Tag Archives: FIRST STEP Act

First Birthday for First Step – Update for January 10, 2020

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


The first anniversary of the First Step Act, which passed just before Christmas, generated a few observations in the media. USA Today ran an opinion piece that said “the sweeping measure has succeeded over the past year in reducing the number of people serving unjust sentences in our federal prison system. It has been estimated that the measure would impact more than 12,000 cases a year.”

Michael Deegan-McCree, who heads The Bail Project and had worked with #cut50, wrote that the real achievement of First Step was that it led to bipartisanship in an era that lacks it. “From my vantage point, and that of many others who fought for the federal act, the true success of this legislation a year out is the example it has set for bipartisan cooperation in criminal justice reform on the state level — where nearly all incarceration cases begin and the majority remain. The legislation has given Democrats and Republicans political cover and the ability to fight for a system that champions treatment over punishment and rehabilitation over retribution.”

New York University law professor Rachel Barkow, a former member of the United States Sentencing Commission, wrote last week that further reform will require a “president who is committed to making criminal justice reform a top priority and uses the bully pulpit to educate the public about all the reforms that are needed as a matter of both fairness and public safety.”

Even so, she said, much of the problem is currently beyond anyone’s reach. “Right now,” she wrote, “the federal bench is overwhelmingly dominated by people who spent part of their careers defending the government and serving as prosecutors. While that is a commendable career choice and we want some of our judges to have that experience, things go awry when you have a bench that disproportionately has that experience.”

USA Today, A year out, First Step is powerful example for states of bipartisan criminal justice reform (Dec. 31)

Brennen Center, Breaking the Cycle of Mass Incarceration (Jan. 3)

– Thomas L. Root

How Shall I Release Thee? Let Me Count the Ways – Update for January 7, 2020

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


All of the New Year’s Eve revelers had not yet left Times Square when the first rumor of the new year landed in my email inbox. An inmate reader wrote: “The Bureau of Prisons is saying that even though the law now says that good time is to be applied based on length of sentence, the ‘rules’ say that they are to evaluate an inmate at the end of the year for good conduct, therefore it can only apply to time served.”

corso170112Not so fast, my friend. As the Old Man of 2019 disappeared through the door – and ‘good riddance!’ many of us thought  – the BOP issued a proposed change to 28 CFR § 523.20 it intends to follow in applying the changes in the good time statute (18 USC § 3624(b)(1)) brought about by the First Step Act. The notice, of course, was published in the Federal Register, where everyone was sure to see it.

Time out for some remedial government class, for those who sat in the back texting their friends. Congress passes bills, which the President signs. Those bills change federal law. Federal law is conveniently restated in the United States Code, which organizes the laws so that they are easy to find.

textinclass200107.jpgLaws quite often sweep broadly and are light on detail. Federal agencies, which are charged by Congress with seeing that the laws are carried out, are entitled to use procedures under the Administrative Procedure Act to adopt rules that give definition to the laws. Imagine Congress passes a law that broadcast licenses should be granted and renewed when the public interest, convenience and necessity requires it. (Actually it did, in § 307 of the Communications Act of 1934.) What the dickens does that mean? Congress delegated authority to the Federal Communications Commission to define what it means by rules adopted pursuant to the APA‘s procedures. Those rules are conveniently set out in the Code of Federal Regulations.

So, contrary to our reader’s perception, the ‘rules’ the BOP seeks to adopt should not contradict 18 U.S.C. § 3624(b)(1), but instead provide the detail needed to implement it. Rules are not laws, and – when a statute and a rule are inconsistent – a law always trumps a rule.

classisover200107Enough high school government class for now… In its Dec. 31 Noticethe BOP proposes to calculate an inmate’s “out date” at the time the sentence commences by assuming all good time will be earned (as it has always done). The actual award of the time for each year of sentence will come on the anniversary date of when the sentence started, after the BOP determines, in the words of § 3624(b)(1), that the inmate has shown “exemplary compliance” with BOP rules and policies. Practically speaking, this means the inmate received no disciplinary reports that took away good conduct time as a sanction.

The “exemplary compliance” standard is nothing new. In fact, the only changes in § 3624(b)(1) resulting from the First Step Act are that (1) prisoners earn up to 54 days of good conduct time each year of their sentences, not for each year they are actually in prison. This results in an extra seven days each year; and (2) credit for the last year of a term of imprisonment shall be given on the first day of the last year of the term of imprisonment.

threebears200107In last week’s Notice, the BOP proposed three alternatives for administering good conduct time under the changed law. The first alterative would be, because the changed statute no longer referred to a “portion of a year,” for the BOP to give no credit for the final part of a year an inmate served. The Bureau rejects this as “an erroneous and unfair interpretation” of the new law. In other words, this porridge was too hot.

