Tag Archives: FIRST STEP Act

Congress Bought the Gun. Now How About Some Ammo? – Update for September 17, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


More funds are needed to implement the First Step Act, a coalition of 14 criminal justice reform organizations told the Senate Appropriations Committee last week, as the Committee begins consideration of the Dept. of Justice budget for the next fiscal year that begins on October 1.

money160118Reformers want the Bureau of Prisons to get the full $75 million annual appropriation that was authorized in the law. DOJ has asked for much less First Step Act money, and so far has not formally asked congressional appropriators to raise the total, Inimai Chettiar of the Justice Action Network (JAN), one of the groups that is pressuring for a higher allocation, told The Crime Report.

“We cannot leave it to the Department of Justice to reallocate existing funds to implement these reforms — spreading thin the already limited resources within the Bureau of Prisons,” the groups told Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kansas) and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-New Hampshire), the chairman and ranking member of the subcommittee overseeing DOJ spending.

In a separate letter, JAN expressed concern about the proposed DOJ risk assessment tool, called PATTERN, which is currently in final review. PATTERN includes a number of “static and dynamic risk factors” to assess a prisoner’s risk of recidivism. JAN complained that the system has too few dynamic factors, which will make it harder for inmates to make changes that will lower their risk factors.

JAN called for more “dynamic” factors to be incorporated into PATTERN to assess and effectively monitor changes in prisoners’ risks and needs throughout their sentences.

The Crime Report, Reform Groups Seek More First Step Act Funding (Sept. 12)

– Thomas L. Root

Rethinking Clemency with First Step – Update for September 4, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


hamilton190904Over 11,400 commutation petitions languish at the Justice Dept.’s Office of the Pardon Attorney, record numbers for a clemency system that America’s founding fathers designed to be, in the words of Alexander Hamilton, “as little as possible fettered or embarrassed.”

An article published last week by Law 360 detailed the precipitous decline in use of federal clemency over the past 150 years, and suggested enhanced use of the sentence-reduction procedure changes in the First Step Act.

DOJ involvement in clemency began during the Civil War, because President Lincoln was overwhelmed by personal visits from “crying mothers and wives of disgraced soldiers” pleading for pardons. By 1898, all clemency petitions were routed through DOJ before maybe getting to the White House. Still, until about 50 years ago, presidents generally granted 13% to 40% of petitions.

Since then, the numbers have fallen to the single digits until President Obama. His 2014 clemency initiative was a public relations victory but a bureaucratic disaster, generating more commutation petitions in a year than OPA had received in the previous 24 years combined.

Despite granting over 1,700 commutations, Obama hardly made a dent in the overall prison population, “There could have easily been 20,000 commutations,” former OPA attorney Sam Morison argued. “That would have been about 10% of the prison population. That would have been historic.” But as it is, Obama left office with over 11,350 commutation petitions still pending.

kardashian190904Morison argues that the clemency power “will never function correctly until that Office of the Pardon Attorney is out of the Department of Justice.” While President Trump’s administration has been studying that idea, nothing has come of the White House roundtable group that has been meeting on the proposal for more than a year. Georgetown University law professor Shon Hopwood, noting Trump’s widely publicized pardons and commutations, said many petitioners will inevitably try “going around the system,” but “it shouldn’t require Kim Kardashian’s assistance to get clemency.”

Hopwood instead has been citing the First Step Act’s expansion of compassionate release as a more accessible option. I have been writing about this sleeper of a sentence-reduction provision for six months (see “Will First Step Let the Holloway Black Swan Swim Again?” Update for March 26, 2019). Such releases are traditionally available only to the elderly and terminally ill, but the statute – 18 USC 3582(c)(1)(A)(i) – says nothing about illness as such. Instead, it simply permits sentence reduction based on “an extraordinary and compelling reason.”

Under the First Step Act, a defendant no longer needs approval of the Bureau of Prisons to file a motion for resentencing with his or her sentencing court.

In a forthcoming law review article, Hopwood writes that judges can consider any “extraordinary” reasons for compassionate release without having to wait for BOP approval. Former US Pardon Attorney Margaret Love calls the concept a “hidden, magical trapdoor in the First Step Act that has yet to come to everyone’s attention. This has obviated the need for the clemency process to take care of the great majority of commutation cases.”


