Tag Archives: retroactivity

First Step Tidbits – Update for June 5, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Looking for a Loophole: First Step news from last week: First, a cautionary tale for anyone who thinks there is a magic potion that will make the sentencing changes in the First Step Act retroactive.

loophole190605As with most legislation the First Step Act represents countless compromises. Prominent among those were the deals made on retroactivity. The Act changed 18 USC § 924(c), which punishes people who use a gun in a drug crime or crime of violence with a mandatory consecutive term of five years (if the defendant was just carrying the gun), seven years (if the defendant brandished the gun) or 10 years (if the defendant actually shot it). All of that makes sense. The statute also imposes a mandatory consecutive 25 years on a defendant for a second conviction under 924(c).

The problem was lousy draftsmanship. Congress figured that it you got five years extra for a 924(c) conviction but did not learn your lesson, you ought to get a minimum 25 years on the second conviction. But the provision was written so that any subsequent conviction under 924(c) got you the enhanced time. Say that today you sell some dope on the street corner, with a gun stuffed in your pants. Then, tomorrow you do the same thing. The U.S. Attorney will charge you with two distribution counts and two 924(c) counts, one for each day. Before the First Step Act, you would get a sentence for the drugs, a consecutive five years for today’s 924(c) count, and a consecutive 25 years for tomorrow’s 924(c). That was not the way it was supposed to work, but U.S. Attorneys don’t care what Congress meant. They only care about what Congress wrote.

The First Step Act changed 924(c) to make it clear that the 25 years can be added only if you had already been convicted of the first 924(c) before you committed the second one. Likewise, it changed portions of 21 USC § 841(b)(1) to make the former mandatory life sentence into a 25-year sentence, and the former 20-year sentence into a 15-year sentence. But to sell some of the troglodytes in the Senate (yes, we mean you, Sen. Tom Cotton [R-Alabama]) on supporting First Step, the changes in the mandatory minimums were not made retroactive. Only the 2010 Fair Sentencing Act – which like First Step had the retroactivity taken out in order to rustle up enough support to pass the measure – was made retroactive in First Step.

trog190605Devan Pierson thought he could wriggle through a loophole. He got sentenced to life for a drug distribution case, due to his criminal history and the presence of guns. On appeal, he argued that because the First Step Act had made life sentences into 25-year maximum sentences, his life sentence – which was still on direct review – should be reduced.

Last Friday, the 7th Circuit disagreed. “Subsection 401(c) states that the amendments in that section ‘shall apply to any offense that was committed before the date of enactment of this Act, if a sentence has not been imposed as of such date of enactment.’ In common usage in federal sentencing law, a sentence is “imposed” in the district court… In the First Step Act, Congress chose language that points clearly toward that same result: the date of sentencing in the district court controls application of the new, more lenient terms.”

* * *

Power of the Media: I wrote last week about some district courts holding that reductions in crack sentences under the retroactive Fair Sentencing Act must rely on the “offense controls” theory instead of the “indictment controls” theory. If you are in that kind of fix, it is good to have friends in the media.

In 1994, in the depths of the war on drugs, Sonny Mikell picked up a third federal drug conviction in Florida and was handed a mandatory minimum sentence of life in prison. Although he was only found guilty for 50 grams by a jury, the sentencing judge agreed with the presentence report that held him culpable for 290 grams (for sentencing purposes).

When the First Step Act made the Fair Sentencing Act retroactive, Sonny applied for relief. His sentencing judge granted it promptly, sending Sonny home right from the hearing. But the government appealed to the 11th Circuit, apparently intending to argue that the “offense controls” theory (and the 290 grams) should govern.

Stopthedrugwar.org picked up the story, and ran it week. Citizen Truth republished it. The next day, the government dismissed its appeal without explanation. Citizen Truth may not be Kim Kardashian, but it got the job done.

* * *

You’re My Bestie: Finally, the Daily Beast picked up the story of Rufus Rochell, a man from inauspicious circumstances who befriended Conrad Black when the two were together at FCI Coleman. Black, a wealthy Canadian publisher and friend of Trump, was pardoned by the President a few weeks ago.

bff190605Rufus and Conrad both worked in the education department, Rufus as a law clerk and Conrad as a tutor helping inmates study for their GEDs. “They had conversations about history and education. And they found humor in the subtle absurdities of prison life, such as the thunderous rain that fell whenever inmates were asked to report for lawn duty.”

When Conrad was released on bail after a favorable SCOTUS decision, a rumor spread that he had been arrogant and condescending as an inmate. At Conrad’s request, Rufus wrote a letter refuting the claim, and praising his selflessness.

Now that Conrad has been pardoned, Rufus is hoping for a break through the First Step Act or executive clemency, and is looking to Conrad for support. According to the Daily Beast, nothing has yet been forthcoming.

I have heard a lot of guys being released who promised to send friends money, to keep in touch, even get together after it was all over. It does not often happen. You would hope, however, that when someone is powerful, rich and close to power, especially when he himself has been blessed with good luck, such a promise would not be forgotten.

