Tag Archives: BOP

Where Underperformance is ‘Success’ – Update for February 16, 2023

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


success230216The White House touted its policies and accomplishments — including marijuana pardons, drug sentencing reform, harm reduction and enhanced enforcement for fentanyl — ahead of last week’s State of the Union speech, but then proceeded to say nothing in the speech itself about drug policy reform.

The White House promised in a factsheet that the president would “highlight progress” on criminal justice issues during the speech and included a section that directly discussed tackling the “failed approach to marijuana and crack cocaine.” But nothing was said during SOTU about it.

And little wonder. The Biden Administration’s record is one of ‘overpromise, underperform.’ Case in point? For all of the White House hand-wringing about the adverse effect on minorities of the statutory sentencing penalty for crack cocaine being much greater than powder cocaine, the EQUAL Act collapsed due to Senate wrangling at the end of the last Congress.

ineffectiveleaders230216Marijuana reform? Is that what one calls grant pardons to people who aren’t in prison and have convictions for simple pot possession? Or is that one calls the MORE Act, which breezed past the House last session but died in the Senate because Biden couldn’t corral members of his own party who wanted to tinker with it?

President Biden – an old hand at Senate procedure himself – could not get two bills passed the Senate when both had overwhelming support.

successline230216Is this what success looks like?

The Fact Sheet says “the Safer America Plan calls on Congress to end once and for all the racially discriminatory sentencing disparity between crack cocaine and powder cocaine offenses — as President Biden first advocated in 2007 — and make that change fully retroactive. This step would provide immediate sentencing relief to the 10,000 individuals, more than 90 percent of whom are Black, currently serving time in federal prison pursuant to the crack/powder disparity. As an initial step, the Attorney General has issued guidance to federal prosecutors on steps they should take to promote the equivalent treatment of crack and powder cocaine offenses, but Congress still needs to act….”

And Biden needs to lead, not just posture.

leaders230216Biden’s pardon proclamation, which affected several thousand people who’ve committed federal cannabis possession offenses but not a single one in prison, “lifts barriers to housing, employment, and educational opportunities,” the Fact Sheet boasted.

A White House official said Thursday that Biden promises that “every jail and prison across the nation can provide treatment for substance use disorder.” By this summer, he said, the BOP will ensure that each of its 122 facilities are equipped and trained to provide in-house medication-assisted treatment.”

White House, FACT SHEET: The Biden-⁠Harris Administration’s Work to Make Our Communities Safer and Advance Effective, Accountable Policing (February 6, 2023)

Marijuana Moment, White House Touts Biden’s Marijuana Pardons In Preview of State of The Union Speech (February 7, 2023)

WHIO-TV, Biden wants to make opioid antidote as widely available as ventilators, drug official says (February 9, 2023)

– Thomas L. Root

BOP’s Got Nowhere to Go But Up – Update for January 3, 2023

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


peters220929Director Colette Peters has been at the Bureau of Prisons now for five months. As she begins her first complete calendar year at the agency, she’s not lacking for material when she compiles a list of new year resolutions.

Starting my ninth year of writing about the BOP – and being an average joe who is happier suggesting resolutions to other people than I am adopting resolutions of my own – I have some suggestions for Director in the unlikely event her list is too short.

(1) Change the Culture: The BOP has nowhere to go but up. Last year, the Partnership for Public Service‘s 2021 rankings of the best places to work in the federal government ranked the BOP in 431st place. This was out of 432 agencies. The BOP ranked dead last in 8 of 15 categories, including “effective leadership,” “innovation” and “teamwork.”

BOPad230103(2) Hire people: Walter Pavlo observed last week that “hiring new staff in this environment is difficult.” National Council of Prison Locals president Shane Fousey called it, “a staffing crisis of epic proportions.” Staffing issues lead to inconsistent and nonexistent programming, poor healthcare, loss of opportunities for sentence credit and community confinement, and institutional safety issues.

Of course, you cannot hire the people you need to work at an agency that is feeding at the bottom of the federal employment hierarchy.  No leadership, no teamwork, no innovation… no employees.

Just last week, Pavlo wrote that an FCI Miami inmate died choking on his own blood while in a COVID quarantine. His cellmate (apparently, quarantine was in the SHU), pounded and screamed for help for 90 minutes before a CO – who was responsible for multiple housing units, came along for count. Kareen Troitino, the local CO union president, said of the incident, “As a cost savings initiative, the Agency is jeopardizing lives by forcing one officer to supervise two units. This loss of life would have never happened if we had one officer in each building as we had in the past.”

(3) Clean Up Internal Investigations: Last month, the Senate Permanent Committee on Investigations found that BOP employees had abused female prisoners in at least 19 of the 29 federal facilities over the past decade. In June 2021, the Dept of Justice revealed that as of 2018, inmates reported 27,826 allegations of sexual victimization, or a 15% increase from 2015. Of the 27,826 allegations, over half were staff-on-inmate sexual abuse. The BOP has over 8,000 internal affairs misconduct allegations that haven’t been investigated.

SIS230103The misconduct ranges from BOP leaks and lies that placed Whitey Bulger in general population at USP Hazelton (where he survived for under 12 hours) to ”corruption at the US Penitentiary Atlanta in Georgia to the Dept of Justice’s failure to count almost 1,000 deaths in custody across the country, to abusive and unnecessary gynecological procedures performed on women in Dept of Homeland Security custody,” according to Sen. Jon Ossoff (D-GA).

(4) Use the Tools Congress Gave You: Stephen Sady, Chief Deputy Federal Public Defender for the District of Oregon, recently wrote in the Federal Sentencing Reporter that the Sentencing Commission should fulfill its statutory obligation to make recommendations regarding correctional resources and programs. He told Walter Pavlo that “the BOP has failed to adequately implement critical legislation to improve the conditions of people in prison” and since the BOP hasn’t acted, the Sentencing Commission should.

