Tag Archives: Durbin

FCI Dublin Is Closed But The Controversy Keeps Swirling – LISA Newsletter For June 17, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


BOPbus240429Acting with efficiency and consideration for the well-being of prisoners, the Federal Bureau of Prisons closed FCI Dublin two months ago.  This is the BOP version.

Acting precipitously, hiding its intentions, and with all the care and haste of a concentration camp evacuation in front of the advancing enemy, the BOP shuttered FCI Dublin, treated inmates like cattle while they were being transferred to other facilities in order to stop or at least hobble investigations into the inmate abuse at BOP facilities. This is the critics’ version.

Three Senators and 19 Representatives wrote to BOP Director Colette Peters last Thursday to get to the bottom of the unprecedented prison closure.  

rios-marques240617The letter they sent asks who made the decision to close Dublin and when the decision was made. The request focuses on the role of Regional Director Rios-Marques in the culture of abuse at FCI Dublin, “including her selection of a succession of wardens who have been at best ineffective and at worst complicit in retaliation and intimidation,” and wants to know whether she was following BOP policy “when she refused to advise [the Special Master appointed by the court to oversee Dublin] of the impending closure, which would begin the next day, even when asked directly on April 14?”

Madam Regional Director, you’ve got 29 years in at the BOP. It might be a good time to contemplate retirement.

The letter hints at a credibility gap forming between Congress and the BOP. “[T]here has been a tragic and unacceptable history of long-term abuse of [prisoners] at FCI Dublin,” the letter says. “Up until weeks before the closure of FCI Dublin, BOP leadership and their counsel repeatedly asserted that conditions and care at FCI Dublin were constitutionally adequate, and repeatedly denied allegations of staff misconduct and retaliation.”

cattle240617The letter also recounted that the legislators were concerned “about shocking abuses that allegedly took place during the mass [prisoner] transfers,” noting that “this level of disregard for human dignity cannot be tolerated. Additionally, the frantic nature of the closure of FCI Dublin reflects a lack of adequate planning and proper safeguards to protect the rights of [prisoners].”

[I have replaced the letter’s use of “AIC” — Peters’s kinder, gentler “Adult in Custody” term — with “prisoner.”  Peters says “AIC” but other BOP employees call them “bitches.” These women are ‘prisoners’ and ‘inmates’ until such a time as BOP line employees start treating them like AICs, or at least treat them like human beings and not like cattle, Director Peters’s “feel-good” relabeling notwithstanding.]

BOP officials have stated that the Dublin closure plan was “carefully considered over months,” an assertion that would have made Pinnochio blush.

The legislators want written answers by July 10, 2024.

Pinocchio160812Meanwhile two advocacy groups last Wednesday asked U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers, the Northern District of California jurist overseeing the class action case against the BOP for Dublin sexual abuse, to unseal court records and preserve public access to hearings.

The legal nonprofit Public Justice and the ACLU of Northern California jointly filed a motion for increased transparency in the case, which is set for trial in June 2025. In the last two months, Judge Gonzalez Rogers has held a series of closed hearings to address the Dublin closure. “These hearings took place without prior notice, and in many instances, the docket does not reflect that they even occurred,” the groups said in a statement.

Letter from Sens Mark DeSaulnier, Laphonza Butler and Richard J. Durbin (and others) to BOP Director Colette Peters (June 13, 2024)

Associated Press, Legal advocates seek public access to court records about abuse at California women’s prison (June 12, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

The Wheels On The Bus – Update for April 29, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


wheelsonbus240429Nearly all inmates had been transferred out of the beleaguered Bureau of Prisons women’s facility FCI Dublin by last Tuesday, according to a BOP spokesman, with only about 23-40 prisoners–all of whom have pending releases or halfway house/home confinement transfers scheduled–remaining at the facility.

Several news outlets last week reported that the hasty transfers bore more than a passing resemblance to the Bataan Death March. Inmates reported they went without water or sanitary products, and some ended up sitting in their own excrement. A prisoner’s parent told KTVU-TV in Oakland that when the inmates asked where they were going, 

“They were told ‘none of your business,’ or ‘SFTU, see, this is why Dublin is closing, you all need to learn to keep your mouths shut. I gave up my Saturday off to move you girls.’ The other CO said, ‘I came out of retirement to help move you bitches.’

“The bus driver played a children’s recording of the Wheels on the Bus over and over again at full volume, and then played loud rap music with sexually explicit language about sex acts.

“He told them the more they fussed, the louder it was going to be,” [the parent wrote to the TV station]. “All thru the 12 hours they were called bitches. They were told they were the reason for the closing of Dublin. They should have kept their mouths shut.”

BOPbus240429The San Jose Mercury News reported that one source said of the closure and transfer, “I have witnessed people fighting. I have witnessed people crying. I have witnessed people drinking pills because they just want to pass out and not think about it. I have witnessed people vomiting. Another lady over here next to me, she was cutting herself. We have witnessed all of that. And even officers over here are crying because that’s how crazy it is.”

Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee sent a letter to BOP Director Colette S. Peters expressing concern over claims of a chaotic transfer. The letter, signed by Committee Chairman Richard Durbin (D-IL) and four others, alleged that

“concerned stakeholders and advocates have made alarming reports about the ensuing chaos. These reports include: unavailability of medical staff; inadequate-to-no medical attention, including for individuals expressing suicidal ideation; improper medical clearance prior to transport; lack of food and water for those remaining in the facility awaiting transfer; mistreatment, harassment, neglect, and abuse while in transit; and confiscation of personal property. This reporting is appalling and even more concerning in light of the well-documented abuses that have taken place previously at FCI Dublin…”

The letter demanded that the BOP director provide the Committee with information on how the agency has prepared to close FCI Dublin, including its written plans on the “safe and humane release from custody.”