The second alternative, the Bureau said, would be to interpret the new law to mean inmates get 54 days for the final part of a year, no matter how short. If a sentence were 38 months, for example, an inmate would get 54 days a year for each of the 3 years, and another 54 days for the last two months. The BOP rejected this interpretation as being too fair, because it “would result in some inmates receiving benefits incongruous with those received by others.” This porridge was too cold.

goldilocks200107The third alternative is the BOP’s Goldilocks choice, one the Bureau believes is neither too unfair nor too fair. The BOP proposes that 54 days’ good conduct time vest on each anniversary of the sentence. For the last year, however, the prorated good time would not be awarded until the last day of the sentence, so an inmate could still lose a part year’s good conduct time up to the time he or she walks out the door.

The BOP thinks this porridge is just right. However, the public may file comments agreeing or disagreeing  until March 2.

A couple of interesting factoids appear in the Notice: In the introduction to the rulemaking proposal, the BOP mentioned that the PATTERN risk and needs assessment program has not yet being adopted in final form. As well, the Bureau referred to the glacial pace of recalculating existing inmates’ sentences to add the 7 additional days of good conduct time per year each inmate was awarded by First Step:

Under section 102(b)(2) of the FSA, the recalculation of GCT credit was not effective until the Attorney General completed and released the risk and needs assessment system on July 19, 2019. Although this proposed regulation is not yet in effect, the Bureau re-calculated release dates beginning on July 19, 2019 under the statutory authority of the FSA. Based on these recalculations, 3163 inmates were released from Bureau custody on July 19, 2019; the Bureau is in the process of completing recalculations for the remainder of the inmate population based on the FSA authority, prioritizing recalculations by proximity of projected release date, and releasing inmates as appropriate according to the recalculated GCT release dates.

PB286-200107Of course, many people (your writer included) are at a loss to understand why recalculation of sentences has been such a laborious task. Certainly, even the BOP’s Packard Bell 286s ought to be able to recalculate sentences by running an algorithm that any boot-camp coder should be able to write between video games. But the bureaucracy plods on…

Good Conduct Time Under the First Step Act, 84 Federal Register 72274 (Dec. 31, 2019)

– Thomas L. Root

First Step Act Turns a Year Old – Update for December 26, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


firststepB180814A year ago last Saturday, President Trump signed the First Step Act. A year later, I wish it was benefiting as many people in the system as hoped for by its proponents:

First Step was intended to be just that, a first step. Follow-on legislation, S.697 (dubbed The Next Step Act), will improve prospects for job placement when people are released, is tied up in House and Senate subcommittees. With the 2020 presidential election season starting in two weeks, there is virtually no likelihood (Skopos Labs, the company that handicaps Congressional bills, gives it a 4% chance) that it will pass next year.

First Step expanded the elderly offender home detention program enshrined in 34 USC § 60541(g)(5). This permits people over 60 years old who are nonviolent offenders to serve that last third of their sentences in home confinement. The rub is that the “two-thirds” referred to in the measure means two-thirds of the whole sentence. With good conduct time credits, a prisoner now serves only 85% of his or her sentence. It appears that no one thought carefully about it, because H.R.4018 was introduced this year to clarify things by permitting elderly offenders to go home at two-thirds of their net sentence (time to be served minus good time) instead of two-thirds of their total sentence. The measure passed the House by voice vote in October. Last week, the bill was put on the Senate Calendar of Business under general orders (the Calendar is a list of all measures, sequenced by order number, that are eligible for Senate floor consideration). Nevertheless, Skopos Labs gives the bill only an 8% chance of passage in 2020.

fairchancebanbox190906• Last week, Congress passed and the President signed the Fair Chance Act, which started life as HR 1076, but was later tucked into a massive defense spending. The bill bars the federal government and its contractors from asking about the criminal history of a job applicant prior to the extension of a conditional offer of employment.

• The Bureau of Prisons reports that so far, over 2,400 Fair Sentencing Act reductions have been granted (reducing prison time by 14,250 years), 380 elderly offender home confinement placements have been approved, 117 compassionate releases have been granted, and more than 1,700 new volunteers have been OK’d to work in institutions.