The BOP could address staff shortages and morale problems by getting more people to home confinement, halfway house and early release with the need for USSC oversight, Pavlo also suggests the BOP could expand eligibility and availability of RDAP sentence reductions, “eliminate computation rules that create longer sentences… Implement broader statutory and guideline standards to file compassionate release motions any time extraordinary and compelling reasons exist… [and f]ully implement the First Step Act’s earned time credit program.’ Pavlo notes that “[n]o new legislation would be required for any of these reforms.”

nothingtosay230123(5) Practice Openness: There’s an old admonition about not picking a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel. It’s not so much ink these days, but a blemish on Peters’s honeymoon as director is the BOP’s continued awkward of the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram’s questions about allegations of systemic abuse at the women’s FMC Carswell.

Although the Star-Telegram rated its reports of Carswell mismanagement and misconduct as one of its most important stories in 2022, the newspaper complained again this week that BOP “administrators have declined interview requests, given blanket statements in answer to questions and failed to provide detailed plans about how the Bureau of Prisons intends to address the problems.”

Associated Press, Biden signs bill forcing the federal Bureau of Prisons to fix outdated cameras (December 27, 2022)

Partnership for Public Service, 2021 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government rankings

Forbes, A Federal Public Defender Challenges U.S. Sentencing Commission To Help Fix The Bureau Of Prisons (December 28, 2022)

Forbes, Federal Inmate Dies Choking On His Own Blood While Locked In Cell At FCI Miami (December 29, 2022)

Amsterdam News, Senate committee finds widespread employee on inmate sex abuse in federal prisons (December 26, 2022)

Business Insider, Inside the federal West Virginia prison where gangster Whitey Bulger was beaten to death (December 31, 2022)

Ft Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth’s biggest stories of 2022: What will you remember most about this year? (December 31, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

BOP Relents on FSA Credit Takeaway With “Grace” – Update for November 21, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Responding to mounting criticism about the Bureau of Prisons’ messy implementation of the First Step Act’s earned-time credits (ETCs), the BOP last week finally rolled out a program statement articulating its ETC policies.

firststepB180814For those just tuning in, the First Step Act – passed in December 2018 – established a program in which federal inmates could earn credits for successfully completing programs that were designed to reduce recidivism or participating in “productive activities” that are linked to resulting in less recidivism. Those credits (called “FSA credits” [First Step Act credits]) or “FTCs” [“Federal Time Credits) or “ETCs”) could be used by prisoners to reduce their sentences by up to 12 months or earn more time in halfway houses or home confinement. Although disrupted by the COVID pandemic and chronic staffing shortages, the BOP has been implementing the ETC program in fits and starts.

The latest snafu came in the implementation of a computer system to automatically calculate each prisoner’s ETCs (“Auto-Calc”). The system – planned for August 1 but actually launched the last week of September – automatically rescinded a lot of ETCs already granted, mostly because inmates had not completed online “needs assessment” surveys a year or more before, “surveys” that neither they nor the staff knew were mandatory in order to earn ETCs.

oddcouple210219Earlier last week, Senators Richard Durbin (D-IL), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), ranking Republican on the Committee, jointly wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland criticizing the BOP for (1) Auto-Calc’s having rescinded previously-awarded ETCs for some prisoners; (2) setting an arbitrary rule that the BOP would stop applying ETCs to the up-to-12 months’ sentence reduction when inmates are 18 months from the door; (3) not granting ETCs to people in halfway house and home confinement; and (4) failing to clean up the PATTERN risk assessment tool to address “unjustified disparities that have arisen.”

The BOP responded to Durbin and Grassley with alacrity (a sentence I never thought I’d write). As noted, when Auto-Calc came online, many prisoners who had seen their release dates move up due to award of ETCs months before suddenly lost some or all of their time because they had not completed online needs assessment surveys in 2020 and 2021. Of course, the BOP never told inmates that completion was mandatory if inmates wanted to earn credits. The BOP itself admitted that nearly half of staff interviewed for a March report indicated no familiarity with, or declined comment on, the needs assessment process and FSA incentives policies,” according to Forbes magazine.

In a press release issued Friday, the BOP said, “With the automation, some inmates noticed their time credit balance decreased due to incomplete needs assessments and/or declined programs. This policy includes a grace period, available until December 31, 2022, for inmates who have not completed all needs assessments or who have declined programs to try to address these issues. Beginning January 1, 2023, any incomplete needs assessments or any declined to participate codes will lead to the inmate not earning FTCs in accordance with the federal regulations.”

grace221121So people in federal custody now have until New Year’s Eve to figure out what needs assessments they “failed” to complete and to get them done.

The “grace period” policy is not written into the new Program Statement, suggesting that it is an 11th-hour change. Its absence from the Program Statement is a little worrisome: no one relishes going to court to enforce the terms of a press release.

Although the Program Statement doesn’t say anything about “grace” as such, it does contains a lot:

•   Every eligible prisoner with a low or minimum PATTERN score will receive a conditional projected release date based on the maximum number of ETCs he or she can earn during the sentence.

•   Prisoners remain eligible for ETCs even those locked up in the Special Housing Unit, unless they are in disciplinary segregation.

•    Productive activities have been defined in greater detail. Besides the “structured, curriculum-based group programs and classes” already defined in the First Act Approved Programs Guide, the new Program Statement provides examples such as “recreation, hobby crafts, or religious services,” visitation, ACE classes, institution work programs, community service projects, and even participation in an FRP plan.

