Tag Archives: Durbin

COVID Emergency Too Good To End? – Update for September 30, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


President Biden, a man who always carefully weighs his words, told CBS last week that “the pandemic is over. We still have a problem with Covid. We’re still doing a lot of work on it. It’s — but the pandemic is over.”

deadcovid210914Last week, Sen Roger Marshall (R-KS), who is an obstetrician/ gynecologist, introduced a resolution that would end the national emergency first declared by President Donald J. Trump in March 2020. President Biden extended the national emergency in February 2021 and again in February 2022. The resolution has virtually no chance of passing both houses of Congress.

And at yesterday’s Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing, Bureau of Prisons Director Colette S. Peters was braced by Sen Tom Cotton (R-AR), a bomb-thrower entranced by the sound of his own voice, who took time out from his off-topic argument with Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ) about who hated fentanyl more to demand that Peters admit that the pandemic was over. Director Peters wisely demurred.

So is the pandemic over? And does that really matter?

cotton171226Under the National Emergencies Act, a national emergency continues until (1) the president does not issue an annual continuation notice, (2) the president terminates it, or (3) a joint resolution of Congress terminates it. Because Biden most recently issued an annual continuation notice as of March 1, 2022, the national emergency will end on February 28, 2023 (absent additional action to extend it further or terminate it early).

All of this matters because CARES Act authority granted to the Bureau of Prisons to place prisoners on home confinement ends 30 days after the pandemic national emergency expires.

(Note: There are two emergencies out there.  One is the national emergency declared under the National Emergencies Act.  The other is the Covid-19 public health emergency, declared in January 2020 by the Health and Human Services Secretary and last extended in July 2022 for another 90 days. With all due respect to the coronavirus, the one we care about is the National Emergencies Act emergency. The Covid-19 public health emergency has no effect on Sec 12003 of the CARES Act).

The inmate rumor du jour for months has been that CARES Act placement has ended, will end imminently, or will end in February 2023. None of this is right, unless Biden declares the national emergency to be at an end. As of March 2020, 60 national emergencies had been declared since the National Emergencies Act was enacted in 1976. Over half of those have been renewed annually. The longest continuing national emergency dates back to Iran hostage crisis, 43 years ago.

But will the national emergency end in February 2023? The Wall Street Journal  last week suggested it would not:

moneyhum170419The reason is almost certainly money. [The CARES Act] enables the government to hand out billions of dollars in welfare benefits to millions of people as long as the emergency is in effect. This includes more generous food stamps and a restriction on state work requirements. It also limits states from removing from their Medicaid rolls individuals who are otherwise no longer financially eligible… Only weeks ago the Administration used a separate national emergency declaration related to the pandemic to legally justify canceling some $500 billion in student debt… Mr. Biden seems to want it both ways. He wants to reassure Americans tired of restrictions on their way of life that the pandemic is over and they can get on with their lives. But he wants to retain the official emergency so he can continue to expand the welfare state and force states to comply.

A final note.  Sen Richard Durbin, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, opened yesterday’s BOP oversight hearing by complaining, among other things, that the BOP had underused CARES Act and compassionate release authority.  Notwithstanding Sen. Cotton’s wacky views that the CARES Act has murderers and rapists again roaming our streets, there does not seem to be a lot of sentiment that CARES Act home confinement should end too soon.

CNN, Biden: ‘The pandemic is over’ (September 18, 2022)

Medical Economics, Senator moves to end COVID-19 pandemic national emergency (September 23, 2022)

Morgan Lewis, Preparing for the End of Covid-19 Emergency Periods: To-Dos for Plan Sponsors and Administrator (July 20, 2022)

Wall Street Journal, Is the Pandemic ‘Over,’ or Not? (September 19, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

BOP Director to Be Grilled By Senate Judiciary Committee Today – Update for September 29, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


peters220929When Colette Peters was sworn in last month as BOP director, her honeymoon with Sen Richard Durbin (D-IL), chairman of the Judiciary Committee, lasted all of three days.

Durbin’s dislike of prior Director Michael Carvajal was well known, and publicly, the Senator was elated at Peters’ appointment. But when Durbin learned the BOP had given Carvajal a 30-day consulting contract to assist the new director with the transition, he was much less enthused.

At the time, Durbin threatened to hold another oversight hearing on the BOP. He is about to make good on that threat.

The Judiciary Committee will conduct a BOP oversight hearing today. Peters is the primary witness, but other witnesses include Shane Fausey, President of the Council of Prison Locals national union; John Wetzel, a prison consultant and former head of the Pennsylvania Dept. of Corrections; and Cecilia Cardenas of Davenport, Iowa.