• Meanwhile, the BOP reported that Fiscal Year 2018 “cost of incarceration fee” per inmate was about $37,500 a year, which works out to about $102 a day. Multiplying this number by the FSA reduction of 14,250 years of prison time suggests that First Step’s crack retroactivity provision of has saved taxpayers around over $500 million.

• We have yet to see whether the PATTERN risk and needs analysis, proposed by the Dept. of Justice with great fanfare last July, and programming that earns prisoners additional time off sentences and in reentry programs will work as legislators hoped. Early reports have the Bureau of Prisons telling many more prisoners they are ineligible than anticipated by the bill, and warning that program credits may not be awarded for several years. Those reports – mostly from inmates and, while not confirmed, seem consistent across the system – are not encouraging.

money160118• Finally, The Sentencing Project reports that First Step’s authorization of $75 million per year – about $400 per prisoner – “falls far short of what is necessary to address the rehabilitative needs of people in prison. In July, the DOJ released data that dramatically highlighted the deficit in federal prison programming. Among the 223,000 people released from BOP custody from 2009 to 2015, 49% had not completed any programming while in custody and 57% of people in need of drug treatment had received no services.”

Reuters, Congress poised to pass bill lowering barriers to work for ex-offenders (Dec. 17)

Sentencing Project, One Year After the First Step Act: Mixed Outcomes (Dec. 17)

– Thomas L. Root

Another Circuit Finds For Fair Sentencing Act Defendant – Update for December 23, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


commonsense191223The 5th Circuit last week became the third appellate court to decide that whether a defendant’s pre-2010 crack sentence qualified for reduction under the retroactive Fair Sentencing Act depended on the amount of crack cocaine alleged in the indictment, not the amount found by the court at sentencing.

Andy Jackson was charged with distributing 50 grams or more or crack. But the presentence report (PSR) found him responsible for 402 grams of crack, meaning that he exceeded even the 280-gram threshold for a minimum 10-year sentence contained in the FSA. A defendant qualifies under § 404 of the First Step Act for a reduction only if he or she had a “covered offense.”

The government’s theory was that “what counts as a covered offense necessarily turns on facts specific to the defendant’s offense, not limited to what was charged in the indictment.” In other words, if the jury convicts on a count requiring a showing of 50 or more grams, but the PSR later finds – based on whatever slipshod hearsay-heavy and evidence-light standard the court may have employed at sentencing – that 500 grams were involved, then the defendant doesn’t have a “covered offense,” since the drug quantity as stated in the PSR exceeds even the new 280-gram threshold.

crackpowder191216The 5th Circuit soundly rejected that theory:

That approach doesn’t comport with the ordinary meaning of the statute, however. As stated above, a “covered offense” is “a violation of a Federal criminal statute, the statutory penalties for which were modified by section 2 or 3 of the FSA… that was committed before August 3, 2010…” Whether a defendant has a “covered offense” under § 404(a) [of the First Step Act] depends only on the statute under which he was convicted. If he was convicted of violating a statute whose penalties were modified by the Fair Sentencing Act, then he meets that aspect of a “covered offense.”

The 4th and 8th Circuits have already reached the same conclusion. No circuit has yet gone the other way.

United States v. Jackson, 2019 U.S. App. LEXIS 37126 (5th Cir., Dec. 16, 2019)

– Thomas L. Root

8th Circuit Says Indictment, Not PSR, Controls Crack Resentencing Eligibility – Update for December 16, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


The tide is slowly turning in favor of defendants for crack cocaine resentencings arising from Fair Sentencing Act (FSA) retroactivity, authorized a year ago (minus five days) in Section 404 of the First Step Act. A few weeks ago, the 4th Circuit held that eligibility for a sentence reduction depended on the amount of crack specified in the indictment, not what the court found at sentencing. Last week, the 8th Circuit reached a similar conclusion where the defendant had been charged with 50 grams of crack, but sentenced for 150 kilos of powder.

Back before the turn of the millennium, Maurice McDonald was charged with distributing more than 50 grams of crack, and convicted of distributing about 57 grams of cocaine base. When Maurice committed the offense in 1999, the statutory penalty for 57 grams of crack was 10 years to life in prison. He was sentenced to life in prison, but that was cut to 30 years in a prior Guidelines 2-level reduction. After First Step made the FSA retroactive, the statutory range for Maurice’s conviction fell to 5 to 40 years.


But the district court denied Maurice’s sentence reduction motion, because his 360 month-to-life Guidelines sentencing rang was based on the presentence report’s having found him responsible for distributing more than 150 kilos of powder cocaine. Because his sentence was driven by the 330 lbs. of powder described in the PSR, the district judge reasoned, Maurice was not eligible for a reduction under the retroactive FSA.

