All posts by lisa-legalinfo

COVID Outlasts Carvajal – Update for January 10, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


snowball220110I wrote a little last week about the resignation of Federal Bureau of Prisons director Michael Carvajal, but it’s worth revisiting, if only to round up the reaction and context. Summed up neatly, he was rolled by events he didn’t see coming.

Recall that Carvajal last week announced he’s retiring, a decision that came six weeks after Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Illinois), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, demanded that Attorney General Merrick Garland fire him. Carvajal, a 30-year BOP veteran, was appointed director in February 2020.

A day after Carvajal’s announcement, BOP deputy director Gene Beasley announced his retirement effective May 31.

The BOP said Carvajal will stay on for an interim period until a successor is named. It is unclear how long that process would take.

The Associated Press said that Carvajal has “been at the center of myriad crises within the federal prison system.” To a certain extent, he stepped into the messes rather than made them himself. For example, the AP reported that more than 100 Bureau of Prisons workers have been arrested, convicted, or sentenced for crimes since the start of 2019, including a warden charged with sexually abusing an inmate. Those problems have been long festering. The scandal at MCC New York – brought to public attention with the 2019 suicide of Jeffrey Epstein – hardly started when Carvajal became director. Likewise, BOP employees misbehaving is not a new phenomenon. But for better or worse, the bad press came down on the BOP while Carvajal was at the helm.

Carvajal was hardly a BOP virgin. He served as assistant director from 2018 to 2020, so one could reasonably conclude he was aware of messes in Atlanta, New York, and elsewhere when he took office.

But the one epic fail that belongs solely to Carvajal is COVID. He took office just as COVID-19 was taking off, and one could argue he never took his blinders off. “I don’t think anybody was ready for this Covid, so we’re dealing with it just as well as anybody else and I’d be proud to say we’re doing pretty good,” Carvajal told CNN in April 2020.

flatten200609“Doing pretty good?” Two months into the pandemic (about 48,000 inmate COVID cases ago), Carvajal confidently told the Judiciary Committee that “at this point, we have more recoveries than new infections. And I believe that this shows that we are now flattening the curve.” Six months later, the total number of inmate COVID cases had climbed to over 24,000. Nevertheless, Carvajal told the House Subcommittee that “the Bureau has a sound pandemic plan in place and a well-established history of managing and responding to various types of communicable disease outbreaks.”

As of today, more than 50,000 BOP inmates have contracted COVID, at least 290 federal inmates are dead, and the BOP’s ham-handed response has been successfully challenged in court in Connecticut, Ohio, and California, to mention a few locations.

The AP reported that Carvajal’s term included “a failed response to the pandemic, dozens of escapes, deaths and critically low staffing levels that have hampered responses to emergencies.” The Washington Post reported, “With Carvajal presiding over the agency for effectively the entirety of the pandemic so far, about one in three Bureau of Prisons inmates has tested positive for the virus, according to agency data, a rate nearly double that of the general U.S. population.”

Jose Rojas, president of the Southeast Council of Prison Locals, AFGE – federal correctional officers’ union – was derisive. “Destructive actions by Carvajal have crippled this agency to the point of uncertainty, like a tornado leaving destruction behind… He was a disgrace to our agency. Good riddance.”

notdonegood220110Durbin issued a statement that was no more flattering: “For years, the Bureau of Prisons has been plagued by corruption, chronic understaffing, and mismanagement. In the nearly two years since Director Carvajal was handpicked by then-Attorney General Bill Barr, he has failed to address the mounting crises in our nation’s federal prison system, including failing to fully implement the landmark First Step Act. His resignation is an opportunity for new, reform-minded leadership at the Bureau of Prisons.”

That’s the best observation: No matter whether Carvajal was a victim, a rapscallion, or a bumbler, perhaps the Administration will seize this opportunity to pick “new, reform-minded leadership,” someone from outside the Bureau, someone who will be a champion of what Congress has mandated in the First Step Act, the CARES Act, and other prison reform measures.

Associated Press, US prisons director resigning after crises-filled tenure (January 6, 2022)

Washington Post, Bureau of Prisons director to resign after scandal-plagued tenure during pandemic (January 6, 2022)

CNN, Bureau of Prisons leader retiring under political pressure from lawmakers seeking his ouster (January 5, 2022)

Testimony of Michael Carvajal before the Senate Judiciary Committee (June 2, 2020)

Statement of Michael D. Carvajal before House Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security (December 2, 2020)

Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Two execs of prisons resigning (January 7, 2022)

Durbin Statement on Resignation of Director Carvajal from Federal Bureau of Prisons (January 5, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Seems Foolish To Have To Say This Again… – Update for January 7, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


easterbunny210916A month ago, I tried to bust the most pervasive inmate myths. Judging from my email, I failed miserably.