It is not clear who Ms. Cardenas is, but a person of that name and from that area was released by the BOP last January.


Fausey is probably on the witness list because of his outspoken criticism of BOP staffing levels. Fausey told a reporter last week that much of the BOP staffing decline is due to declining morale as general environmental conditions are declining. He said BOP staff is “exhausted” as mandatory overtime has “skyrocketed” at high-security institutions across the country.

Last week, BOP employees at FCI Raybrook in upstate New York posted a sign along a highway there saying the federal prison is “dangerously understaffed” and asks the community if it feels safe.

I expect that a major topic of discussion will be the Federal Prison Oversight Act, introduced yesterday by Sens Jon Ossoff (D-GA), Mike Braun (R-IN), and  Durbin. The Federal Prison Oversight Act, according to a Durbin press release, will require the Dept of Justice’s Inspector General to

conduct comprehensive, risk-based inspections of the [BOP’s] 122 facilities to identify problems that affect incarcerated people and staff and to provide recommendations to address them.  It will require the IG to assign each facility a risk score, with higher-risk facilities required to be inspected more often.  Under the bill, the IG must also report its findings and recommendations to Congress and the public, and the BOP must respond to all inspection reports within 60 days with a corrective action plan.

The bill will also establish an Ombudsman within DOJ to investigate issues that adversely affect the health, safety, welfare, or rights of incarcerated people or staff, and who would report dangerous findings directly to the Attorney General and Congress.  The Ombudsman would also be tasked with creating a secure hotline and online form to be made available for family members, friends, and representatives of incarcerated people to submit complaints and inquiries regarding issues within BOP. 

forcedsex161202No doubt Peters will be asked pointed questions about sexual assault of female prisoners. Last week, she issued a statement saying she was “firm in my commitment to work with the BOP team, Department of Justice (DOJ) leadership, the Office of Inspector General (OIG), Congress, and others as I begin to assess and address issues and concerns pertaining to the BOP and the Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) Dublin.”

The former warden and four other FCI Dublin employees face criminal charges for sexually assaulting female inmates.

Peters may as well be asked about the sexual assault scandal at FMC Carswell, the only medical center for women in the BOP system. The Ft Worth Star-Telegram last week reported that a former federal Bureau of Prisons staff member who pleaded guilty to raping two women at a prison in Fort Worth was sentenced to 18 months in prison — half the time one of his victims is serving for drug possession.

Luis Curiel pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual abuse of a ward while he was a lieutenant at Carswell. He was sentenced to concurrent 18 months for each charge. According to court documents, Curiel admitted to meeting three women at separate times near a staff elevator and forcing them into sexual acts.

If the Committee runs short of topics for Director Peters, it may inquire about an Oklahoma City TV report last week that a widow is still seeking answers about her husband’s death at FTC Oklahoma City.

missingcorpse220929Nearly two weeks after Jonathan Patterson Days died suddenly at the FTC, his wife told reporters says she still doesn’t know what happened to him and the facility hasn’t returned his body.

Abbie Alvarado-Patterson said she asked the chaplain, “when do I get his body back? He said, ‘you want his body back?’” She said the BOP chaplain couldn’t give her any additional information about what happened, including a timeline for returning the body

Associated Press, Senate to hold hearing on crisis-plagued federal prisons (August 5, 2022)

Senate Judiciary Committee, Hearing Notice (September 29, 2022)

Associated Press, Senators push new oversight to combat federal prison crises (September 28, 2022)

Press Release, Durbin, Ossoff, Braun Introduce Bipartisan Bill To Overhaul Federal Prison Oversight (September 28, 2022)

News Nation, Experts warn prison staff shortage put lives at risk (September 23, 2022)

KTVU-TV, Prison director vows to ‘change the culture’ at FCI Dublin (September 23, 2022)

Ft Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth prison officer gets lighter sentence for assault than victim’s drug sentence (September 20, 2022)

KFOR-TV, ‘This man was loved’: Wife demands answers after husband dies in federal custody (September 21, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Peters Off to a Rocky Start at BOP – Update for August 11, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


stepinit220811Reason reported last week, “We last saw outgoing BOP Director Michael Carvajal running down a stairwell on July 26. He was trying to get away from some Associated Press reporters who revealed systemic dysfunction and corruption within the federal prison system—an apt ending for his tenure.”

But it seems that rather than being gone but not forgotten, Mr. Carvajal may be forgotten but not gone.

