All posts by lisa-legalinfo

Supremes Reject ‘The Greater The Harm, The Lesser the Remedy’ § 1983 Standard – Update for April 15, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Larry Thompson was charged with resisting arrest when he tried to stop police from entering his apartment in response to a false child abuse complaint. A New York court later dismissed the case on motion of the prosecution “in the interest of justice,” which is code for “no way we can win this dog of a case.”

policestate190603When Larry later sued under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, alleging that the police violated his 4th Amendment right to be free of unreasonable search or seizure), his case was thrown out. Existing New York law held the plaintiff had to show the underlying criminal case had been initiated without probable cause, initiated for a purpose other than bringing the defendant to justice, and terminated in favor of the defendant. A “favorable termination” was one where the plaintiff had been found to be not guilty.

Larry’s problem was that the criminal case against him was so specious that it didn’t make it to trial. He never enjoyed a “favorable termination” because the prosecution gave up before trial.

You can see the problem in this approach: the sketchier the criminal case, the more likely it is that the matter will never make it to trial. That means the greater the outrage visited on a hapless defendant, the less likely he or she will be found “not guilty” after a trial, because the lower the likelihood that there will even be a trial. The “favorable termination” rule thus punishes the people who have been most aggrieved.

champions220415Last week, the Supreme Court greatly expanded a former defendant’s ability to bring a 42 U.S.C. § 1983 claim, holding that “terminated in favor” means only that the “prosecution ended without a conviction” and not “with some affirmative indication of innocence.”

Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote for a six-justice majority:

The question of whether a criminal defendant was wrongly charged does not logically depend on whether the prosecutor or court explained why the prosecution was dismissed. And the individual’s ability to seek redress for a wrongful prosecution cannot reasonably turn on the fortuity of whether the prosecutor or court happened to explain why the charges were dismissed. In addition, requiring the plaintiff to show that his prosecution ended with an affirmative indication of innocence would paradoxically foreclose a §1983 claim when the government’s case was weaker and dismissed without explanation before trial, but allow a claim when the government’s evidence was substantial enough to proceed to trial. That would make little sense. Finally, requiring a plaintiff to show that his prosecution ended with an affirmative indication of innocence is not necessary to protect officers from unwarranted civil suits—among other things, officers are still protected by the requirement that the plaintiff show the absence of probable cause and by qualified immunity.

Thompson v. Clark, Case No. 20-659, __ S.Ct. __, 2022 WL 994329, 2022 U.S. LEXIS 1885 (April 4, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Acquitted Conduct No Panacea for Current Prisoners – Update for April 14, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


The House of Representatives’ passage of the Prohibiting Punishment of Acquitted Conduct Act of 2021 (H.R. 1621) ten days ago appears to be chum on the water for some hope-mongering sharks who prey on inmates.

shark170607I already have heard from one person who is busy hiring an outside “research” service to evaluate his case to tell him whether he’ll benefit from the Prohibiting Punishment of Acquitted Conduct Act. For everyone’s benefit, here are two things to keep in mind.

First, the Act has not passed the Senate. It may. It may not. It may pass, but with different text, and then a conference committee will have to work out compromise text.

Second, the Act will apply to very few cases. It does not necessarily apply to relevant conduct. It does not apply to conduct not mentioned to a jury. If you did not have a jury trial, it does not apply (unless you were acquitted of the same conduct in a prior federal or state trial).

Finally, it is very unlikely that the Act will be retroactively applied to people already sentenced. The bill does not specify that it applies retroactively. Such bills are usually presumed not to be retroactive. Read 1 USC § 109 and Dorsey v. United States before you decide the courts will open their doors to post-conviction motions seeking resentencing because Prohibiting Punishment of Acquitted Conduct Act passes.

No reputable legal services company will take any money now to tell you whether you can get any sentencing benefit from the Prohibiting Punishment of Acquitted Conduct Act. It’s just too premature.