The 8th Circuit disagreed. Instead, it held, Maurice’s offense of conviction  is a “covered offense” under First Step Act Sec. 404 because (1) it is a violation of a federal statute specifying crack cocain; (2) the statutory penalties for that statute were modified by the FSA; and (3) the offense was committed before August 3, 2010. Consequently, Maurice was eligible for a sentence reduction on his count of conviction.

crackpowder160606The 8th wrote, “It is true, as the district court noted, that McDonald’s base offense level under the Sentencing Guidelines was based on more than 150 kilograms of powder cocaine, not cocaine base. But this Guidelines calculation does not change the fact that he was convicted… for distributing cocaine base in violation of 21 USC 841(b)(1)(A)(iii). The First Step Act applies to offenses, not conduct… and it is McDonald’s statute of conviction that determines his eligibility for relief.”

The Circuit explained that a district court considering a motion for reduced crack sentence under the First Step Act “proceeds in two steps. First, the court must decide whether the defendant is eligible for relief under Sec. 404. Second, if the defendant is eligible, the court must decide, in its discretion, whether to grant a reduction. That the court might properly deny relief at the discretionary second step does not remedy any error in determining ineligibility at the first step.”

lawnotjustice190213In a recent Southern District of Texas case, a district court denied a defendant a First Step Sec. 404 sentence reduction because of the weight of the crack found in the PSR, rather than what was alleged in the indictment. The defendant moved for reconsideration, explaining in detail that the weight of authority nationwide is trending in the direction of holding that it is the indictment, not the PSR, that governs eligibility for a sentence reduction.

Remarkably, the district court conceded the point, holding that “in the interest of justice and a spirit of ‘judicial comity’, the Court follows the majority of courts that have addressed this issue, determining that the eligibility under Sec. 404(a) turns on the offense not the defendant’s conduct. Therefore, the defendant’s motion for reconsideration is granted, finding that he is eligible for a reduced sentence under the Fair Sentencing Act.”

United States v. McDonald, 2019 U.S. App. LEXIS 36661 (8th Cir. Dec. 11, 2019)

United States v. Steptoe, Case No. 4:02-CR-688 (SD Tex., Nov. 6, 2019)

– Thomas L. Root

4th Circuit Drops Two Huge Pro-Defendant First Step/Fair Sentencing Act Opinions – Update for November 25, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.

The ever-surprising Fourth Circuit last week handed down two blockbuster opinions on application of the retroactive Fair Sentencing Act of 2010. For those of you new to this blog, the Fair Sentencing Act changed the 100-to-1 ratio of crack to powder cocaine, dropping it to a more (but not completely rational) 18-to-1 ratio. That dramatically affected the sentences of people in federal prison for crack (94% of whom are black), but the change only applied to people who had not yet been sentenced. Those already in prison would continue to languish under the oppressive (and now discredited) sentences.

The First Step Act, passed eight years later, finally extended retroactivity to the Fair Sentencing Act. Finally, people sentenced before August 2010 – the effective date of the Fair Sentencing Act – could get a break. But the devil has been in the details. Last week, the 4th Circuit delivered a reason some federal prisoners might be extra thankful this Thanksgiving season.


One of the perks of writing this newsletter (besides long hours over the weekend and no pay) is that I get to be wrong so often.

After the First Step Act made the Fair Sentencing Act (FSA) retroactive, a lot of people serving supervised release (SR) violations after finishing crack sentences wondered whether they could get their crack sentences reduced even though they had already been served. It seemed to me that the law said “Hell, no”.

Last week, the 4th Circuit said, “Hell, yes.”

Bobby Venable, who was serving an SR violation sentence, filed an FSA sentence reduction motion applicable to his prior crack sentence. Bobby claimed he would no longer face a statutory minimum 10-year term of imprisonment, and he wanted to be resentenced to 63 months. Bobby claimed this sentence would allow the Bureau of Prisons to credit him for overserved time, to be applied to his current term of imprisonment for revocation of supervised release.