Hopwood acknowledges that prosecutors are likely to oppose these motions, but said they could provide a safety valve in which the judiciary simultaneously helps alleviate mass incarceration and the OPA’s commutation workload. And, unsurprisingly, DOJ has argued against Hopwood’s interpretation. In a filing last January, the government said the compassionate release statute “is simply not an avenue by which defendant can secure relief from his sentence based on his post-conviction reform… The relief defendant seeks is instead properly addressed in a petition to the executive branch for clemency.”

Lots of luck with that, the authors write. “The odds of getting presidential relief are approaching zero. The office that granted 41% of all pending and newly filed clemency petitions in 1920 is on track to grant less than 0.1% under Trump…”

Law360.com, How Courts Could Ease The White House’s Clemency Backlog (Aug. 25)

Sentencing Law and Policy, Exploring how compassionate release after FIRST STEP might indirectly help with persistent federal clemency problems (Aug. 26)
– Thomas L. Root

Fair Sentencing Act Decisions Split the Courts – Update for August 26, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


In my August 12th post, I noted the unfortunate 5th Circuit ruling in United States v. Hegwood. Hegwood held that a Fair Sentencing Act resentencing under § 404 of the First Step Act was a “limited resentencing,” and required the district court to apply all of the sentencing factors and law that applied at the original sentencing, except for a lower drug quantity offense level.

FSAsplit190826Ohio State University law professor Doug Berman noted in his Sentencing Law and Policy blog last week that an overlooked district court decision from the 6th Circuit, United States v. Payton, goes the other way on this “important and consequential” issue. Although predating Hegwood by a month, Payton provides a useful perspective on the issue from the other side.

The Payton court noted that a number of district courts have ruled that the First Step Act, read in conjunction with the provisions of 18 USC § 3582(c)(1)(B), does not authorize a full resentencing. “But a growing number of courts have found just the opposite,” the Court said,  “that the First Step Act vests the Court with broad discretion to resentence defendants considering the 18 USC § 3553(a) factors, including the case law and Guidelines in effect today.” The district court cited a number of district court decisions in support of its decision.

crackpowder160606The district court held that “the only way to impose a reduced sentence is to consider the § 3553(a) factors and Guidelines, including the defendant’s record in prison… This interpretation is in keeping with the purposes of the First Step Act which was enacted, in part, to: provide a remedy for individuals subjected to overly harsh and prejudicial penalties for crack cocaine offenses; decrease the number of people caged in our overcrowded prisons largely because of the War on Drugs; and save taxpayer dollars.”

Professor Berman said, “It seems to me quite possible that this issue could be the first (of many?) matters related to the implementation of the First Step Act that makes its way to the U.S. Supreme Court.”

United States v. Payton, 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 110292, 2019 WL 2775530 (E.D.Mich. July 2, 2019)

Sentencing Law and Policy, Another perspective on the scope of First Step Act crack resentencing (Aug 20)

– Thomas L. Root

Are Inmates Soon to be Sexy? – Update for August 9, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


thumbsup190809Surprisingly enough, 2020 is looking to be the year of the prisoner. Democratic candidates for president are falling all over themselves making proposals for federal sentencing reform, President Trump is claiming that he is the criminal justice reform leader, and – perhaps more important – the news media are questioning prison and sentencing reform like never before.

Criminal justice is expected to be a showcase in Trump’s presidential platform, passage of the First Step Act, hailed by the administration as a legislative victory that, in part, rolls back harsh drug war sentencing from the 1980s and 1990s.

Among the herd of Democrats running for president, Sen. Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) stands out, promising to increase the use of clemency and to seek a law requiring judges to consider early release for aging inmates who’ve served at least a decade in the federal prison system.