The AP reported last week that the BOP “is keeping its former director on the payroll as an adviser to his successor, rewarding him with an influential new role after concerns about his leadership — including from staff, inmates, Congress and the Biden administration — hastened his exit from the top job.”

Carvajal will stay on through the end of the month as a senior adviser to new director Peters, BOP spokeswoman Kristie Breshears told AP. “Critics say that retaining Carvajal, even for a few weeks, could slow that progress,” Corrections1 said. “Some people involved in the federal prison system say Carvajal lacks credibility and that the decision to let him stay on sends mixed signals about the direction of the agency at a pivotal time.”

Unbelievable220811“That is unbelievable. Why would we keep an individual that has left this agency in ruins, and who refuses to take ownership of failures of his administration, from staffing to COVID?” said Jose Rojas, a leader in the federal correctional officers’ union. “What a sad state of affairs.”

The announcement did not please Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL). The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said last Friday he plans to hold yet another oversight hearing on the BOP after The Associated Press reported that the agency is keeping Carvajal on the payroll as an adviser to Peters.

Durbin, who demanded Carvajal be fired last November amid myriad failings, told the AP in a statement he was dismayed by continuing misconduct within the agency and by its unwillingness to completely cut ties with the former director.

Reason, Biden’s New Bureau of Prisons Director Won’t be Able To Run Away From the Agency’s Corruption (August 1, 2022)

Corrections1, US keeping ex-prison chief as top adviser after rocky tenure (August 5, 2022)

Associated Press, Senate to hold hearing on crisis-plagued federal prisons (August 5, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Musings on a Slow Month – Update for July 26, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


summertime220725In the only good news to come from Washington so far this sleepy July, Senate Democrats have introduced a bill to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level this week, although the legislation faces long odds in the evenly divided chamber.

Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) worked with Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) on the measure. The senators circulated a draft of the bill last year and made tweaks after feedback from Senate committees.

The Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (S.4591) would remove marijuana from the list of drugs covered by the Controlled Substances Act. States, however, can still maintain and create prohibitions on producing and distributing marijuana.

marijuana160818The CAOA is the Senate’s answer to the MORE Act (H.R. 3617), passed in the House last spring on a 220-204 vote. Like the MORE Act, the CAOA will require all federal non-violent marijuana-related convictions and arrests be expunged within a year. Some lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have criticized Schumer for trying to push through a broad cannabis reform bill at the expense of a marijuana banking bill that has greater bipartisan support.

The bad is that the EQUAL Act (S.79), which passed the House (361-66) last September, remains stalled in the Senate. The Act, which would equalize sentences for crack and powder cocaine (and offer retroactivity to anyone serving a crack offense now) has well over 60 votes in the Senate. The Senate Majority Leader – the guy who schedules votes on bills – is a cosponsor. So what’s the holdup?

In a long article on a crack cocaine defendant who finally got compassionate release, the Mississippi Free Press last week reported, “FAMM President Ring told the Mississippi Free Press more about what he sees as the senators’ political calculations. ‘The problem is that lawmakers are scared that if this bill comes up, Republicans will be allowed to offer amendments to it because that’s usually how the process works,’ he said.

Ring said that votes on amendments unrelated to the bill can be “weaponized by political opponents… As a result, the political calculation has been made to shelve the bill in the Senate.”

crackpowder160606In addition, Dream Corps JUSTICE Policy Director Kandia Milton, in June 23, 2022, letter, indicated that the group is concerned about a competing Senate bill sponsored by Sen Charles Grassley (R-IA) — the SMART Cocaine Sentencing Act, S.4116 – that “maintains a disparity between these two forms of the same drug (2.5-1), lower the mandatory minimum threshold to 400 grams from 500 grams and, worst of all, mandates that the U.S. Attorney must approve all petitions for retroactivity.” Milton wrote. “Our sense of urgency is driven by the reality that if we do not pass [EQUAL] by the August recess, we won’t get another clean shot until after the midterm elections, an unpredictable two-month window at the end of the year,” he added. “We are very close to eliminating the disparity between crack cocaine and powder cocaine, and we recognize there is more work to be done.”

The weird: Two weeks ago, the Senate Judiciary Committee whiffed for a second time on approving the nomination of the seven candidates for the Sentencing Commission. At the beginning of last Thursday’s work session, Durbin said, “We have decided on a bipartisan basis to hold over for a second time the Sentencing Commission nominees while members are in… we’re going to try to find a path for all seven nominees to move together, which I think would be a positive thing and maybe even historic around here.”