The Program Statement provides little clue as to who determines which unstructured activities will count as “productive activities.” It only says, “Additional groups, programs, classes, or unstructured activities may be recommended to assist the inmate in establishing positive institutional adjustment and involvement in pro-social activities. The inmate’s risk level, needs assessment results, and program recommendations will be documented on the inmate’s Insight Individualized Need Plan, and the inmate will receive a copy.”

That suggests the BOP line employees will determine what unstructured programs will count, but it does not explicitly say that. The omission provides an excellent opening for confusion and unwarranted denial of ETC credit as managers at 122 separate BOP facilities define what is a productive activity in 122 different ways.

•  The Program Statement says “inmates with unresolved pending charges and/or detainers may earn FTCs, if otherwise eligible, but “they will be unable to apply them” to sentence reduction or halfway house/home confinement “unless the charges and/or detainers are resolved. An inmate with an unresolved immigration status will be treated as if he/she has unresolved pending charges with regard to the application of FTCs.”

So good news here: The BOP has consistently been defining inmates with detainers as being ineligible to even earn ETCs. Now, detainers will no longer prevent people from earning ETCs. But for some reason, the BOP continues to refuse to use ETCs for sentence reduction when people have detainers.

• The Program Statement makes it clear that inmates with medium/high PATTERN scores may earn ETCs, but that they cannot use them unless they work their way down to low or minimum risk assessment status.

What the Program Statement does not mention is how people in halfway houses or on home confinement can earn ETCs, despite the fact the First Step Act and the BOP’s own final rules contemplate it. In fact, reference to “community service projects” and “religious services” as unstructured activities seems to be perfectly suited for people on prerelease custody.

In the Merrick Garland letter, Senators Durbin and Grassley complained that the BOP has no mechanism to allow people on prerelease custody to earn ETCs.

makingitup221121Also unmentioned in the Program Statement is the BOP’s “18-month rule” that inmates with 18 months or less remaining on their sentences may not apply ETCs towards reducing their sentences. Senators Durbin and Grassley complained in their letter that the 18-month rule “is not supported by the FSA, nor does it further the FSA’s goal of incentivizing recidivism reduction programming for returning persons. Moreover, under this guidance, any federal prisoner with a sentence of 18 months or less would be unable to earn an earlier release date. BOP should therefore not implement an arbitrary cutoff on earning ETCs toward release.”

U.S. District Judge Lorna G. Schofield granted habeas corpus last week to a prisoner who complained that the BOP had arbitrarily refused to apply any of his ETCs earned after January 2022 to a shortened sentence. The BOP explained that it was not applying any ETCs to a reduced sentence once the inmate was within 18 months of release.

Judge Schofield ordered the BOP to apply the prisoner’s ETCs to a shortened sentence up to the 365-day limit. She ruled,

Letter to Attorney General (November 16, 2022)

Forbes, U.S. Senators Express Concern With Bureau Of Prisons’ Implementation of First Step Act (November 17, 2022)

BOP, P.S. 5410.10, First Step Act of 2018 – Time Credits: Procedures for Implementation of 18 U.S.C. § 3632(d)(4) (November 17, 2022)

BOP, First Act Approved Programs Guide (August 2022)

Brodie v. Warden Pliler, 2022 U.S.Dist. LEXIS 202749 (S.D.N.Y., Nov 7, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

‘You Can’t Just Make Stuff Up,’ Two Courts Tell BOP – Update for November 10, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


maketherules221110The Federal Bureau of Prisons has been refusing to award earned-time credits (ETCs) for prisoners who complete evidence-based programs to reduce recidivism (EBRRs) where the inmates have detainers, whether for immigration, pending charges or other sentences to be served. Challenges to the practice are in their early stages, but right now decisions on the merits stand at prisoners 2, BOP 0.

Explainer: When another agency or court wants a prisoner – either for service of a sentence, a pending charge, or so it can start deportation proceedings – a “detainer” is filed with the prison authority informing it that the prisoner is to be turned over to the detaining entity when his or her sentence is complete.

The BOP honors detainers, and refuses to place prisoners with detainers in minimum-security camps or send them home to halfway houses or home confinement at the end of their sentences.

When Congress passed the First Step Act, there was an 11th-hour flurry of amendments that severely narrowed the number of prisoners eligible to get credit for completing EBRRs. Prisoners whose crimes included carrying guns, fentanyl, certain leadership roles, sex offenses… by the time Republican fire-breathers like Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton were done, at least 64 different categories of prisoner were excluded from the ETC program, constituting about half of all federal prisoners.

But their programming penuriousness has a flip side: by detailing so many exclusions, Congress strongly implied that the BOP had not been delegated any authority to concoct its own list of additional exclusions.

Notably, the ETC exclusions mention nothing about detainers.  But that hasn’t stopped the BOP from asserting that it has the discretion to declare the inmate ineligible for early release “because the BOP is entitled to interpret the FSA to allow it to deny application of earned ETCs to those federal inmates who have pending criminal charges or a detainer.”

The very early returns are in, and the BOP is losing. In a California district court case, the BOP declared an inmate with low recidivism ineligible to have his earned ETCs applied to his sentence due to two pending Missouri criminal cases. The BOP told the court that the agency has the discretion to declare the inmate ineligible for early release “because the BOP is entitled to interpret [First Step] to allow it to deny application of earned ETCs to those federal inmates who have pending criminal charges or a detainer.”

words221110The magistrate’s recommended decision in Jones v. Engleman rejected the BOP’s position, holding that it is fundamental that a statute’s “words generally should be interpreted as taking their ordinary, contemporary, common meaning at the time Congress enacted the statute. Agencies exercise discretion only in the interstices created by statutory silence or ambiguity; they must always give effect to the unambiguously expressed intent of Congress.”