On that same day that the BOP announced Dublin would close, U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers, the Oakland, California, judge overseeing the class action suit against Dublin officials, ordered a halt in the transfers so that the special master she had appointed to oversee Dublin could review the process. A review of each prisoner’s status would “ensure inmates are transferred to the correct location,” the judge wrote in her April 15 order. “This includes whether an inmate should be released to a BOP facility, home confinement, or halfway house, or granted a compassionate release.”

bird240429The BOP pushed back, filing a motion for relief from the Judge’s order, questioning the authority of the special master and complaining that the judge’s order amounts to “a de facto requirement” that the BOP keep the prison open. “The Court not only lacks jurisdiction to impose such a requirement, but it is also antithetical to the overall objective of safeguarding inmate safety and welfare,” the motion complains. “Extensive resources and employee hours have already been invested in the move.”

As of yesterday, the motion has not been ruled on. Given that the BOP has already transferred up to 96% of the Dublin inmates–many in horrific conditions–the BOP appears to have presented Judge Gonzalez Rogers with a fait accompli that the Court is unlikely to be able to undo,

goodjobhomer240429In a case of the BOP really not getting it, KTVU reported that in an interoffice memo sent last week, Director Peters “commended her staff for their ‘tireless efforts in facilitating the successful transition’ of women from FCI Dublin… Peters said that the transfer involved ‘careful planning and coordination to ensure the safe transfer of women to other facilities, with special attention given to their unique programming, medical, and mental health requirements’.”

It is perhaps unsurprising that the Federal Prison Oversight Act (H.R. 3019), introduced a year ago, was approved earlier this month by the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.

Under the bill, which still must be approved by the full House and Senate before becoming law, the Dept of Justice’s Inspector General would conduct periodic prison inspections of BOP facilities. The bill would require the attorney general to ensure the inspectors have “access to any covered facility, including the incarcerated people, detainees, staff, bargaining unit representative organization, and any other information” needed. The assessments “may include” incarceration conditions; staff adequacy and working conditions; availability of FSA programs; SHU practices; prison medical and mental health services; and violence, sexual abuse and excessive-force allegations.” The bill would establish an ombudsman to whom prisoners and loved ones could complain.

Associated Press, Senators demand accounting of rapid closure plan for California prison where women were abused (April 24, 2024)

KTVU, FCI Dublin prison closure: Women describe horrific journey across US (April 22, 2024)

KTVU-TV, U.S. Senators call FCI Dublin transfer of women ‘appalling’ (April 25, 2024)

Senators Richard Durbin, Cory Booker et al., Letter to Colette S Peters (April 24, 2024)

San Jose Mercury News, Chaotic Dublin prison closure leads to fighting, crying, cutting, inmates say (April 24, 2024)

Associated Press, Feds push back against judge and say troubled California prison should be shut down without delay (April 18, 2024)

KTVU, BOP director commends FCI Dublin staff, despite accounts of abusive behavior (April 24, 2024)

HR 3019, Federal Prison Oversight Act

– Thomas L. Root

Sentencing Commission Announces Slate of Fall Amendments – Update for April 22, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


The US Sentencing Commission last week adopted a slate of proposed amendments to the Guidelines, finally addressing the acquitted conduct issue that has bedeviled the Commission and Supreme Court for the past two years.

can230407SCOTUS sidestepped the question last year, sitting on 13 certiorari petitions raising the question of whether sentencing for acquitted conduct – that is, conduct for which a defendant has been found not guilty by a jury – is constitutional. At the prodding of the Dept of Justice – which told the Supremes that they should let the Sentencing Commission handle it only to then tell the Sentencing Commission it lacked the power to do so – SCOTUS finally denied the cert petitions last July, with several justices saying they would wait for the Sentencing Commission to address the issue.

The acquitted conduct Guidelines amendment will redefine “relevant conduct” under USSG § 1B1.3 to exclude conduct for which a defendant was acquitted in federal court. Because judges must rely on “relevant conduct” to set the Guidelines sentencing range, the change is significant.

For example, if a defendant is convicted of distributing cocaine but acquitted of selling heroin, the amount of heroin that the government said he had sold currently be factored into his Guidelines range as long as the judge found it more likely than not that he had actually sold it. The proposed amendment would prohibit counting the heroin regardless of whether the judge thought the defendant had done it or not.

“Not guilty means not guilty,” Sentencing Commission Chairman Judge Carlton W. Reeves, who sits on the Southern District of Mississippi bench, said. “By enshrining this basic fact within the federal sentencing guidelines, the Commission is taking an important step to protect the credibility of our courts and criminal justice system.”

reeves230706Commissioners were divided on whether to consider enforcing the acquitted conduct sentencing amendment retroactively. A majority voted to have the USSC staff prepare a retroactivity impact analysis, which is the initial step toward making an amendment retroactive.

Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL), chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said in a press release, applauded the Commission’s vote, noting that it came after he and Sen Charles Grassley (R-IA) introduced the Prohibiting Punishment of Acquitted Conduct Act of 2023. The legislation would have prohibited judges from using conduct acquitted by a jury. The measure has not gained consideration the full Senate.

The Commission is allowed to grant retroactivity – which lets people already sentenced according to Guidelines that are now being amended go back to court to secure the benefit of the amendment in the form of a reduced sentence – on new defendant-friendly amendments. Ratroactivity on last fall’s criminal history amendments was vigorously opposed by some commissioners and the DOJ, which has an ex officio representative on the Commission. This time around, the Commission is considering whether to make multiple defendant-friendly changes retroactive:

• the acquitted conduct amendment;

• a change to juvenile sentences that eliminates adding 2 points for prior juvenile incarcerations of more than 60 days;

• a change to §2K2.1(b)(4)(B)(i) to provide that the 4-level enhancement gun serial number obliteration applies only if the serial number has been modified such the original number is “is rendered illegible or unrecognizable to the unaided eye;” and

• a change to Commentary in §2K2.4 to permit grouping of 922(g) gun count with drug trafficking count where the defendant has a separate 18 USC 924(c) conviction based on drug trafficking.