United States v. Pierson, 2019 U.S. App. LEXIS 16296 (7th Cir. May 31, 2019)

CitizenTruth.org, Why Are Prosecutors Trying to Send a First Step Act Ex-Prisoner Back to Prison? (May 28)

Motion to Dismiss, United States v. Mikell, Case No. 19-11459-G (11th Cir. May 29, 2019)

Daily Beast, Trump Pardoned Billionaire Conrad Black but Left His Prison Buddy Behind

– Thomas L. Root

Judge Weinstein (As Usual) Provides Detailed Opinion on Crack Resentencing – Update for May 1, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


weinstein160516At age 92, Senior Judge Jack Weinstein is not only still on the Eastern District of New York federal bench, but he remains one of the most industrious and thoughtful federal judges in America, a jurist prone to issuing detailed and resource-rich decision.

In a 15-page opinion hand down last week, Judge Weinstein released Cheyenne Simons under the retroactive Fair Sentencing Act after Chey had served 11 years of his 12-year sentence. This does not sound like such a big deal (a 9% discount on the original immurement), except that as a Guidelines career offender with 50 grams of crack, Cheyenne had faced a 262-month minimum Guidelines advisory sentencing range term in 2008, when Judge Weinstein sentenced him to 144 months instead. What’s more, because of a quirk in how EDNY was applying 18 USC 924(c)’s mandatory consecutive sentence (for using a gun in a drug trafficking crime) back then – a quirk since remedied by the Supreme Court in Abbott v. United States –  Chey did not get a 5-year mandatory consecutive sentence for the gun charge then. Unfortunately, he was obligated to get it now.

Cheyenne had pled to 50 grams of crack, but at the 2008 sentencing, the court attributed over 500 grams of crack to him for Guidelines sentencing purposes. The government argued that under the FSA resentencing, the 500 grams made him subject to the new 280-gram 10-year minimum. Judge Weinstein refused:

Any argument that Simons is ineligible for relief on the basis that his actual conduct involved distribution of 280 grams or more of cocaine base, triggering the 841(b)(1)(A) penalties and a 10-year minimum term of imprisonment, is unsound. Statutory penalties are determined by facts submitted to a grand jury, a trial jury, or established by a guilty plea. Findings by a judge… may be used to determine a sentence within the statutory penalties, but do not establish statutory penalties and cannot change the mandatory minimum sentence now applicable.

release160523Although the 924(c) penalty left Chey’s Guidelines at 262-327 months, Judge Weinstein held that the retroactive FSA gave him the discretionary authority to reduce the sentence. Because Chey had “taken substantial steps during his period of incarceration to achieve the rehabilitative goals sought by the original sentence imposed,” Judge Weinstein set him free.

United States v. Simons, 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 67964 (EDNY, Apr. 22, 2019)

– Thomas L. Root

FSA Resentencings Reflect District Court Confusion – Update for March 11, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


As prisoners who were sentenced for crack offenses before the August 2010 effectiveness of the Fair Sentencing Act (FSA) are discovering, district courts are all over the map in interpreting the First Step Act provisions that make the FSA retroactive.

crackpowder160606Here’s one problem: A number of prisoners seeking retroactive FSA application were sentenced under the mandatory pre-United States v. Booker guidelines. Are their guidelines still mandatory on resentencing?

And another: Virtually all of the eligible defendants have indictments that specified “5 grams or more” or “50 grams or more” of crack – the standard for mandatory minimums before FSA – but had judges finding at sentencing that the amount of crack in their cases was much higher, such as “400 grams or more.” Before the Supreme Court’s 2013 Alleyne v, United States decision, a Presentence Report finding of 400 grams would subject the defendant to a 10-to-life sentence no matter what the indictment said. Alleyne said that the facts supporting a mandatory minimum sentence had to be found by a jury beyond a reasonable doubt or admitted by the defendant. So what amount of crack should drive their new sentence, 50 or 400?

The issue district courts are grappling with is whether an FSA resentencing has to pretend that Booker and Alleyne were never decided, or whether a new FSA sentence has to be constitutional under all of those decisions handed down since the defendant was first sentenced.

Three district court decisions in the last week or so make it clear that those questions are still up in the air. In United States v. Glore, the government argued that because a defendant who was charged with 5 grams or more had been found in his PSR to have had 46 grams, he was not eligible for a sentence reduction under the retroactive FSA, because the 46 grams still required a 5-year minimum sentence under the FSA’s 28-gram threshold. The government said Alleyne should not apply, because it was decided well after the original sentence was imposed.

badjudge160502Citing United States v. Fleurival, the district court rejected the government argument, holding that “the government has the prerogative to argue that even if a defendant is eligible for a First Step reduction, the court should decline to exercise the broad discretion given it by the First Step Act, and refuse to reduce a defendant’s sentence. But its argument that a defendant is not eligible because the sentencing court might have elected to calculate his statutory penalties in a way that now is unlawful, and back then would have been illogical, is unpersuasive.”