Prohibiting Punishment of Acquitted Conduct Act of 2021 (HR 1621)

Dorsey v. United States, 567 US 260 (Supreme Ct., 2012)


George Fower was sentenced to 24 months, but before he self-surrendered to the Bureau of Prisons, he sought compassionate release under 18 USC § 3582(c)(1)(A)(i) on the grounds he was very susceptible to COVID. Because he was not yet in prison, George found the statute’s administrative exhaustion requirement challenging, but he wrote to the warden of the prison to which he was to surrender in a month’s time, and later to the BOP’s Designation and Sentence Computation Center, the Regional Director and the Bureau of Prisons General Counsel.

Thirty days later (while still not in custody), George filed his compassionate release motion. The district court denied it, holding in part that “compassionate relief is not available to a defendant not in custody.”

Last week, the 9th Circuit agreed. It noted that the First Step Act amended the compassionate release statute only to allow the prisoner, rather than requiring BOP, to file the motion. At no time in the history of the “matrix of statutory and other enactments,” the Circuit said, were the BOP’s powers ever extended to grant it jurisdiction over those who had yet to commence their incarceration.

compassion160208It makes sense that the BOP has no place to play in compassionate release prior to a prisoner’s incarceration, the 9th noted. “The statute states that the defendant’s request must be addressed to ‘the warden of defendant’s facility,’ which cannot be known until there has been a designation by the BOP. This is further evidence that the statute contemplates that the defendant must be in a BOP facility before qualifying for compassionate relief.”

The 9th suggests that before a defendant self-surrenders, he or she may ask the district court to delay sentencing or to extend the surrender date.

United States v. Fower, Case No 21-50007, 2022 U.S. App. LEXIS 8919 (9th Cir., April 4, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

A Tale of Two Bills (Part 2 – Up in Smoke) – Update for April 12, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Politico was just one of several news outlets last week admitting that the MORE Act – far-reaching marijuana legalization bill passed two weeks ago by the House – still has “no real path to President Joe Biden’s desk.”

MORE’s passage marks the second time in less than two years that the House passed legislation to decriminalize pot, but the Democrats have “passed a party-line bill that has little chance of getting the necessary Republican support to pass the Senate.”

senatemarijuana220412“You’re not going to be able to get Republicans on board… the way that the MORE Act is done,” said Rep Nancy Mace (R-SC), who introduced a bill last year that decriminalizes marijuana and expunges some records but does not create federal grant programs. “You’ve got to have Republicans on board if we’re going to have any chance of getting it done in the Senate.”

Ironically, Republican complaints about MORE relate to federal funding of pot programs. No one is critical of the expungement and retroactive sentencing reforms.

The Senate — where Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), are working on the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act — is even tougher ground for weed.

Booker and Schumer have refused to even hold a hearing on a cannabis banking bill the House has approved six times because it does not address criminal justice reform. But Democrats’ pursuit of a perfect comprehensive pot bill worries some lawmakers and advocates, who do not see a clear path forward for sweeping drug policy changes under Republican leadership in either chamber — especially the Senate. Given that Democrats may not control both houses of Congress next year, the window for federal cannabis policy port reform may not be open much longer.

MORE faces significant hurdles in the Senate. First, not all Democrats are in favor of marijuana legalization; conservative Democrats, represented by a few senators such as Sen Joseph Manchin (WV), stand in the way of reform. In order to pass the Senate, the bill needs to secure 60 votes to be safe from a Republican filibuster. Because not all Democrats are expected to vote in favor of the MORE Act, ensuring its success would require more than 10 Republicans voting in favor of it.

marijuana220412But the future of marijuana legalization does not rely solely on the success of the MORE Act. Schumer intends to introduce  CAOA later this month. If CAOA gets a vote in the Senate, it will be the first time in 50 years that the Senate voted on cannabis reform. The downside, according to the National Law Review, is that “the competing interests of these two bills could create an unnecessary deadlock, potentially leaving the cannabis industry with another year of failed reforms.”

MORE Act (H.R. 3617)

Politico, House passes marijuana legalization bill (again), but with no clear path forward (April 1, 2022)

Shepherd’s, Marijuana Legalization Act Passes the House, Likely to Die in the Senate (April 7, 2022)

National Law Review, The House Does It Again: MORE Act Ready for Senate Action (April 4, 2022)

Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (not yet introduced)

– Thomas L. Root

A Tale of Two Bills (Part 1 – Fixing a ‘Crack’ in the Law) – Update for April 11, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


capitol160110Last Monday, Sen. Roy Blunt (MO) became the 11th Republican to sign onto the EQUAL Act (S.79/H.R.1693), joining a spectrum of Republicans from Sen. Lindsay Graham (SC) to Sen. Susan Collins (ME) adding their names to the bill.

