Tag Archives: marijuana

Feds To Reschedule Marijuana As Prescription Drug – Update for May 3, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


mrnatural240503The Justice Department last Tuesday said that it had recommended easing restrictions on marijuana in what could amount to a major change in federal policy.

A DOJ spokeswoman said the proposed rule, which hasn’t yet been made public, would downgrade marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III, making it obtainable with a prescription.

The change does not end the criminalization of the drug. However, it is a significant shift in the government’s view of the safety and use of marijuana for medical purposes and reflects President Biden’s effort to liberalize marijuana policy in a way that puts it more in line with the public as increasingly more Americans favor legalizing the drug. The proposal would recognize the medical uses of marijuana and acknowledge it has less potential for abuse than some of the nation’s more dangerous drugs.

Rescheduling would not legalize marijuana outright for recreational use. But there can be little doubt that such a change–recreational cannabis (the politically popular term for marijuana) is now legal in 24 states–is coming.

The change may also lead to beneficial changes in Section 2D1.1 of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines, where the base offense level for marijuana could drop in response to its falling from Schedule I to III.

In October 2022, Biden pardoned thousands of people convicted of simple marijuana possession under federal law and called upon regulators to review whether the drug should be reclassified, saying “it doesn’t make sense” that the government controls pot more tightly than cocaine or fentanyl.

marijuanahell190918Once the Office of Management and Budget signs off, the DEA will take public comment on the plan to move marijuana from its Schedule I–alongside heroin and LSD–to Schedule III, alongside ketamine and some anabolic steroids. After public comment and review by an administrative judge, the agency will publish the final rule.

“Today, the Attorney General circulated a proposal to reclassify marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III,” DOJ Director of Public Affairs Xochitl Hinojosa said in a statement. “Once published by the Federal Register, it will initiate a formal rulemaking process as prescribed by Congress in the Controlled Substances Act.”

The Los Angeles Times said, “Late last year, Biden pardoned people who were convicted of using marijuana on federal land. That tiny step was merely a down payment on his promise of decriminalization. So is the Justice Department’s most recent move. The federal government should pick up the pace.”

Some in the government may have done so. Last Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, (D-NY), Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ) reintroduced the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act, legislation to end federal marijuana prohibition by removing it totally from the Controlled Substances Act.

The bill also aims to empower states to create their own cannabis laws; ensure federal regulations protect public health and safety; and prioritize restorative and economic justice, according to the sponsors.

marijuana221111While the DEA’s move to reclassify marijuana is a “necessary step” that’s “long overdue,” Schumer said, it’s not the end of the story. “It’s not all we need to do,” he said. “It’s time for Congress to wake up to the times and do its part by passing the cannabis reform that most Americans have wished for. It’s past time for Congress to catch up with public opinion and to catch up with the science.”

New York Times, Justice Dept. Recommends Easing Restrictions on Marijuana (April 30, 2024)

Wall Street Journal, Biden Administration Aims to Reclassify Marijuana as Less Dangerous Drug (April 30, 2024)

Associated Press, US poised to ease restrictions on marijuana in historic shift, but it’ll remain controlled substance (April 30, 2024)

Los Angeles Times, Editorial: Reclassifying marijuana is not decriminalization, but is a welcome step in that direction (May 1, 2024)

Cannabis Business Times, Senate Democrats Introduce Bill to Federally Legalize Cannabis (May 1, 2024)

S.4226, A bill to decriminalize and deschedule cannabis, to provide for reinvestment in certain persons adversely impacted by the War on Drugs, to provide for expungement of certain cannabis offenses, and for other purposes (May 1, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

Progressives for Pot Clemency – Update for March 22, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Thirty-six liberal House members urged President Biden to grant clemency to federal inmates for nonviolent marijuana offenses.

“The continued incarceration of these individuals continues the racist legacy of the War on Drugs, contradicts the current societal and legal trends regarding marijuana, and represents an unnecessary burden on our morals and justice system,” they said in a letter to the President. “Until the day Congress sends you a marijuana reform bill to sign, you have a unique ability to lead on criminal justice reform and provide immediate relief to thousands of Americans.”

marijuana221111At a White House roundtable on marijuana last Friday, Vice President Kamala Harris called for rescheduling marijuana, which should be completed by the DEA this year. Marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule I drug, in the same category as heroin. The White House is seeking to change that to Schedule III alongside testosterone and ketamine.

“Marijuana is considered as dangerous as heroin, and more dangerous than fentanyl, which is absurd,” Harris said. “Not to mention patently unfair.”