The terse statement suggested some substantial pushback on one or more nominations. Laura Mate, who signed a 2014 letter to Congress supporting more reasonable mandatory minimums for sex offenders, and former federal judge John Gleeson, whose criticism of the Guidelines while on the bench was legendary, were both pilloried by several Republicans during their June nomination hearing.

Nevertheless, last week the Committee finally got the job done. It advanced the slate of seven nominees to the floor of the full Senate for its approval, bringing the Commission one step closer to being able to amend the Sentencing Guidelines.

noquorum191016The USSC has been unable to implement the First Step Act or, for that matter, do anything else after losing its quorum just as the bill was enacted in December 2018.

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted to send to the full Senate four Democrat and three Republican candidates nominated by President Joe Biden to revitalize the Commission.

Committee chairman Durbin told the Committee that while he had reservations about some nominees, it was important to move them forward as a group to “enable the commission to get back to doing its work.” He said, “[T]he Sentencing Commission has not had a quorum for three years. With no quorum, the Commission—created in 1984 and tasked by Congress to promote transparency and consistency in sentencing—has been unable to update the sentencing guidelines to provide guidance to judges. Today, we make an important step to rectify the situation… [and] enable the Commission to get back to its work.”

Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (S.4591)

Seeking Alpha, Senate Democrats-backed marijuana legalization bill coming next week (July 14, 2022)

Bloomberg, Pot Gets Senate’s Attention in Long-Shot Decriminalization Bill (July 14, 2022)

Politico, Schumer’s legal weed bill is finally here (July 21, 2022)

KYFR, North Dakota lawmakers, advocates push for equal sentencing in federal cocaine and crack crimes (July 12, 2022)

Senate Judiciary Hearing (July 14, 2022)

Mississippi Free Press, ‘Model Inmate’: Father Finally Has Crack Sentence Reduced as U.S. Senate Shelves Reform Bill (July 22, 2022)

Independentcloud.com, Cannabis Bill Senate: US Democrats Demand Senate Pass Its Own Marijuana Banking Bill (July 21, 2022)

Reuters, US Senate committee advances nominees to restock sentencing panel (July 21, 2022)

Sen Richard Durbin, Judiciary Committee Advances Ten Nominees, Including Two Judicial Nominees, Seven Sentencing Commission Nominees, And An Assistant Attorney General (July 21, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

The King is Dead, Long Live the Queen – Update for July 18, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Colette S. Peters, the longtime director of the Oregon Department of Corrections, has been tapped to lead what The New York Times last week called “the chronically mismanaged and understaffed federal Bureau of Prisons.”

Dumpster220718The appointment comes after a 5-month search to replace current BOP Director Michael Carvajal. Carvajal announced his retirement in January under pressure from Senate Democrats – especially Judiciary Committee Chairman Richard Durbin (D-IL) – who questioned his management.

The Times said Peters “was considered the favored candidate for a job seen as one of the Justice Department’s most demanding and thankless assignments.” Kevin Ring, president of FAMM, was blunter:  “Colette Peters is walking into a dumpster fire. From sexual violence and medical neglect to understaffing and years-long lockdowns, the BOP’s leadership has allowed a humanitarian crisis to develop on its watch. Families with incarcerated loved ones have been begging for change.”

The Associated Press reported that “Peters, who championed steeply reducing [Oregon’s] inmate population in the last decade, will inherit a federal agency plagued by myriad scandals. Her hiring comes about seven months after Director Michael Carvajal submitted his resignation amid mounting pressure from Congress after investigations by The Associated Press exposed widespread corruption and misconduct in the agency.”

Those issues include health and safety problems, physical and sexual abuse, corruption and turnover in the top management ranks. Staffing issues, exacerbated by the pandemic, have resulted in a huge shortage of prison guards and health personnel, according to an AP investigation last year, which uncovered a wide array of other shortcomings.

bureaucracy180122When she takes office on Aug 2, Peters will become only the second director in BOP history with no prior experience in the federal prison system. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, who led the search to replace Carvajal, said DOJ had been looking for someone focused on reforming an agency that has had cultural issues for decades.

Durbin had been especially critical of Carvajal, who started his BOP career as a correctional officer 30 years ago, accusing him of failing to properly implement the First Step Act. Last winter, he called repeatedly for Carvajal’s firing, describing the BOP as rife with abuse and corruption.

The accuracy of that criticism was underscored this week by a Forbes report that 42 months after First Step became law, the BOP is only now beginning staff training on how to apply earned-time credits for inmates, with training set to start next month. Forbes said, “While the training on FSA is a great idea, it also serves as verification that the BOP is way behind on implementing the most important aspect of the law, which is to allow prisoners to earn time off of their sentences. After training, it will take months to coordinate local training at the institution level. Until then, expect the chaos to continue and questions to go unanswered.”