So I will take a day off from COVID in the BOP (now with 2,886 sick inmates – up a whopping 87% from a week ago – and 790 sick staff – up 48% in a week) and from following up on the soon-departed Michael Carvajal)… aNd I will try again.

Pay attention, kiddies. There is NO 65% bill, 65% law or 65% anything. There is NO proposal to cut federal sentences so that everyone will only serve 65%. There is NO bill, law, NO directive from Biden, and NO anything else that will give inmates extra time off because of the pandemic.

Nothing, nada, zilch, bupkis.

One guy complained after my last myth-busting post that I had “misrepresented” things because there is indeed a bill pending that would let nonviolent first-time offenders who are 45 years old get out at 50% of their sentences.


Yeah, I admit it. There is such a bill. Just like I have a picture of a unicorn. But the picture doesn’t make a unicorn any more real. And Rep Sheila Jackson Lee’s (D-TX) perennial tilt at the windmill doesn’t make the legislation a serious contender.

Yes, Jackson Lee has (once again) introduced a bill to dramatically cut federal sentences. She tossed it in the hopper last spring, an event that I did not bother to note at the time. Her Nonviolent Offender Relief Act of 2021 is a variation of the bill Jackson Lee has introduced in every Congress since 2003 (that’s nine times), except for the 116th (2019-2020). None has ever collected a single co-sponsor. The bill has always gone to the House Judiciary Committee, never to be seen again. Joe Biden is more likely to be Donald Trump’s running mate in 2024 than this bill is to ever see the light of day.

If you want to know what criminal justice reform legislation stands a chance in this Congress, look elsewhere.

H.R.132 – Federal Prison Bureau Nonviolent Offender Relief Act of 2021

– Thomas L. Root

“Mikey, We Hardly Knew Ye” – BOP Director Resigns (and Other Stories) – Update for January 6, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


A lot’s going on in the BOP, and little of it can be lifting spirits at Central Office.

carvajal220106Carvajal’s Out: Federal Bureau of Prisons Michael Carvajal announced yesterday that he’s resigning, six weeks after the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee demanded that Attorney General Merrick Garland deliver his head on a platter.

Carvajal, appointed during the Trump administration, has “been at the center of myriad crises within the federal prison system,” according to the Associated Press. The BOP characterized the decision as a “retirement,” which – after 30 years as a BOP employee – Carvajal is certainly entitled to do.

The BOP said he will stay on for an interim period until a successor is named. It is unclear how long that process would take.

The beginning of the end for Carvajal came in November, when the AP reported that more than 100 Bureau of Prisons workers have been arrested, convicted, or sentenced for crimes since the start of 2019, including a warden charged with sexually abusing an inmate. The AP stories apparently prompted Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Illnois), chairman of the Judiciary Committee, to call for Carvajal’s removal.

Carvajal took office just as COVID-19 took off, and included “a failed response to the pandemic, dozens of escapes, deaths and critically low staffing levels that have hampered responses to emergencies,” the AP said.

“We are very appreciative of Director Carvajal’s service to the department over the last three decades,” DOJ spokesman Anthony Coley said in a statement. “His operational experience and intimate knowledge of the Bureau of Prisons — the department’s largest component — helped steer it during critical times, including during this historic pandemic.”

Atlanta: Last week, Forbes magazine got its hands on an internal BOP memorandum from 2020 revealing just how much of a mess USP Atlanta was a year before the Bureau took the extraordinary step of shipping out 1,100 inmates and shuttering the facility for an extensive rehabilitation.

jailbreak211025The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported in 2017 about the “Wild West” atmosphere that defined USP Atlanta and its satellite minimum prison camp. According to an August 31, 2020 memorandum to the Southeast Region of the BOP, “USP Atlanta presents significant security concern for the Southeast Region … [which] requires immediate corrective action.”

Forbes reported the memo resulted from a Security Assessment performed just months after USP Atlanta passed its Program Review with a “Good” score. Program Reviews examine the adequacy of controls, efficiency of operations, and effectiveness in achieving program results. Institutions receiving a grade of “Good” qualify for a break of three years before another such review. Forbes reported that some have questioned whether the reviewers and facilities managers “have become too chummy because members who conduct those reviews consist of BOP management from peer institutions.”

Forbes said, “These are unprecedented times for the BOP. MCC New York closed earlier this year because the building had fallen into disrepair, staff corruption cases abounded and the widely reported suicide of Jeffrey Epstein. FCI Estill (South Carolina)… was hit by a tornado that ripped up the fence, tore off parts of the roof and caused heavy damage to the facility. Within days of the incident, hundreds of inmates were transferred to a prison hundreds of miles away in Pennsylvania. The remaining camp level… inmates now live in deplorable conditions at the damaged institution. As USP Atlanta’s problems continue to mount, it is just one more blow to an agency that appears to be in free-fall.