“Here,” the Magistrate Judge ruled, “there are no such interstices, because the relevant portions of the [First Step Act] are not ambiguous or incomplete and Congress’s intent is clearly expressed through mandatory statutory language. The language of the [First Step Act] shows that Congress made a conscious choice to do three things. One, by its use of ‘shall be applied’ and ‘shall transfer”‘language in Section 3632(d)(4)(C), Congress made the application of earned ETCs to effect early release mandatory for prisoners “eligible” under Section 3624(g). Two, by Section 3624(g), Congress spelled out the prerequisites for a prisoner to be ‘eligible,’ which have been described earlier and do not contemplate any additional criteria or precondition to release akin to the Pending Charges Exclusion. Third, by Section 3632(d)(4)(C), Congress explicitly determined which prisoners are “ineligible” to have the [First Step Act]’s ETC and early release provisions applied to them, and none of these expressly delineated categories include prisoners who have pending charges or detainers.”

(After the Jones v. Engleman recommended decision, the BOP decided that inmate Jones didn’t have a detainer after all, so the District Court did not adopt that part of the recommended decision  due to mootness).

myrules221110In a New Jersey case, an inmate with a pending Pennsylvania parole detainer was denied his ETCs because under BOP rules, he was ineligible for halfway house or home confinement due to the detainer. The District Court ruled that the First Step Act’s list of prisoners ineligible for ETCs left no room for the BOP to add other categories. The Court held:

If… the warden determines that Petitioner’s earned TCs should be applied to early supervised release, rather than prerelease custody to a residential reentry center or home confinement, there is no statutory provision or BOP regulation that precludes application of TCs toward early supervised release of prisoners who have state detainers lodged against them. As Petitioner suggested, the provisions regarding detainers in BOP Program Statement 7310.04 apply only to prerelease custody to residential reentry centers and home confinement. As Respondent points out, however, supervised release is different because it does not involve BOP custody…

There is bound to be much more litigation over whether the BOP may deny prisoners with detainers from using ETC credits for shortened sentences. These early decisions suggest that courts will be skeptical of BOP efforts to expand the list of people being denied ETCs.

Jones v. Engleman, Case No 2:22-cv-05292, 2022 U.S.Dist. LEXIS 185635 (C.D. Cal., Sept. 7, 2022)

Jones v. Engleman, Case No. 2:22-cv-05292, 2022 U.S.Dist. LEXIS 185029 (C.D. Cal., Oct. 7, 2022)

Moody v. Gubbiotti, Case No 21-12004, 2022 U.S.Dist. LEXIS 181399 (D.N.J., Oct. 3, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Some BOP Tidbits From Last Week – Update for November 8, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


sexualassault211014Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco told Department of Justice  officials last Wednesday that prosecutors must use “all available tools” to hold BOP employees who sexually abuse women in their custody accountable, including employing a new law that has a maximum sentence of 15 years.

“The Department’s obligation to ensure the safety and wellbeing of those in our custody is enduring,” Monaco wrote. Her memo, obtained by NPR, “follows a high-level review this year that uncovered hundreds of complaints about sexual misconduct by Bureau of Prisons employees over the past five years, but only 45 federal prosecutions during that same period.”

The working group identified weak administrative discipline against some prison workers — and flaws in how prosecutors assessed reports of abuse.

Meanwhile, Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL), chairman of the Judiciary Committee, issued a statement that last week’s “DOJ report on pervasive sexual abuse in our nation’s federal prisons is evidence of the desperate need for reform. The new Director, Colette Peters, needs to show resolve and Congress needs to back her efforts to clean up this sorry mess.”

peters220929BOP Director Colette Peters continued her charm offensive last week, sitting for a lengthy interview with Government Executive magazine. Despite the DOJ Inspector General’s report the week before criticizing the BOP for reflexively disbelieving inmates and whitewashing staff misconduct, Peters said, “We are partnering with the inspector general. I’ve met with him multiple times now to ensure that we’re holding individuals accountable. I’ve met with the U.S. attorneys and asked the same thing: that they take these employee cases very seriously, both because those individuals need to be held accountable, but the person working next to that individual needs to know that their work is valued and that when people are making bad choices, that they’ll be held accountable, so that the employee remaining is safe and secure.”

Peters noted that the BOP will fill 40 additional in its Office of Internal Affairs to address sexual assault backlogs.

Peters also told Government Executive, “[T]here’s a huge perception out there that [First Step Act] implementation didn’t happen or didn’t happen when it was supposed to. But as I review the outcomes and the deliverables we’ve delivered, the programming is happening…While there might have been bumps along the way, the agency has been working really hard to ensure that [First Step Act] implementation happens both at headquarters and in the institutions.”

ombudsman221108I reported last month that Sens Jon Ossoff (D-GA) and Mike Braun (R-IN) had introduced legislation, the Federal Prison Oversight Act (S. 4988) that would establish an independent DOJ ombudsman to investigate the health, safety, welfare, and rights of BOP inmates and staff and create a hotline for relatives and representatives of inmates to lodge complaints. A companion bill, H.R.9009, was introduced in the House by Rep. Lucy McBath (D-GA).

A week ago, Sen. Ossoff told Capital Beat News Service that the bill’s prospects for passage during the Congressional lame-duck session after this week’s mid-term elections “are favorable because it has bipartisan support.”

NPR, Guards who sexually abuse inmates haven’t been punished harshly enough, DOJ memo says (November 3, 2022)

Office of Richard Durbin, Durbin Statement On New Report On Sexual Misconduct By Bureau Of Prisons Staff (November 4, 2022)

Government Executive, We’re Not ‘Shawshank Redemption’: New Federal Prisons Director Tackles the Bureau’s Reputation (November 2, 2022)

Capital Beat News Service, U.S. Sen. Jon Ossoff sees ‘signs of improvement’ at Atlanta federal penitentiary (October 26, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

BOP Agrees to Do What It Always Should Have Been Doing – Update for November 4, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


release161117The two-year-old class action lawsuit against the Federal prison complex at Lompac, California, over COVID mismanagement ended last week with a stipulation by the parties that the Federal Bureau of Prisons will transfer eligible inmate class members to CARES Act home confinement in accordance with an earlier preliminary injunction, with substantial weight given to COVID-19 risk factors and without denying anyone based solely on the amount of time served or the nature of a prior offense.