The significance of Blunt’s co-sponsorship is that with full Democrat support for the measure and at least 11 Republican votes, EQUAL’s passage is assured if it is put up to a vote. The legislation was approved by the House of Representatives last fall.

If it becomes law, the EQUAL Act will make statutory punishment for crack cocaine no different than for powder cocaine. Currently, crack is penalized at an 18:1 ratio, meaning that while a half kilo of coke powder carries a five-year mandatory minimum, only 28 grams of crack is needed to get a defendant the same sentence. The EQUAL Act is fully retroactive, meaning that thousands of current sentences involving crack could be reduced.

lineofcoke160803The question always is when – or if – the Senate will bring the bill up for a vote. That decision lies with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). Axios reported that Schumer – who also is an EQUAL Act co-sponsor – met last Tuesday with advocates and formerly incarcerated leaders, where he described the legislation as “a priority.” He has given no indication of timing on EQUAL, but he told Axios last week he does plan to bring the legislation to the floor.

The Hill said last Wednesday that EQUAL’s having collected 60 sponsors is a “threshold that is expected to trigger a hearing in the coming weeks.” Politico says the measure “may already have the votes to get to President Joe Biden’s desk.”

The Congressional Black Caucus sent Schumer a letter last Monday urging quick passage of EQUAL. The letter said in part

We write in support of bringing the EQUAL Act (H.R. 1693/S. 79) to the Senate Floor for consideration as soon as possible. It would eliminate the crack and powder cocaine sentencing disparity and ensure that those who were convicted or sentenced for a federal offense involving cocaine can receive a re-sentencing under the new law. According to a recent analysis from the U.S. Sentencing Commission, approximately 827 individuals would benefit from the prospective section of the bill each year, and 7,787 offenders in BOP custody would be eligible to seek a modification of their sentence based on the retroactive section. In total, the EQUAL Act will reduce excessive prison time by 67,800 years, and 91% of the individuals who will get this critical relief are Black.

optimism220411Politico optimistically reported last week that “other bipartisan federal legislation that could reach President Biden’s desk this year include bills that abolish federal life without parole sentences for juveniles, prevent the use of acquitted conduct in sentencing, extend Medicaid to otherwise eligible individuals within 30 days of their release from incarceration, and invest in treatment for people with mental illness in the justice system.”

We’ll see about some of that tomorrow…

Axios, Congress closes in on cocaine sentencing disparity (April 6, 2022)

The Hill, Confirmation combat can’t crush bipartisan criminal justice reform (April 6, 2022)

Politico, A major group of House Democrats is asking the Senate to end a policy widely considered racist: sentencing disparities between crack and powder cocaine (April 5, 2022)

Hakeem Jeffries, Letter to Schumer and Durbin (Apr 5)

– Thomas L. Root

Details Matter, 10th Circuit Says – Update for April 8, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


In 2004, Tony Burris was sentenced to 262 months on a crack cocaine charge, the low end of his Guidelines sentencing range. After the First Step Act was passed, Tony applied for his retroactive Fair Sentencing Act reduced sentence under First Step Section 404.

ghostdope220408The government opposed the motion, arguing that Tony’s Guidelines range remained the same because the calculation should be based on the quantity of crack cocaine attributed to him in the Presentence Report (typically stratospheric) rather than the smaller amount charged in the indictment. Recognizing that the parties raised an issue that had not yet been addressed by the 10th Circuit, the district court declined to resolve it and instead held that it would deny relief to Tony regardless of the correct Guidelines calculation.