Last week, CBS News devoted a long interview to New York University law professor and former U.S. Sentencing Commission member Rachel Barkow, who just wrote a book called Prisoners of Politics: Breaking the Cycle of Mass Incarceration. Covering everything from sentencing reform to her concerns about enough programming to take advantage of the First Step Act, the interview set the tone for the debate.

maxed190809For example, Barkow compared long sentences to “your credit card bill. If you’re in financial difficulty, and you can’t pay your bills, you put them all on your credit card… The next month your credit card bill comes and there’s interest. It gets worse and worse and the longer you don’t pay, the worse things get. Long sentences are like that. While you’re incarcerating people, not only are you not making them better, you’re often putting them in environments where they are likely to become worse.”

The website “Governing,” intended for government officials, ran a piece on prison healthcare last week, noting that “prisoners make up 1 percent of the population, yet they account for 35 percent of the nation’s total cases of hepatitis C. ‘They are the most expensive segment of the population,” says Marc Stern, a public health professor at the University of Washington, ‘and they are the sickest.’ For all the care that inmates need, they’re unlikely to receive adequate medical attention.”

Fortune, Criminal Justice Reform Advocates See Prime Opportunity in 2020 Election (Aug. 2, 2019)

NJ.com, Booker’s right: Paying $60,000 a year to jail one geriatric inmate deserves ‘a second look’ (July 28, 2019)

CBS News, What’s wrong with America’s criminal justice system? 6 questions for an expert (Aug. 2, 2019)

Governing.com, America Has a Health-Care Crisis — in Prisons (Aug. 1, 2019)

– Thomas L. Root

Bringing Forth A Mouse – Update for July 23, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


release161117The Dept. of Justice crowed last Friday that “over 3,100 federal prison inmates will be released from the BOP’s custody as a result of the increase in good conduct time under the [First Step] Act.” You’d be forgiven for believing that it had all been DOJ’s idea, and that inmates streamed through the gates of federal prisons, straight from the cell to freedom.

But perhaps First Step merely brought forth a mouse. The problem, according to what I heard from a number of people at different institutions, no one seemed to be leaving.  With over 7,700 people on the LISA email list, I expected over 100 notifications from the BOP that inmates on the subscription list no longer had Corrlinks email accounts, a notice commonly received whenever someone is released and his or her Corrlinks account is closed. Instead, I got only 17.

FAMM president Kevin Ring told the Wall Street Journal that most of the 3,100 inmates released Friday were among the 8,300 BOP inmates already in halfway houses or the 2,200 on home confinement. Thus, the effect of the mass release, while reducing BOP population overall, was not noticeable at institutions. Reason magazine confirmed this, reporting today that “Most were released from halfway houses or home confinement where they were finishing out their sentences..”

Plus, as Mother Jones magazine complained last week, not all of last Friday’s releasees got to go home. “Roughly a quarter of them are not United States citizens,” the magazine said, “and many will instead be sent straight to immigration detention to face deportation proceedings, which could take years.” As it turns out, 900 released inmates were transferred to ICE or state authorities for deportation after being convicted of felonies, a result which predictably enough shocks Mother Jones but has been the law for 102 years, since the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1917.

Most troubling are the numerous reports I have gotten that the BOP has not completed the recalculation of good time for most of the 151,000 inmates still in institutions. One source reported that the BOP is processing each inmate’s new time manually, and that it is able to complete 5,000 a month. The reason for the glacial pace of recalculations is unclear, but it is hard to avoid noting that the BOP has had seven months to prepare for award of the additional good time.

bopmath190723How the agency is unable, after seven months of preparation, to automate recalculation through a rather simple computer algorithm is puzzling.

Dept of Justice, Department Of Justice Announces the Release of 3,100 Inmates Under First Step Act, Publishes Risk And Needs Assessment System (July 19)

Wall Street Journal, Justice Department Set to Free 3,000 Prisoners as Criminal-Justice Overhaul Takes Hold (July 19)

Bureau of Prisons, Population Statistics (July 18)

Mother Jones, Congress Helped Thousands of People Get Out of Prison Early. But Many of Them Will Probably Be Deported Right Away (July 19)

Reason.com,Tucker Carlson’s Unhinged Rant Against Prison Reform Makes Us All Dumber (July 23)

USA Today, Federal government releases more than 2,200 people from prison as First Step Act kicks in (July 19)

– Thomas L. Root

I Felt The Earth Move Last Friday… Or Did I? – Update for July 22, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Friday, July 19th was the day – a full 210 sunrises after President Trump signed the First Step Act into law. And, as required on that day, the Bureau of Prisons at long last credited federal inmates with the additional seven days per year promised them in the Act, and the  Dept. of Justice  released the risk assessment it proposes to have the Bureau of Prisons use to determine the likelihood that inmates will commit new offenses upon release.