Meanwhile, in United States v. Newton, a Virginia district court ruled that although the defendant was originally sentenced under pre-Booker mandatory guidelines, his new sentence under the retroactive FSA should be decided under advisory guidelines and the sentencing factors in 18 USC 3553(a). The government, comparing the FSA resentencing to an 18 USC 3582(c)(2) sentence reduction, argued that Dillon v. United States made it a limited resentencing, and the court had to pretend that the law on the day of the original sentencing remained the law at resentencing.

The district court rejected this argument, noting that the Sentencing Commission said in January that while courts would have to settle whether the FSA resentencing was subject to Dillon, district judges should nevertheless “consider the guidelines and policy statements, along with other 3553(a) factors, during the resentencing.”

In a New York case last week, United States v. Davis, the government argued the defendant was not eligible for relief under the First Step Act because his actual offense conduct involved over 1.5 kilos of crack, which even under the FSA would trigger a 10-life sentence under 21 USC 841(b)(1)(A). The government hypothesized that if the current FSA had been in place when Mr. Davis committed his crime, his indictment would have alleged “280 grams or more of cocaine base” instead of “50 grams or more,” and thus still would have triggered the higher  841(b)(1)(A) penalties.

release160523The court rejected the government’s argument out of hand, holding that “it is the statute of conviction, not actual conduct, that controls eligibility under the First Step Act.” The defendant won his release.

But the foregoing views are not universally shared. Last week, a Florida district court held in United States v. Potts that a defendant who had been charged only with a “detectable amount” of crack, which carried no mandatory minimum, was nevertheless subject to a 10-year minimum sentence because his presentence report found he was responsible for 125 grams. The district court concluded that First Step’s provision making the FSA retroactive does not “expressly provide for a full or plenary resentencing or for a reconsideration of original sentencing determinations.” Instead, “although Defendant is eligible for a reduced sentence under Fair Sentencing Act, he is not entitled to a full resentencing, and all other determinations made at the time of his sentencing must remain unchanged.” The court cited United States v. Delaney and United States v. Kamber, but neither of those decisions hold that an FSA resentencing is limited like a 3582(c)(2) resentencing.

There is going to be a lot of litigation before the parameters of the FSA resentencing are firmly and finally set.

United States v. Davis, 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 36348 (W.D.N.Y. Mar 6, 2019)

United States v. Delaney, 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 28792 (W.D.Va. Feb. 22, 2019)

United States v. Fleurival, 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 20057 (W.D.Va. Feb. 6, 2019)

United States v. Glore, 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 35838 (E.D.Wis. Mar. 6, 2019)

United States v. Kamber, 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 15691 (S.D.Ill. Jan. 31, 2019)

United States v. Newton, 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 33356 (W.D.Va. Mar. 1, 2019)

United States v. Potts, 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 35386 (S.D.Fla. Mar. 6, 2019)

– Thomas L. Root

No One Much Cares About the ‘Seven Days’ Debacle – Update for February 25, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


fishbicycle190225The bad news: We have already reported in detail on the error in the First Step Act that accidentally tied the effective date for the additional seven-days-a-year good-conduct time for federal inmates to the effectiveness of the earned-time credits, a pairing that makes as much sense at relating a fish to a bicycle.

Although there has been a hue and cry from all of the usual advocate-suspects, no one has owned up to the blunder, let alone taken steps to fix it.

I’m not often right, but I predicted a month ago that Congress would be uninterested in doing anything to correct the sloppy drafting. This is because Congress, as an institution, addresses a problem once, happily concludes that the problem is all fixed, and then moves on to the next problem. Criminal justice and prison reform got their moment in the sun with passage of First Step. It will be a long time before Congress comes back to the issue. That is all the more true here, because the drafting gaffe will remedy itself in July, when the seven-day credits take effect.  Some prisoners who should be home now will surely suffer, but that’s hardly an effect that will fire the imagination of Congress, especially the Senate leadership. 

And more: Law professor Nora V. Demleitner, editor of the Federal Sentencing Reporter, complained last week in The Hill that new Attorney General William Barr is no reformer. “Congress should have demanded an attorney general committed to decreasing the federal prison population, improving re-entry, and limiting prison sentences for minor offenders… an attorney general committed to the spirit of the [First Step] Act. Instead it settled for someone who will interpret it as narrowly as possible and implement it grudgingly.”

retro160110The Good News: Speaking last week at a crime symposium, Koch Industries general counsel Mark Holden identified three priorities for the next federal prison reform legislation. Holden, who was point man for Koch Industries’ backing of First Step, said that congress first should apply First Step’s sentencing changes retroactively – the 18 USC 924(c) destacking provision, the reductions in mandatory minimums under the drug trafficking statute, and “safety valve” qualifications.

In addition, Holden called on Congress to codify the Supreme Court’s Brady v. Maryland ruling requiring prosecutors share all of the information that they have about the alleged crime with the accused at the outset the case, and to adopt a clearer and more stringent mens rea rule. Also, he urged the Trump administration to reform the executive clemency process and then to apply it to “create second chances for people who wouldn’t necessarily qualify for relief under the First Step Act.”