The BOP also agreed to perform daily symptoms checks for people placed in quarantine, screen inmate class members working in communal spaces for COVID-19 symptoms, and ensure that those isolated in the SHU are treated differently from those housed there for punitive reasons, including providing access to clocks, radio, reading materials, personal property, and commissary.

The inmate class lawyers, working pro bono from the LA office of the 340-lawyer firm Manatt, Phelps and Phillips, argued that the nature of overcrowded prison settings prevented social distancing or taking other recommended COVID precautions. They argued the BOP had failed to follow the Attorney General’s order to maximize the release of at-risk individuals to home confinement, thus violating their 8th Amendment rights.

As a result, the lawsuit alleged, the virus spread to 60% of those in custody, over 1,200 people at the overcrowded facility, The suit sought declaratory and injunctive relief for improved conditions of confinement, as well as a writ of habeas corpus for release.

deadcovid210914The Court issued a preliminary injunction in July 2020 requiring the BOP to immediately review a provisional class of people over 50 years old or who had underlying COVID morbidity health conditions for home confinement and to promptly transfer eligible people to their homes. Subsequent orders prohibited the BOP from denying people home confinement based solely on the basis of the amount of time served or the nature of a prior offense. About 250 people have been transferred to CARES Act home confinement from Lompoc since the preliminary injunction was issued.

In a related report, the Santa Barbara Independent reported last week that the estate of Mohamed Yusuf, who was serving the final year of a 132-month sentence at USP Lompoc when he died of COVID-19, is pursuing a wrongful death action against the prison for allegedly allowing him to die of COVID without providing proper medical care.

Yusuf was 37 years old, married with three children, and in “sturdy health” when he tested positive for the coronavirus on May 7, 2020, the lawsuit states. At the time, in the early days of the pandemic, the prison complex was experiencing a massive outbreak that ultimately killed five inmates and infected more than 1,200, more than any other BOP facility. The suit alleges that “while correctional staff knew of the Decedent’s dire need for help, they did not provide prompt and appropriate care and assistance, and some joked about the matter, going so far as to call the Decedent a ‘faker’ and a ‘wimp’.”

covidtest200420Why does any of this matter? The nation is bracing for another wave of COVID-19 just as a surge in new Omicron subvariants has raised concern among scientists. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released data last week showing that BQ.1 and its brother BQ.1.1 now account for over 10% of US cases, while BF.7 accounts for another 5%.

“Within a few weeks, things could look upside down,” according to John Swartzberg, an infectious disease and vaccinology expert at the University of California, Berkeley. If the subvariants keep spreading at the same rate, they could overtake BA.5 as the nation’s most prevalent SARS-CoV-2 strain. Globally, mutations also include contenders such as the Omicron subvariant XBB, which is suspected of being able to evade vaccines.

Just this morning, The New York Times reported that the recent decline in Covid-19 cases across the United States has started to level off. “Coronavirus-related hospitalizations are ticking up in a number of states, including Arizona, Indiana, Illinois, Nevada, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Wisconsin. And there have been a variety of unnerving headlines about the immune evasion and increased transmissibility of the next round of coronavirus subvariants.”

BOP, Lompoc, COVIYesterday, White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said the COVID deaths, which average more than 2,600 per week, remain too high. At the same time, he said, the new omicron variants are knocking out key tools used to protect the most vulnerable.

As of yesterday, the BOP reported that COVID was present in 70% of its institutions, with 238 inmates and 318 staff ill with the virus.

Order re Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement, ECF 863, Torres v Milusnic, Case No. 2:20cv4450 (C.D.Cal., October 11, 2022)

Manatt, Manatt Secures Settlement in Pro Bono Class Action Lawsuit For Prison Health and Safety (October 25, 2022)

Santa Barbara Independent, Estate of Terrorist Killed by COVID in Lompoc Prison Sues Warden, Staff (October 26, 2022)

National Geographic, Why Omicron subvariants BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 are poised to take over in the U.S. (October 18, 2022)

The New York Times, New Covid Variants Are Circulating. Here’s What to Know. (November 4, 2022)

CNBC, U.S. faces pandemic crossroads with Covid deaths still too high and new omicron variants emerging, Fauci says (November 3, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Trick or Treat – Update for October 28, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.

Today, a little early Halloween…


treat221028Not that introduction of a bill this late in the Congressional season is much more than symbolism, but legislation introduced a few weeks ago by Sens Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Susan Collins R-ME) aims to improve care in federal prisons for pregnant and postpartum women and their babies.

The Protecting the Health and Wellness of Babies and Pregnant Women in Custody Act (S.5027) would establish care standards for federal facilities across the country, requiring access to medical and mental health services, as well as education about parental rights and lactation.

The act would restrict when pregnant women can be placed in restrictive housing, ban the Bureau of Prisons and U.S. Marshal Service from placing pregnant women in solitary confinement during the third trimester, and require the BOP to evaluate pregnant women to determine if their pregnancy is high-risk.

Companion legislation in the House was introduced by Reps Karen Bass (D-CA) and Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA).

Sadly, the likelihood that this bill will be considered before the 117th Congress expires on January 2, 2023, is remote.