A really big day… or was it?

yellowribbon190722Tie a Yellow Ribbon… Rahm Emmanuel may not have said it first, but he made it famous when he counseled his then-boss, President Obama, to never let a good crisis go to wasteDOJ dragged its feet in setting up a panel to implement the risk assessment model that is at the heart of the First Step Act’s earned time credit program (which lets federal prisoners earn extra time off their sentences for successfully completing programs that reduce recidivism). The Department as well fought hammer and tong to avoid crediting inmates with the extra good time Congress always meant them to have (but did not because DOJ interpreted a poorly-written statute as harshly as possible), an error corrected in First Step. And DOJ has opposed countless motions under the newly-retroactive Fair Sentencing Act for reductions of draconian prison terms.

Nevertheless, when faced with a July 19 deadline even it could not deny, DOJ did not miss the chance last Friday to trumpet its successes under First Step, chief among them that “over 3,100 federal prison inmates will be released from the BOP’s custody as a result of the increase in good conduct time under the Act. In addition, the Act’s retroactive application of the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 (reducing the disparity between crack cocaine and powder cocaine threshold amounts triggering mandatory minimum sentences) has resulted in 1,691 sentence reductions.”

tsunami190722So where was the flood of prisoner releases at the end of last week? As I heard from  people at a dozen or more institutions, no one seemed to be leaving. This was corroborated by my own observation. With over 7,700 people on the LISA newsletter email list, I expected over 100 notifications from BOP on Friday of people whose Corrlinks email accounts were closed because they had been freed (such a notice is sent whenever someone is released and his or her Corrlinks account is closed). Instead, I got only 17 such messages.

Here’s what happened. As FAMM president Kevin Ring told the Wall Street Journal,  most of the 3,100 inmates released Friday were already among the 8,300 BOP inmates in halfway houses or the 2,200 people on home confinement. Thus, alleged tsunami of prisoner releases – while reducing BOP population overall – was a barely-noticeable ripple at the institutions.

Plus, as Mother Jones magazine complained last week, not all of last Friday’s releasees got to go home. “Roughly a quarter of them are not United States citizens,” the magazine said, “and many will instead be sent straight to immigration detention to face deportation proceedings, which could take years.” As it turns out, USA Today reported, 900 released inmates were transferred to ICE or state authorities.

tortoise190722Inmate Sentence Recomputation More Tortoise Than Hare…  More troubling are the numerous reports I have gotten from inmates and their families that BOP has not yet completed the recalculation of good time for most of the 151,000 inmates still in institutions. One inmates father reported that the BOP’s Grand Prairie, Texas, Designation and Sentence Computation  Center told him that the agency is processing each inmate’s new time manually, and that it is able to complete no more than 5,000 a month.

The reason for the glacial pace of recalculations is unclear, but it is hard to avoid noting that the BOP has had seven months to prepare for award of the additional good time. How the agency is unable, after seven months of preparation, to automate recalculation through a rather simple computer algorithm is puzzling.

recid160321I see a PATTERN Here… One of First Step’s marquee accomplishments is to establish a system that ranks each inmate’s risk of being a recidivist, and then tracks that risk throughout the inmate’s sentence. The inmate (unless he or she falls in one of the 60-plus “ineligible” categories) may take programs identified by the BOP as proven to reduce recidivism, and get up to 15 days credit a month for doing so. The credit may be used to reduce the length of his or her incarceration by up to 12 months, and beyond that, to earn the inmate extra halfway house or home confinement time.