Shane Fausey, national president of the Council of Prison Locals, which represents BOP employees, welcomed the selection of Peters. “We believe that the lessons [Peters] learned while leading the Oregon Department of Corrections can be used to effectively improve the BOP,” he told Government Executive.Additionally, it is extremely important that officer and employee safety are prioritized in all decisions.”

Rep Fred Keller (R-PA), chair of the House BOP Reform Caucus, said, “I look forward to maintaining an active and productive relationship with Director Peters in her new capacity on BOP priorities such as improving the agency’s operations, increasing correctional officer staffing levels, and ensuring the safety of staff and inmates.”

Peters has faced criticism during her stint as ODOC chief. She was accused in a lawsuit of placing underqualified friends in high-ranking positions within the ODOC and creating openings for them by firing other employees or creating a hostile environment causing other employees to quit.

Bobbin Singh, the executive director of the Oregon Justice Resource Center, last week expressed concern about Peters’s appointment given his experience with her. “This appointment is an insult to all those incarcerated in Oregon who are fighting for their civil rights and dignity,” Singh told the online publication Law Dork last Tuesday.

Less than a month ago, his organization sent a report to Oregon lawmakers detailing ongoing problems at ODOC. In the letter to lawmakers accompanying the report, Singh wrote, “Despite a cascade of evidence revealing serious issues within the department, ODOC continues to put forward a misleading narrative that either ignores the issues entirely, profoundly sanitizes the facts, or wrongly shifts blame and responsibility away from itself.”

goodbad220718Law Dork reported, “Another person familiar with Peters’s work helped explain how Singh could have such criticisms and DOJ could nonetheless want Peters for the job: ‘She both runs a bad system and is one of the handful of best DOC heads in the country. She has made some concrete improvements to the system. But the system is still really bad. It says so much about American prisons that ODOC can both be very bad — and be one of the better ones in the country.’”

NY Times, Justice Department Taps Oregon Official to Run Troubled Bureau of Prisons (July 11, 2022)

Associated Press, Justice Dept taps reforming outsider to run federal prisons (July 12, 2022)

Forbes, 42 Months After The First Step Act Was Signed Into Law, The Bureau Of Prisons Starts Training Staff (July 15, 2022)

Govt Executive, A New Federal Prisons Director Has Been Named, and Union Officials and Lawmakers Are Optimistic She Will Bring Positive Reforms (July 12, 2022)

Law Dork, New Prisons Head Comes From Oregon, With Baggage (Jul y 13, 2022)

FAMM, FAMM releases statement on new Bureau of Prisons Director (Jul 12)

– Thomas L. Root

Batting Cleanup for LISA… – Update for June 17, 2022

wahoo220617We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.

Today, we’re cleaning up the week with some odds and ends left over from the week before…

Judiciary Committee Grills Sentencing Committee Nominees: President Biden’s seven nominees to the U.S. Sentencing Commission promised at a Senate hearing last week to prioritize implementing the First Step Act by amending the Guidelines, something the Commission had been unable to do since losing its quorum just as the 2018 law passed.

U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves (S.D. Miss), nominated to be chairman of the USSC, told the Judiciary Committee that the Commission would also address what he called “troubling” divisions that emerged among courts on sentencing issues during the years it lacked a quorum.

Four Democrat and three Republican picks have been nominated to join the seven-member commission.

Senior U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer (N.D. Cal.), the lone remaining member of USSC, has complained that the Commission’s inability to update its compassionate release policy (USSC § 1B1.13) in light of First Step has resulted in inconsistent decisions across the nation on compassionate release amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Today, we take an important step to remedy that problem,” said Judiciary Committee chairman Sen Richard Durbin (D-IL).

Sen Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) jumped on one Democratic nominee, former U.S. District Judge John Gleeson. Gleeson, one of the most thoughtful and creative sentencing judges during his time on the E.D.N.Y. bench, has been a critic of mandatory minimum drug sentences.

“How can you possibly say that more lenient sentencing and reduced penalties for convicted criminals is the answer to our crime problems?” Blackburn complained. Gleeson, now a partner at a Wall Street law firm, responded that as a judge he tried only to show the impact mandatory sentences have on “the individualized sentencing that our system contemplates.”

pissfire220617Meanwhile, former federal defender Laura Mate, a director of the Federal Defenders’ Sentencing Resource Counsel Project, refused demands by Sen Josh Hawley (R-MO) to renounce a detailed 61-page letter to the Sentencing Commission she had co-signed in 2013. The letter had criticized mandatory minimums, especially for some child pornography offenses, with a detailed, well-reasoned argument.