Gov’t Executive, Senate Bill Aims to Improve Care for Pregnant Women and Babies in Federal Prisons (October 18, 2022)

S. 5027, Protecting the Health and Wellness of Babies and Pregnant Women in Custody Act


trick221028After Dan Kordash got caught at the airport by Customs and Border Protection officers after declaring he was carrying $12,000 in currency that turned out to be more like $33,000 (money which he forfeited), he was detained and questioned by CBP on at least two subsequent occasions. What’s worse, CBP officers told Dan that because of the money incident, he could count on always getting the third degree when he passed through the airport.

Dan filed Bivens claims against the CBP officers who detained him. The district court found that the officers had qualified immunity and dismissed the complaint. Not to be deterred, Dan then filed a Federal Tort Claims Act complaint for false imprisonment, battery, assault, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and negligence. The district court dismissed the new complaint as well for failure to state a claim, and Kordash appealed.

Last week, the 11th Circuit upheld the FTCA dismissal, holding that the doctrine of collateral estoppel meant that the Bivens suit determination that the officers acted lawfully in furtherance of federal policy should apply to the FTCA suit as well.

The 11th held that the issue in the FTCA case – whether the officers’ acts had a “nexus” with furthering federal policy and complied with federal law – was identical to the issue in the Bivens action. “In the Bivens action,” the Circuit said, “the district court determined for each incident when Kordash or Nilsen were stopped whether the officers acted within their discretionary authority and whether the detentions complied with federal law. Here, the same legal inquiries govern the application of the Supremacy Clause as a bar to liability for claims arising out of these incidents under the Federal Tort Claims Act.”

Because the issue met the test for issue preclusion, “Kordash is barred from relitigating these issues under the doctrine of collateral estoppel.”

Kordash v. United States, Case No. 21-12151, 2022 U.S.App. LEXIS 29420 (11th Cir., Oct. 21, 2022)


treatB221028The 8th Circuit ruled last week that because Minnesota’s definitions of “narcotic drug” and cocaine“ include drugs that the federal controlled-substance schedules do not, convictions under those statutes are not predicate “serious drug offense” under the Armed Career Criminal Act.

While the defendant was still convicted of a felon-in-possession count under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1), his sentence exposure fell from 15 years to life all the way down to zero to 10 years.

United States v. Owen, Case No. 21-3870, 2022 U.S.App. LEXIS 28979 (8th Cir., Oct. 19, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Has the BOP Just Had Its ‘George Floyd’ Moment? – Update for October 17, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


The murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chavin captured the nation’s attention and fury like no event in the recent history of policing and race. With an angry opinion from U.S. District Judge Roy Dalton (Middle District of Florida), the late Frederick Mervin Bardell’s tragic mistreatment may do the same for the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

Fred was housed at FCI Seagoville, finishing a 151-month sentence for possession of child pornography, when he developed an intestinal mass that turned into metastatic colon cancer.  As Judge Dalton put it, “Frederick Marvin Bardell was a convicted child pornographer. He was also a human being.”

In November 2020, Fred filed a motion for compassionate release, complaining that he suffered from “unspecified bleeding,” “metastatic liver lesions (suspected cancer),” and “malignancy in his colon.” His medical expert averred that Fred “ha[d] a high likelihood of having cancer of the colon with likely metastasis to the liver.”

medical told you I was sick221017The BOP admitted that Fred has “liver lesions highly suspicious for metastatic disease” but argued that “to date, no one has determined that [his] condition is terminal.” The Government also maintained that there was no indication that Fred could not receive adequate care in custody. Based on the Government’s assurance, the Court denied his November compassionate release motion.

You have to love the construction of the argument. It is not that the BOP is saying it CAN and WILL provide Fred with adequate medical care. Instead, it’s just that Fred can’t prove the BOP is unable to do so. But, as Judge Dalton wrote just two weeks ago, “As we now know, it was not true that Mr. Bardell could receive adequate care in custody, and, regrettably, his condition was indeed terminal.”

Fred filed a second compassionate release motion in February 2021, three months later. The Court granted this motion, which was supported by an affidavit from an oncologist that Fred was likely dying of metastatic colon cancer. The Court ordered Fred released as soon as the Probation Office and Fred’s attorney worked out a release plan appropriate for someone in Fred’s condition.

The BOP didn’t wait for any release plan. In fact, the BOP staff at Seagoville didn’t read the details in the release order at all. Instead, the BOP contacted Fred’s parents and demanded that they fork over $500 for a plane ticket for Fred. As soon as they did, Seagoville sent its inmate driver – who said he was told not to get out of the car – to Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, where Fred – who was “skin and bones, wheelchair dependent, and bladder and bowel incontinent” – was unceremoniously dumped on the curb without help or even a wheelchair.

With the aid of strangers, Fred was able to get loaded into a wheelchair, get on the plane, suffer through a change of planes in Atlanta, and finally arrive in Jacksonville. Fred, “who had a tumor protruding from his stomach and was visibly weak and bleeding, unsurprisingly soiled himself during this not so bon voyage,” the judge wrote.

bardell221017Fred’s lawyer and parents met him at the airport. Fred’s father had to take off his shirt and place it under his son to keep the blood and feces off the car seat. They took Fred directly to a hospital, where he died nine days later. His specialist said that if he had gotten prompt treatment when was first found, he would have had a 71% chance of recovery.