A BOP employee who works at another institution and who also reviewed the memorandum told Forbes, “The items listed are not a surprise. If they did this same type of assessment at other USPs they would get the same result, or close to it.”

violent160620Hazelton: The correctional officer who is president of AFGE Local 420 AFGE last week blamed increasing violence at USP Hazelton – contraband weapons, a “massive” fight in a housing, and a stabbing on Christmas Eve – on a lack of leadership from the warden, Richard Hudgins.

“Over the last few weeks there has been an immense amount of violence heightened at the prison due to the lack of leadership from our warden who is retiring this month,” Union President Justin Tarovisky said.

The BOP declined to comment to the Morgantown Dominion-Post on “anecdotal allegations,” but issued a statement that “We can assure you there are qualified management staff at the institution to ensure FCC Hazelton operates in a safe and secure manner and provides the programs that are critical for successful prisoner reform.”

FMC Carswell: A Southern Illinois federal judge last week issued a 61-page opinion ordering the BOP to evaluate ther request of a transgender inmate – now held at FMC Carswell – for gender confirmation surgery.

trans220106Chief Judge Nancy J. Rosenstengel ruled that the BOP’s Transgender Executive Council must evaluate the inmate, who is a biological male seeking surgery to transition to female, within a month. The Judge issued several pages of specific instructions and timelines for the BOP to meet, depending on whether it recommends or refuses to recommend the inmate for surgery.

The opinion, which has gotten media attention due to its holding that the BOP’s failure to address transgender matters as an 8th Amendment violation, is also noteworthy for the judge’s scathing dismissal of BOP excuses for not acting before, inasmuch as the inmate has served almost 30 years in BOP custody and always claimed gender dysphoria. “Administrative convenience and cost may be, in appropriate circumstances, permissible factors for correctional systems to consider in making treatment decisions,” the judge wrote. However, “the Constitution is violated when they are considered to the exclusion of reasonable medical judgment about inmate health.”

You Just Had the Wrong Prosecutor:  Last week, as Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted of sex trafficking offenses for assisting Jeffrey Epstein in procuring and grooming underage girls, the US Attorney in Manhattan quietly dismissed all charges against the two BOP correctional officers accused of felonies for falsifying reports connected to the 2019 Epstein suicide at MCC New York.

jailfree140410Prosecutors had said the COs napped, caught up on the news, and shopped for motorcycles and furniture instead of doing their rounds at the MCC. Epstein was held there while awaiting trial on sex trafficking and sexual-abuse charges. Last May, the COs entered into a deferred prosecution agreement where prosecutors agreed not to bring their case to trial until after they finished cooperating with an investigation by the DOJ Inspector General. The OIG has yet to release a report in connection with the investigation.

The conservative publication American Thinker said, “The message being sent by the light punishment for the prison guards whose negligence enabled Epstein’s death is pretty clear. If Maxwell were to “commit suicide” or “have an accident,” any guards implicated in negligence permitting such a death may face minimal consequences.”

Associated Press, US prisons director resigning after crises-filled tenure and scrutiny over his leadership (January 5, 2022)

Forbes, A Review of the Federal Prison In Atlanta Shows an Agency in Crisis (December 31, 2021)

BOP, BOP Director Announces Plans to Retire (January 5, 2022)

Morgantown Dominion-Post, Hazelton union concerned about mounting violence in prison (December 28, 2021)

Law and Crime, ‘She Is Running Out of Time’: Judge Orders Gender Confirmation Surgery Review for Federal Prison Inmate (December 28, 2021)

Iglesias v. Fed. Bureau of Prisons, 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 245517 (S.D.Ill. Dec. 27, 2021)

Business Insider, Federal prosecutors quietly dropped their case against Jeffrey Epstein’s jail guards in the middle of Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial (December 30, 2021)

American Thinker, Coincidental or not, dropping criminal charges against Epstein’s prison guards sends a message to Ghislaine Maxwell the day after her conviction (January 1, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

COVID Deja Vu… All Over Again – Update for January 4, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


deadcovid210914A year ago, the Bureau of Prisons was in the grip of a major COVID outbreak. How major? Back on New Year’s Day 2020, there were 6,831 sick inmates and 1,750 sick staff.

Things aren’t quite that bad right now, but as of last night, the number of sick inmates had increased 425% over the past two weeks, from 289 on December 20 to 1,516 currently. Sick staff increased 110% from 243 to 511. COVID is present at 94% of BOP facilities.

The percentage of vaccinated inmates inched up last week a half a point to 73.8%. Staff vaxxes still lag, up only 3/10th of a point to 69.1%.

Meanwhile, the nation is a hot mess. Last year, the country had 231,000 cases on New Year’s Day. Yesterday, there were 444,000.