Politico reported last Friday, “The White House event is the latest sign that the Biden administration plans to tout its efforts to overhaul federal marijuana policies ahead of the presidential election. Biden also cited his moves to pardon federal marijuana offenders and loosen federal weed restrictions during last week’s State of the Union address. A whopping 70 percent of Americans back marijuana legalization, and that position is particularly popular with young voters, a crucial demographic that Biden is struggling to maintain support from.”

Letter to President Biden (March 13, 2024)

Politico, Vice president criticizes federal cannabis restrictions during White House weed event (March 15, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

Biden FDA Delivers On Pot Rescheduling; Now for the DEA – Update for September 7, 2023

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


marijuana221111The Dept of Health and Human Services’ Food and Drug Administration last week recommended that the Drug Enforcement Administration significantly loosen federal restrictions on marijuana, yet stopping short of proposing that pot be removed completely from the Controlled Substances Act.

HHS Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine wrote in a letter to the DEA that the FDA wants the drug moved from Schedule I to Schedule III under the CSA. As part of the review process, an HHS spokesperson told Politico last week, “HHS conducted a scientific and medical evaluation for consideration by DEA. DEA has the final authority to schedule or reschedule a drug under the Controlled Substances Act. DEA will now initiate its review.”

President Biden rolled out new initiatives on marijuana last October, pardoning all prior federal simple possession offenses (none of whom was in federal prison at the time) and asking HHS and the Attorney General to review how marijuana is scheduled based on its medical use. While the DEA is not required to follow HHS’s recommendation, it is unlikely that the agency will buck the President, who has made this a White House priority.

Reclassification is a step short of legalizing marijuana entirely, but it would mark a critical shift away from marijuana’s status as a Schedule I substance. Schedule I includes drugs with high risk of abuse that have no legitimate purpose, like heroin, LSD and ecstasy. Schedule III substances, such as ketamine, are seen as less dangerous and can be obtained legally with a prescription.

mario170628The effect of dropping marijuana to Schedule III might be a Sentencing Commission rewrite of USSG § 2D1.1 on marijuana offenses. Changing statutory minimums for marijuana set out in 21 USC § 841(b)(1), however, would require action by Congress.

DEA review will be complete within the next year.

Bloomberg, US Health Officials Urge Moving Pot to Lower-Risk Tier (August 30, 2023)

Politico, Slightly higher times: Biden administration moves to loosen weed restrictions (August 30, 2023)

– Thomas L. Root

They Begged His Pardon: Biden Finally Grants Short List at Year’s End – Update for January 5, 2023

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Maybe I was too hasty in criticizing President Biden last week for granting no Christmas clemency petitions, with about 18,000 petitions for commutation or pardon pending (many for years).

pardon160321Biden finally issued pardons to six people last Friday, four for various low-level drug offenses, one for the illegal sale of whiskey, and one to an 80-year-old woman who killed her husband 47 years ago. Three of the crimes had occurred at least a quarter century ago, and the fourth – an Air Force enlisted man convicted of taking (but not distributing) Ecstasy – happened about 20 years ago.

The White House statement said the pardoned people had served sentences and “demonstrated a commitment to improving their communities and the lives of those around them.”

The pardons came on the last business day of the year. In October, Biden pardoned thousands of unnamed people convicted of simple marijuana possession under federal law. In April, Biden granted three pardons and granted 75 commutations.

Two of the five pardoned last week served about two years in prison. Three of the other four served under a year, and the last one got probation.

At trial, the woman who killed her husband – convicted under District of Columbia law – was denied the right to argue that he had beaten her. Her appeal, the White House said, “marked one of the first significant steps toward judicial recognition of battered woman syndrome, and her case has been the subject of numerous academic studies.”

clemencyjack161229Two years into Biden’s Administration, the theme of his clemency policy seems to be that pardons will issue, favoring very simple drug and politically-preferred offenses, when the crime happened a long time ago.  Commutations – which require actually letting people out of prison – seem to be disfavored by this White House.

A day before the pardon announcement, White House Domestic Policy Council Director Susan Rice said that Biden’s marijuana pardons and scheduling directive were among the administration’s top accomplishments in 2022. Biden issued a scheduling review order in October directing the Dept of Health and Human Services to consider rescheduling pot to a lower-level controlled substance.