During the retroactivity vote, Commissioner Claire Murray – a former Trump administration DOJ official – made the obvious point that judges may also still rely on acquitted conduct at sentencing when considering the § 3553(a) sentencing factors, including the nature and circumstances of the offense and the history and characteristics of the defendant, which courts must consider at sentencing, regardless of the Guidelines advisory sentencing range.

The bad news in the amendments was pretty much expected. For economic crimes, the recommended sentence under the guidelines increases dramatically as the amount of loss resulting from the offense increases.

shakeitoff240423As it is now written, the loss is defined in the Guidelines commentary as the higher of actual loss or intended loss. If you try to steal the Hope Diamond from the Smithsonian (value $250 million) but only get a rhinestone imitation (value $250) because the real one had been rented out to Taylor Swift for the weekend, the Smithsonian’s actual loss would be just a few bucks, but the intended loss would be a quarter billion.

In 2022, the 3rd Circuit held in United States v. Banks that the Commentary expanded the definition of loss beyond the ordinary meaning of “actual loss,” and thus, “intended loss” could not be used to set a defendant’s Guidelines. The new loss amendment moves the commentary section into the actual guideline, making sure that intended loss is included in setting the Guideline sentencing range and allowing the use of gain from the offense as a substitute for loss.

Whether the changes will become retroactive depends in part on USSC data on how many prisoners would be eligible for a reduction. If the number is too high, the Commission becomes concerned that the courts will be overwhelmed with reduction motions.

Finally, unhappy that the Commission last year adopted a new compassionate release guideline and made the criminal history guidelines retroactive on a 4-3 vote, Sen John Kennedy (R-LA) last week introduced the Consensus in Sentencing Act to require that changes to the Guidelines get at least five votes out of the seven Commissioners.

Ohio State University law professor Doug Berman, writing in his Sentencing Law and Policy blog, said it “cannot be pure coincidence” that Kennedy introduced the bill the day before last week’s USSC meeting. The bill stands little chance of passing before Congress expires at the end of the year.

Reuters, US panel prohibits judges from sentencing for ‘acquitted conduct’ (April 17, 2024)

Law360, Sentencing Commission Limits Acquitted Conduct Sentencing (April 17, 2024) 

Press release, Durbin Applauds Sentencing Commission’s Unanimous Vote To Prohibit Acquitted Conduct From Being Used In Sentencing Guidelines (April 18, 2024)

Sentencing Law and Policy, Senator Kennedy introduces “Consensus in Sentencing Act” to increase USSC votes needed for guideline amendments (April 16, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

Peters May Be The One – Update for March 5, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


No one who’s ever had a beef with what I publish in this blog – and there surely are a lot of people who have complaints – has ever accused me of being an apologist for the Federal Bureau of Prisons. But here goes…

cucumber240305Watching BOP Director Colette Peters testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week was a refreshing departure from her previous appearances and a downright treat after enduring years of painful appearances by her clueless predecessor Michael Carvajal.

“The Feds survey says the Federal Bureau of Prisons is the worst place to work in federal government, so we have a lot of work to do,”  Peters candidly told the Committee last Wednesday during the hearing Committee Chairman Richard Durbin (D-IL) called in response to a DOJ Inspector General report on inmate deaths in federal prison.

That report, issued two weeks before, found that systemic and operational failures contributed to scores of prisoner deaths over the years. Durbin convened the hearing to underscore the report findings that – among others – suicide accounted for over half of the deaths reviewed by the IG.

Sharing the witness stand with DOJ IG Michael Horowitz, Peters was the target of most of the senators’ questions. But unlike her stumbling performances in prior Congressional hearings, Peters was confident, direct and armed with facts and numbers during the 2-hour session. And when Sen John Kennedy (R-LA) hectored her in one of the most bizarre barrage of questions in recent memory, she cooly stared him down while undoubtedly controlling the urge to ask him who tied his shoes for him every morning.

But back to the hearing.

Paters laid most of the blame for the issues raised in the report on BOP’s chronic staffing shortages. She told the senators that the data on BOP correctional officers are “startling,” rattling off the stats:

One in three have symptoms of PTSD. That means more anxiety, more depression, [and] that means more reliance on substance abuse and higher levels of divorce. Over 90% are obese or in the overweight category, over 90% have hypertension or pre-hypertension… What we’re finding across the country, in some places they can leave the [BOP] and work for state corrections and make two to three times more, let alone the bonuses that we’re battling against at fast food organizations. So it is incredibly difficult… I also want to remind the committee that the average onboarding for law enforcement in this country is 21 weeks [of training] and our officers receive about six. It’s truly unfortunate.

psy170427The IG report found that a shortage of psychiatric services employees “strained the ability of staff” in facilities where prisoners died “to provide adequate care to mentally ill inmates.” This has been a chronic BOP problem, where a dearth of mental health resources has led to many people being underdiagnosed, a 2018 Marshall Project investigation found. In the Senate hearing, Horowitz noted that over 60% of people who died by suicide in federal prisons had been on the Mental Health Care Level 1, meaning the BOP had determined that they did not need regular care mental health care.

Peters and Horowitz both pointed to staffing shortages as a key driver of the problems. A lack of clinical staff like psychologists and corrections officers has been an endemic challenge in many BOP facilities, the Marshall Project reported last weekend.

Horowitz also suggested that the BOP’s problems may be more than just staffing. Talking about contraband, he that “we’ve had a staff search policy recommendation open for years that has not been implemented, the basic search policy for staff coming into the facility, that hasn’t happened, either…” Several senators cited a GAO report last month that the BOP has failed to implement 58 of 87 recommendations on improving restrictive housing (also known as Special Housing Units, or SHUs) practices.

Kennedy tried to beat up Peters with a theatrical performance accusing her of using the First Step Act to release 30,000 criminals, 12% of whom have been recidivists (as though the decision when to release prisoners is her responsibility). Punctuating his questions with dramatic eye rolls and sighs of “Wow,” Kennedy sought to blame Peters for releasing thousands of violent criminals to prey on helpless civilians.

Kennedy: “How many criminals have you released under the First Step Act?”

Peters: “We have about 30,000 individuals that have been released since the passage of the First Step Act.”