A Fort Worth Star-Telegram story last Thursday reported on a December 16th FMC Fort Worth COVID death. The story noted that the inmate “is the 16th man to die from COVID-19 at FMC Fort Worth, according to BOP data. At the prison, ten incarcerated men and seven BOP staffers had confirmed COVID-19 cases as of Thursday… People incarcerated in prisons are at least 4.77 times more likely to be infected with COVID-19 than the general population, according to the Federal Public Community Defenders. At the federal women’s prison in Fort Worth, FMC Carswell, 70 women tested positive for COVID-19 as of Thursday and 22 BOP staff members had the virus. According to BOP data, FMC Carswell, — which is also a federal medical facility — had the 6th highest number of cases of all BOP facilities as of Thursday.”

Vaccinesticker211005In Connecticut, a female inmate at FCI Danbury has sued the BOP alleging that she was wrongly passed over for CARES Act home confinement because she cannot safely be vaccinated against COVID-19. 

Monique Brady, 46, contends in her December 16, 2021, complaint filed that she was wrongly passed over for home confinement even though she has underlying medical conditions that make her vulnerable to the disease. According to filings in Whitted v. Easter, the class-action litigation against FCI Danbury over COVID at the institution, which was settled largely in the inmates’ favor, Brady received one dose of vaccine but not the second. The institution’s medical staff advised her not to receive a second shot due to her reaction to the first one.

The BOP has previously told the Whitted v. Easter court that it would not consider home confinement for inmates who did not get fully vaccinated.

Brady claims she is at risk for COVID due to her taking prescribed steroids for a medical condition, obesity, a history of smoking, and high blood pressure. She asks the district court to issue an order that she be placed on CARES Act home confinement.

miracle181227The BOP continues to declare inmates recovered under its very liberal reading of CDC guidelines. Reality is not as forgiving. A research paper released last week reported that “Covid-19 can spread within days from the airways to the heart, brain and almost every organ system in the body, where it may persist for months.” In what Bloomberg described as the most comprehensive analysis to date of the SARS-CoV-2 virus’s distribution and persistence in the body and brain, scientists at the National Institutes of Health said they found the pathogen is capable of replicating in human cells well beyond the respiratory tract.”

The report pointed to delayed viral clearance as a potential contributor to the persistent symptoms wracking so-called long-haul COVID sufferers.

Ft Worth Star-Telegram, Man is 16th to die from COVID-19 at Fort Worth prison; cases spike at women’s facility (December 30, 2021)

Connecticut Insider, Lawsuit: Unvaccinated woman convicted in $10M Ponzi scheme a ‘sitting duck’ for COVID at CT prison (January 3, 2022)

Bloomberg, Coronavirus Can Persist for Months After Traversing Body (December 26, 2021)

Daniel Chertow, et al., SARS-CoV-2 infection and persistence throughout the human body and brain (Nat’l Institutes of Health, December 20, 2021)

– Thomas L. Root

It’s Halftime for the 117th Congress, and Criminal Justice Reform Has Been Held Scoreless – Update for January 3, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


NYDTypwrtr220103We all had high hopes for criminal justice reform when President Biden took the White House, and the Democrats won control of the House and Senate. The year 2021 was widely seen as the end of a dark era and the beginning of a brighter one. As Reason magazine said last week, it wasn’t just the close of just any year. It was the end of 2020.

Over the last 12 months, politicians h some steps to advance justice reform. But as is the case with so many New Year’s expectations, quite a bit also stayed the same.

Since Biden’s inauguration, criminal justice reform has taken a back seat to his more prominent initiatives, last March’s American Rescue Plan, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in November, and the now seemingly-dead Build Back Better social-spending blowout.

Biden did issue an executive order canceling contracts with private prison operators, a nice change for the 14,000 people in those joints. And his Dept, of Justice finally reinterpreted the CARES Act to let people on home confinement stay there. He has promised clemency reform. But the real work is to be done in Congress, w has yet to progress.

If you stayed awake in high school, you recall that every Congress lasts two years. Any bill introduced in the 117th Congress – which began in January 2021 – will stick around until the 117th expires a year from today. That means that the reform bills now in front of Congress still have a chance.

On New Year’s Day, the San Francisco Chronicle called for a targeted bill to abolish mandatory minimums, said, “The good news is that criminal justice reform can be accomplished with relatively limited expenditures — compared to, for example, Build Back Better’s sweeping expansion of the social safety net. That gives it a fighting chance of passing in today’s barely Democrat-controlled Congress.”


A couple of bills before Congress would reduce but not eliminate mandatory minimums: the EQUAL Act (lowers minimums for crack to equal those of powder) has passed the House but hasn’t yet cleared committee in the Senate; the MORE Act (decriminalizes marijuana retroactively) has been approved by a House committee but has not been passed by the House or Senate; the First Step Implementation Act (makes First Step mandatory minimum reductions retroactive) and the Smarter Sentencing Act (reduces mandatory minimum penalties for certain nonviolent drug offenses only) have not even cleared committee in either the House or Senate.