Associated Press, Biden pardons 6 convicted of murder, drug, alcohol crimes (December 30, 2022)

White House, Clemency Recipient List (December 30, 2022)

Ibn-Thomas v. United States, 407 A.2d 626 (1979)

Marijuana Moment, Top White House Official Lists Biden’s Marijuana Pardons And Scheduling Review Among Top 2022 Administration Achievements (December 30, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Criminal Justice Reform Efforts Die In 117th Congress With a Whimper – Update for December 20, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.



As of last Thursday, negotiators in the Senate had reportedly reached a tentative deal to narrow sentencing disparities between crack and powder cocaine from 18:1 to 2.5:1. Then, enter Merrick Garland…

congressbroken220330First, the compromise: Reuters reported that its sources said senators planned to tuck the measure into a bill funding the government. Under the deal reached, the crack/powder weight disparity would be narrowed to 2.5 to 1, but the change would not be retroactive. The Senate would attach the change to a year-end spending bill, which has been delayed for another week.

The compromise is the death knell for the EQUAL Act (S.79), which would have made crack and powder equal in sentence severity and would have been retroactive. EQUAL, which passed the House last year, has been in trouble in the Senate since Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), the highest-ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee, introduced the SMART Cocaine Sentencing Act (S.4116), which embodied the 2.5-to-1 ratio. proportion instead.

Then, the Dept of Justice: The compromise was shaky even before the DOJ announced relaxed crack charging policies last Friday. Those changes angered Sen. Grassley, who warned that “it undermines legislative efforts to address this sentencing disparity.” Yesterday, the compromise seems to have gone to hell.

Two sources told Reuters yesterday that even the 2.5:1 negotiations have stalled. After Friday’s DOJ announcement, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined Sen. Grassley in opposing the compromise. One source told Reuters that last-minute negotiations to tuck the measure into the year-end spending bill continued yesterday morning, but “inclusion was no longer seen as likely.”

nochance221220At this point, neither the EQUAL Act nor retroactivity nor even the watered-down SMART Cocaine Sentencing Act has any chance to pass in this Congress. Why the Attorney General had to choose Friday to stick his thumb in Chuck Grassley’s eye is anyone’s guess.

Marijuana reform this year is equally dead. Last Thursday, Sen Sherrod Brown (D-OH), who chairs the Senate Banking Committee, signaled that marijuana reform might be on hold until the next Congress in 2023. The modest changes being considered now do not address any criminal justice reform. Brown told Marijuana Moment he is interested in the “expanded SAFE Plus bill that Senate leadership has been finalizing because it’s expected to go beyond simple banking reform and also contain other provisions dealing with expungements and more.”

Today, Marijuana Moment reported:

Congressional staffers confirmed to Marijuana Moment that cannabis banking language is not being included in the omnibus appropriations bill despite a final push by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and other supporters from both parties. Advocates will now look ahead to 2023 and the possibility of advancing the cannabis reform in a divided Congress.

marijuana220412Sen Cory Booker, (D-NJ) said last week that Sen. McConnell is standing in the way of the lame-duck Congress passing any marijuana-related bills before the end of the year. NJ Advance Media reports that McConnell’s opposition to any marijuana bill “is giving Senate Republicans who support the measure cold feet, said Booker, who is helping to lead the effort to enact legislation before Republicans take control of the House in January and most likely prevent any bill from passing in the next two years.”

Congress is not completely impotent when it comes to prison and criminal justice reform. Last Wednesday, the House passed The Prison Camera Reform Act (S.2899) – approved by the Senate last year – and sent it to President Biden for signature. The bill requires the Bureau of Prisons to fix broken surveillance cameras and install new ones, “providing upgraded tools to fight and investigate staff misconduct, inmate violence and other problems,” according to industry publication Corrections1.

Reuters, U.S. Senate set to address cocaine sentencing disparity in funding bill (December 15, 2022)

Reuters, U.S. Senate Talks on Cocaine Sentencing Reform Hit Roadblock (December 19, 2022)

SMART Cocaine Sentencing Act (S.4116)

Marijuana Moment, Key Senate Chairman Signals Marijuana Banking Will Wait Until 2023, Says There’s ‘Interest In The Republican House’ (December 15, 2022)

Marijuana Moment, Cannabis banking left out of omnibus (Newsletter: December 20, 2022)

NJ.com, Mitch McConnell is blocking all marijuana legislation in Congress, N.J.’s Booker says (December 15, 2022)

Prison Camera Reform Act of 2021 (S.2899)

Corrections1, Congress passes Prison Camera Reform Act (December 16, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root


Congressional Cannabis Reform Predicted for December – Update for November 29, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


marijuana221111While no one is talking about pushing the EQUAL Act (S.79) over the finish line before the current Congress expires on January 2nd, the last two weeks have seen a flurry of activity in marijuana reform raising hopes that legislation that includes relief for people serving pot-related sentences may yet pass the Senate next month.