The district court summarily denied his motion, holding that because Bobby “has finished his term of incarceration and is currently in custody following revocation of his supervised release[,] no reduction is authorized.”

unitary191125No court of appeals has yet considered whether a defendant on SR can get an FSA reduction for a sentence already served, but the 4th Circuit decided that “the plain language of the relevant statutes and the unitary theory of sentencing” permitted Bobby a reduction. The Circuit said that because Bobby’s original offense was for crack cocaine, “so long as he is serving any part of his sentence for that offense, he is eligible for a reduction. His offense (possession of 12.1 grams of cocaine base) was originally classified as a Class B felony, but under the Fair Sentencing Act’s provisions, it is now classified as a Class C felony. This reclassification corresponds with a lower range of statutory penalties.”

Relying on yet another Johnson case, this one Johnson v United States, a 2000 Supreme Court decision, the 4th “adopted a unitary sentence framework… stating that treating custodial and supervised release terms as components of one unified sentence appropriately recognizes the interdependent relationship between incarceration and supervised release.” The Circuit said Bobby’s “revocation sentence is a component of his underlying original sentence for the drug conviction.” Thus, Bobby “is still serving his sentence for a “covered offense” for purposes of the First Step Act. Thus, the district court had the authority to consider his motion for a sentence reduction, just as if he were still serving the original custodial sentence.”

United States v. Venable, 2019 U.S. App. LEXIS (4th Cir. Nov. 20, 2019)


FSA resentencings have bogged down recently over the issue of what amount of crack should count for resentencing purposes.


The issue is a simple one: a defendant was charged with distribution of “50 or more grams of cocaine base,” which carries a 10-year sentence. But at sentencing, the presentence report prepared by the U.S. Probation Office goes wild (usually based on the prosecutor’s say-so), and finds the defendant was involved with 1.2 kilos of crack.

When the defendant, twenty years later, goes for resentencing, the district court denies the motion because the 1.2 kilos would still carry a 10-year mandatory minimum under the post-FSA law.

We’ve been waiting for the issue of which one counts – the indictment accusation or the sentencing finding – and last week, we got our first circuit ruling… and it’s a good one.

Ten years ago, Dan Wirsing was charged with possession with intent to distribute more than 5 grams of crack. He struck a plea deal with the government in which he admitted that the crack amount was 60 grams, and he got 188 months.

When Dan filed for a reduced sentence under the newly-retroactive FSA, his district court denied him for being ineligible, because the amount he admitted to – 60 grams – had the same statutory sentence now that 5 grams had before the FSA. Because there was no change in the punishment, the district court said, Dan had nothing coming under the FSA.

Last week, the 4th Circuit reversed. The First Step Act provides that a sentencing court “may… impose a reduced sentence as if sections 2 and 3 of the FSA were in effect at the time the covered offense was committed.” A “covered offense” is “a violation of a Federal criminal statute, the statutory penalties for which were modified by section 2 or 3 of the FSA that was committed before August 3, 2010.”

onething191125It does not matter, the 4th says, what Dan pled to or what the presentence report found or what the district court held at sentencing was the amount of crack involved in the offense. All that matter is that “the covered offense” was changed by the FSA, the 4th Circuit said, and the “covered offense” is what the indictment alleged, nothing more.

Other circuits will weigh in on this, no doubt, but the 4th’s unanimous and well-reasoned 22-page decision is bound to get a lot of deference when other courts decide the issue.

United States v. Wirsing, 2019 U.S. App. LEXIS (4th Cir. Nov. 20, 2019)

– Thomas L. Root

District Court Cuts Life Sentence for Crack – Update for November 21, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


It has been a difficult ten months for some people seeking reduced sentences under the Fair Sentencing Act. DOJ says that 1,987 people have gotten sentence cuts, but as I noted last week, the government has dug in its heels on many more movants, arguing in many FSA cases that crack prisoners should be dinged with every gram of drug and Guideline enhancement imagined by the presentence report.

That’s why a recent district court FSA decision from the Northern District of New York to reduce a defendant’s life sentence to time served is so heartening.

life161207In 1997, Tommy Walker was convicted of a continuing criminal enterprise and drug conspiracy, and sentenced to life based on a mandatory minimum sentence imposed because the CCE involved more than 300 times the “5 grams or more” quantity of cocaine base penalized in 21 USC 841(b)(1)(B). However, as the court out it, “if the Fair Sentencing Act had been in effect at the time, the quantity of cocaine base penalized in 21 USC 841(b)(1)(B) would have been 28 grams or more,” meaning that to get a life sentence, Tommy would have had to be involved with 8.4 kilograms, far more than the 1.5 kg found in the presentence report.

That did not matter, the government said, because the Sentencing Guidelines enhancements that would have been applied under current law if the mandatory minimum life sentence did not apply put Tommy in the 360-life guidelines sentencing range, so the life sentence should stand.