While the House also passed the MORE Act to decriminalize marijuana, the measure has been dead on arrival in the Senate, where Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-New York) announced plans to draft his own version of the bill. The Schumer bill has been released as a working draft but has yet to be formally introduced.

In the House, Republican Rep. Nancy Mace (South Carolina) introduced the first GOP-sponsored bill in Congress to legalize marijuana, hinting that there may be openness to a bipartisan solution in the future. If the Democrats fail to take advantage of the political opportunity in front of them, Forbes said last week, they risk ceding this issue to the Republicans if and when they take back control of Congress, possibly as soon as next year.

When the SAFE Banking Act, a marijuana bill, passed the House last year, it got 106 Republican votes, demonstrating that the GOP can deliver votes on cannabis legislation. But the MORE Act that passed the House in the last Congress – the one with criminal retroactivity – received only five Republican votes. The current MORE Act has collected only one Republican co-sponsor.

cotton181219The problem is that most bills spend months in committee with no movement, or they pass in the House only to the Senate before dying out. And with mid-terms putting all of the House and a third of Senate up for re-election in November and crime rates shooting up, getting legislators on board for criminal justice reform is going to be more challenging.

And then there are demagogues like Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas). Last week, he wrote in Real Clear Politics:

Unfortunately, soft-on-crime policies have been, at times, a bipartisan problem. In 2018, Republicans passed the pro-criminal First Step Act. That deeply flawed legislation reduced sentences for crack dealers and granted early release to some child predators, carjackers, gang members, and bank robbers. Ironically, this jailbreak bill even provided early release for those who helped prisoners break out of jail. This misguided push by Republicans to win applause from liberals strengthened the hand of radicals like George Soros. In a political environment where the parties compete for who can be more pro-criminal, the Democrats will always win.

People like Cotton make even common-sense federal criminal justice reform a hard sell.

Reason, In 2021, Qualified Immunity Reform Died a Slow, Painful Death (December 30, 2021)

Forbes, The Least Eventful Year for Marijuana (December 31, 2021)

San Francisco Chronicle, Biden’s agenda is stuck. It doesn’t have to be that way with criminal justice reform (January 1, 2022)

S. 79: EQUAL Act

H.R. 3617, MORE Act

S. 1013: Smarter Sentencing Act of 2021

S. 1014: First Step Implementation Act of 2021

Brookings Institution, The numbers for drug reform in Congress don’t add up (December 22, 2021)

Real Clear Politics, Recall, Remove & Replace Every Last Soros Prosecutor (December 20, 2021)

– Thomas L. Root

Disparity Makes ‘Extraordinary and Compelling” Finding Unnecessary – Update for December 31, 2021

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


release161117Jayvon Keitt was charged with a drug conspiracy involving 280 grams of crack, but took a deal letting him plead to 28 grams instead. As a result his mandatory minimum fell to five years, although his Guidelines sentencing range remained 70-87 months. At sentencing, the judge varied downward to give Jayvon 60 months.

Naturally, Jayvon didn’t appeal, because the sentence couldn’t go any lower than it did. Instead, less than four months after the sentence was imposed, Jayvon filed a compassionate release motion under 18 USC § 3582(c)(1)(A)(1). Jayvon said his asthma raised his risks if he caught COVID, and thus was an extraordinary and compelling reason for sentence reduction. He argued that the “BOP’s restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus have led to harsh lockdowns, restrictions on movement between jails, and have all but eliminated educational and other program[m]ing opportunities,” making his ability to participate in drug treatment programs uncertain. For those reasons, Jayvon said, letting him out four months into a 60-month sentence would not offend the sentencing factors set out in 18 USC § 3553(a).

The district court denied Jayvon’s motion after considering those sentencing factors. The court held that Jayvon had sold a lot of drugs and had already gotten a real sentence break. First, the government agreed to cut the amount of drug involved in the case from 280 grams to 28 grams, dropping the mandatory minimum sentence in half (to five years). Then, the court sentenced him below his minimum Guideline range of 70 months. The district court concluded that letting him go after only four months would lead to a real sentencing disparity. The district court made no finding as to whether Brian’s health risks constituted “extraordinary and compelling circumstances.

releaseme211231Last week, the 2nd Circuit agreed that the district court had not abused its discretion in weighing the sentencing factors. As for Jayvon’s claim that the district court was obligated to make a finding on whether extraordinary and compelling circumstances justified his release, the Circuit said that “when a district court denies a defendant’s motion under § 3582(c)(1)(A) in sole reliance on the applicable § 3553(a) sentencing factors, it need not determine whether the defendant has shown extraordinary and compelling reasons that might (in other circumstances) justify a sentence reduction.”