On November 16, the Senate passed H.R. 8454, the Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act, and sent the bill to President Joe Biden. The bill removes barriers making it difficult for researchers to study the effectiveness and safety of marijuana-derived medicines. When it passed, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) – who controls what bills come up for a full Senate vote – said, “I hope after passing this bill the Senate can make progress on other cannabis legislation, too. I’m still holding productive talks with Democratic and Republican colleagues in the House and the Senate on moving additional bipartisan cannabis legislation in the lame duck.”

Marijuana Moment reported last week that “talks are intensifying over a marijuana banking and expungements bill that Senate leadership is working to finalize, with advocates feeling increasingly optimistic about seeing action” during the final weeks of this Congress.

On January 2, 2023, the 117th Congress comes to an end. Any pending bills that have not been passed will be discarded. A new Congress, the 118th, begins the next day. This means the EQUAL Act, the MORE Act, the First Step Implementation Act, and everything else in the legislative hopper will disappear.

lameduck221201The MORE Act (H.R. 3617) (which has twice passed the House), has been stalled because of the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA), S.4591, a competing bill introduced by Senators Schumer, Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) last summer. A compromise pot bill was blocked from receiving a unanimous consent Senate vote in September.

While the latest signals indicate that compromise legislation will be less wide-ranging than some initially expected, banking and criminal justice reform appear to remain at the center of the talks. The text of any compromise has yet to be released so it remains unclear what will make it into the final bill.

The negotiations in their current form are leading to “unprecedented levels of optimism” about passing a cannabis reform package by the end of the current Congress, one advocate familiar with the status of negotiations told Marijuana Moment.

Colorado Springs Indy, Landmark bill reaches  president’s desk (November 23, 2022)

Marijuana Moment, Congressional Talks On Marijuana Banking And Expungements Bill Intensify As Advocates Push For Equity Amendments (November 23, 2022)

NORML, NORML Deputy Director Testifies on Marijuana Legalization Before House Subcommittee (November 15, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Election Leads to Legislative Uncertainty for Pot Reform – Update for November 11, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


marijuana-dc211104The Republicans own the House, the Democrats own the Senate. That seems to be the likeliest scenario right now. In the House, the Republicans need seven more seats of the still-contested seats, the Democrats need 26. In the Senate, the Republicans and Democrats each need two of the three yet-undecided races.

A divided 118th Congress is the likeliest outcome. Even so, Marijuana Moment reports, “there would still a range of legislative possibilities for cannabis reform, including (most optimistically) descheduling.”

Because key players like Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) are likely to retain their positions and are dedicated to marijuana reform, “they have pretty good leverage over the House if they want to bring them to the table on the issue,” Marijuana Moment reported.

But the Senate is even more unlikely to force a Republican-controlled House to take up a comprehensive legalization bill such as the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA), S.4591, that the Democrat-controlled House has been to convince the Senate to take up the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) ActH.R. 3617.

marijuana220412There still could be some Congressional action in the upcoming lame-duck session – which begins on Monday for 17 legislative days before the end of the year – but it’s likely President Biden will want to ramrod as many as his initiatives as he can while he still owns both houses of Congress.

Nevertheless, marijuana advocates among the House membership has scheduled a hearing for Tuesday to discuss bipartisan marijuana reform issues at the federal and state level.

The House Oversight Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Subcommittee posted a notice of the meeting on Tuesday, as voters in states across the country head to the polls to decide on cannabis legalization ballot measures.

The congressional meeting, titled, “Developments in State Cannabis Laws and Bipartisan Cannabis Reforms at the Federal Level,” will take place on November 15. Witness have not yet been announced.

It’s not clear if the hearing will focus on any specific pieces of federal marijuana reform legislation, but Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who serves as the GOP ranking member on the panel, previously told Marijuana Moment that she had received a “promise” from leadership that her States Reform Act (SRA), H.R. 5977, would be taken under consideration in the panel.

marijuana221111That legislation would end federal marijuana prohibition while taking specific steps to ensure that businesses in existing state markets can continue to operate unencumbered by changing federal rules. National Law Journal reported last week that a panel of legal experts it consulted marijuana will be re-scheduled as a Schedule II or III drug by January 20, 2025.

Early last month, President Biden ordered government agencies to study removal of marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act drug schedule.

