United States because we saw it in 2020 and we saw it in 2021.” With more infections come more opportunities for the virus to mutate, according to WHO’s Maria Van Kerkhove.

As it is, an anticipated summer surge of COVID in the south may have begun. The seven-day national average of new infections more than doubled in five weeks from 29,000 on March 30 to nearly 71,000 last Friday. White House officials have said they’re concerned that much of the nation’s supply of antivirals and tests will be exhausted as a result of the anticipated increase in cases in the South. Without those tools, they say the country would be unprepared for a fall and winter surge, and deaths and hospitalizations could dramatically increase.

healthcare220224Predictions of future COVID waves come as the Bureau of Prisons’ COVID medical care is subjected to fresh criticism. Healthcare news outlet Stat reported last week that since November 2020, the BOP “used just a fraction of the antiviral drugs they were allocated to keep incarcerated people from getting seriously ill or dying of Covid-19.” Stat said internal BOP records show the Bureau used less than 20% of the stock “of the most effective antiviral drugs for treating COVID.”

In the case of Pfizer’s effective antiviral pill, Paxlovid, BOP prescription records over the two years ago “include just three prescriptions for Paxlovid, despite the fact that the drug is easy to administer and has been proven to significantly reduce hospitalization and death from Covid-19.”

Two compassionate release grants last week under 18 USC § 3582(c)(1)(A)(i) on opposite sides of the nation suggest that district courts may be tiring of the BOP’s blandishments that its medical care is adequate. In Oregon, a granted early release to James Wood, a 53-year-old man who had served 68% of his sentence for two bank robberies. The court held Jim had served significant periods during the pandemic without access to his psychiatric medication or received medication that made his symptoms worse.

The judge called Jim’s time at FCI Sheridan during the pandemic “an excruciating experience.” In addition to frequent lockdowns, which applied to all inmates, Jim suffered an injury that prison medical services failed to treat. The injury festered, but Jim was finally able to knock back the infection by pouring hot water on the wound.

The government argued that medical records did not substantiate that Jim had been denied treatment. He replied that that was unsurprising inasmuch as the medical staff refused to do anything, a refusal that would not have generated a record.

toe220509Meanwhile, a Connecticut federal court released Tim Charlemagne, who was doing time for a drug offense, after finding “the record… demonstrates that Mr. Charlemagne has received inadequate care for his serious medical conditions since the day he began his period of incarceration.”

Those conditions included morbid obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Tim didn’t receive the foot care in prison that his podiatrist recommended when he was sentenced, and all the toes on his right foot had been amputated as a result, according to the Federal Public Defender. The government argued that Tim was being transferred to a medical center from FCI Schuykill (where he presumably would get better care), but it admitted no date set was set for the transfer.

Tim had served 14 months of his 41-month sentence. He will do another nine months on home confinement before beginning his supervised-release term.

Both of these decisions are noteworthy because they combine a general acknowledgment of miserable prison conditions during the pandemic with specific findings that BOP healthcare had failed the inmates seeking compassionate release. The cases suggest that successful compassionate release motions as COVID surges again will focus on an inmate’s individual allegations of inadequate medical care.

Washington Post, Coronavirus wave this fall could infect 100 million, administration warns (May 6, 2022)

US News, New Omicron Subvariant Spreading in US as Coronavirus Cases Increase (May 2, 2022)

UCLA Health, New omicron variants and case surge in South Africa portend summer rise in COVID-19 cases here (May 6, 2022)

Stat, Prisons didn’t prescribe much Paxlovid or other Covid-19 treatments, even when they got the drugs (May 5, 2022)

Portland Oregonian, Judge grants compassionate release to convicted bank robber, calls his time at Oregon’s federal prison ‘excruciating experience’ (May 6, 2022)

United States v. Wood, Case No 3:18-cr-00599 (D.Ore, compassionate release granted May 6, 2022)

Windsor Journal-Inquirer, Judge orders release of Windsor man in Enfield OD death case (May 6, 2022)

United States v. Charlemagne, Case No 3:18-cr-00181, 2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 82270 (D.Conn, May 6, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

COVID: Forgotten But Not Gone – Update for May 5, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


deadcovid210914COVID reminded us last week that it isn’t eradicated. On April 20th, the BOP reported 60 inmates and 150 staff cases. As of last night, inmate cases had more than doubled to 148 cases, and staff cases remained stubbornly high at 158.

The number of BOP facilities with COVID climbed 45% to 64, half of the total operated by the Bureau.

This is not surprising. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data released yesterday show that the latest COVID variant,  BA.2.12.1,  now makes up 36.5% of all newly-sequenced positive Covid tests. That’s a jump of close to 100% in the past two weeks.

Incidentally, the United States recorded its millionth COVID death yesterday.

The Washington Post reported last week that COVID’s toll is no longer falling almost exclusively on the unvaccinated. The vaccinated made up 42% of fatalities in January and February during the Omicron surge, compared with 23% of the dead in September, the peak of the Delta wave. As of last Friday, 82.1% of inmates had been vaccinated, while 71.1% of staff had gotten the jab.

caresbear210104Forbes last week reported that federal “inmates who have served a certain percentage of their sentence and who also have underlying health conditions, are still being processed for home confinement. However, the CARES Act releases have slowed because the number of cases in prisons have plummeted and staff is also stressed to process prisoners because they are dealing with the First Step Act (FSA) implementation.” Due to the need to release prisoners suddenly awarded back FSA earned-time credits, prisoners “who have health issues and could be transferred under the CARES Act, are being pushed to the back of the line so that overworked case managers can make provisions for thousands of prisoners who will be transitioning to post-release custody in the coming months.”

Writing in Forbes, Walter Pavlo said, “While case managers struggle to keep up with the growing demands of their jobs, the healthcare in the BOP has been under stress as well. It is the perfect storm of poor underlying health of a prisoner combined with BOP staff shortages and poor healthcare” puts vulnerable inmates at risk.

Washington Post, Covid deaths no longer overwhelmingly among the unvaccinated as toll on elderly grows (April 29, 2022)

Forbes, With COVID-19 Cases On Rise, Bureau Of Prisons Slowly Still Transferring Inmates Under CARES Act (April 27, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root