Two weeks ago, Judge Roy Dalton held the BOP in civil contempt for ignoring his release order. The judge was clearly frustrated that he could not do more. In what Reason called “a scathing opinion,” the Judge expressed dismay that “while the sanctions imposed are remedial in nature and restricted by law, the Court admonishes the BOP and [FCI Seagoville] Warden Zook for their blatant violation of a Court Order and sheer disregard for human dignity.” Judge Dalton wrote, “The BOP as an institution and Warden Zook as an individual should be deeply ashamed of the circumstances surrounding the last stages of Mr. Bardell’s incarceration and indeed his life. No individual who is incarcerated by order of the Court should be stripped of his right to simple human dignity as a consequence.”

investigate170724The Court recommended that the Attorney General investigate “the circumstances of Mr. Bardell’s confinement and treatment, the failure of the BOP to respond to his medical needs, and the BOP’s misrepresentations in connection with the compassionate release briefing regarding the seriousness of his condition,” the opinion states. “On a parallel track, the Court retains jurisdiction to continue investigating the circumstances surrounding the truthfulness of the assertions in the Government’s filings as well as Mr. Bardell’s incarceration and release.”

The Judge’s October 4 opinion appears to have gained national attention through an article in Reasonwhich also published accounts several years ago about three deaths from alleged medical neglect at FCI Aliceville.  At the time, Reason noted

The Bureau of Prisons listed the cause of death in all three cases as “natural causes,” according to public records obtained by Reason. That classification, while technically correct, erases the culpability of the agency. It’s like claiming a man accidentally drowned after you refused to throw him a life preserver.

But the agency doesn’t want to talk about what happened. When asked for more information, the BOP public affairs office said the agency “does not disclose the details of an inmate’s death.” The FCI Aliceville public information officer did not return multiple requests for comment. Reason has been waiting for more than a year for additional Freedom of Information Act records concerning these incidents.

sorry190124But in Fred’s case, the BOP’s response was different. BOP Director Colette Peters released a statement offering her condolences to the Bardell family but declining to comment on the specifics of the case because it was the subject of continuing litigation. She promised to cooperate with any investigations into the matter. “My heart goes out to Mr. Bardell’s family, to whom I send my deepest condolences,” Ms. Peters (who was not Director when Mr. Bardell’s mistreatment occurred) said. “Humane treatment of the men and women in Bureau of Prisons custody is a paramount priority. In instances where we have failed at upholding our mission, we are taking steps to find out what happened, how it happened, and how we can prevent it from happening in the future.”

Meanwhile, official attention is being paid to the matter. Senate Judiciary Chairman Richard J. Durbin (D-IL) wrote on Twitter that “the details unveiled in this case are appalling, and may not be isolated.” He called on the Justice Department’s inspector general “to investigate B.O.P.’s treatment of medically vulnerable individuals both while incarcerated and upon their release.”

On Friday, the Justice Department inspector general’s office announced it was opening an investigation into the case.

United States v. Bardell, Case No 6:11-cr-401, 2022 U.S.Dist. LEXIS 181785 (M.D. Fla., October 4, 2022)

Reason, Judge Holds Federal Bureau of Prisons in Contempt for Allowing Man To Waste Away From Untreated Cancer (October 10, 2022)

Washington Post, Judge blasts Bureau of Prisons’ treatment of dying prisoner (October 14, 2022)

New York Times, Judge Holds Prison Officials in Contempt for Treatment of Terminally Ill Inmate (October 13, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

COVID Emergency Too Good To End? – Update for September 30, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


President Biden, a man who always carefully weighs his words, told CBS last week that “the pandemic is over. We still have a problem with Covid. We’re still doing a lot of work on it. It’s — but the pandemic is over.”

deadcovid210914Last week, Sen Roger Marshall (R-KS), who is an obstetrician/ gynecologist, introduced a resolution that would end the national emergency first declared by President Donald J. Trump in March 2020. President Biden extended the national emergency in February 2021 and again in February 2022. The resolution has virtually no chance of passing both houses of Congress.

And at yesterday’s Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing, Bureau of Prisons Director Colette S. Peters was braced by Sen Tom Cotton (R-AR), a bomb-thrower entranced by the sound of his own voice, who took time out from his off-topic argument with Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ) about who hated fentanyl more to demand that Peters admit that the pandemic was over. Director Peters wisely demurred.

So is the pandemic over? And does that really matter?

cotton171226Under the National Emergencies Act, a national emergency continues until (1) the president does not issue an annual continuation notice, (2) the president terminates it, or (3) a joint resolution of Congress terminates it. Because Biden most recently issued an annual continuation notice as of March 1, 2022, the national emergency will end on February 28, 2023 (absent additional action to extend it further or terminate it early).

All of this matters because CARES Act authority granted to the Bureau of Prisons to place prisoners on home confinement ends 30 days after the pandemic national emergency expires.

(Note: There are two emergencies out there.  One is the national emergency declared under the National Emergencies Act.  The other is the Covid-19 public health emergency, declared in January 2020 by the Health and Human Services Secretary and last extended in July 2022 for another 90 days. With all due respect to the coronavirus, the one we care about is the National Emergencies Act emergency. The Covid-19 public health emergency has no effect on Sec 12003 of the CARES Act).

The inmate rumor du jour for months has been that CARES Act placement has ended, will end imminently, or will end in February 2023. None of this is right, unless Biden declares the national emergency to be at an end. As of March 2020, 60 national emergencies had been declared since the National Emergencies Act was enacted in 1976. Over half of those have been renewed annually. The longest continuing national emergency dates back to Iran hostage crisis, 43 years ago.

But will the national emergency end in February 2023? The Wall Street Journal  last week suggested it would not:

moneyhum170419The reason is almost certainly money. [The CARES Act] enables the government to hand out billions of dollars in welfare benefits to millions of people as long as the emergency is in effect. This includes more generous food stamps and a restriction on state work requirements. It also limits states from removing from their Medicaid rolls individuals who are otherwise no longer financially eligible… Only weeks ago the Administration used a separate national emergency declaration related to the pandemic to legally justify canceling some $500 billion in student debt… Mr. Biden seems to want it both ways. He wants to reassure Americans tired of restrictions on their way of life that the pandemic is over and they can get on with their lives. But he wants to retain the official emergency so he can continue to expand the welfare state and force states to comply.