One expert said it is unlikely cannabis will be descheduled altogether. “I don’t think the federal government will be ready by then to relinquish control over a drug it has categorized by the CSA as one of the most dangerous drugs on the streets for over 50 years.”

Marijuana Moment, Here’s What The Midterm Congressional Election Results Could Mean For Federal Marijuana Reform (November 10, 2022)

Marijuana Moment, Congress Will Hold A Marijuana Hearing One Week After Five States Vote On Legalization Ballot Measures (November 8, 2022)

National Law Journal, Editor’s Roundtable: A New Biden Doctrine? (October 31, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Biden Marijuana Clemency Brings Forth a Mouse – Update for October 11, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


mountainmouse221011President Biden last Thursday pardoned thousands of people convicted of simple possession of marijuana (a 21 USC § 844 offense) and said his administration would review whether marijuana should still be a Schedule I drug like heroin and LSD.

The pardons will clear everyone convicted on federal charges of simple possession in the last thirty years. They will help remove obstacles for people trying to get a job, find housing, apply to college or get federal benefits. Announced a month before the midterm elections, the pardons could help fire up the Democratic supporters.

But they won’t free a single federal inmate.

Officials said full data was not available but noted that about 6,500 people were convicted of simple possession between 1992 and 2021. Only 92 people were sentenced on federal marijuana possession charges in 2017, out of nearly 20,000 drug convictions, according to the U.S. Sentencing Commission. And not a one of them is currently in prison.

You may recall a Biden spokeswoman said in May 2021 that the Administration anticipated starting granting clemency under a new, improved process just before the midterm elections. There’s no sign of a better commutation process anywhere, and as for the clemency list, Aesop would have said, “The mountain has labored and brought forth a mouse.”

Administration officials said there are no people now serving time in federal prisons solely for marijuana possession. The pardon does not cover convictions for possession of other drugs, or for 21 USC § 841 or § 960 charges relating to growing or possessing marijuana with an intent to distribute. Biden also is not pardoning non-citizens who were in the U.S. without legal status at the time of their arrest.

Biden stopped short of calling for the complete decriminalization of marijuana, which is something that Congress would have to do (and could do if the Senate passes the MORE Act). In fact, he largely seems skeptical of marijuana, despite his announcement. He warned that “[e]ven as federal and local regulations of marijuana change, important limitations on trafficking, marketing, and under-age sales should stay in place.”

marijuanahell190918However, he directed his Administration to review how marijuana is legally categorized, which drives the level of sentence. “The federal government currently classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 substance,” he said, “the same as heroin and LSD and more serious than fentanyl. It makes no sense.”

The Dept of Justice stated, “In coming days, the Office of the Pardon Attorney will begin implementing a process to provide impacted individuals with certificates of pardon. Also, in accordance with the President’s directive, Justice Department officials will work with our colleagues at the Department of Health and Human Services as they launch a scientific review of how marijuana is scheduled under federal law.”

The Washington Post said, “The Biden administration review of marijuana’s classification level, to be led by Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and Attorney General Merrick Garland, could address long-standing questions over whether the possession of marijuana should ultimately be decriminalized at the federal level.”

Vox reported that Nishant Reddy, a former advisor to Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) on cannabis policy, said, “We’re just a few weeks away from midterm elections, so I do think there’s a little bit of strategic political play with this… That being said, it’s an exciting step in the right direction for those who are facing the negative consequences of unfair policing regarding cannabis.”

Attorney David Holland, executive director of Empire State NORML, sees it as Biden working toward cementing his progressive legacy rather than attempting to gain voter support.

“Biden doesn’t stand to gain anything by it, per se. This is only the midterm; he’s got another couple years to go. I think he’s trying to align himself with progressive politics that undo at least some of the harms of the drug war, and to set up a platform for two years from now that shows him to be a leader in causes relating to equity, justice, economic development, and so on.”

marijuana-dc211104Holland believes the more meaningful part of Biden’s announcement is the review and possible change in the federal status of cannabis as a controlled substance. “He’s setting the stage for future action,” says Holland. “There is definitely a paradigm shift coming over the next two years going into the 2024 election.”

Forbes last Friday quoted Andrew Freedman, executive director of the nonprofit Coalition for Cannabis Policy, Education and Regulation, as saying, “This could lead to a full descheduling, but I highly doubt that’s where it would end up. It’s more likely that the process ends up reclassifying marijuana as Schedule II, along with fentanyl, cocaine and methamphetamine, or perhaps Schedule III. If Congress decides to act, it could remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act and regulate it like alcohol and tobacco.”