Before the program is implemented, the DOJ must adopt a system to rank prisoners’ recidivism risk. On the last afternoon of the 210-day period First Step gave DOJ for doing so, it unveiled its proposed system, which goes by the unwieldy name “Prisoner Assessment Tool Targeting Estimated Risk and Needs.” Luckily, the name collapses conveniently into the acronym “PATTERN.”

PATTERN will classify a BOP prisoner into one of four Risk Level Categories (“RLCs”) by scoring him or her in much the same way security and custody levels are calculated by the BOP. PATTERN does this by assigning points in 17 different categories. The highest possible score (like golf, no one wants a high score) is 100. The lowest score is -50.


This is roughly how it works: PATTERN has four different predictive models, 1) general recidivism for males; 2) general recidivism for females; 3) violent recidivism for males; and 4) violent recidivism for females. The Report noted that the base recidivism rate for all offenders is roughly 47% for general and 15% for violent recidivism.

The categories in which points are scored include (1) age of first conviction, (2) age at time of assignment, (3) prison infractions, (4) serious prison infractions, (5) number of programs completed, (6) number of tech or vocational courses completed, (7) UNICOR employment, (8) drug treatment, (9) drug education, (10) FRP status, (11) whether current offense is violent, (12) whether current offense is sex-related, (13) criminal history score, (14) history of violent offenses, (15) history of escapes, (16) voluntary surrender, and (17) education.

Generally, any score of -50 to +10 is a minimum recidivism risk, 11 to 33 is a low recidivism risk, 34 to 45 is a medium recidivism risk, and 46 or higher is a high risk. Its designers say “the PATTERN assessment instrument contains static risk factors as well as dynamic items that are associated with either an increase or a reduction in risk… PATTERN is a gender-specific assessment providing predictive models, or scales, developed and validated for males and females separately. These efforts make the tool more gender responsive, as prior findings have indicated the importance of gender-specific modeling.”

This means that as an inmate goes without getting disciplinary reports for infractions of prison rules, completes programs, keeps up with payment of fines and restitution, takes drug classes and gets older, his or her RLC category should fall. Even high and medium RLCs can earn credit for taking programs at the rate of 10 days per month, but once the RLC falls to low, that rate increases to 15 days per month.

PATTERNA190722So what BOP programs will build earned time credit? No one has said yet, but the PATTERN report offers clues. The PATTERN categories suggest that UNICOR employment, drug classes, GED and vocational programs ought to count, given PATTERN’s emphasis on importance of completion of those courses in the point system.

PATTERN is not yet a done deal. What happens next is a 90-day public comment period on PATTERN rules. Final rules will issue by Thanksgiving, with BOP staff being trained in applying PATTERN. Do not expect any PATTERN assessment to be done for real until Martin Luther King Day.

Dept. of Justice, Department of Justice Announces the Release of 3,100 Inmates Under First Step Act, Publishes Risk And Needs Assessment System (July 19)

Wall Street Journal, Justice Department Set to Free 3,000 Prisoners as Criminal-Justice Overhaul Takes Hold (July 19)

Bureau of Prisons, Population Statistics (July 18)

Mother Jones, Congress Helped Thousands of People Get Out of Prison Early. But Many of Them Will Probably Be Deported Right Away (July 19)

USA Today, Federal government releases more than 2,200 people from prison as First Step Act kicks in (July 19)

Dept. of Justice, The First Step Act of 2018: Risk and Needs Assessment System (July 19, 2019)

– Thomas L. Root

Final Efforts Fail to Force BOP to Apply Additional Good Time Before July 19 – Update for July 17, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


hailmary170613Sadly, football preseason is still a few weeks away, but that did not stop the New Civil Liberties Alliance, a D.C. legal foundation dedicated to fight federal agency infringement of liberties, from unloading a “Hail Mary” in its suit against the Federal Bureau of Prisons on behalf of an inmate late last month.

NCLA argued that its client, Robert Shipp, is due to be released in November under the old good-time calculation. But under the First Step Act, the extra good time he will get should have let him out in June. Even though he was due to be released from custody last month under a change in federal law, NCLA argued, “the BOP has refused to release him while it waits until July 19, 2019 to apply the new law at its discretion. There are some 4,000 federal prisoners like Shipp across the country who sit in limbo at BOP’s mercy.”