Mate was pilloried by at least one YouTuber for politely dodging Hawley’s question, but given what I know of the good Senator from the Show-Me State, I would resist agreeing with him that the sun rises in the east, because he would end our exchange accusing me of causing dawn to arrive too early.

Republican USSC nominees include Claire McCusker Murray, a Justice Department official during the Trump era; Candice Wong, a federal prosecutor in Washington, D.C., and U.S. District Judge Claria Horn Boom of Kentucky.

The hearing suggests that the Senate will act soon on restoring a functional Sentencing Commission. However, as Ohio State University law professor Doug Berman observed in his Sentencing Law and Policy blog, “it is still unclear exactly when there will be a committee vote and then a full Senate vote on these nominees. I am hopeful these votes might take place this summer, but I should know better than to make any predictions about the pace of work by Congress.”

Senate Judiciary Committee, Hearing (June 8, 2022)

Reuters, Biden’s sentencing panel noms vow to implement criminal justice reform law (June 8, 2022)

Sentencing Law and Policy, Senate conducts hearing for nominees for US Sentencing Commission (June 8, 2022)

Federal Defenders, Letter to Sentencing Commission (July 15, 2013)

rockingchair220617Last Week Makes Mike Long for Retirement:  BOP Director Carvajal is probably giddy at the prospect that his replacement is finally waiting in the wings. 

Besides the USP Thomson investigation being announced last week, the BOP suffered some embarrassing press last week:

•  A Miami TV station reported on a CO’s claim that drones were being used to smuggle contraband into FDC Miami;

•  A Colorado paper reported that the BOP was paying $300,000 in damages to an ADX Florence inmate with Type 1 diabetes who alleged in a lawsuit that he had been denied adequate amounts of insulin;

•  A San Francisco area TV station reported that a former FCI Dublin inmate – who early on told BOP authorities about what has turned into a major sex abuse scandal featuring the arrest of a former warden and four other staffers – says she was punished in retaliation for calling out the staff abuse. “I will never tell another inmate that they should go to report anything to anyone higher up,” the former prisoner told KTVU. “Because all that’s going to happen is it’s going to make their life worse.”; and

•  A former correctional officer at the Federal Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky, was sentenced to more than 11 years after pleading guilty to sexual abuse of inmates.

Finally, in February, Carvajal told a Congressional committee that the “common criticism” that the BOP is understaffed was a “narrative [that] is routinely misrepresented without reference to the factual data.” Two weeks ago, he told BOP staff in an agency-wide memo that “staffing levels are currently trending downward nationwide.”

Last week, Government Executive reported that the declines have happened in the last four months and that the employees who have quit cite “lack of training and lack of connection to the institution as reasons for their leaving the bureau within the first few years of service.”

Mike must be thinking that the old rocking chair is looking pretty good right now.

WQAD-TV, Justice Department Inspector General launches investigation into USP Thomson (June 9, 2022)

WTVJ, Inmates Attempted to Smuggle Contraband Using Drones, Correctional Officer Says (June 8, 2022)

Colorado Sun, Bureau of Prisons to pay $300,000 to settle lawsuit after diabetic prisoner was allegedly deprived of insulin at Supermax facility (June 7, 2022)

KTVU, Woman who reported Dublin prison sexual abuse claims she was target of retaliation (June 10, 2022)

Government Executive, Federal Prisons Are Losing Staff. The Bureau’s Director Would Like to Fix That By October (June 6, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Dept of Justice Takes Hard Look at USP Thomson – Update for June 15, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Last Thursday, the Dept. of Justice Inspector General launched an investigation into USP Thomson, based on a demand letter from Sens Richard Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, and Rep Cheri Bustos, all of whom are Illinois Democrats.

The demand letter had noted news accounts about Thomson that alleged Bureau of Prisons staff stoked tensions between cellmates to cause inmate-on-inmate attacks, encouraged assaults against sex offenders and informants, employed abusive shackling of inmates, and the highest use of pepper spray in the agency.

The letter said, “If these reports prove accurate, they describe conduct that would almost certainly contravene numerous BOP policies, as well as infringing the civil rights of individuals in BOP custody and possibly violating federal criminal statutes.”

thomson220615Thomson’s AFGE Local 4070 President Jon Zumkehr said in a released statement, “We fully support the investigation into the allegations into USP Thomson and we have also invited Sen. Durbin and Sen. Duckworth to visit USP Thomson.” Two years ago, the union complained that a staff shortage at Thomson was resulting in unsafe working conditions as the BOP used augmentation – assigning non-custody workers like nurses, psychologists and cooks to fill in as correctional officers – to address the problem.