“It’s a good sign that the Biden Administration is acknowledging that the current status quo is nonsensical,” says Freedman. “But I don’t think they’ve laid out a complete vision of where we go from here. There are current state markets that are operating; how do we catch up to that?”

While on the campaign trail, Biden said that marijuana should be decriminalized and that records should be expunged. Earlier this year, Biden granted nine people with federal marijuana offenses clemency.

Maritza Perez, director of the Drug Policy Alliance’s Office of Federal Affairs, said there should be fuller relief for people, including resentencing, expungement and removing immigration consequences. “It’s a step in the right direction, but definitely does not do enough to really help repair the harms of the drug war,” she said.

clemency170206Some federal inmates were harsher: “Federal marijuana inmates say they’re shocked that President Biden’s mass-pardon for pot offenders doesn’t actually help them — telling The Post that the historic clemency amounts to a “rancid” pre-midterm elections stunt and a “slap in the face” that fails to do what Biden promised as a candidate.

There are about 2,700 federal pot inmates, according to a recent congressional estimate, but none will get out because Biden’s pardon applies only to the roughly 6,500 people convicted federally of simple possession, of whom none are in prison, and to unknown thousands more convicted under local DC law.

One inmate told the Post that inmates at FMC Fort Worth “started cheering for us in here for weed” until “the initial glee turned into yet another let-down.”

“Biden fed us rancid hamburger and the media is celebrating as if he served up filet mignon,” an FCI Fort Dix inmate, whose 16-1/2 year marijuana conspiracy sentence ends in 2031, told the Post.

Amy Povah, founder of the CAN-DO Foundation, which advocates for clemency for non-violent offenders, told The Post, “I’m elated for [Biden’s] pardon recipients,” but “I can’t wait for those who are currently incarcerated and have survived a historic pandemic under tortuous conditions to get the relief they were promised, as well.”

mario170628Michael Pelletier, a 66-year-old wheelchair-bound paraplegic who got clemency from Trump, told The Post, “It breaks my heart knowing there are still people serving life without parole for cannabis. I hope Biden will free all pot prisoners because I personally know several people who voted for him based on that campaign promise alone.”

New York Times, Biden Pardons Thousands Convicted of Marijuana Possession Under Federal Law (October 6, 2022)

Associated Press, Biden pardons thousands for ‘simple possession’ of marijuana (October 7, 2022)

LISA, Biden To Ask Fox To Advise On Emptying Henhouse (May 26, 2021)

Washington Post, Your questions answered about Biden’s marijuana pardon announcement (October 7, 2022)\

Dept of Justice, Justice Department Statement on President’s Announcements Regarding Simple Possession of Marijuana (October 6, 2022)

Vox, The most important part of Biden’s surprise marijuana announcement (October 8, 2022)

USA Today, Many Americans arrested for marijuana won’t find relief under Biden’s pardon plan (October 7, 2022)

Forbes, President Biden Says It’s Time To Change America’s Cannabis Laws (October 7, 2022)

New York Post, ‘Slap in the face’: Pot inmates call Biden mass-pardon ‘rancid’ election ruse (October 7, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Musings on a Slow Month – Update for July 26, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


summertime220725In the only good news to come from Washington so far this sleepy July, Senate Democrats have introduced a bill to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level this week, although the legislation faces long odds in the evenly divided chamber.

Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) worked with Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) on the measure. The senators circulated a draft of the bill last year and made tweaks after feedback from Senate committees.

The Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (S.4591) would remove marijuana from the list of drugs covered by the Controlled Substances Act. States, however, can still maintain and create prohibitions on producing and distributing marijuana.

marijuana160818The CAOA is the Senate’s answer to the MORE Act (H.R. 3617), passed in the House last spring on a 220-204 vote. Like the MORE Act, the CAOA will require all federal non-violent marijuana-related convictions and arrests be expunged within a year. Some lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have criticized Schumer for trying to push through a broad cannabis reform bill at the expense of a marijuana banking bill that has greater bipartisan support.

The bad is that the EQUAL Act (S.79), which passed the House (361-66) last September, remains stalled in the Senate. The Act, which would equalize sentences for crack and powder cocaine (and offer retroactivity to anyone serving a crack offense now) has well over 60 votes in the Senate. The Senate Majority Leader – the guy who schedules votes on bills – is a cosponsor. So what’s the holdup?