Meanwhile, a push is on to again make Pell Grants available for prisoners. Complaints that hard-work Americans were paying for criminals to go to college cauaed Congress to prohibit issuing prisoners Pell Grants, which provide students with financial need aid for college. Without Pells, the number of prison college programs plummeted from 772 to just eight by 1997.

In 2015, the US Dept of Education started a pilot program, allowing some colleges to use Pells to increase access to college courses in prison.

education180509Last week, a conservative magazine called on Congress to expand Pell grants to prisoners nationwide. “Such programming brings gains for both prisoners and public safety,” the American Conservative said, “rebuilds families, is fiscally prudent, and acknowledges the individual dignity of those in prison.”

It may happen. There has been bipartisan support for legislation to reinstate Pells for prisoners. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee), chairman of the Senate Education and Labor Committee, has hinted the change may be part of reauthorizing the Higher Education Act. “Most prisoners, sooner or later, are released from prison, and no one is helped when they do not have the skills to find a job,” Alexander said last year. “Making Pell Grants available to them in the right circumstances is a good idea.”

The Hill, Barr confirmation reveals shallowness of congressional commitment to justice reform (Feb. 19)

The Crime Report, The First Step Act: It’s Only a ‘First Step’ (Feb. 18)

American Conservative, Sending Our Prisoners to College (Feb. 21)

The Intercept, How The Federal Government Undermines Prison Education (Feb. 18)

– Thomas L. Root

Sentencing Commission May Adopt First Offender Proposal on Thursday – Update for April 9, 2018

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues. 


Some of our friends who publish their own newsletters have predicted 17 of the last two United States Sentencing Commission actions on the so-called first offender proposal. They should be glad that the long wait is just about over. The USSC will hold its April meeting on Thursday, April 12, at which time it is expected to adopt proposed amendments for November 2018, including quite possibly some form of first offender relief.

abscissa180319The USSC’s sentencing guidelines are based on a cartesian system with the abscissa being the offense level and the ordinate being the defendant’s criminal history. If you rob a bank, that offense is worth a base offense level of so many points. If you threatened an old lady in the process, that is worth a few more points, but if you confess after being caught, that takes a few points off.

Your criminal history is calculated based on the number, severity and age of prior criminal convictions. A prior drunk driving is not as bad as a felony burglary, and while a 12-year old misdemeanor possession of pot charge isn’t worth anything, a 12-year old felony trafficking in pot is. The result is a Total Offense Level and Criminal expressed in Arabic numbers (such as a Level 22) and a Criminal History Category expressed in Roman numerals (such as a “III”). On the sentencing table that is Chapter 5A of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, a defendant with a Total Offense Level of 22 and a Crim History Level III would have a suggested sentencing range of  51-63 months.

Oscar180410Now for the “First Offender” proposal: It is entirely possible to have prior convictions galore and yet be a Criminal History I (the best score you can achieve). The Guidelines define a Crim I as someone with zero or one criminal history point, which means you could have had a couple of heroin distribution felonies in the 1980s, a string of misdemeanor domestic violences between 1990 and 2006, and one minor misdemeanor 2014, and – because of the age of the offenses – be a Criminal History I. Such a defendant is far different from the 55-year old guy who has never even gotten a traffic ticket, but ends up with a tax fraud conviction. Both defendants get the best treatment from the Sentencing Table that’s possible, but one is a genuine virgin while the other has simply mastered the talent of not getting caught. In recognition, the USSC proposed  that the Phoebe Snows of the criminal world get bonus points for a prior record that’s purer than Crim I.

Two options for a “First Offender” guideline were floated by the USSC. One was that any defendant with zero criminal history points should be considered a First Offender. The second proposal, a stricter one, was more like an Academy Award for lifetime achievement, and would give bonus points to those with no criminal convictions any time in their past, no matter how old.

virgin180409As for nomenclature, the First Offender guideline would adjust a first offender’s Total Offense Level downward. The Sentencing Commission suggested that either all defendants who qualify as “first offenders” would receive a 1-level reduction from their offense level, or perhaps that  defendants who qualify as “first offenders” would receive a 2-level reduction if their Total Offense Level was below 16 and a 1-level reduction if it’s above. 

After the spate of comments for and against the various proposals (and a few against any First Offender guideline at all) presented to the USSC last month, we’ll see in a few days just how eager the Commission is the Trumpian “law-and-order” atmosphere that overhangs Washington to give any defendant, no matter how deserving, a break.

If it is adopted, the First Offender amendment will not be retroactive – that is, not apply to people already sentenced – unless the USSC holds an additional proceeding to declare it so. In other words, current federal inmates are urged not to fall for pitches from anyone (be it an outside service or a guy in the law library who wants some commissary) to prepare a filing to claim your sentence reduction. While it could happen, it will not be happening soon.

knuckles180409And, as we all know, the President has nominated some genuine knuckle-draggers to serve on the Commission. If they are confirmed by the Senate, you can likely kiss any chance for retroactivity goodbye.