The court rejected the government analysis, noting that one of the enhancements – maintaining a premises for drug distribution – did not exist when Tommy was sentenced, and anyway, the fact about maintaining a premises “was not an element of the charged crimes and did not affect Defendant’s original sentence, and therefore, he would have had little reason to contest it.”

It helped that Tommy had served more than the minimum sentence under his 292-360 month range, was 62 years old, and had “completed his GED, taken extensive educational courses, and excelled at jobs including electrician, law library clerk, and hospital companion, earning strong endorsements from various prison officials. He has also served as a mentor to other prisoners, who have submitted testimonials on his behalf. In short, Defendant has used his time in custody to better himself and help others.”

rehab160812The district court held that in Tommy’s case, “a reduced sentence is consistent with the purposes of the First Step Act and Congress’s intent to remedy the disproportionate impact of the statutory penalties applied to crack cocaine offenses prior to 2010, and to eliminate the disparity between Defendant and those sentenced thereafter.” The district court sentenced him to 340 months, which was time served, a sentence that reflected “the severity of the crimes committed by Defendant, while recognizing his efforts at rehabilitation.”

Don’t underestimate the power of a good disciplinary record and programming.

Memorandum Opinion and Order, United States v. Walker, Case No. 95-CR-101(NDNY, Oct. 25, 2019)

– Thomas L. Root

Smarter Sentencing Act Back In The Senate Hopper – Update for November 19, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah)
Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah)

The Smarter Sentencing Act, a bill intended to further reduce drug mandatory minimum sentences, was reintroduced in the Senate last week by Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Illinois) and Mike Lee (R-Utah), both members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. As of the date of this report, we have no bill number to associate with the legislation.

Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Illinois)
Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Illinois)

A lot of what had been contained in prior versions of the SSA, a bill which has been introduced in every Congress since 2013, was included in the First Step Act. What the current version contains is unclear, because the text of the proposed bill has not yet been released. However, Durbin’s office said “the central remaining sentencing reform in the Lee-Durbin legislation would reduce mandatory minimum penalties for certain nonviolent drug offenses.”

In the last iteration of the bill, S.1933 (115th Congress, 2017-18), the bill proposed an expanded “safety valve” under 18 USC § 3553(f) to allow a court to impose a sentence below the statutory mandatory minimum for an otherwise eligible drug offender who has three or fewer criminal history points. This change was incorporated into the First Step Act. Also, last year’s SSA reduced mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses specified in 21 USC § 841(b)(1)(A) and (b)(1)(B):

•  from 10 years to 5 years for a first-time high-level offense (e.g., one kilogram or more of heroin),

•  from 20 years to 10 years for a high-level offense after one prior felony drug offense,

•  from life to 25 years for a high-level offense after two or more prior felony drug offenses,

•  from 5 years to 2 years for a first-time low-level offense (e.g., 100 to 999 grams of heroin), and

•  from 10 years to 5 years for a low-level offense after one prior felony drug offense.

The First Step Act incorporated the life-to-25 year and the 20-to-15 year reductions, but not the remainders.

Additionally, last year’s SSA made existing mandatory minimums inapplicable to a defendant who functions a courier; and establishes new, shorter mandatory minimum prison terms for a courier.

The current version of the Smarter Sentencing Act “gives federal judges the authority to conduct individualized reviews to determine the appropriate sentences for certain nonviolent drug offenses,” Durbin said in a press release.

BILL-DOA191120Lee said, “The SSA will give judges the flexibility and discretion they need to impose stiff sentences on the most serious drug lords and cartel bosses, while enabling nonviolent offenders to return more quickly to their families and communities.”

The bill is cosponsored by ten Democratic senators, including three presidential contenders, making the likelihood it will pass in the Senate virtually zero.

The Justice Roundtable, Durbin, Lee Reintroduce Smarter Sentencing Act (Nov. 16)

– Thomas L. Root

DOJ Works to Undermine Fair Sentencing Act in Name of ‘Fairness’ – Update for November 12, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


strict191112The Department of Justice is interpreting the First Step Act in a way that keeps more inmates serving crack sentences behind bars longer, even as President Trump touts his administration’s role in passage of First Step, the law that made crack-cocaine sentence relief available to pre-Fair Sentencing Act defendants.