Last week, the 10th Circuit reversed, holding that the district court was obligated to calculate Tony’s revised Guidelines range before denying relief on his Section 404 motion. “A defendant’s Guidelines range is the starting point and the initial benchmark of sentencing,” the Circuit ruled, and “a district court should begin all sentencing proceedings by correctly calculating the applicable Guidelines range.”

error161022The government argued that any error was harmless because the district court “looked at both proposed Guidelines ranges and concluded that it would deny the motion under either” one. The 10th rejected that contention, holding that while the district court may have said it would deny relief “whatever the result” of the correct Guidelines calculation, “our court has rejected the notion that district courts can insulate sentencing decisions from review by making such statements.” Here, the Circuit held, “the district court’s error, by its very nature, was not harmless; the district court’s exercise of discretion was untethered from the correct calculation of Tony’s revised Guidelines range.

United States v. Burris, Case No. 19-6122, 2022 U.S.App. LEXIS 8363 (10th Cir., Mar 30, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

News Briefs from Capitol Hill – Update for April 7, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


House OKs Prohibition on Using Acquitted Conduct in Sentencing: Last week, the House passed H.R. 1621, the Prohibiting Punishment of Acquitted Conduct Act of 2021 by an overwhelming 405-12 vote.

Co-sponsor Steve Cohen (D-TN), said, “The right of criminal defendants to be judged by a jury of their peers is a foundational principle of the Constitution. The current practice of allowing federal judges to sentence defendants based on conduct for which they were acquitted by a jury is not right and is not fair.”

A similar measure introduced by Sens Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) was considered in the Senate Judiciary Committee last June and has been advanced to the full Senate.

sliceofpie220407The bill actually does very little. If a federal defendant goes to trial and is acquitted on one or more counts, but is convicted on at least one count, the sentencing judge may nevertheless take into account all of the conduct for which the defendant was acquitted in setting a sentence.  All the judge has to do is conclude that the government proved the defendant committed the acquitted acts by a preponderance of the evidence, a lower standard than the standard for conviction, which is “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

So the legislation will benefit the portion of the 6% who go to trial who are not acquitted of all charges and who are not convicted of all charges.  That’s a pretty small slice. It will not help people whose sentences are affected by charges that the government dismisses or, even more common, accusations of relevant conduct which are never charged to begin with.

And, no, it will not be retroactive. Still, any nudge of sentencing procedure toward sanity is welcome.

H.R. 1621, Prohibiting Punishment of Acquitted Conduct Act of 2021

Steve Cohen, Congressman Cohen Speaks in Favor of and Votes for His Bill Prohibiting the Consideration of Acquitted Conduct in Sentencing (Mar 28)

Sen Hawley Introduces Bill to Slam Judge Jackson and CP Defendants: Who saw this coming?

kittyporn170420In the wake of his criticism of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson for being soft on child pornography defendants, Sen Josh Hawley (R-MO) has week introduced a bill to require a minimum 5-year sentence on people possessing child pornography and to require judges to sentence within the Guidelines for any child pornography offense.

Rep Ken Buck (R-CO) introduced companion legislation in the House.

A Democratic Party opponent to Hawley said of the bill, “We can count on Senator Hawley to find the lowest common denominator to draw attention to himself. The independent ABA’s review board found this line of questioning to be misleading and multiple fact checkers have debunked the allegations regarding sentencing. Choosing this time to introduce this legislation is purely for attention and designed to appeal to conspiracy.”

S.3951, Protect Act of 2022

H.R. 7263, Protect Act of 2022

Washington Times, GOP introduce bill to beef up child porn sentences after Judge Jackson’s confirmation hearing (March 30, 2022)

KYTV, Springfield, Missouri, Missouri U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley introduces bill over sentences for child porn offenders (April 2, 2022)

crack211102FAMM Issues EQUAL Act Analysis: FAMM released an analysis last week urging the Senate to approve the EQUAL Act reporting that if the bill becomes law, it will reduce sentences for people already serving time for crack offenses by an average of just over six years, cutting 46,500 years off sentences. FAMM estimates that 91% of people benefitting from EQUAL Act are black.

FAMM, The EQUAL Act: Why Congress Must #EndTheDisparity Between Federal Crack & Powder Cocaine Sentences (March 31, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

‘Disheartened’ BOP Director Tells Staff ‘Don’t Be Evil’ – Update for April 5, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.