U.S. Sentencing Commission, Public Meeting – April 12, 2018

– Thomas L. Root


Smarter Sentencing Act: Just Like Before, But With More Sponsors – Update for October 17, 2017

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


deja171017We were a bit befuddled when Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) announced by press release on October 5, 2017, that he and Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Illinois) had “reintroduced the Smarter Sentencing Act of 2017.” It was not clear whether this was a complete retread of the Smarter Sentencing Act of 2015, S. 502, that died without a vote last December, or whether it was new and improved (or just different).

The confusion was compounded because we were unable to locate a draft of the Smarter Sentencing Act of 2017 anywhere over the next 10 days. We called Sen. Lee’s office last week for a copy of the measure, and received our copy yesterday.

Yes, indeedy, the 2017 version of the bill is identical to old S.502, except for a boatload more sponsors (21 from both sides of the aisle). Highlights of the measure include

• expanding the “safety valve” contained in 18 USC 3553(f) – which permits court to relieve low-level drug offenders with relatively clean records to avoid mandatory minimum sentences under some circumstances – to include people with slightly more criminal history.

Currently, a single misdemeanor in one’s background can disqualify the defendant from “safety valve” consideration. Under the proposed change, a couple of felonies will be too much, but more young defendants facing their first serious criminal charge would be sentenced under a scheme that let the judge weigh individual factors rather than applying an inflexible and harsh minimum sentence.

• making the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010, which reduced disparity between crack cocaine and powder cocaine from 100:1 to 18:1, retroactive.

cracksentence171017In the wake of basketball star Len Bias’ death in 1988, Congress passed the draconian Anti Drug Abuse Act, which equated one gram of crack cocaine to 100 grams of cocaine powder. As a result, drug sentences – which are driven by the amount of drug involved in the crime – soared. The defendants in crack cases were overwhelmingly black.

After years of urging by the Sentencing Commission and studies showing that Congress’ rationale for the ADA – that crack was more addictive and crack offenses more violent – was bunkum, Congress passed the Fair Sentencing Act in 2010. Unfortunately, to convince recalcitrant senators to support it, the retroactivity portions of the law were stripped out. Thus, a crack defendant sentenced August 3, 2009, was hammered with the 100:1 ratio, while a defendant sentenced August 3, 2010, was treated more in line with what a cocaine powder defendant would face.

The SSA would make the FSA retroactive, permitting defendants sentenced harshly prior to the adoption of the law eligible for resentencing, at their judges’ discretion, to a more reasonable term.

• cutting mandatory minimums in the drug trafficking laws.

Currently, the Byzantine sentencing regime in 21 USC 841(b) provides differing levels of mandatory minimum sentences for various quantities of different drugs, various number of prior drug felonies, and whether death or serious injury resulted from the drug dealing.

hammer160509Under the SSA, a 10-year mandatory minimum sentence would become 5 years, 20 years would become 10 years, five years would become two years. Right now, a defendant with two prior drug felonies (no matter how old) caught with five kilos of cocaine gets a mandatory life term: no ifs, ands or buts. Sure, the public’s thirst for vengeance is slaked by such toughness. But somehow, when the public sees the same defendant, bent and gray, shuffling across the prison yard a quarter century later, the tough sentence seems pretty wasteful.

The SSA would turn the mandatory life sentence into a mandatory minimum of 25 years.

• cutting mandatory minimums in 21 USC 960 for drug mules carrying drugs into the country courier in half.

mule171017Your poor, dumb peasant from El Cocador humping marijuana across the border or clueless young woman flying in to JFK from East Slobovia with heroin in the liner of her suitcase… These are the couriers, the lowest of the low-level defendant being paid maybe two shekels for hauling someone else’s big score. Under 21 USC 960, the drug importation criminal statute, they get hammered with the same mandatory sentences as Mr. Big, the kingpin staying safely offshore.

The SSA would cut the mandatory minimums applicable to couriers by half.

The bill does not explicitly make any change it proposes retroactive other than the extension of the FSA, but a fair reading of Section 5 of the SSA suggests that the Sentencing Commission should do so according to its retroactivity procedures.

Some of the Smarter Sentencing Act provisions echo those of the Sentence Reform and Corrections Act of 2017, introduced two days earlier. We anticipate that the provisions of the two bills will be blended into a single package by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

S.1933, Smarter Sentencing Act of 2017 (introduced Oct. 5, 2017)

– Thomas L. Root


Hurricane Buncombe Strikes Federal Prisons – Update for Monday, September 11, 2017

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Buncombe170911The hopemongers are at it again. Several inmates readers have written to us about an email newsletter they received during the past couple of weeks, from a Chicago-area group talking about something it calls the “First Offender initiative.”

Under the Sentencing Guidelines, someone with zero or one criminal history point is considered to have a Criminal History of I. It’s a good place to be: Criminal History I people are on the left-hand column of the Sentencing Table, and get the lowest sentencing ranges.

Yet, there are some Criminal History I folks who have prior offenses that have timed out (and are not counted) or even a point for some recent misdemeanor. Others are as pure as Mother Teresa. Last December, the USSC proposed an amendment for 2017 to give the Mother Teresas of the federal criminal world a break. It floated the idea of a reduction in offense level for those folks, and asked for public comment.

teresa170911Then the USSC ran out of members, as terms expired and too few were left for a quorum. The Senate finally approved two new members in late March, but by then, it was too late for any 2017 amendments. So this November 1, 2017, there will be no Guidelines changes.

