Tag Archives: biden

Why We Should Expect Nothing from Congress This Year – Update for January 23, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


The emails are unrelenting. When will the Second Step Act pass? What is Congress doing for people with 18 USC 924(c) convictions? Is it true they’re bringing back CARES Act home confinement? And the old favorite: How about the 65% law?

nothinghere190906My answers have not changed: Never.  Nothing.  No.  And ‘there’s no 65% law.’

Back when he was a candidate in 2020, President Biden staked out big, bold stances on criminal justice reform. We imagined what The Hill last week called “a ground-up reworking of the carceral state,” with all First Step Act changes in gun and drug crime law becoming retroactive, substantial marijuana decriminalization, passage of the EQUAL Act… As The Hill put it, “Biden’s vows of far-reaching reform were so numerous that the Prison Policy Initiative had to limit itself to listing only his five biggest pledges in a post-election recap. The Marshall Project called Biden’s criminal justice platform “the most progressive … of any major party candidate in generations.”

Four years later, Biden’s criminal justice reform efforts have brought forth a mouse. His grand 2020 pledges have disappeared from his website, and “a shroud of silence has fallen over Democratic offices when queried about the issue,” as BNN described it last week.

Last week, the Dept of Justice reported that Federal arrests during fiscal year 2022 were up 24% from the number in FY 2021. Immigration offenses accounted for 24% of those arrests, supervised release violations were almost as numerous at 23%, and drug trafficking offenses accounted for 21%.


It is significant that criminal justice reform people – who usually have nothing good to say about President Trump – are comparing Biden’s reform record unfavorably to Trump’s, whose First Step Act “has shown positive results, with those released under it being less likely to reoffend, demonstrating that federal criminal justice reform can be effective,” BNN said.

So what happened? The Hill says Biden’s abandonment of meaningful criminal justice reform

has been driven in large part by a wildly successful Republican messaging campaign. GOP politicians, aided by a friendly network of right-wing media outlets, have spent much of their time since 2020 selling American voters on the fiction that crime is surging. They’ve also made sure those Americans know to lay the blame on so-called “soft on crime” Democrats, whom they universally portray as eager to release dangerous felons onto the street. That messaging helped Republicans rack up wins that cost Democrats control of the House.

“The states are all still passing criminal justice reforms or fighting for them,” Crime and Justice News quoted Lorenzo Jones of the Katal Center for Equity, Health and Justice as saying. “The people doing that are all local, but those local people have been largely shut out of the national spotlight.” Burns believes that Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump can run to Biden’s left on criminal justice reform. He urges Biden to bring together “neglected criminal justice reform groups and do[] some much-needed listening.”

nothing190924Terrence Coffie, an adjunct assistant professor at New York University (and a man whose first academic achievement was getting his GED in 1993 while serving a drug trafficking sentence), said Biden could turn around his abandonment of criminal justice reform by leading an effort to repeal the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, an “outdated and draconian piece of legislation…” that has “perpetuat[ed] harm rather than fostering justice.” Writing in Forbes last week, Walter Pavlo said Coffie “believes it is a critical step towards rectifying historical injustices and forging a more equitable path forward for marginalized communities.”

Just don’t expect any steps along that “equitable path” to be taken in 2024, with Democrats frightened of criminal justice reform and Republicans decrying a violent crime wave sweeping America.

The Hill, What happened to Biden’s promises on criminal justice reform? (January 17, 2024)

BNN, Biden’s Criminal Justice Reform: Promises Unfulfilled Amidst Political Play (January 17, 2024)

DOJ Office of Justice Programs, Federal Arrests Increase 24% After Falling to a 20-Year Low (January 18, 2024)

Crime and Justice News, Have Biden, Other Dems Caved On Criminal Justice Reform? (January 19, 2024)

Forbes, Biden’s Mixed Messaging On Criminal Justice Reform (January 15, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

Prisoners Joining The 16,000-Member Club – Update for January 11, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


My email inbox started smoking yesterday with reports from federal prisoners that they were receiving the promised Dept of Justice Office of Pardon Attorney letters informing them that their clemency petitions – many of which had been languishing for years – had been denied. Never year, the letters advised them, because they are welcome to apply again on the new and improved form.