In a long article on a crack cocaine defendant who finally got compassionate release, the Mississippi Free Press last week reported, “FAMM President Ring told the Mississippi Free Press more about what he sees as the senators’ political calculations. ‘The problem is that lawmakers are scared that if this bill comes up, Republicans will be allowed to offer amendments to it because that’s usually how the process works,’ he said.

Ring said that votes on amendments unrelated to the bill can be “weaponized by political opponents… As a result, the political calculation has been made to shelve the bill in the Senate.”

crackpowder160606In addition, Dream Corps JUSTICE Policy Director Kandia Milton, in June 23, 2022, letter, indicated that the group is concerned about a competing Senate bill sponsored by Sen Charles Grassley (R-IA) — the SMART Cocaine Sentencing Act, S.4116 – that “maintains a disparity between these two forms of the same drug (2.5-1), lower the mandatory minimum threshold to 400 grams from 500 grams and, worst of all, mandates that the U.S. Attorney must approve all petitions for retroactivity.” Milton wrote. “Our sense of urgency is driven by the reality that if we do not pass [EQUAL] by the August recess, we won’t get another clean shot until after the midterm elections, an unpredictable two-month window at the end of the year,” he added. “We are very close to eliminating the disparity between crack cocaine and powder cocaine, and we recognize there is more work to be done.”

The weird: Two weeks ago, the Senate Judiciary Committee whiffed for a second time on approving the nomination of the seven candidates for the Sentencing Commission. At the beginning of last Thursday’s work session, Durbin said, “We have decided on a bipartisan basis to hold over for a second time the Sentencing Commission nominees while members are in… we’re going to try to find a path for all seven nominees to move together, which I think would be a positive thing and maybe even historic around here.”

The terse statement suggested some substantial pushback on one or more nominations. Laura Mate, who signed a 2014 letter to Congress supporting more reasonable mandatory minimums for sex offenders, and former federal judge John Gleeson, whose criticism of the Guidelines while on the bench was legendary, were both pilloried by several Republicans during their June nomination hearing.

Nevertheless, last week the Committee finally got the job done. It advanced the slate of seven nominees to the floor of the full Senate for its approval, bringing the Commission one step closer to being able to amend the Sentencing Guidelines.

noquorum191016The USSC has been unable to implement the First Step Act or, for that matter, do anything else after losing its quorum just as the bill was enacted in December 2018.

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted to send to the full Senate four Democrat and three Republican candidates nominated by President Joe Biden to revitalize the Commission.

Committee chairman Durbin told the Committee that while he had reservations about some nominees, it was important to move them forward as a group to “enable the commission to get back to doing its work.” He said, “[T]he Sentencing Commission has not had a quorum for three years. With no quorum, the Commission—created in 1984 and tasked by Congress to promote transparency and consistency in sentencing—has been unable to update the sentencing guidelines to provide guidance to judges. Today, we make an important step to rectify the situation… [and] enable the Commission to get back to its work.”

Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (S.4591)

Seeking Alpha, Senate Democrats-backed marijuana legalization bill coming next week (July 14, 2022)

Bloomberg, Pot Gets Senate’s Attention in Long-Shot Decriminalization Bill (July 14, 2022)

Politico, Schumer’s legal weed bill is finally here (July 21, 2022)

KYFR, North Dakota lawmakers, advocates push for equal sentencing in federal cocaine and crack crimes (July 12, 2022)

Senate Judiciary Hearing (July 14, 2022)

Mississippi Free Press, ‘Model Inmate’: Father Finally Has Crack Sentence Reduced as U.S. Senate Shelves Reform Bill (July 22, 2022)

Independentcloud.com, Cannabis Bill Senate: US Democrats Demand Senate Pass Its Own Marijuana Banking Bill (July 21, 2022)

Reuters, US Senate committee advances nominees to restock sentencing panel (July 21, 2022)

Sen Richard Durbin, Judiciary Committee Advances Ten Nominees, Including Two Judicial Nominees, Seven Sentencing Commission Nominees, And An Assistant Attorney General (July 21, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

2021 So Far a Downer for Criminal Justice Reform – Update for December 23, 2021

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


At the end of the first 11 months of President Biden’s administration, a combination of his lack of action on criminal justice reform, a razor-thin majority in Congress, and an ill-timed spike in crime is rapidly undercutting hope of criminal reform.

fail200526As New York magazine put it last week, “The president is now facing a new political context. In the previous two years, cities across the United States have seen historically large spikes in multiple categories of crime, including homicides in many places… The sense that things are terrible — even if they are happening during a multi-decade downward trend in crime rates and have likely been exacerbated by a global pandemic — seems to be costing the president politically as well. The results of an ABC/Ipsos poll published on Monday showed that just 36% of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of crime, down from 43% in late October.