Kennedy: “All right, so you’ve released 30,000 criminals under the First Step Act, okay? . . . Before you released them, did you contact any of their victims to say, ‘We’re about to let this guy out’?”

Peters: “Senator, it’s my understanding that that notification happens through the U.S. Attorney’s Office, but I will check into that and get back to you.”

Kennedy: “You don’t know?”

Peters: “Senator, I don’t.”

Kennedy: “Wow. Okay, of the 30,000 criminals you let free, how many of them have come back, have committed a crime again, hurt somebody else?”

Peters: “So, that number is one that we’re still looking at as it relates to the recidivism rate for those that were released on the First Step Act.”

Kennedy: “You don’t have any idea?”

Peters: “No, Senator.”

The implication that Peters and the BOP should be responsible for victim notification – a duty of the US Attorneys offices – or maintaining recidivism records is risable. It’s like asking the Veterans Administration how much ammo the Defense Dept has.

tieshoes240305Beyond that, suggesting that somehow Peters was releasing BOP prisoners on her whim, rather than in response to the court-ordered sentences ending or statutory mandates requires a special kind of ignorance of the law unbecoming of a man who was Phi Beta Kappa and with years of experience as a lawyer. That makes his embarrassing performance all the more puzzling.

He did not embarrass Peters, who was calmly unfazed by his attack. Committee Chairman Richard Durbin (D-IL) finally braced Kennedy: “Don’t put your head in a bag… The First Step Act was a constructive reform of the penal system and I think it was a good idea and I stand by it.”

Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ) said the BOP has simply not been provided enough resources. “I have a lot of frustrations obviously with what’s going on. But I’ve watched you now as a professional struggle mightily to meet the demands that are put on you in a moment where Congress is not giving you the resources necessary to do your job,” Booker said.

Sen Chris Coons (D-DE) told Peters that she has “inherited a deeply troubled institution and I suspect you some days feel like your job is more akin to trying to change the direction of an aircraft carrier than lead an agile and well-resourced organization because the BOP is frankly neither and I appreciate the determination, openness and vigor with which you’ve approached this task.”

Almost half of the suicides took place in a “restrictive housing setting,” the IG Report said. Durbin told Peters that “despite the decrease in Bureau of Prisons total population since you were sworn in as director in August of 2022 the percentage and total of number of individuals and restricted housing is actually higher than it was at that time…”

shucell240212Peters said that almost 40%t of those who lived in restrictive housing did so by their own choice. Nevertheless, she admitted that “everyone who is in restrictive housing has or will suffer from some form of mental or physical damage. I think even those that are agreeing or wanting to be in restrictive housing need to be educated on the fact that that isn’t where they belong and that we need to be able to safely house them in [general population]. Just because they’re volunteering to be there doesn’t mean that the physical and mental wear and tear isn’t happening for them as well.”

“It’s time for solutions and change,” Durbin agreed. “The lives of hundreds of Americans in Bureau of Prisons custody are at risk.”

Roll Call, Federal prison director tells senators about staffing ‘crisis’ (February 28, 2024)

Capital News Service, Deaths in federal prisons draw fire from Senate panel (February 29, 2024)

DOJ, Office of Inspector General, Evaluation of Issues Surrounding Inmate Deaths in Federal Bureau of Prisons Institutions (February 15, 2024)

The Marshall Project, How Federal Prisons Are Getting Worse (March 2, 2024)

WHBF-TV, Senate Judiciary Committee grills Bureau of Prisons chief on staffing, inmate deaths (February 28, 2024)

Sen John Kennedy, Kennedy questions Bureau of Prisons on early release of criminals: “You don’t have the slightest idea how many of them committed another crime and came back?” (February 28, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

BOP Director On Senate Judiciary Hot Seat Tomorrow – Update for February 27, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


critic160816The impact of a trio of government reports berating the Federal Bureau of Prisons continued to reverberate last week. A scheduled appearance of BOP Director Colette Peters and her new nemesis, Dept of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, before the Senate Judiciary Committee tomorrow promises that the cascade of criticism will continue pouring down on the agency..

A February 6 Government Accountability Office report chastised the BOP for implementing fewer than half of prior GAO recommendations on the use of restrictive housing (such as the SHU and Communications Management Units). The report blamed the BOP for failing to “assign[] responsibility for implementing these recommendations to the appropriate officials.”

A February 15 DOJ Office of Inspector General report found that “a combination of recurring policy violations and operational failures” – including deficiencies in inmate assessments and Mental Health Care Level assignments, holding inmates at risk for suicides in single cells, lack of urgency in responding to medical emergencies, and poor after-the-fact recordkeeping – contributed to inmate deaths.

A companion management advisory also issued on February 15 advised the BOP of the OIG’s “concerns” about the “inadequacy” of BOP policies on retaining records of rounds made by SHU COs “to ensure the preservation of those original documents as evidence when allegations of misconduct are raised.”

documentretention240227A Washington Post opinion column by Joe Davidson, who covers federal government issues in the Federal Insider, flayed the BOP as “an agency in crisis.” “The Federal Bureau of Prisons has been a profoundly broken agency for a very long time now,” he quoted David C. Fathi, American Civil Liberties Union National Prison Project director, as saying.

Laura Rovner, director of the University of Denver’s Civil Rights Clinic, who has represented isolated prisoners, is quoted as saying the BOP “is lacking the ability or the will to change, possibly both of those things.”

Last week, Government Executive – a publication aimed at federal managers – reported that the IG found “wildly different document retention standards, ranging from as little as one month to the recommended six months, to as long as 10 years.” The report itself noted that “OIG has conducted numerous investigations of allegations that BOP employees falsified round documentation; thus, such documentation is often important evidence in criminal investigations and prosecutions,” Horowitz wrote. “If documentation related to potential staff misconduct, such as mandatory round logs, are only retained for six months, such evidence may be destroyed before the discovery that a crime occurred.”

bureaucraticgobbledygook24019In her response, Peters called the inspector general’s findings “troubling” and agreed with all of the report’s recommendations, though she stressed that the misconduct cited was one by a “very small percentage of the approximately 35,000 employees . . . who continue to strive for correctional excellence every day.”