United States v. Keitt, Case No 21-13-cr, 2021 U.S. App LEXIS 37888 (2d Cir., December 22, 2021)

– Thomas L. Root

BOP COVID Numbers Skyrocketing – Update for December 30, 2021

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


omicron211230COVID numbers, both in the Federal Bureau of Prisons and nationally, continue to shoot upward as COVID omicron has become the dominant strain of coronavirus in the USA.

As of last night, the BOP broke 1,000 inmate cases (1,011), up 25% in one day, with staff cases at 387, up 12% overnight. COVID was present in 114 of 122 facilities, or 93% of all BOP prisons. As of last week, the BOP reported that 73% of inmates and 69% of the staff are vaccinated.

Nationally, the country added nearly a half-million cases yesterday. Experts are estimating over 140 million people will catch COVID in the next four weeks.

BOP COVID-19211230

The big COVID flareup in the system last week was at FPC Alderson, a female facility. Forbes reported on Christmas Eve that of the 665 “inmates at the institution, 1o8 have active COVID cases and 43 have recently recovered … over 20% are currently or recently infected.” An attorney who represents women at the facility told Forbes, “The conditions there are just abhorrent. Women are sick, there is no hot water in the quarantine unit and staff is short. I’ve contacted the mayor (of Alderson, WV), the Bureau of Prisons and anyone who will look into this crisis.” The attorney said, “there are women there who are eligible to be placed on CARES Act home confinement, but they are languishing there as the pandemic’s Omicron variant rips through the facility.”

plaguebop211230Monday, USP Allenwood was number one with 143 sick inmates. As of yesterday, MCC Chicago had taken the lead with 132 sick inmates as Allenwood experienced the miraculous recovery of 29 inmates. (I have written before about the BOP’s questionable “recovered” declarations. In fact, 56% of all BOP inmate COVID deaths in the last nine months have been of “recovered” inmates).

The Marshall Project reported last week that “as with previous iterations of the virus, ‘everything about prisons and jails makes them a setup to magnify the harms of omicron. ‘The overcrowding. The poor sanitary conditions. The lack of access to health care,’ said Monik Jimenez, an epidemiologist at Harvard’s School of Public Health. ‘Masking is only going to do so much when you have people on top of you’.”

A federal prisoner in Florida told TMP that “They’re not telling us anything about omicron or anything else for that matter.”

quackdoc210707The Nation reported that “Under the weight of ongoing Covid-19 outbreaks and staff vaccine refusal, sickness, death, no-shows, and rapid turnover, jails and prisons have become increasingly deadly places for those who live and work inside their walls. Failures to protect those held in America’s roughly 5,150 jails and prisons have made these institutions into taxpayer-funded epidemic engines that have driven millions of preventable Covid-19 cases throughout US communities. In response, the consensus among national health and safety experts has been that large-scale decarceration is required to protect the public. For almost two years, lawmakers have largely ignored the appeals of health leaders, incarcerated people, prison staff, and community activists who know very well that, despite claims to the contrary, mass incarceration does not serve public safety.”

Johns Hopkins University, Coronavirus Resource Center (December 29, 2021)

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington, Anticipated COVID-19 Omicron infections in United States (December 22, 2021)

Forbes, The Women’s Federal Prison Camp At Alderson In Middle Of COVID-19 Outbreak (December 24, 2021)

The Marshall Project, Omicron Has Arrived. Many Prisons and Jails Are Not Ready. (December 22, 2021)

The Nation, As Covid Surges Again, Decarceration Is More Necessary Than Ever (December 22, 2021)

– Thomas L. Root

Jayvon, We Hardly Knew Ye… – Update for December 28, 2021

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


justgothere211228Jayvon Keitt was charged with a drug conspiracy involving 280 grams of crack, but he took a deal letting him plead to 28 grams instead. As a result, his mandatory minimum fell from 10 to five years, although his Guidelines sentencing range remained 70-87 months. At sentencing, the judge varied downward to give Jayvon 60 months.

So far, a pretty good deal…

Naturally, Jayvon didn’t appeal, because the sentence couldn’t go any lower than it did, given the mandatory minimum.  However, less than four months into his sentence, Jayvon filed a compassionate release motion under 18 USC § 3582(c)(1)(A)(1), seeking immediate release. Jayvon said his asthma raised the risks he faced if he caught COVID in prison, and thus was an extraordinary and compelling reason for sentence reduction. He argued that the “BOP’s restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus have led to harsh lockdowns, restrictions on movement between jails, and have all but eliminated educational and other program[m]ing opportunities,” making his ability to participate in drug treatment programs uncertain.

The district court denied Jayvon’s motion after considering the 18 USC § 3553(a) sentencing factors, holding that he had sold a lot of drugs and had already gotten a real sentence break. The judge ruled that a sentence reduction would lead to a sentencing disparity (given the mandatory minimum Jayvon would be dodging). The district court made no finding as to whether Jayvon’s health risks constituted “extraordinary and compelling circumstances.”