The Washington Post report last week confirmed what most people already know (and what Reuters reported several months ago), that DOJ is arguing that a defendant’s sentence length, when resentenced under the Fair Sentencing Actshould be based on the amount of crack cocaine that his or her Presentence Report found the defendant actually possessed or trafficked, rather than the amount stated in the indictment and which the jury found or the defendant pled. The Post reported that federal prosecutors have made the argument in hundreds of cases.

The distinction is crucial. The amount of crack specified in the indictment must be proven by the government to a jury. The presentence report, on the other hand, is a loosey-goosey collection of the prosecution’s version of the offense and all of the collected but unsubstantiated law enforcement gossip about the defendant that makes him or her look even worse than reality does. The standard of proof is low, the procedures amorphous, and the judge all too willing to not decide evidentiary disputes because they simply do not matter to the court in the sentencing process.

looseygoosey191112As a result, while a defendant may have been found guilty of the offense in the indictment, for instance, distribution of more than 50 grams of crack, the presentence report may cite “reliable sources” who say the defendant possessed maybe a gram a week for two years. The presentence report does some simple addition, and a total of 730 grams results.

The Post said DOJ was even seeking to reincarcerate some people already released under the retroactive FSA. One targeted former inmate was Gregory Allen, who appeared at a White House event in April to celebrate passage of the law. President Trump even called Greg to the microphone.

Before the White House event, prosecutors had lost their bid to keep Allen behind bars. Even as the President asked Greg to speak, the government was appealing its loss. DOJ dropped its appeal about two weeks after Greg’s appearance.

A DOJ spokesman defended the department’s First Step interpretation in an interview with the Post. He said DOJ’s position was justified because prosecutors in years past didn’t need to prove large amounts of drugs to obtain long prison sentences. Under today’s sentencing regime, prosecutors would likely charge the offenders with having larger drug quantities, DOJ hypothesizes. “The government’s position is that the text of the statute requires courts to look at the quantity of crack that was part of the actual crime,” the spokesman argued. “This is a fairness issue.”

Judges have rejected the DOJ interpretation in a majority of cases reviewed by the Post. But at least five federal judges have agreed with the DOJ interpretation, and others have withheld judgment until appeals courts decide the issue.

In the weeks after the bill became law, many AUSAs allowed inmate petitions for early release to go unchallenged. Then, at the direction of the DOJ, prosecutors began to reverse course, court records show. In March, AUSA Jennifer Bockhorst of ND WVa asked federal judges to place a hold on more than two dozen applications for relief, some of which she had not previously opposed. She wrote that she expected to oppose at least some of those applications based on new guidance from the Justice Department.

Some of the people who helped write the legislation also disagree, including Brett Tolman, a former US attorney in Utah. He notes that the First Step text does not explicitly instruct courts to consider the actual amount of crack an offender allegedly had. “This is not a faithful implementation of this part of the First Step Act,” Tolman told the Post. “At some point, they figured out a way to come back and argue that it wouldn’t apply to as many people.”

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-New York), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, accused DOJ at a congressional hearing last month of “trying to sabotage” the law by interpreting it in this way.

Attorney General Barr has reportedly worried that early releases of inmates under the law will increase crime. Anonymous officials told the Post that Barr is concerned the administration will be blamed if crime increases.

A great example of the kind of blame the AG hoped to duck is illustrated by the person of Rhode Island defendant Joel Francisco, released earlier under First Step this year after 14 years into a life sentence for selling crack. We previously reported he was on the run after being charged with a murder. He has since been arrested, and last week, CNN made his crime a national story.

Also last week, a routine resentencing in Connecticut made national headlines, when Joel Soto’s 17-year sentence was cut to time served, under the lurid headine, “‘Joe Crack’ asks for reduced sentence in drug case.”

“More than 4,700 inmates have been released from prison under the law since its signing late last year,” CNN reported, “and federal officials believe Francisco is the first among them to be accused of murder. While an outlier, his case is raising questions and resurfacing concerns from detractors of the legislation.”

cotton190502This case is upsetting but it’s not a surprise,” said Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), one of First Step’s biggest critics on Capitol Hill. “Letting violent felons out of prison early as the First Step Act did leads to more crime and more victims.”

Other lawmakers who supported the bill called the incident a tragedy, but hoped that it wouldn’t stand in the way of more progress. “If you’re looking at reforming the criminal justice system you cannot pick an individual criminal act to then raise the question as to whether or not you do reforms to the system,” said Rep. Karen Bass (D-California), a member of the House Judiciary Committee and the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus.

None of this should surprise anyone. Despite the First Step Act rhetoric, The New York Times reported last week that despite bipartisan calls to treat drug addiction as a public health issue rather than as a crime — and despite the legalization of marijuana in more states — arrests for drugs increased again last year. Such arrests have increased 15% since Trump took office.