Sen Dick Durbin (D-IL), who chairs the Judiciary Committee, has been a supporter of Director Peters but said this month that he was “extremely disappointed” and “disheartened” that BOP officials “have not implemented multiple recommendations to curb restrictive housing. This issue has been studied extensively, and now is the time for action.”

bureaucracybopspeed230501Committee members expressed some frustration with Ms. Peters at the BOP oversight hearing last October for the agency’s habit of being nonresponsive to their written questions, many of which have gone unanswered for over a year. It is unlikely that her effort to palm problems off onto “a very small percentage” of employees or to mouth platitudes about “35,000 employees… who continue to strive for correctional excellence every day” will let her leave the hearing unscathed.

Senate Judiciary Committee, Hearing on Examining and Preventing Deaths of Incarcerated Individuals in Federal Prisons (set for February 28, 2024)

GAO, Bureau of Prisons: Additional Actions Needed to Improve Restrictive Housing Practices (February 6, 2024)

DOJ OIG, Evaluation of Issues Surrounding Inmate Deaths in Federal Bureau of Prisons Institutions (February 15, 2024)

DOJ OIC, Notification of Concerns Regarding Federal Bureau of Prisons’ Policies Pertaining to Special Housing Unit Logs Used to Record Mandatory Rounds and the Retention Period for the Original Logs (February 15, 2024)

Washington Post, Watchdog reports cite long-standing crises in federal prisons (February 23, 2024)

Govt Executive, Federal prison employees falsified logs in case where inmate committed suicide, IG says (February 21, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

BOP Negligence Causes Inmate Deaths, DOJ Says – Update for February 19, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


fail200526Chronic failures by the Federal Bureau of Prisons have contributed to the deaths of hundreds of inmates, the Dept of Justice’s Inspector General concluded last Thursday in a report that CNN called “blistering.”

The Report found that

a combination of recurring policy violations and operational failures contributed to inmate suicides, which accounted for more than half of the 344 inmate deaths reviewed. We identified deficiencies in staff completion of inmate assessments, which prevented some institutions from adequately addressing inmate suicide risks. We also found potentially inappropriate Mental Health Care Level assignments for some inmates who later died by suicide. More than half of the inmates who died by suicide were single-celled, or housed in a cell alone, which increases inmate suicide risk.

DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz said, “Today’s report identified numerous operational and managerial deficiencies, which created unsafe conditions prior to and at the time of a number of these deaths.

The media were more savage: “A combination of negligence, operational failures and a blundering workforce has contributed to hundreds of inmate deaths in federal custody,” The Washington Post wrote.

CNN said that

For years, the embattled Bureau of Prisons has been the subject of accusations by politicians, prisoner advocacy groups for mistreating or neglecting inmates.

The Justice Department itself has issued scathing rebukes against BOP, outlining serious mistakes that have led to the deaths of high-profile inmates like notorious Boston gangster and convicted murderer James “Whitey” Bulger, who was killed shortly after being transferred to a new prison, and financier Jeffrey Epstein, who died by suicide in his jail cell.

But the circumstances that led to Bulger and Epstein’s deaths are emblematic of wide-ranging and recurring issues within the federal prison system that affect hundreds of inmates across the country, the DOJ’s Office of Inspector General found in its report that outlined a system in crisis failing to protect its charges.

NPR was terser: “The BOP is a mess.”

Many of the Report’s findings have applicability beyond the suicide issue. The IG said that “some institution staff failed to coordinate efforts across departments to provide necessary treatment or follow-up with inmates in distress.” Staff deficiencies in responding to medical emergencies “ranged from a lack of urgency in responding, failure to bring or use appropriate emergency equipment, unclear radio communications, and issues with naloxone administration in opioid overdose cases.”

failuretocommunicate221027The Report found deficiencies extended to after-action documentation. “The BOP was unable to produce documents required by its own policies in the event of an inmate death for many of the inmate deaths we reviewed,” the Report said. “The BOP requires in-depth After-Action Reviews only following inmate suicides but not for inmate homicides or deaths resulting from accidents and unknown factors. The BOP’s ability to fully understand the circumstances that led to inmate deaths and to identify steps that may help prevent future deaths is therefore limited.”

The Report examined four categories of BOP non-medical deaths between 2014 and 2021, suicide, homicide, accident, and unknown factors (where the BOP could not determine the cause of death). Of the 344 non-medical deaths during that time period, 54% were suicides, 26% were homicides, 16% were accidents. Under four percent were from unknown factors. Most of the suicides occurred when inmates were locked up in single cells.

The BOP’s non-medical death count climbed 68% between 2014 and 2021 while the prison population fell 27%. In 2014, there were 38 inmate deaths by unnatural causes. In 2021, that number was 57 inmates.

The Report noted that the BOP has policies in place to prevent inmate suicides. But it found “numerous instances of potentially inappropriate” mental health assessments for inmates who later killed themselves. What’s more, BOP staff “did not sufficiently conduct required inmate rounds or counts in over a third of inmate suicides,” and they sometimes “failed to communicate with each other and coordinate efforts across departments to provide necessary treatment or follow-up with inmates in distress,” the Report found.

Many BOP facilities failed to run suicide drills mandated by policy (required three times a year, once for each shift), the Report said. Thirty-five percent of BOP facilities “were unable to provide evidence that they conducted a single mock suicide drill from 2018 through 2020.”
inmatesuicidedeath240219In one suicide case cited by the Report, BOP staff claimed to have searched a cell three times — including the day before the suicide — but found no contraband. After the prisoner died by a self-inflicted overdose, a search of the cell he had been in turned up 1,000 pills, the IG said.

The BOP continues to grapple with a severe staffing shortage, ‘which has a ripple effect across the agency’s institutions,” NBC said. Correctional Officers work multiple shifts and healthcare workers are “augmented” to serve as COs, being pulled from their regular duties. “That translates into less mental health care for inmates,” NPR reported.