In the Washington Examiner last week, NCLA’s attorney said, “Each day the BOP ignores Congress’ orders, thousands of people continue to be held beyond their lawful release dates, away from their families. BOP is stealing time from them that they will never get back. Agencies like the BOP cannot wait until they find it convenient to follow the law; they should uphold the law and give people the good time credit they have earned.”

judge160229Unfortunately, life imitated sport. NCLA’s request for the emergency order was denied last week. With the clock running out, NCLA filed a motion for an emergency order telling the BOP to calculate the extra good time immediately. The judge held:

Shipp asserts that delaying the effectiveness of the amendment “makes no sense in light of the clearly stated Congressional intent to rectify the BOP’s previous actions in calculating good time credit.” He urges the application of the rule of lenity in his favor because “[a]t worst, the statute is silent as to the effective date for t[he]… good-time fix provision.” And he points to the legislative history of the act, which he contends shows that the good time credit amendment was intended to be effective immediately. But while it is sympathetic to Shipp’s position, the Court cannot agree with his interpretation of the Act. The statutory text clearly points to a single possible interpretation, which trumps any contrary indication of Congressional intent or in the Act’s legislative history. It may be that Section 102(b)(2) was inartfully drafted, and does not reflect what Congress intended in amending 18 U.S.C. § 3624(b). But even if that were the case, “[i]t is beyond [the Court’s] province to rescue Congress from its drafting errors, and to provide for what [the Court] might think… is the preferred result.” Having determined that Section 102(b)(1)(A) is not yet effective, and thus that Defendants are not unlawfully failing to comply with their obligations under 18 U.S.C. § 3624(b), the Court finds that Shipp’s claim is unlikely to succeed on the merits and it denies his emergency motion for injunctive relief.”

Memorandum Opinion and Order, Shipp v Hurwitz, Case 1:19-cv-01733-RC, 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 113096 (D.D.C. July 9, 2019)

Washington Examiner, Despite sentencing reform, the US Bureau of Prisons is holding thousands of inmates illegally beyond their release dates (July 8)

– Thomas L. Root

DOJ Says It Will Meet First Step Act July 19th Deadline for Risk System, Good Time Calculations – Update July 15, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


The First Step Act set a hard deadline of 210 days after passage – July 19, 2019 – for recalculating the 7-days-a-year extra good time and for Dept of Justice to adopt a new risk assessment program to be used by the BOP.

deadline190715Now, against the odds, the Attorney General says DOJ and BOP will meet the July 19 deadline for extra good time and adoption of a risk assessment system, despite DOJ blowing the deadline for setting up a risk assessment committee last winter because of the government shutdown.

USA Today and the AP both report that DOJ is expected to lay out the risk assessment rules on July 19, as required by First Step.

Adoption of the risk assessment program is critical, because once it is in place, the BOP then has six months to roll out the programs it identifies as like to reduce recidivism. Eligible inmates taking those programs will earn additional good time at the rate of from 10 to 15 days a month.

No one yet knows what programs will be eligible, but First Step encourages the BOP to be expansive, maybe even including some kinds of inmate employment. Every day I hear from people wondering whether ACE (adult continuing education) or required GED classes or UNICOR employment or even prison orderly jobs will earn extra good time. No one yet knows. But with the risk assessment program in place, the BOP will begin to identify what will and will not count.

July 19th reportedly will see release of about 2,200 additional federal inmates based on the 7-days-a-year good time being awarded for every year of one’s sentence. Fox News reported last Monday that July “will see the largest group to be freed so far under a clause in the First Step Act that reduces sentences due to “earned good time.” In addition to family reunification, the formerly incarcerated citizens, 90 percent of whom have been African-American, hope to get employment opportunities touted by Trump last month at the White House as part of the “Second Chance” hiring program.”

norose190715All is not roses with the earned time program, however. FAMM president Kevin Ring said last week that more attention and money is needed to support the new programs. FAMM is also unhappy that a long list of inmates, including those convicted of terrorism, sex crimes, some gun offenses, some fraud crimes and a few drug offenses will be excluded from qualifying for earned time credits. “There is going to be some frustration,” Ring said.