Carvajal advises BOP staff...
Carvajal advises BOP staff…

The indictment of a fifth Bureau of Prisons employee in connection with the ongoing sexual abuse scandal at FCI Dublin (California) has caused ‘disheartened’ outgoing BOP Director Michael Carvajal to remind all 36,000-plus BOP staff “that we ALL have a responsibility to protect staff and inmates by reporting wrongdoing of any kind, especially misconduct, and we must have the courage to do so.”

According to the indictment unsealed last Friday, Enrique Chavez, a Cook Supervisor/Foreman at Dublin, engaged in abusive sexual contact with inmates in October 2020. Chavez joins former Warden Ray Garcia, former Chaplain James Highhouse, Safety Administrator John Bellhouse, and recycling technician Ross Klinger as defendants in the unfolding FCI Dublin sex abuse scandal.

Chavez’s arrest came only weeks after eight members of Congress, including Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) (whose district includes Dublin), demanded an investigation into allegations of abuse and misconduct at the prison.

Writing in Forbes last week, Walter Pavlo said, “The BOP has a substantive history of corruption, staff shortages and, recently, delays in implementation of The First Step Act… Tens of thousands of prisoners who believe they have earned credits are awaiting a backlogged BOP to determine when they will be released.”

paperwork171019Pavlo said, “I spoke with Mary Melek, a case manager at FDC Miami who had 364 prisoners on her caseload until a recent hire cut that in half, still over the recommended 150:1 ration. Melek expressed her frustration, ‘There are 5 augmented openings on a shift, openings where the BOP has planned augmentation, and that has pulled me away from my work’. The augmentation not only applies to case managers, but other workers, including health services where FDC Miami is at 56% of its staffing rate.”

Help could be on the way to the BOP in the form of money. The recently-passed FY2022 omnibus spending bill included $7.865 billion for BOP salaries and expenses, a $200 million dollar increase over the agency’s requested funding. According to a press release from AFGE National Council President Shane Fausey, the BOP is “expected to hire additional full-time correctional officers in order to reduce the reliance on augmentation and improve staffing beyond mission-critical levels in custodial and all other departments, including medical, counseling, and educational positions.”

President Biden’s proposed budget for next year, released last week, asks for even more: $8.18 billion “to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of incarcerated individuals and correctional staff; fully implement the First Step Act and ease barriers to successful reentry,” according to the DOJ.

bullshit220330The money, of course, does not address the recent spate of corruption. Carvajal said in last week’s internal communication to BOP staff that “the recent media attention regarding misconduct in the BOP as being characterized using phrases such as “cover-ups,” “sign of a larger problem” and “toxic culture of sexual abuse.” These phrases are not true characterizations of the vast majority of the staff who work in our facilities across the Nation.”

Of course not. That is, unless you read the inmate email I get. Walter Pavlo seems to feel the same, writing that “Carvajal could have noted that since his rising to the agency’s highest position” a House subcommittee investigation found that BOP “discipline and accountability is not equitably applied … For high ranking officers, bad behavior is ignored or covered up on a regular basis, and certain officials who should be investigated can avoid discipline.”

DOJ, Correctional Officer At FCI Dublin Charged For Abusive Sexual Contact With Female Inmate (March 23, 2022)

Pleasanton Weekly, Another guard at Dublin prison charged with sex abuse of inmate (March 28, 2022)

Forbes, ‘Disheartened’ Director Of Bureau Of Prisons Calls On Staff To Out Corruption (March 31, 2022)

DOJ, Department of Justice Fiscal Year 2023 Funding Request (March 28, 2022)

Forbes, Bureau Of Prisons Is Overworking Its Most Critical Staff Positions During First Step Act Implementation (March 31, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

House Passes Marijuana Decriminalization – Update for April 4, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.

Who needs "March Madness" when you have "reefer madness."
Who needs “March Madness” when you have “reefer madness?”

The House of Representatives on Friday passed the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act (H.R. 3617) – sponsored by House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) — by a 220-204 margin. The vote fell largely along party lines with only three Republicans supporting the measure and two Democrats opposing it.