In a speech on the Senate floor last Thursday, Durbin promised a Judiciary Committee hearing in the next few weeks on BOP oversight, including the continued overuse of solitary confinement and restricted housing. “We need answers from the Biden Administration on the failure to reduce the use of restricted housing,” Durbin said, “and we will discuss what BOP must do to address the staffing crisis that has contributed to this disastrous situation.”

Durbin also renewed his call for the immediate replacement of BOP Director Michael Carvajal, who announced his retirement months ago but is staying on until a replacement is named. Former Ohio Dept of Rehabilitation and Corrections chief Gary Mohr was rumored several weeks ago to be in line for the top BOP spot, but he denied it at the time. Nothing more has been said since then.

WQAD-TV, Justice Department Inspector General launches investigation into USP Thomson (June 9, 2022)

Press Release, Durbin Slams BOP Mismanagement, Allegations Of Abuse At USP Thomson (June 9, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Feds Descend on USP Thomson – Update for June 10, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


A week ago, three members of Congress called for an immediate federal investigation into violence and abuse at  USP Thomson, prompted by a Marshall Project/NPR report from two days before.

thomson220610Yesterday, the Dept. of Justice Inspector General launched an investigation into Thomson, based on the news report’s details of inmate deaths and alleged Bureau of Prisons staff abuses.

Sens. Richard Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, and Rep Cheri Bustos (all D-IL), wrote in last week’s letter to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz that it was “imperative” he look into allegations that

• Staff purposely stoked tensions between cellmates and intentionally paired men whom they knew would attack each other;

• Staff encouraged assaults against sex offenders and informants and falsely told inmates that a particular person was a sex offender, resulting in repeated physical and sexual assaults;

• Abusive shackling leaving scars known as “the Thomson tattoo,” including use of a room known as “the dungeon,” where men would lie shackled to a bed for hours without food or water;

• abusive behavior towards incarcerated persons after the SMU was transferred to USP Thomson;

• The highest rate of pepper-spray usage in the BOP; and

• Staff laughing and joking at a Jewish inmate as he lay dying in a hospital following an assault after staff placed him in a recreation cage with white supremacists.

prisonfight220211The letter said, “If these reports prove accurate, they describe conduct that would almost certainly contravene numerous BOP policies, as well as infringing the civil rights of individuals in BOP custody and possibly violating federal criminal statutes.”

Yesterday, AFGE Local 4070 President Jon Zumkehr said in a released statement, “We fully support the investigation into the allegations into USP Thomson and we have also invited Sen. Durbin and Sen. Duckworth to visit USP Thomson.” No doubt Thomson staff also enthusiastically anticipates root canal procedures performed without anesthetic.

Back in May 2020, the union complained that a staff shortage at Thomson was resulting in unsafe working conditions as the BOP used augmentation – assigning non-custody workers like nurses, psychologists and cooks to fill in as correctional officers – to address the employee shortage. WQAD-TV reported that over 2,000 overtime shifts were being authorized every month just to keep up with daily prison functions.

In a speech on the Senate floor yesterday, Durbin – who is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee – promised a Committee hearing in the next few weeks on BOP oversight, including the continued overuse of solitary confinement and restricted housing in federal prison facilities such as USP Thomson. Currently, he said, about 7.8% of BOP inmates are housed in a form of restricted housing.

'Enjoy retirement,' Durbin tells Carvajal, 'preferably sooner rather than later.'
Enjoy retirement,’ Durbin tells Carvajal, ‘preferably sooner rather than later.’

“We need answers from the Biden Administration on the failure to reduce the use of restricted housing,” Durbin said, “and we will discuss what BOP must do to address the staffing crisis that has contributed to this disastrous situation.”

Durbin also renewed his call for the immediate replacement of BOP Director Michael Carvajal, who announced his retirement months ago but is staying on until a replacement is named.