“At one facility,” Government Executive reported, “psychiatric staff were reassigned daily for two months straight. In another case, a facility did not have any psychological services personnel on staff… Half of [one] facility’s nursing positions were unfilled. At another facility, employees worked double shifts for three consecutive days. Personnel on staff are often undertrained, the IG found, with the bureau’s after-action reviews identifying insufficient training as an issue in 42% of deaths. They are also improperly disciplined, with employees themselves telling the IG the process was too lengthy and ineffective.

The BOP continues to struggle to keep facilities free of contraband drugs and weapons, which contributed to nearly a third of inmate deaths in the Report.

Sen Richard Durbin (D-IL), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has scheduled BOP Director Colette Peters and DOJ Inspector General Horowitz to testify on February 28th in a Committee hearing focused on federal inmate deaths.

“It is deeply disturbing that today’s report found that the majority of BOP’s non-medical deaths in custody could have been prevented or mitigated by greater compliance with BOP policy, better staffing, and increased mental health and substance abuse treatment,” Durbin said in a statement. “Accountability across the Bureau is necessary and long overdue.”

The IG recommended several changes to BOP procedure, including developing strategies to ensure that inmate mental health is properly evaluated, that prison staff is taught to use defibrillators and naloxone, and to develop procedures that require inmate death records to be consistently prepared.


A BOP spokesperson told CNN last week that the agency “acknowledges and concurs with the need for improvements” and is “dedicated to implementing these changes to ensure the safety and well-being of those in our custody.”

Sure it is, provided its staff isn’t being asked to make rounds, conduct drills or fill out reports.

CNN, DOJ watchdog report finds chronic failures by Bureau of Prisons contributed to the deaths of hundreds of inmates (February 15, 2024)

Dept of Justice, DOJ OIG Releases Report on Issues Surrounding Inmate Deaths in Federal Bureau of Prisons Institutions (February 15, 2024)

NPR, DOJ watchdog finds 187 inmate suicides in federal prisons over 8-year period (February 15, 2024)

Government Executive, Understaffing and mismanagement contributed to hundreds of deaths in federal prisons (February 16, 2024)

NBC, Bureau of Prisons failed to prevent nearly 200 deaths by suicide, DOJ watchdog finds (February 15, 2024)

Washington Post, IG report finds deadly culture of negligence and staffing issues at federal prisons (February 15, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

Acquitted Conduct Rides Again on Capitol Hill – Update for November 7, 2023

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


The House of Representative Committee on the Judiciary last Wednesday unanimously approved the Prohibiting Punishment of Acquitted Conduct Act of 2023 (H.R. 5430). Spearheaded by Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN), the bipartisan measure was approved 23-0.


In September, Cohen introduced the bipartisan measure with Rep Kelly Armstrong (R-ND), with Sens Richard Durbin (D-IL) and Charles Grassley (R-IA) introducing a companion bill, S.2788, in the Senate. This legislation would end the practice of judges increasing sentences based on conduct for which a defendant has been acquitted. It will now advance to the full House of Representatives for a floor vote. The Senate has yet to act on the measure.

During markup of the bill, Cohen said, “Just about every Supreme Court Justice who’s been around lately – John Paul Stevens, Anthony Kennedy, and Antonin Scalia… Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Clarence Thomas, going down to Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh have all said this needs to be changed. So with that I would ask that we… arrive at justice. People should be convicted of proven crimes and sentenced for those crimes.”

The Sentencing Commission considered prohibited acquitted conduct from being used in sentencing last winter but decided the issue needed more review. On June 30, the Supreme Court denied review on 13 different cases raising the issue.

Ohio State University law professor Doug Berman said in his Sentencing Law and Policy blog last week that “this notable vote committee certainly does not ensure Congress will get this bill to the desk of the President, but it should serve as a strong message to the U.S. Sentencing Commission that it should have bipartisan support for any acquitted conduct reforms it might be considering during its current amendment cycle.”

H.R. 5430, Prohibiting Punishment of Acquitted Conduct Act of 2023

S. 2788, Prohibiting Punishment of Acquitted Conduct Act of 2023

Sentencing Law and Policy, Prohibiting Punishment of Acquitted Conduct Act receives unanimous bipartisan support in US House Judiciary Committee (November 3, 2023)

– Thomas L. Root

Five Years Later, BOP Still Doesn’t Have First Step Act Right – Update For October 27, 2023

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


firststepB180814The First Step Act, including its innovative system for granting credits to inmates who complete programs designed to reduce recidivism, is 5 years old in less than two months. But it took three years of fits and starts before the Bureau of Prisons pretty much had a final set of rules for administering FSA credits (after a proposal that was as miserly as the final rule was generous hanging around for a year of comments).

Now, almost two years later, the BOP is still muddled in trying to launch a computer program of forward-looking calculation for FSA credits that predicts when a prisoner will leave BOP custody for halfway house or home confinement (HH/HC). The agency still lacks a comprehensive list of what types of inmate employment or education constitutes “productive activities,” which are supposed to continue a prisoner’s earning of FSA credits. And the BOP continues to deny HH/HC placement because it lacks resources, despite First Step’s requirement that inmates be placed to the full extent of their FSA credits.

Writing in Forbes last week, Walter Pavlo observed that “prisoners, mostly minimum and low security, who are eligible for these credits have done their best to try to participate in programs but many complain of a lack of classes, mostly due to the challenges the BOP is having in hiring people. However, beyond that, the BOP has been liberal in accepting that the BOP does not have the staff to fulfill the demand for classes and credits are being given anyway, mostly for participating in productive activities, like jobs. This misses the primary mission of programming meant to have a lasting, positive influence on prisoners after they leave the institution.