Washington Post, Crack cocaine quantities at issue as DOJ opposes some early releases under First Step Act (Nov. 7)

ABA Journal, Crack cocaine quantities at issue as DOJ opposes some early releases under First Step Act (Nov. 8)

CNN, He was one of the first prisoners released under Trump’s criminal justice reform law. Now he’s accused of murder (Nov. 9)

Newport News, Virginia, Daily Press, ‘Joe Crack’ asks for reduced sentence in drug case (Nov. 2)

The New York Times, Is the ‘War on Drugs’ Over? Arrest Statistics Say No (Nov. 5)

– Thomas L. Root

First Step Touted While Good-Time Adjustments Languish – Update for October 29, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


angrytrump191003President Donald Trump touted the First Step Act in a speech last Friday at the 2019 Second Step Presidential Justice Forum in South Carolina, talking about how the Act helped African Americans by releasing thousands of non-violent offenders to gain early release from federal prison.

“In America, you’re innocent until proven guilty and we don’t have investigations in search of that crime,” he said while accepting an award at historically black Benedict College for his role in passage of First Step.  “Justice, fairness and due process are core tenets of our democracy. These are timeless principles I will faithfully uphold as president.”

Much of what was said at the conference was overshadowed by Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris (D-California), who refused to attend the conference because Trump was included on the list of speakers. Harris, whose record as a take-no-prisoners prosecutor has caused some to be skeptical of her 11th-hour conversion to the cause of criminal justice, flip-flopped on the boycott threat and agreed to show after all, after winning a window-dressing removal of one of the sponsors for its sin of giving an award to Trump.

During the hour-long address, Trump called on several people who had been released from prison under the First Step Act to the stage to offer testimonials.

Many of Trump’s Democratic presidential rivals spoke over the weekend, and took turns slamming Trump. Sen. Cory Booker, D-New Jersey, argued, “The fact of the matter is Donald Trump was given an award for the 10 seconds it took him to sign a bill into law that contradicts every one of his instincts and history of promoting racist criminal justice policies.”

I’m no Trump fan, but Sen. Booker needs to be fact-checked on this assertion.

All was not bliss for implementation of First Step last week. Filter magazine, launched in September 2018 to advocate for rational and compassionate approaches to drug use, drug policy and human rights, blasted the Bureau of Prisons for its “incompetent” application of the star-crossed additional 7 days-a-year good time.

Citing long-time prisoners who would be camp-eligible if they were granted the additional good time to which they are entitled, Filter said that due to “a potential failure, attributable to administrative inadequacy, to apply a much-anticipated reform to… federal prisoners until over a year after it was supposed to be implemented in July 2019.


Filter reported that as of September 16th, the Designation and Sentence Computation Center “had made First Step Act updates only for incarcerated people with previously projected release dates that fell before October 2020.” The magazine quoted a response to an August 22 administrative remedy request for recalculation filed by an anonymous inmate, in which the BOP gave no clear date for when the inmate could expect an updated GCT calculation, only explaining their prioritization of projected release dates and stating that “there may be some variance in the speed with each DSCC team completes the recalculations for the inmates assigned to them.” The BOP said “this process may take up to a year.”

A BOP official told Filter that implementing the change in good time is “complex” due to the “various federal statutes and BOP policy” with which recalculations must be “carried out in accordance.”

The BOP’s information technology systems are “dinosaurs,” Kara Gotsch, the director of strategic initiatives for The Sentencing Project, told Filter, citing explanations she’s heard from BOP staffers. Gotsch said that even this description “is generous,” adding that “it’s like they don’t have the right kind of computer” to perform the recalculations in time.

The BOP denied this claim, calling Gotsch’s explanation “speculation based on hearsay,” and added that “the computers and technology utilized by our staff are not outdated and incompetent. They use commercially-available and fully-supported technology.

Speculation it may be, but the BOP has known since last Christmas it would have to recalculate inmate good time. It’s failure to get the process in place, which would require  the use of a simple formula that any high school math geek could write with a Texas Instruments nine-buck calculator, is equally explainable as institutional arrogance or institutional incompetence.

The Columbia, South Carolina, State, Trump’s Columbia visit wraps with praise of HBCUs and reform, peaceful demonstrations (Oct. 26)

Filter, The Consequences of an Incompetent First Step Act Rollout (Oct. 15)

– Thomas L. Root