WQAD-TV, Justice Department Inspector General launches investigation into USP Thomson (June 9, 2022)

Press release, Durbin Slams BOP Mismanagement, Allegations Of Abuse At USP Thomson (June 9, 2022)

Sen. Durbin, Letter to DOJ Inspector General (June 1, 2022)

NPR, Lawmakers call for probe into deadly federal prison (June 2, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

EQUAL Act But Unequal Reform? – Update for April 21, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Congress was recessed all last week and for part of this one, so no legislative progress was made on the EQUAL Act (S.79), the MORE Act (H.R. 3617), or – for that matter – anything else. But nothing can stop politicians from talking, even during vacations.

crack-coke200804The good news is that all of the talk about EQUAL – which makes crack sentences equal to cocaine powder sentences – suggests it has the support for passage. The only question is when Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) will bring it up for a vote. While the Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the crack-cocaine disparity bill last year, it has yet to schedule a markup.

The bad news is everything else. Politico ran an analysis last week reporting that Sens Richard Durbin (D-IL) and Charles Grassley (R-IA), the top Democrat and Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, are still talking about a merger of bills such as the First Step Implementation Act (S.1014), the Smarter Sentencing Act (S.1013), and the COVID-19 Safer Detention Act (S. 312) into a single narrow follow-up bill amending the First Step Act, Durbin and Grassley are calling a Second Step Act. 

“But both senior senators acknowledge it’s not a glide path forward,” Politico said, “particularly given the GOP messaging on rising crime ahead of the 2022 midterms — a focus that was on full display during Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Supreme Court hearings last month.”

Jackson was blasted last month by a few Republican senators for being too soft on sentencing child sex abuse and drug offenders. “One of the most important consequences of these confirmation hearings is there are district judges across the country who may have ambitions for elevations,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who led the charge against Judge Jackson, told CNN. Any judges looking for future promotions “are going to think twice about letting violent criminals go or giving them a slap on the wrist, rather than following the law and imposing serious sentences for those who have committed serious crimes.”

snake220421[Editor’s note: While it is correct that Cruz has been described by one conservative columnist as being “like a serpent covered in Vaseline” who “treats the American people like two-bit suckers in 10-gallon hats,”  some maintain that there are good snakes in Texas (but Sen. Cruz is not on their list).]

Far from the only effect, the Jackson hearings have also “dampened the interest in doing what we call the Second Step Act, but we’re still seeing what can be worked out,” Grassley said in a brief interview. He added that if Democrats agree to certain provisions related to law enforcement, “that might make it possible to get something done.”

Meanwhile, Durbin said he’s concerned about a Second Step Act’s prospects for passage, ‘particularly given Republican accusations during Jackson’s confirmation hearings that the justice-in-waiting was soft on crime. The Judiciary chair ranked criminal justice as high on his list of priorities, though he said legislation addressing crime and law enforcement “may be just as challenging as immigration” — a famously tough area of bipartisan compromise on Capitol Hill.

Durbin and Grassley both think a Second Step Act is needed to implement sentencing changes in the First Step law by making them retroactive, midterms are coming up in a little more than 6 months and “campaign-season politics surrounding criminal justice reform threaten broader GOP support. While some lonely voices are calling for passage of such a bill, with Democrats in control of the White House and both houses of Congress, expect a cacophony of Republicans claims that Democrats are to blame for rising crime rates. That should make sentencing changes that much harder, Politico said.

Senate aides on both sides of the aisle warn that EQUAL could still face a challenging path to final passage, including a potentially arduous debate over amendments. Republicans who oppose the bill would almost certainly want to force vulnerable Senate Democrats to take tough amendment votes amid reports of rising violent crime in major cities and the approaching November election. Even Grassley, who is not a co-sponsor but is unapologetically pro-reform, has outlined concerns about whether EQUAL could garner enough Republican support in the Senate to pass.

cotton190502So the climate for criminal justice reform is getting ugly. Once, only Sen Tom Cotton (R-Ark) (who calls First Step Trump’s biggest mistake) demanded longer sentences. Last week, mainstream Newsweek magazine ran an opinion piece claiming that “America, in the year 2022, does not suffer from an over-incarceration problem. On the contrary, we suffer from an under-incarceration problem.” The column called on Congress to end “the jailbreak of slashed sentences and the broader civilizational suicide of the ‘criminal justice reform’.”

Politico, Criminal justice reform faces political buzzsaw as GOP hones its midterm message (April 14, 2022)

Politico, What’s next for criminal justice reform? (April 14, 2022)

CNN, Ambitious trial judges could be wary after GOP attacks on Judge Jackson’s sentencing record (April 11, 2022)

Wichita Eagle, Former U.S. attorney tells how criminal justice could be more just (April 12, 2022)

EQUAL Act (S.79)

First Step Implementation Act (S.1014)

Smarter Sentencing Act (S.1013)

COVID-19 Safer Detention Act (S. 312)

MORE Act(H.R.3617)

– Thomas L. Root