A final note.  Sen Richard Durbin, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, opened yesterday’s BOP oversight hearing by complaining, among other things, that the BOP had underused CARES Act and compassionate release authority.  Notwithstanding Sen. Cotton’s wacky views that the CARES Act has murderers and rapists again roaming our streets, there does not seem to be a lot of sentiment that CARES Act home confinement should end too soon.

CNN, Biden: ‘The pandemic is over’ (September 18, 2022)

Medical Economics, Senator moves to end COVID-19 pandemic national emergency (September 23, 2022)

Morgan Lewis, Preparing for the End of Covid-19 Emergency Periods: To-Dos for Plan Sponsors and Administrator (July 20, 2022)

Wall Street Journal, Is the Pandemic ‘Over,’ or Not? (September 19, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

BOP Director to Be Grilled By Senate Judiciary Committee Today – Update for September 29, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


peters220929When Colette Peters was sworn in last month as BOP director, her honeymoon with Sen Richard Durbin (D-IL), chairman of the Judiciary Committee, lasted all of three days.

Durbin’s dislike of prior Director Michael Carvajal was well known, and publicly, the Senator was elated at Peters’ appointment. But when Durbin learned the BOP had given Carvajal a 30-day consulting contract to assist the new director with the transition, he was much less enthused.

At the time, Durbin threatened to hold another oversight hearing on the BOP. He is about to make good on that threat.

The Judiciary Committee will conduct a BOP oversight hearing today. Peters is the primary witness, but other witnesses include Shane Fausey, President of the Council of Prison Locals national union; John Wetzel, a prison consultant and former head of the Pennsylvania Dept. of Corrections; and Cecilia Cardenas of Davenport, Iowa.

It is not clear who Ms. Cardenas is, but a person of that name and from that area was released by the BOP last January.


Fausey is probably on the witness list because of his outspoken criticism of BOP staffing levels. Fausey told a reporter last week that much of the BOP staffing decline is due to declining morale as general environmental conditions are declining. He said BOP staff is “exhausted” as mandatory overtime has “skyrocketed” at high-security institutions across the country.

Last week, BOP employees at FCI Raybrook in upstate New York posted a sign along a highway there saying the federal prison is “dangerously understaffed” and asks the community if it feels safe.

I expect that a major topic of discussion will be the Federal Prison Oversight Act, introduced yesterday by Sens Jon Ossoff (D-GA), Mike Braun (R-IN), and  Durbin. The Federal Prison Oversight Act, according to a Durbin press release, will require the Dept of Justice’s Inspector General to

conduct comprehensive, risk-based inspections of the [BOP’s] 122 facilities to identify problems that affect incarcerated people and staff and to provide recommendations to address them.  It will require the IG to assign each facility a risk score, with higher-risk facilities required to be inspected more often.  Under the bill, the IG must also report its findings and recommendations to Congress and the public, and the BOP must respond to all inspection reports within 60 days with a corrective action plan.

The bill will also establish an Ombudsman within DOJ to investigate issues that adversely affect the health, safety, welfare, or rights of incarcerated people or staff, and who would report dangerous findings directly to the Attorney General and Congress.  The Ombudsman would also be tasked with creating a secure hotline and online form to be made available for family members, friends, and representatives of incarcerated people to submit complaints and inquiries regarding issues within BOP. 

forcedsex161202No doubt Peters will be asked pointed questions about sexual assault of female prisoners. Last week, she issued a statement saying she was “firm in my commitment to work with the BOP team, Department of Justice (DOJ) leadership, the Office of Inspector General (OIG), Congress, and others as I begin to assess and address issues and concerns pertaining to the BOP and the Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) Dublin.”

The former warden and four other FCI Dublin employees face criminal charges for sexually assaulting female inmates.

Peters may as well be asked about the sexual assault scandal at FMC Carswell, the only medical center for women in the BOP system. The Ft Worth Star-Telegram last week reported that a former federal Bureau of Prisons staff member who pleaded guilty to raping two women at a prison in Fort Worth was sentenced to 18 months in prison — half the time one of his victims is serving for drug possession.

Luis Curiel pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual abuse of a ward while he was a lieutenant at Carswell. He was sentenced to concurrent 18 months for each charge. According to court documents, Curiel admitted to meeting three women at separate times near a staff elevator and forcing them into sexual acts.

If the Committee runs short of topics for Director Peters, it may inquire about an Oklahoma City TV report last week that a widow is still seeking answers about her husband’s death at FTC Oklahoma City.

missingcorpse220929Nearly two weeks after Jonathan Patterson Days died suddenly at the FTC, his wife told reporters says she still doesn’t know what happened to him and the facility hasn’t returned his body.

Abbie Alvarado-Patterson said she asked the chaplain, “when do I get his body back? He said, ‘you want his body back?’” She said the BOP chaplain couldn’t give her any additional information about what happened, including a timeline for returning the body

Associated Press, Senate to hold hearing on crisis-plagued federal prisons (August 5, 2022)

Senate Judiciary Committee, Hearing Notice (September 29, 2022)

Associated Press, Senators push new oversight to combat federal prison crises (September 28, 2022)

Press Release, Durbin, Ossoff, Braun Introduce Bipartisan Bill To Overhaul Federal Prison Oversight (September 28, 2022)

News Nation, Experts warn prison staff shortage put lives at risk (September 23, 2022)

KTVU-TV, Prison director vows to ‘change the culture’ at FCI Dublin (September 23, 2022)

Ft Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth prison officer gets lighter sentence for assault than victim’s drug sentence (September 20, 2022)

KFOR-TV, ‘This man was loved’: Wife demands answers after husband dies in federal custody (September 21, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root