Critics working to overhaul the criminal justice system say they’re frustrated with the Biden administration after waiting nearly a year for the White House to take significant clemency and sentencing reform steps. “I think we’re at a point where we’re saying mere lip service isn’t enough,” said Sakira Cook, senior director of the justice reform program at the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. “We want to see some concrete action.”

“To me, it’s a bellwether,” said FAMM President Kevin Ring. “Because if the administration won’t address this, and address it immediately, I don’t know what hope we can have that other things are going to get done.”

A White House spokesman defended Biden’s record, arguing that he had restored the Dept of Justice’s Office for Access to Justice, implemented new restrictions on chokeholds and no-knock warrants for federal law enforcement, ended contracts with private prisons, and expanded access to re-entry services for released inmates. And critics admit DOJ’s rescission of the Trump-era memo that directed prosecutors to pursue the most serious charges they could for any crime. And just this week, DOJ walked back the Trump-era Office of Legal Counsel opinion that CARES Act home confinees had to return to prison after the national pandemic emergency ends.

Still, there’s no denying that the federal prison population dropped under Presidents Obama and Trump but has increased by some 5,000 people during Biden’s 11 months in office.

confusion200424To be sure, Biden’s plans were never well thought out. As Ralph Behr pointed out last week in the South Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog, Biden’s campaign last year called for passage of the Safe Justice Act, a bill killed by the House in 2017. He also called for abolishing mandatory minimums, which would require amending hundreds of statutes, something that “would require bipartisan support for an issue that has historically proven controversial. This is unlikely to gain enough support even to be drafted. The more likely and admirable implementation would be to allow judicial discretion in sentencing below the minimum mandatory sentence.”

As the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights demanded last week, Biden and his DOJ could expand CARES Act and compassionate release access. Or, as the Daily Caller suggested, he could demand that the BOP and its union clear up the logjam on implementing First Step Act earned time credit programs.

Legislatively, there’s one bright spot: The Hill reported this past weekend that Congressional Democrats are gearing up for a sweeping set of initiatives aimed at decriminalizing marijuana in spring 2022.

The proposals would, among other things, purge the criminal records of thousands of marijuana offenders and be retroactive for those serving marijuana sentences.

“The growing bipartisan momentum for cannabis reform shows that Congress is primed for progress in 2022, and we are closer than ever to bringing our cannabis policies and laws in line with the American people,” Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) and Barbara Lee (D-California) wrote in a memo to the Congressional Cannabis Caucus on Thursday.

Just last week, Marijuana Moment complained last week that “this is yet another example of legislators taking a demand for reform directly to the president, who has disappointed advocates in his first year in office by declining to take meaningful steps to change the country’s approach to cannabis despite campaigning on a pro-decriminalization and pre-rescheduling platform.”

crackpowder160606On crack cocaine, Biden could push Senate Democrats to pass S.79, the EQUAL Act, which has already passed the House and has cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee. Last week, Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) because a co-sponsor.

The Justice Action Network issued a statement saying, “With this level of bipartisan support, the drumbeat grows louder for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to vote the EQUAL Act. In New York, more than twenty leading New York-based civil rights, racial justice and criminal justice organizations recently sent an urgent letter to Leader Schumer urging him to move the EQUAL Act through the Senate, ‘by any means necessary’…”

New York magazine, Biden’s Low Marks on Crime Are Killing Reform (December 15, 2021)

South Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog, Analyzing President Joe Biden’s Criminal Justice Reform Plan (December 14, 2021)

NPR, Activists wanted Biden to revamp the justice system. Many say they’re still waiting (December 12, 2021)

Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland (December 17, 2021)

Daily Caller, The First Step Act Is A Giant Leap Toward Meaningful, Bipartisan Prison Reform (December 13, 2021)

The Hill, Congress to take up marijuana reform this spring (December 18, 2021)

Marijuana Moment, GOP Lawmakers Blast Biden And Harris Over ‘Continued Silence’ On Marijuana And Urge Rescheduling (December 16, 2021)

Seattle Medium, It’s Time For The U.S. Senate To Pass The EQUAL Act (December 17, 2021)

Justice Action Network, Senator Susan Collins Joins Bipartisan Sentencing Reform Bill, Positioning Equal Act for Passage (December 15, 2021)

– Thomas L. Root