A few weeks ago, the USSC re-issued the same proposals it had announced last December, including the proposal for a break for some Crim History I people. The Commission wants public comment on the idea, including on whether it should go with a 1- or a 2-level reduction, and whether to be eligible, a defendant just needs zero criminal history points or a completely clean record for his or her entire life up to that point.

No one knows whether the USSC will decide this should become an amendment. If it does, no one knows which options it will go with. Even if the Commission adopts it next April as a proposed amendment, it will not go into effect until November 2018.

If it does become effective, it will not be retroactive at that time. Retroactivity will require a whole new notice-and-comment process (and six-month waiting period). For the Guidelines change to benefit anyone currently locked up, retroactivity has to be approved by the USSC and not vetoed by Congress. Think maybe spring 2019 at the earliest.

snwowhite170911Enter the hopemongers. An Illinois outfit we will not name sent an inmate newsletter in the last week or so saying “while the Sentencing Commission works to incorporate final comments into the holdover 2016 changes before they are published in the Federal Register, and the 180-day countdown begins, there is plenty of time to study those individuals who appear initially to qualify for this retroactive First Offender relief…” The newsletter urges people to get an “individualized analysis of their case so that it can be incorporated into a petition for relief.”

So what’s wrong with this nonsense? Plenty. First, these are not final comments; they are a complete do-over. Comments are due in October and reply comments in November. The USSC has given no indication it intends to start the 180-day clock until next April, for effectiveness in November 2018, as usual.

Second, no one yet knows who will be eligible and what the eligible will be eligible for. That makes it pretty hard to “study those individuals who appear initially to qualify…”

Third, calling it a “retroactive First Offender relief” is an utter falsehood. The USSC has not even suggested, let alone said, anything that would lead people to believe that this amendment – even if adopted – will be retroactive.

snakeoil170911But the hopemongers’ primary purpose is to get prisoners and their families to pay money for a bogus “individualized analysis.” Guess there’s nothing wrong with turning a slight breeze of a hope into a get-out-of-prison hurricane is all right: after all, the targets are just inmates, and they deserve any misfortune that befalls them, right?

U.S. Sentencing Commission, Proposed Amendments to the Sentencing Guidelines (Aug. 25, 2017)

– Thomas L. Root



6th Circuit Holds Mandatory Guidelines Johnson Issue Not Timely – Update for August 17, 2017

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


split170818Back in medieval times (before 2005), when Guidelines sentencing ranges were mandatory, Jerome Raybon was convicted in federal court of drug distribution. His prior state convictions qualified him under the Guidelines as a “career offender,” thus mandating a much more severe sentence.

One of those prior convictions was the Michigan offense of assault with intent to do great bodily harm. On its face, such an offense sounds like a crime of violence, which is what it had to be to help qualify Jerome as a career offender. But after the Supreme Court handed down Johnson v. United States in 2015, Jerome filed a petition under 28 USC 2255, arguing that the assault conviction was no longer a crime of violence, and his “career offender” status was incorrect.

Johnson151213Of course, Johnson – which held that the part of the “crime of violence” definition that included any offense that carried a significance of injury was unconstitutionally vague – applied to the Armed Career Criminal Act. Two other means by which a prior conviction could be considered a crime of violence were not affected by the decision. Also, the definition of “crime of violence” in Chapter 4B of the Sentencing Guidelines, although identical, was never considered by the Johnson court.

Unsurprisingly, a subsequent case – United States v. Beckles – found its way to the Supreme Court in short order, asking whether Johnson should apply to Guidelines career offender sentences. Last spring, the Supreme Court said it did not, at least not to “career offenders” sentenced under the advisory Guidelines. The Court pointedly said that its decision did not extend to any old sentences under the mandatory Guidelines that might be knocking around.

For their first 16 years of operation, as everyone knows, the Sentencing Guidelines were mandatory, and a judge had to sentence within the specified range except in the rarest of circumstances, when the court could justify a “departure” up or down from the range. Even then, the departure was strictly regulated by the Guidelines.

However, in 2005, the Supreme Court held in United States v. Booker that mandatory sentencing guidelines were unconstitutional. The Court struck the requirement that the Guidelines be followed from the statute, and the Guidelines have been advisory ever since.

So we have split a hair in Johnson, and split that split hair in Beckles. It was inevitable that a case like Jerome’s would arise.

splitB170818The district court said that Jerome’s 2255 motion was untimely, because his argument against the Michigan assault conviction was not that Johnson made it inapplicable, but rather that another case addressing one of the other means of defining a crime as violent – which had been handed down in 2010 – was what disqualified the assault.

Jerome appealed. Earlier this week, the 6th Circuit agreed with the district court, but for a very different reason.