“Now,” Pavlo said, “nearly two years since the Federal Register’s Final Rule in January 2022, the BOP still has no reliable calculator to determine the number of FSA credits a prisoner will earn during a prison term… One of the last remaining issues is for the BOP to have a forward-looking calculation for FSA credits that predicts when a prisoner will leave BOP custody. It sounds easy, but the BOP’s current computer program can only assess credits after they are earned each month, and it usually takes a full month after they are earned for them to post. The result is that each month, prisoners’ families look at BOP.gov to see if there are indeed new credits and if the amount they are expecting matches what is expected. This moving date is important because it can also determine when prisoners can leave prison for home confinement or halfway house. The result, prisoners are staying in institutions, institutions that are understaffed, for days, weeks and months beyond when they could be released to home confinement or halfway houses. This is defeating one of the other initiatives of the First Step Act and that was to get more people out of decaying BOP facilities and into another form of confinement that is far less expensive.”

Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Illinois)
Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Illinois)

First Step is important to Congress. When BOP Director Colette Peters appeared for a Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing chaired by Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) last month, “her answer failed to address the continued shortcomings of the implementation,” Pavlo said. “There are thousands of prisoners, many minimum security, who are stuck in prison because of a lack of a computer program that simply calculates forward-looking FSA credits…This computer program was actually alluded to in declarations the BOP submitted to federal courts in 2022 stating that it would be implemented ‘soon.’ Over a year since those declarations, there is still no program to accurately calculate when a prisoner will leave an institution.”

The BOP is facing a substantial halfway house bed shortage as well. There is also the issue of insufficient halfway house space. Unlike HH/HC placement for prisoners without FSA credits, 18 USC 3624(g)(2) does not give the BOP discretion. Subsection 3624(g)(2) says that if a prisoner is eligible (has FSA credits not already applied to a year off of the sentence), he or she “shall be placed in prerelease custody as follows,” describing halfway house or home confinement. There’s nothing hortatory about it. The BOP is required to put the prisoner in HH/HC. Excuses not accepted.

halfway161117Pavlo argued that “the only way to address this situation is to implement a task force to move prisoners through the system and catch up from the failures of the past few years. Systemic challenges of shortages of staff and augmentation which takes away staff like case managers from their jobs, cause continued problems. The BOP needs to get caught up, move prisoners along and develop reliable systems that will assure that the FSA is implemented as the law requires. While the BOP has made great strides, these last challenges of full implementation can be achieved by focusing a concerted effort on three issues; fixing the calculator, assessing the prisoners who will soon be going home as a result of that computer fix, and expanding halfway house capacity to handle them.”

Forbes, Time For A Bureau Of Prisons Task Force To Implement The First Step Act (October 16, 2023)

– Thomas L. Root

Now’s Your Chance, Colette – Update for September 18, 2023

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


kumbaya221003On Friday, I reported on last week’s furball at the Senate Judiciary Committee oversight committee hearing, at which Bureau of Prisons Director Colette Peters was soundly thrashed by senator after senator about her agency’s poor correspondence record when it comes to responding to Congressional inquiries.

Specifically, after being warned last fall (during an otherwise kumbaya hearing welcoming Peters as the new director after the unlamented departure of Michael Carvajal) that various letters and requests for information the Senate had sent to the BOP over the previous years had gone unanswered, Colette has let another year’s worth of Senate interrogatories pile up. Her excuse that answers to senators’ letters had to go through a “review process” was as lame as it sounded.

Committee chairman Sen Richard Durbin (D-IL) ended the contentious session with some good advice for Peters: “Senators take it very personally when you don’t answer their questions. More than almost any other thing that I would recommend I’d make that a high priority.” She promised to do better, albeit in a fuzzy way that promised no hard deadlines.

mail210312Lucky for Peters, her chance to turn over a new leaf on responding to Senate concerns has already arrived. Last Tuesday, Sens Durbin, Charles Grassley (R-IA), Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) wrote a letter to Peters “regarding allegations of serious misconduct” occurring at FCC Hazelton. The letter asked that DOJ and the BOP “immediately investigate disturbing whistleblower reports of abusive treatment of incarcerated individuals and other employee misconduct… These reports, combined with public reporting on FCC Hazelton’s dire staffing shortages and proliferation of weapons contraband, paint a grim picture of the institution’s inability to ensure a safe environment for those in BOP custody and employees alike.”

hazelton181106The problems at “Misery  Mountain” are nothing new.  The letter to Peters, however, is quite detailed, alleging that:

  • Hazelton staff released the wrong incarcerated individual from the facility after failing to properly identify the correct individual scheduled for release.
  • A group of inmates escaped from the prison camp and supervisory staff attempted to cover it up.
  • Supervisory Hazelton staff falsified documents, encouraged inmate abuse, and covered up alleged abuse and escapes of incarcerated individuals. The falsified documents include medical assessments, incident reports, duty rosters, and time and attendance sheets, along with requests to tamper with corresponding security cameras to cover up inmate escapes. The employees engaged in these practices have not been disciplined, and, in some cases, received promotions, despite open investigations into their misconduct.
  • A staff member punched a prisoner on camera.
  • Staff members use restrictive housing punitively against prisoners and engage in a pattern of physical abuse of inmates in the SHU.
  • Staff repeatedly use racial slurs against other staff members and prisoners.
  • Staff urinated on prisoner property.
  • Staff has forced prisoners to urinate and defecate on themselves as a condition of being released from restrictive custody.
  • Staff assaulted a prisoner, breaking his ribs.
  • Staff beat a SHU prisoner so severely that he had a seizure and had to be hospitalized.
  • Staff shreds personal inmate mail and failing to provide inmates access to their mail. 
  • The existence of an internally organized group comprised of staff at various levels within FCC Hazelton facilities that are partially responsible for the misconduct at the facility, known as the “Good Ol’ Boys Club”. 

The letter asks for information regarding the investigation of abuse by no later than October 3rd, including a list of abuse allegations at FCC Hazelton since 2013, a list of FCC Hazelton staff members who have been promoted or transferred while under investigation for inmate abuse, copies of all documents regarding crimes and transfers of BOP staff who have been charged with a crime at FCC since 2013, and the number of employees who continued to work with inmates while under investigation for inmate abuse

WBOY-TV in Fairmont reported that it asked the BOP for a statement and got this:

The Federal Bureau of Prisons responds directly to Members of Congress and their staff.  Out of respect and deference to Members, we do not share our Congressional correspondence with the media. 