H.R. 3617 decriminalizes marijuana, expunges the records of people convicted of federal cannabis offenses, and requires resentencing in some cases. It provides that any marijuana conviction will be vacated, and existing sentences modified to eliminate marijuana amounts from drug calculations. The only catch is that any sentence including a Guidelines § 3B1.1 aggravating role will be ineligible.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that thousands of current inmates would be released early. In the future, decriminalization also would reduce the number of people in federal prisons and the amount of time they serve. CBO estimates that over the 2022-2031 period, H.R. 3617 would reduce time served by current and future inmates by 37,000 person-years.

CBO’s analysis accounts for time served by offenders convicted of marijuana-only crimes and time served by people convicted of offenses in addition to a pot offense. The analysis says the MORE Act would reduce the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ costs by reducing both the number of prisoners and the amount of time they serve. CBO estimates that the provision would result in net savings of about $800 million over the 2022-2031 period.

marijuana160818Passage of MORE is one of several pieces of legislation that underlines the shift in Congress’s attitude — a change that has come about in part because of the way past drug laws have disproportionately hit minority communities. “This Congress represents a sea change,” said Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon), a co-chair of the Congressional Cannabis Caucus.

The House passed the EQUAL Act last fall by a margin of 361-66. EQUAL eliminates the federal disparity in prison sentences for crack and powder cocaine offenses. A majority of the House GOP overall joined all Democrats in support.

Recently, Sen Richard Burr (North Carolina) became the 10th Senate Republican to back EQUAL, paving the way for likely passage in the upper chamber. House Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Sen Joe Manchin (D-WV), a frequent centrist swing vote, also signed on to the bill in recent days.

“I think they understand we’ve got to take a more innovative path. We need to understand addiction. We can’t just incarcerate our way out of these problems. And we sure can’t continue to turn a blind eye to an egregious injustice, like this crack-powder disparity,” said Holly Harris, president of the Justice Action Network.

The lower price of crack cocaine means that historically it has been more easily accessible to people in marginalized lower-income communities, compared to powder cocaine more prevalent in the suburbs.

marijuana-dc211104A nearly identical version of the MORE Act passed in 2020, but it stalled in the Senate. It passed through the sponsor’s panel again this session in September. Now the action moves to the Senate, where leadership is separately preparing to introduce a legalization bill. It remains unclear whether MORE will receive a Senate vote. The White House has not yet issued a statement on whether President Biden supports the legislation. A group of Senate Democrats, including Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.), Sen Cory Booker (N.J.) and Sen Ron Wyden (Oregon), is expected to release draft marijuana legislation later this month.

“We’ve been here before,” Nadler said during a press briefing following the vote on Friday. “Unfortunately, the Senate failed to act. Sometimes I think we’d be better off if we didn’t have a Senate.”

Marijuana Moment, House Approves Federal Marijuana Legalization Bill For Second Time In History (April 1, 2022)

Congressional Budget Office, Estimated Changes in Direct Spending and Revenues Under H.R. 3617, the MORE Act (March 28, 2022)

The Hill, House poised to pass bill legalizing marijuana (March 28, 2022)

H.R. 3617, MORE Act

Marijuana Moment, Lawmakers And Organizations React To Federal Marijuana Legalization Bill’s House Passage (April 1, 2022)

Washington Post, House passes bill decriminalizing marijuana; Senate fortunes unclear (April 1, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root


We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Buried by news last week about Ukraine and Judge Jackson’s nomination, the COVID-19 BA.2 subvariant has quietly become the dominant strain of COVID in America. Two weeks ago, BA.2 comprised an estimated 35% of analyzed samples nationwide; the previous week, it made up 22%. In the week ending March 26, BA.2 accounted for nearly 55% of new cases in the US, while the previously dominant strain – BA.1.1 – accounted for 40.4% of cases.

maxfrost220331Max Frost and the Troopers might have called BA.2 “The Shape of Things to Come.” After all, the variant is now over “Fifty Two Percent.” 

Ominously, BOP inmate COVID numbers – which bottomed out at 99 ten days ago – have slowly climbed to 167 as of last night. Staff cases dropped from 243 to 138 in the same period.