Jerome’s problem, the Court said, was that for his 2255 motion to be timely, it had to be filed within one year of “the date on which the right asserted was initially recognized by the Supreme Court, if that right has been newly recognized by the Supreme Court and made retroactively applicable to cases on collateral review.” 28 USC 2255(f)(3). But due to the Supreme Court’s repeated hair-splitting, the precise issue – whether Johnson applied to an old mandatory Guidelines sentence – has not been decided. In fact, the Supreme Court explicitly said in Beckles that it was not deciding the question of whether Johnson applied to Jerome’s situation.

violent160620Because of that, Jerome’s petition was untimely, and it had to be dismissed. While you would think that settled the matter, the 6th Circuit decided to address his argument anyway, and quickly concluded that, of course, Michigan’s “assault with intent to do great bodily harm” statute remained a crime of violence under the definition even if Johnson did apply. No surprise there.

Whether Johnson will offer relief to any of the 7% or so of federal inmates serving the old mandatory Guidelines sentences is being litigated in several Circuits. The closest case to decision is probably the 4th Circuit case, United States v. Brown, Case No. 16-7056, argued May 11, 2017.

United States v. Raybon, Case No. 16-2522 (6th Cir., Aug. 14, 2017)

– Thomas L. Root


2nd Circuit Says Mathis Is Nothing Special – Update for July 14, 2017

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


silver170714All right, we’ll lead with what everyone is talking about: Yesterday, a three-judge panel of the 2nd Circuit – while holding its collective nose – threw out former New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s 2015 fraud and corruption conviction. As soon as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York could put down his coffee cup, he announced that his office would retry the case.

And why not? The Court of Appeals almost begged the prosecution to retry the case, this time with a correct set of jury instructions. “We recognize that many would view the facts adduced at Silver’s trial with distaste,” Judge José Cabranes wrote. “The question presented to us, however, is not how a jury would likely view the evidence presented by the government. Rather, it is whether it is clear, beyond a reasonable doubt, that a rational jury, properly instructed, would have found Silver guilty. Given the teachings of the Supreme Court in McDonnell, and the particular circumstances of this case, we simply cannot reach that conclusion.”

The Court ruled that the evidence in Silver’s high-profile trial was certainly enough to convict him of money laundering, Hobbs Act extortion and honest services fraud. But after the Supreme’s decision last summer in McDonnell v. United States, which narrowed the definition of “official acts,” a necessary element of bribery, the panel said the trial court erred by not properly instructing the jury on the charges of honest services fraud and extortion.

But we march to the tune of a different drummer, so our focus is on yesterday’s 2nd Circuit decision in Washington v. United States, one much more consequential to federal inmates.

burglary160502The Supreme Court’s decision last year in Mathis v. United States dramatically tightened the rules used in determining whether defendants’ prior state convictions fit the generic definitions of crimes used in “crime-of-violence” definitions sprinkled throughout the U.S. criminal code. The stakes are high: two defendants may have both committed three of the same types burglaries before being caught with a gun. But because the state statute under which one was convicted defined burglary to include breaking into cars as well as houses, those burglaries are not “burglaries” as defined in the Armed Career Criminal Act. That defendant gets 60 months in prison.

The other guy was convicted in a neighboring state’s statute, which defines burglaries as being committed only on structures. That is not too broad, so his burglaries qualify him for sentencing as under the Armed Career Criminal Act. He will get at least 180 months (15 years) under the ACCA, no matter how the judge might feel about it.

The ACCA is where the battle has mostly been fought, but similar “crimes-of-violence” definitions are used in the Sentencing Guidelines, in the statute on carrying a gun during a crime of violence (18 USC 924(c)) and in the general crime-of-violence definition in 18 USC 16(b), which has great consequence for immigrants subject to deportation for serious crimes.

diagram170714So Mathis, which limited when courts could look at the actual burglary conduct of the defendant and tightened how statutory terms could be defined (remember sentence diagrams in 7th grade English?), is as important to defendants as it is arcane. Of course, equally important to the defendants who have already been convicted and sentenced based on prior crimes of violence is whether the redefinition of the interpretative rules in Mathis is retroactive to their cases. Is Mathis a get-out-of-jail card?

The law substantially limits second bites of the post-conviction apple. Inmates who have filed habeas corpus motions under the statute (28 USC 2255) may not file second 2255 motions without getting prior permission from a court of appeals under 28 USC 2244. That permission is granted only where the new decision that will free them – in this case Mathis – is retroactive. If it’s retroactive, inmates have one year from the new decision’s issuance to file their second 2255.

There were some less-than-scrupulous “paralegal” firms busy earlier this year convincing inmates that they had to file for relief under Mathis by June 22, the one-year anniversary of Mathis. We complained a few months ago that there was no way Mathis could be held to be retroactive, and that filing a 2244 motion with the court of appeals was a waste of time and money.

Some guys didn’t get the message. One was Ronnie Washington, who was sentenced to 240 months’ imprisonment as a career offender under § 4B1.1 of the advisory Sentencing Guidelines. His 2244 motion to the 2nd Circuit asked permission to file a new 2255 motion on the grounds that his prior state law convictions for drug trafficking was unconstitutional in light of Mathis. Yesterday, the Court of Appeals turned him down.