The letter is at once brazen in its misrepresentations and utterly incompetent in its execution. What do I mean?

clemencyltr240111How about this? “Your commutation application was carefully considered, and the determination was made that favorable action is not warranted at this time.” Suddenly, after letting 16,000 or so clemency petitions pile up – although to be fair, most petitions were already piled high on the tables and chairs and floor when she took office – Pardon Attorney Elizabeth G. Oyer had in a few short weeks “carefully considered” all of the thousands of clemency petitions clogging the offices and corridors and made the “determination… that favorable action is not warranted at this time.”

That’s not what DOJ said.

The current Administration inherited an unprecedented backlog of clemency petitions. Soon, the Justice Department will begin issuing letters to petitioners that have not been granted clemency in order to deliver closure to those waiting for answers they deserve. Those receiving letters are welcome to submit new petitions.

No careful consideration. No “determination” that favorable action was not warranted. just delivery of closure and an invitation to start over.

Honesty, which appears to be in short supply at the OPA, would have said, “We’re so overwhelmed with petitions, many of them years old, that we’re just throwing everything out and starting over. If you’re still interested, you’re welcome to file again.”

OPApardonoyer240111And how about “[T]he list of names is published on the Department’s website at www.justice.gov/pardon?” As of January 10, 2024, no such list can be found. So an office so dysfunctional that it can’t even rustle up a list of all of the prisoners and former prisoners whose petitions were bounced – after telling unhappy applicants that the list was online – wants prisoners to believe that their “commutation application[s were] carefully considered.”

Or maybe the OPA doesn’t even care whether petitioners believe the assurance or not.

Sadly, this latest affront is about par for the Biden clemency approach. Sure, clemency seemed to be for sale in the Trump White House, but at least it was available, even if you had to navigate The Donald’s kleptocracy to get one. With President Biden, virtually the only people able to get clemency are the ones no longer in prison.

Which leads me to clemency experts and law profs Rachel Barkow and Mark Osler, who last week accurately described most of President Biden’s December 2023 clemency grants as just a “small gift in a big box,” according to .

Writing in The Hill, Osler and Barkow complained that Biden’s “claim to ‘have exercised my clemency power more than any recent predecessor has at this point in their presidency’ is pure hyperbole, but underneath might be the seed of a truly significant movement towards more meaningful uses of federal clemency.”

First, the hollow gesture: Biden’s pardon of people convicted of simple marijuana possession underwhelms. The Sentencing Commission estimates that more than 6,500 people are covered by the pardon but only 110 people have applied for the pardon so far.

The commutation of sentences of 11 people who were serving extraordinarily long sentences for nonviolent drug distribution offenses is more significant, Barkow and Osler say, but “eleven grants from a backlog of more than 16,000 clemency petitions waiting for action is hardly grounds for applause.”


A few weeks before, Osler wrote in The Atlantic that federal clemency “has become a certifiable disaster, [having] withered to the point of uselessness and disrepute after decades of neglect, abuse, and administrative bloat. Petitions go through seven consecutive levels of review, wandering through the deeply conflicted Department of Justice — which sought the sentence in the first place — and the office of the White House Counsel. Not surprisingly, given this sticky muck of bureaucracy, a backlog of more than 16,000 pending petitions has built up—a striking number compared with the fewer than 2,000 pending petitions at the start of Barack Obama’s first term as president or the 452 petitions that President Bill Clinton inherited.”

The DOJ has promised a new, more streamlined process, but recalling that Biden – the “most lackluster user of the pardon power in memory [who] has done little beyond granting commutations to people who are already out of prison and pardons to minor marijuana offenders” – is the one making the promise, skepticism is the order of the day.

This week’s form-letter offal only underscores the reason such dubiousness is justified.

The Hill, Biden’s marijuana clemency grants are a small present in a big box (January 1, 2024)

The Atlantic, The Forgotten Tradition of Clemency (December 16, 2023)

– Thomas L. Root

Clemency: Out With The Old, In With the New – Update for January 2, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Sometime this week, we’ll clean out the refrigerator. We stored our Christmas dinner leftovers eight days ago in Tupperware containers with the best of intentions: we would have several great meals where we could reprise the Christmas feast, remembering that fine meal while being frugal.

throwaway240102But somehow we never get to the leftovers. Finally, this week, we’ll just sigh and decide to throw all of the old leftovers away because they’ve just been sitting around too long. We don’t have the appetite to eat plum pudding over a week later, and we don’t know whether the Christmas goose is still safe to eat, no matter how carefully we stored it.