Unbelievable220811That’s rich. According to the Judiciary Committee, the BOP doesn’t even share its Congressional correspondence with Congress.

One would think that the BOP cannot ignore this letter.  But then, no one’s lost money yet betting against Bureau of Prisons transparency.

Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (September 13, 2023)

Associated Press, Senators clash with US prisons chief over transparency, seek fixes for problem-plagued agency (September 13, 2023)

Letter to Merrick Garland and Colette Peters from Sen Richard Durbin et al. (September 12, 2023)

WBOY-TV, Whistleblower alleges staff are covering up abuse, escapes at FCC Hazelton (September 13, 2023)

– Thomas L. Root

Director Peters, It’s Not Like You Weren’t Warned – Update for September 15, 2023

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


shipwreck230915When Bureau of Prisons Director Colette Peters appeared for her first oversight hearing with the Senate Committee on the Judiciary about 51 weeks ago, it was an hour and a half on the Love Boat. But it’s now clear after the beating she suffered at the Committee’s hands two days ago that her ship is taking on water and the pumps can’t keep up.

Last October, I cited the friendly advice Director Peters received from the Committee about questions from legislators. I wrote

Finally, something even Peters acknowledged to be a cautionary tale: Sens Grassley, Cotton and Jon Ossoff (D-GA) all complained to her that various letters and requests for information they have sent to the BOP have gone unanswered, sometimes for years. This was a failing that former BOP Director Carvajal was beaten up with during his tenure. Not answering the mail from pesky Senators and Representatives may seem like a small thing to BOP management – it certainly has gone on for years – but if Peters wants the Judiciary Committee lovefest to go on, she should not let her staff anger Congress over something so easily corrected. Carvajal was regularly lambasted for similar failings. Peters should profit from his example.

Alas, Director Peters does not appear to be a regular reader of this blog, because she chose not to profit. The results were predictable: When she sat in front of the Committee two days ago, Peters was lambasted by friend and foe alike for a continuation of the BOP’s sorry habit of secrecy. Written questions submitted by Committee members a year ago remain unanswered, and all she could offer the senators was a milquetoast explanation that those answers must go through a “review process” and that she was as frustrated as the Committee was.

C’mon, Colette. Who’s “reviewing” these questions, most of which call for a simple factual response? (Examples from Wednesday: How many males-turned-transgender-females have been placed in federal women’s prisons? How many COs are employed by the BOP?) Providing these answers is not rocket surgery. The numbers are the numbers. How much ‘review’ of the numbers is needed?

knifegunB170404The hearing was painful. Many of the senators seemed more concerned with scoring political points on crime and LGBTQ issues than about issues broadly important to the BOP. And Director Peters seemed woefully unprepared, relying on a series of “talking points” unresponsive to the questions she should have expected. It’s as if she brought a knife to a gunfight.

The Associated Press wrote that Peters

was scolded Wednesday by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee who say her lack of transparency is hampering their ability to help fix the agency, which has long been plagued by staffing shortages, chronic violence and other problems. Senators complained that Colette Peters appears to have reneged on promises she made when she took the job last year that she’d be candid and open with lawmakers, and that ‘the buck stops’ with her for turning the troubled agency around.

After an hour and a half of senatorial belly-aching about being ghosted by Director Peters, Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL), chairman of the Committee and as much a fan of Director Peters as he was a nemesis to former Director Carvajal, admonished her, “Senators take it very personally when you don’t answer their questions. More than almost any other thing that I would recommend I’d make that a high priority.”

Committee questions careened from the sublime to the absurd. Durbin observed that the Committee largely agreed that the BOP “needs significantly more funding” for staffing and infrastructure needs, including a $2 billion maintenance backlog. Peters told the Committee the BOP was studying how to reduce reliance on restrictive housing – read “solitary confinement” – and studying how other prison systems handle the issue.

cotton171204She also reported that the BOP had increased new hires by 60% and reduced quitting by 20%. Nevertheless, the agency still only has 13,000 correctional officers where 20,000 are needed, and it still relies on “augmentation,” using non-COs to fill CO shifts. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), a professional inmate-hater who wants to increase inmate populations while excoriating the BOP for being unable to manage the load with too little money and too few staff, complained that Peters had hired too few COs (the “meat eaters,” he called them) while bringing on too many non-COs (whom he derisively called “leaf eaters”).

Cotton invited Peters to accompany him on an inspection of FCC Forrest City, an invitation she accepted with a pained smile. Spending a day with Tom Cotton, the man who tried to blow up the First Step Act… almost as nice as a root canal without novacaine.

Other senators complained that the Mexican cartels might be obtaining blueprints for BOP facilities, that transgender females were being placed in BOP female facilities and sexually terrorizing female inmates (with very little said about BOP staff sexually terrorizing female inmates), and that the BOP decided that people on CARES Act home confinement were allowed to stay home (a decision made by the Dept of Justice, not the BOP).

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) invented a new word: “recidivation.” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) chastised Peters for not having the facts he wanted to hear at her fingertips. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) led a Republican charge against BOP transgender policy, with more than one senator suggesting that transgender inmates number in the thousands. He also became testy when Peters failed to provide specifics about how the BOP is combatting the use of contraband phones by inmates.

Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Jon Ossoff (D-GA) asked pointed but thoughtful questions. Ossoff suggested what many have long believed, that the institution audits required by the Prison Rape Elimination Act are meaningless paper exercises. As for BOP staffing, Tillis candidly observed that hiring more COs “is our job as well as yours.”

Ossoff perhaps best summarized the flavor of the hearing when he warned Peters: “You’ve now been in the post for about a year and Congress expects results.”

Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (September 13, 2023)

Associated Press, Senators clash with US prisons chief over transparency, seek fixes for problem-plagued agency (September 13, 2023)

– Thomas L. Root