A second or successive 2255 motion on a ground not previously presented is allowed only if the court of appeals certifies that the motion is based on either newly discovered evidence or “a new rule of constitutional law, made retroactive to cases on collateral review by the Supreme Court, that was previously unavailable.”

mathis170714Ronnie argued that Mathis “established a new rule that makes” his unconstitutional. The Court disagreed, finding that Ronnie’s “view of Mathis is without merit, as its holding was not based on the Constitution and was based on a rule applied for decades,” at least since the Supreme Court’s 1990 decision in Taylor v. United States. The Court said, “In sum, the Mathis Court was interpreting ACCA, not the Constitution… And although the Mathis Court noted that its ACCA interpretation had been based in part on constitutional concerns, those concerns did not reflect a new rule, for “Taylor set out the essential rule governing ACCA cases more than a quarter century ago.”

The 2nd Circuit decision joins those of three other circuits – the 5th, 7th and 11th – in holding that whatever Mathis may be, it’s not retroactive.

Washington v. United States, Case No. 17-780 (2nd Circuit, July 13, 2017)

– Thomas L. Root


A Nation of Second Chances – Update for January 19, 2017

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


second170119Everyone’s been gushing about second chances, as President Obama goes out in a blaze of commutation glory, granting sentence clemency to over 600 people in his final days in office. And we have no problem with that, except that so many others who were punished with draconian sentences they could never get today were left behind. 

This week also brought a “second chance” for a rational sentence of a different kind. 

Tiofila Santillana was trafficking in methadone. One of her buyers, as buyers of illegally-sold controlled substances are wont to do, overdosed on a cocktail of alcohol and multiple drugs – including methadone – and “shuffel’d off this mortall coile” (which is Shakespearean for “died).” Under 21 USC 841(b)(1)(C), if death results from drugs distributed by a defendant, a court must sentence a defendant to a mandatory minimum 20 years.

The experts testifying in Tiofila’s case agreed that her methadone contributed to the doper’s death, even though it was not the cause of death. The trial court felt obliged to hammer her with a 20-year sentence.

cocktail170119Five years after Tiofila’s conviction, the Supreme Court held in Burrage v. United States that where “use of the drug distributed by the defendant is not an independently sufficient cause of the victim’s death or serious bodily injury, a defendant cannot be liable under the penalty enhancement provision of 21 USC 841(b)(1)(C) unless such use is a but-for cause of the death or injury.” Tiofila promptly filed for relief.

But here’s the rub. Tiofila was out of time to file a motion under 28 USC 2255, because that statute requires that the motion be filed within a year of the case becoming final. There is an exception where the “right asserted was initially recognized by the Supreme Court, if that right has been newly recognized by the Supreme Court and made retroactively applicable to cases on collateral review.”

Tiofila filed a petition for writ of habeas corpus under 28 USC 2241, claiming she was entitled to relief under Burrage v. United States. The district court dismissed the petition for lack of jurisdiction, finding that Tiofila had not satisfied the “savings clause” of 28 USC 2255(e) because Burrage was not retroactively applicable on collateral review.

Earlier this week, the 5th Circuit reversed, agreeing with Tiofila that she is entitled to relief. The case provides a clear roadmap as to what must be shown by a petitioner seeking to use a 2241 motion because he or she says a 2255 will not do.

inadequacy17-119Ordinarily, to attack a conviction collaterally, a federal prisoner can seek relief only by a 2255 motion. But under 2255(e)’s “savings clause,” she may file a habeas petition if Sec. 2255 is “inadequate or ineffective to test the legality” of the detention. Courts have held 2255 to be “inadequate or ineffective” if the 2241 petition raises a claim “that is based on a retroactively applicable Supreme Court decision”; (2) the claim was previously “foreclosed by circuit law at the time when [it] should have been raised in petitioner’s trial, appeal or first 2255 motion”; and (3) that retroactively applicable decision establishes that “the petitioner may have been convicted of a nonexistent offense.”

The Court held that Burrage was retroactive whether the Supreme Court had said so or not, because such new Supreme Court decisions “interpreting federal statutes that substantively define criminal offenses automatically apply retroactively,” applying retroactively because they “necessarily carry a significant risk that a defendant stands convicted of an act that the law does not make criminal…”

retro160110The district court had dismissed Tiofila’s petition, relying on Tyler v. Cain, which held that for a prisoner to file a second or successive habeas petition based on a new rule of constitutional law, the Supreme Court must have held the rule to be retroactive to cases on collateral review. But Tyler does not apply to the “savings clause” of 2255(e), the Circuit said, which requires only that a qualifying 2241 petition be based on a “retroactively applicable Supreme Court decision,” without specifying that the Supreme Court must have made the determination of retroactivity.

On its face, the Court said, “Burrage is a substantive decision that interprets the scope of a federal criminal statute… At issue in Burrage was the meaning of “death or serious bodily injury results.” The Burrage holding “narrows the scope of a criminal statute, because but-for causation is a stricter requirement than are some alternative interpretations of “results.”

Santillana v. Warden, Case No, 15-10606 (5th Cir. Jan. 16, 2017)

– Thomas L. Root