BA.2 is believed to be 30% to 60% more contagious than the earlier omicron subvariant. BA.2, however, doesn’t appear to result in more severe illness than BA.1, and it’s likely that people recently infected with the earlier omicron subvariant will have a decent degree of at least short-term immunity to BA.2. The BOP says 70.9% of staff and 80.7% of inmates have gotten the basic vaccine, but it does not indicate the number of boosters given.

In the last two weeks, the BOP announced four more inmate COVID deaths, one at Coleman Medium (Florida), one at Victorville (California), and the other two at FCC Butner (North Carolina). Two occurred in February and two in the last week. Two of the four had previously recovered from COVID. In the last 12 months, 56% of BOP inmates dying of COVID had previously caught the virus with milder symptoms.

death200330At least 310 federal inmates in the BOP and private prisons have died of COVID in the two-year period since April 2020. In the prior 19 years, an average of 42 federal inmates a year died in custody. Over the past two years, the number from COVID alone averaged 154.

L.A. Times, Omicron subvariant BA.2 spreading rapidly in L.A. and across the nation (March 25, 2022)

Quartz, The BA.2 covid sub-variant is now dominant in the US (March 29, 2022)

Bloomberg, Earning Early Release Under the First Step Act (March 22, 2022)

BOP, Inmate Death at USP Coleman I (March 22, 2022)

BOP, Inmate Death at FMC Butner (March 22, 2022)

BOP, Inmate Death at FCI Victorville II (March 28, 2022)

BOP, Inmate Death at FCI Butner Medium I (March 28, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

So Who Ties Ted Cruz’s Shoes? – Update for March 30, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


shoelaces220330Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson endured hours listening to stupidity spoken by power at last week’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on her nomination to a Supreme Court seat.

But for federal prisoners, there are three takeaways worth remembering:

First, the Republicans intend to pound on the Democrats in this year’s mid-term elections as being soft on crime.

Senate GOP leaders said in February that they’d scrutinize Jackson’s role as a former public defender, member of the Sentencing Commission, and as a district judge. But with an increase in crime making headlines this year, the Republican strategy ultimately crystallized around painting Jackson as soft on crime.

At one point, Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark) blasted Jackson for granting compassionate release to a crack defendant who’d been hammered by a mandatory minimum. Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Josh Hawley (R-MO) both accused Jackson of “a pattern of letting child pornography offenders off the hook for their appalling crimes, both as a judge and as a policymaker,” citing seven cases where, as Hawley put it, “Jackson handed down a lenient sentence that was below what the federal guidelines recommended and below what prosecutors requested.”

bullshit220330It was all crap, of course. Judiciary Committee Chairman Richard Durbin (D-IL) pointed out that ABC News, CNN, and The Washington Post have defended Jackson’s sentencing read as being mainstream. Andrew McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor, writing in the conservative National Review, called Hawley’s claims “meritless to the point of demagoguery… Judge Jackson’s views on this matter are not only mainstream; they are correct in my view. Contrary to Hawley’s suggestion… she appears to have followed the guidelines, at the low end of the sentencing range, as most judges do.”

The “Republicans have rhetorically abandoned those reformist ways and instead have returned to their tough-on-crime roots to attack her credentials for the high court,” the Washington Post said. “Far from the party that followed Grassley, and President Donald Trump, into a new approach to crime, this week’s hearings signal a GOP that is ready to return to the days of Willie Horton.”

For anyone interested in significant criminal justice reform from this Congress, that’s bad news.

Second, Jackson has the credentials and background to be a worthy successor to Justice Breyer, whose seat she is taking. Breyer was one of the Guidelines’ creators, and was the Supreme Court’s dean of criminal sentencing. Jackson has more time as a district court judge (over 8 years) than Justice Sonia Sotomayor (6 years). None of the other seven Justices was served a day on the trial bench.  And no one on the Supreme Court other than Jackson was ever a public defender, although at least two of them are former prosecutors. On top of that, Jackson was a staff attorney for the Sentencing Commission and later one of the five commissioners, the only one at the Supreme Court to have such experience.