Last week, the 2nd Circuit agreed that the district court had not abused its discretion in weighing the sentencing factors. As for Jayvon’s claim that the district court was obligated to make a finding on whether extraordinary and compelling circumstances justified his release, the Circuit said that “when a district court denies a defendant’s motion under § 3582(c)(1)(A) in sole reliance on the applicable § 3553(a) sentencing factors, it need not determine whether the defendant has shown extraordinary and compelling reasons that might (in other circumstances) justify a sentence reduction.”

United States v. Keitt, Case No 21-13-cr, 2021 U.S. App. LEXIS 37888 (2d Cir., December 22, 2021)

– Thomas L. Root

Rudolph Never Had It This Bad… – Update for December 27, 2021

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


The other reindeer used to laugh and call Rudolph names… but not in publications circulating on Capitol Hill.

rudolph211227First, Forbes ran a piece a week ago on BOP employee misconduct. Forbes noted that employees are rarely filed, with the BOP “preferring to offer them retirement or reassignment. The article pointed out that then-Attorney General William Barr told a Fraternal Order of Police conference after Jeffrey Epstein’s death that “we are now learning of serious irregularities” at MCC New York, where Epstein was found dead …” and “[we] will get to the bottom of what happened and that there will be accountability.”  

In the end, Forbes said, “two corrections officers were indicted (later entered into a deferred prosecution agreement) while nobody in executive management was charged.” Warden Lamine N’Diaye, who was in charge of notorious MCC New York at the time, was never accused of wrongdoing. He was promoted to be warden at FCI Fort Dix, a considerably larger institution. Edsel Ford, Robert S. McNamara. Lamine N’Diaye… upward failures all.

Retirement is another way the BOP rids itself of an embarrassing employee. There is less press, and the agency can force responsibility on the taxpayers to pay a lifetime pension in exchange for hiding an indiscretion from the public. Plus, retirement derails most investigations by the DOJ Inspector General, because an agency generally cannot take disciplinary action against a retired employee.

badapple211227Once in a while, however, the employee goes to the mat before the Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service, and the public gets a view of bad behavior inside the agency. Forbes reported on a Dec 9 FMCS order upholding the firing of an FCI Miami employee who paid inmates with food for performing his job, including using a staff computer to write emails, place online orders for supplies, search the BOP’s workers’ compensation data, take telephone calls for [the staff member], prepare Equal Employment Opportunity complaints and write correspondence to FCI Miami’s warden regarding a negative performance review” the staff member had gotten.

Meanwhile, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported details from a recently unsealed indictment against a BOP employee accused of conspiring with two inmates to smuggle drugs into USP Atlanta.

None of this is helpful to BOP Director Michael Carvajal, whose firing was demanded a month ago by Sen Richard Durbin (D-Illinois) after news broke about BOP employees committing serious crimes. Last week, a former BOP Director threw gasoline on the dumpster fire in a piece published in The Hill. Perhaps, to pile on the metaphors, I should say the article  threw Carvajal a lifeline… with an anvil tied to the other end.

fault200814Former BOP Director Hugh Hurwitz said it’s not necessarily the director’s fault (but he did not suggest that Carvajal not be fired). Federal prisons “are in crisis, riddled with deep and systemic ills that won’t be cured by simply replacing the BOP chief,” Hurwitz wrote. “In fact, we’ve already tried that. Carvajal, appointed last year, became the sixth director or acting director in just five years.”

Hurwitz called for sentencing reform, including “mandating a greater reliance on drug courts, community service and other alternatives to prison, such as halfway houses. It also means eliminating mandatory minimum penalties for drug crimes…”

As for the BOP itself, Hurwitz urged the Attorney General to adopt a “recommendation from the Council on Criminal Justice’s Task Force on Federal Priorities, which called for creation of an independent oversight board for the BOP. This would bring outside expertise to bear on the agency’s multiple challenges while retaining the career leadership that historically has served the agency well.”

Hurwitz called for rebuilding the federal criminal justice system “so that it is smaller, less punitive, more humane and safer for all. With political will, independent oversight and an unwavering commitment, we can make holistic change to a system long in need of it.”

The drumbeats continue and the bad press rolls on. Can the Director hold on?

Forbes, FCI Miami Federal Prison Employee Fired For Using Inmates To Help Perform His Job (December 21, 2021)

Federal Times, A BOP supervisor abused their position then quit. What happens next? (January 6, 2020)

Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Prison officer indicted in smuggling scheme never met co-defendants, lawyer says (December 22, 2021)

The Hill, To fix our prison system, we need far more than a change in leadership (December 22, 2021)

– Thomas L. Root

2021 So Far a Downer for Criminal Justice Reform – Update for December 23, 2021

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


At the end of the first 11 months of President Biden’s administration, a combination of his lack of action on criminal justice reform, a razor-thin majority in Congress, and an ill-timed spike in crime is rapidly undercutting hope of criminal reform.

fail200526As New York magazine put it last week, “The president is now facing a new political context. In the previous two years, cities across the United States have seen historically large spikes in multiple categories of crime, including homicides in many places… The sense that things are terrible — even if they are happening during a multi-decade downward trend in crime rates and have likely been exacerbated by a global pandemic — seems to be costing the president politically as well. The results of an ABC/Ipsos poll published on Monday showed that just 36% of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of crime, down from 43% in late October.