Acting BOP Director Hugh Hurwitz also acknowledged that the exclusions represent a looming inmate management test for prison staffers. “How do you manage inmates who are getting the credits and those who are not? That will be a challenge as we roll this out,” Hurwitz said.

The roll-out comes at a time when the BOP is grappling with persistent staffing shortages. To make up for a shortage of COs, officials have ordered teachers, nurses, kitchen workers and other staffers to serve as correctional officers. The practice, known as augmentation, draws staff away from the kinds of programs that officials are now touting.

Newly-installed Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, who toured FCI Englewood last week, admitted First Step provisions “will put additional demands” on prison staffers. He told USA Today that DOJ was reviewing staffing across the BOP, but he believed that current personnel levels were not jeopardizing safety.

multi190715“Everyone who is trained to work at a federal prison learns to participate in the security role,” Rosen said. “But we’re looking at that and plan to do whatever makes sense.”

A number of advocates, however, have called for stronger oversight of the implementation by both BOP and the AG’s office, and for more funding. “We have concerns it might not be implemented appropriately,” said Inimai Chettiar, legislative and policy director at the Justice Action Network.

USA Today, Roofing, paving, artisanal bread: Feds look to kick-start law that will free hundreds of inmates (July 11)

Aiken Standard, A.G. William Barr, Sens. Graham, Scott laud First Step Act during Edgefield prison visit (July 12)

Associated Press, Around 2,200 federal inmates to be released under reform law (July 13)

Fox News, Thousands of ex-prisoners to reunite with their families this month (July 8)

– Thomas L. Root

Judge Holds Change in Drug Sentence Minimums “Extraordinary” Grounds for Sentence Reduction – Update for July 10, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.

We’re back after a well-deserved week off in Iceland (where the country’s five prisons each house about 30 (not a typo) inmates, who make an average of 28,000 ISK ($290.00) a month.


A Houston federal district judge two weeks ago re-sentenced Arturo Cantu-Rivera to time served, negating two life sentences in a grant of an 18 USC 3582(c)(1)(A)(i) compassionate release motion.

Art was doing time on a drug charged, which had been enhanced by an 851 motion to mandatory life in 1990. The court cited his having completed over 4,000 hours of programming, his tutoring GED classes, his age of 69, and his health, calling all of this an “extraordinary degree of rehabilitation.”

extraordinary190710But as well, the judge noted that the change in the drug mandatory minimums under the First Step Act was part of the “extraordinary and compelling” analysis: “Finally, the Court recognizes as a factor in this combination the fundamental change to sentencing policy carried out in the First Step Act’s elimination of life imprisonment as a mandatory sentence solely by reason of a defendant’s prior convictions… The combination of all of these factors establishes the extraordinary and compelling reasons justifying the reduction in sentence in this case.”

Memorandum Opinion and Order, United States v. Canto-Rivera, Case No. H 89-204 (SD Tex, June 24, 2019)

– Thomas L. Root

Retroactive Crack Sentence Reductions Pass One Thousand – Update for June 12, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


The Sentencing Commission last Friday issued a report on releases under the Fair Sentencing Act retroactivity granted by the First Step Act. Since First Step became law last December, the courts have granted 1,051 crack sentence reductions.

crackpowder160606The breakdown by district shows Middle and Southern Florida, South Carolina and Virginia are the places to be. Those five districts accounted for about 29% of all grants. One third of the 94 districts contributed only  2.5% of the total, with 20 districts not granting a single motion.

What was missing from the USSC analysis was a figure on the number of motions denied, which would have provided a much clearer picture of any discrepancies among the districts in how the Fair Sentencing Act retroactive reductions were being applied.

The sentence reductions averaged 29 months, with the 5th Circuit courts averaging the best at 35.3 months and the 1st Circuit being the worst at 22.6 months. Over 91% of all defendants getting time cuts are black.

U.S. Sentencing Commission, First Step Act of 2018 Resentencing Provisions Retroactivity Data Report (June 7, 2019)

– Thomas L. Root