She responded to attacks on her below-Guidelines child porn sentences in a way that provides a glimpse into her sentencing philosophy:

pervert160728“Congress has decided what it is that a judge has to do in this and any other case when they sentence,” she said. “That statute doesn’t say look only at the guidelines and stop. That statute doesn’t say impose the highest possible penalty for this sickening and egregious crime… [Instead] the statute says [to] calculate the guidelines but also look at various aspects of this offense and impose a sentence that is ‘sufficient but not greater than necessary to promote the purposes of punishment’.”

Third, the child pornography mandatory minimums and Guidelines ranges – especially in non-contact cases – are absurdly high.

In a 2014 case involving a defendant who was caught with 1,500 child pornography images on his computer, Northern District of Ohio federal Judge James Gwin, asked the jurors what they thought an appropriate sentence would be. They recommended a prison term of 14 months – far shorter than the 5-year mandatory minimum, the 20 years demanded by prosecutors, and the 27 years recommended by the Guidelines. Taking the jurors’ view to heart, Gwin sentenced the defendant to the 5-year mandatory minimum.

Reason magazine reported that Northern District of Iowa federal Judge Mark W. Bennett “likewise found that jurors did not agree with the sentences that Hawley believes are self-evidently appropriate. ‘Every time I ever went back in the jury room and asked the jurors to write down what they thought would be an appropriate sentence,’ Bennett told The Marshall Project’s Eli Hager in 2015, ‘every time – even here, in one of the most conservative parts of Iowa… – they would recommend a sentence way below the guidelines sentence. That goes to show that the notion that the sentencing guidelines are in line with societal mores about what constitutes reasonable punishment—that’s baloney’.”

Former federal prosecutor McCarthy agreed: “But other than the fact that Congress wanted to look as though it was being tough on porn, there’s no good reason for the mandatory minimum in question — and it’s unjust in many instances.”

Jackson made a similar argument. “As it currently stands, the way that the law is written, the way that Congress has directed the Sentencing Commission, appears to be not consistent with how these crimes are committed, and therefore there is extreme disparity.”


Ohio State law professor Doug Berman wrote in his Sentencing Law and Policy blog that he has been “quite disappointed by what seemed to me to be a general failure by all of Senators on both sides of the aisle to engage thoughtfully with the deep challenges and profound humanity in any and all sentencing determinations… Critically, in federal child pornography cases, the basic facts are rarely routine, the applicable statutory law is rarely clear, and the applicable guidelines are the very opposite of helpful. In the child pornography setting, applicable statutory law is quite messy – e.g., what is the real difference between child pornography “possession” and “receipt”, how should USSC policy statements be considered here – and the applicable guidelines are widely regarded as badly broken. Those legal realities mean federal sentencing takes on extra layers of challenge in child pornography cases… But, if anything, the senators’ questions highlight Congress’ failures in erecting the sentencing structure that federal judges across the country, including Judge Jackson, operate within. Once the confirmation process is over, the Senate should fix the very system that they criticize judges for following.”

Even Judiciary Committee Chairman Durbin agrees. Last Wednesday, he said Congress was partly to blame for the outdated guidelines. “We have failed in responding to the changing circumstances,” he said, noting that at least 15 years had passed since the body reviewed the child pornography guidelines. “We should be doing our job here.”

Bloomberg Law, Crime Focus at Jackson Hearing Most Intense Since Marshall (March 23, 2022)

Sentencing Law and Policy, In praise of the continued sentencing sensibility of the National Review’s Andrew McCarthy (March 24, 2022)

Washington Post, Republicans, after years of pushing for softer criminal sentences, return to the party’s law-and-order posture in Jackson’s confirmation hearing (March 23, 2022)

Baltimore Sun, Senators questioning of Judge Jackson’s sentencing history during Supreme Court confirmation hearings reveals their own failures (March 25, 2022)

National Review, Senator Hawley’s Disingenuous Attack against Judge Jackson’s Record on Child Pornography (March 20, 2022)

Reason, Josh Hawley Absurdly Suggests That Ketanji Brown Jackson Has a Soft Spot for ‘Child Predators’ (March 18, 2022)

Wall Street Journal, Ketanji Brown Jackson Hearings Shine Spotlight on Child Pornography Law (March 25, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root