Critics working to overhaul the criminal justice system say they’re frustrated with the Biden administration after waiting nearly a year for the White House to take significant clemency and sentencing reform steps. “I think we’re at a point where we’re saying mere lip service isn’t enough,” said Sakira Cook, senior director of the justice reform program at the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. “We want to see some concrete action.”

“To me, it’s a bellwether,” said FAMM President Kevin Ring. “Because if the administration won’t address this, and address it immediately, I don’t know what hope we can have that other things are going to get done.”

A White House spokesman defended Biden’s record, arguing that he had restored the Dept of Justice’s Office for Access to Justice, implemented new restrictions on chokeholds and no-knock warrants for federal law enforcement, ended contracts with private prisons, and expanded access to re-entry services for released inmates. And critics admit DOJ’s rescission of the Trump-era memo that directed prosecutors to pursue the most serious charges they could for any crime. And just this week, DOJ walked back the Trump-era Office of Legal Counsel opinion that CARES Act home confinees had to return to prison after the national pandemic emergency ends.

Still, there’s no denying that the federal prison population dropped under Presidents Obama and Trump but has increased by some 5,000 people during Biden’s 11 months in office.

confusion200424To be sure, Biden’s plans were never well thought out. As Ralph Behr pointed out last week in the South Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog, Biden’s campaign last year called for passage of the Safe Justice Act, a bill killed by the House in 2017. He also called for abolishing mandatory minimums, which would require amending hundreds of statutes, something that “would require bipartisan support for an issue that has historically proven controversial. This is unlikely to gain enough support even to be drafted. The more likely and admirable implementation would be to allow judicial discretion in sentencing below the minimum mandatory sentence.”

As the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights demanded last week, Biden and his DOJ could expand CARES Act and compassionate release access. Or, as the Daily Caller suggested, he could demand that the BOP and its union clear up the logjam on implementing First Step Act earned time credit programs.

Legislatively, there’s one bright spot: The Hill reported this past weekend that Congressional Democrats are gearing up for a sweeping set of initiatives aimed at decriminalizing marijuana in spring 2022.

The proposals would, among other things, purge the criminal records of thousands of marijuana offenders and be retroactive for those serving marijuana sentences.

“The growing bipartisan momentum for cannabis reform shows that Congress is primed for progress in 2022, and we are closer than ever to bringing our cannabis policies and laws in line with the American people,” Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) and Barbara Lee (D-California) wrote in a memo to the Congressional Cannabis Caucus on Thursday.

Just last week, Marijuana Moment complained last week that “this is yet another example of legislators taking a demand for reform directly to the president, who has disappointed advocates in his first year in office by declining to take meaningful steps to change the country’s approach to cannabis despite campaigning on a pro-decriminalization and pre-rescheduling platform.”

crackpowder160606On crack cocaine, Biden could push Senate Democrats to pass S.79, the EQUAL Act, which has already passed the House and has cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee. Last week, Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) because a co-sponsor.

The Justice Action Network issued a statement saying, “With this level of bipartisan support, the drumbeat grows louder for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to vote the EQUAL Act. In New York, more than twenty leading New York-based civil rights, racial justice and criminal justice organizations recently sent an urgent letter to Leader Schumer urging him to move the EQUAL Act through the Senate, ‘by any means necessary’…”

New York magazine, Biden’s Low Marks on Crime Are Killing Reform (December 15, 2021)

South Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog, Analyzing President Joe Biden’s Criminal Justice Reform Plan (December 14, 2021)

NPR, Activists wanted Biden to revamp the justice system. Many say they’re still waiting (December 12, 2021)

Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland (December 17, 2021)

Daily Caller, The First Step Act Is A Giant Leap Toward Meaningful, Bipartisan Prison Reform (December 13, 2021)

The Hill, Congress to take up marijuana reform this spring (December 18, 2021)

Marijuana Moment, GOP Lawmakers Blast Biden And Harris Over ‘Continued Silence’ On Marijuana And Urge Rescheduling (December 16, 2021)

Seattle Medium, It’s Time For The U.S. Senate To Pass The EQUAL Act (December 17, 2021)

Justice Action Network, Senator Susan Collins Joins Bipartisan Sentencing Reform Bill, Positioning Equal Act for Passage (December 15, 2021)

– Thomas L. Root