The Biden Administration has its own leftover problem, and like we’ll do in a couple of days, the Dept of Justice is addressing clemency by throwing everything out and starting over. Last week, DOJ – in a time-honored government agency tradition – hailed its good intentions as a cover for its historical failings. The agency announced an all-new initiative on clemency that tacitly admitted its management of the pardon/commutation program over the last 1,079 days or so has been an unmitigated FUBAR.

A DOJ “Fact Sheet” issued last Thursday announced the rollout of a new simplified clemency form that runs eight pages (not including instructions) compared to the old form’s six pages. The 33% expansion isn’t necessarily a bad thing: The new form includes for the first time questions about prison programs completed and details about release plans – logical considerations, perhaps, in a clemency determination and information an applicant previously had to know should be included in an attachment to the form.

The DOJ also promises that it “is taking steps, including providing additional staffing and technical support for the Office of the Pardon Attorney, to reduce the processing times to ensure that clemency petitioners receive answers in a timely fashion.”

So that’s good, not bad, right? Yes, except for the DOJ’s next improvement:

The current Administration inherited an unprecedented backlog of clemency petitions. Soon, the Justice Department will begin issuing letters to petitioners that have not been granted clemency in order to deliver closure to those waiting for answers they deserve. Those receiving letters are welcome to submit new petitions.

do-over240102If a federal prisoner is one of the 18,000 applicants on file, he or she has just won the right to apply for commutation again, using a new form. All that work done on the prior form? All the BOP staff’s work in responding to Office of Pardon Attorney requests for information (and there’s been a lot of that)? Consider it practice…

To be sure, Biden’s DOJ clemency team did inherit an incredible backlog of clemency petitions from President Trump, who inherited an incredible backlog of clemency petitions from President Obama, Still, with Biden’s first (and maybe only) term 75% completed – the current President’s clemency grant rate is the worst in modern presidential history. Unlike all of his predecessors, he has not denied any petitions at all, meaning that the number of backlogged petitions has just gotten bigger.

clemency220418Still, candidate Biden once promised to assemble a “60-person agency independent of the DOJ, composed of people with diverse backgrounds” to review clemency cases. Less than a month into Biden’s term, Politico reported that the White House was seeking suggestions on how to reform the clemency system and deal with the backlog. But even then, some advocates doubted that Biden’s team had a plan for dealing with the backlog.

Ohio State University law professor Douglas Berman, writing in his Sentencing Policy and the Law blog, said at the time:

Regular readers will not be surprised to hear me endorse the sentiments of Cynthia Roseberry, namely that “It’s time. It’s past time.” I also share Mark Osler’s view that this could have and should have been a transition priority for the Biden team. Still, I am not inclined to aggressively criticize the Biden Administration if it currently has advisers and insiders talking to and working with advocates about how to put together a “comprehensive plan” for effective clemency reform. But, as the title of this post is meant to highlight, taking a careful and deliberative process toward grander reform of the entire clemency process should not be an excuse for Prez Biden to hold back entirely on the use of his clemency pen.

football140422Prisoners and their families can probably be forgiven for being skeptical of any Administration promise now that it is going to do anything, where its prior assurances have proven to be hollow.

Lucy. Charlie Brown. Football. C’mon, prisoners, try another kick. The DOJ promises to hold the ball for you this time.

For those more optimistic than I, the new commutation form is available at


DOJ also promises that it “is working to educate the public about how to submit a clemency application in order to demystify the process and help ensure broader and more equitable access.” The only mystery is why we have gone three years into the presidential term of a man who in his first 100 days promised to fix clemency, only to have 18,000 people be told to start over.

DOJ Press Release, Fact Sheet: Justice Department Improvements to the Clemency Process (December 28, 2023)

DOJ, New Clemency Form (December 28, 2023)

Politico, Trump left behind a clemency mess. The clock’s ticking for Biden to solve it. (February 11, 2021)

Sentencing Law and Policy, How about some clemency grants from Prez Biden while his team works on grander clemency plans? (February 11, 2021)

– Thomas L. Root

Uncle Joe Goes Light on Clemency Gifts This Christmas – Update for December 22, 2023

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


clemencyjack161229I had a post prepared wondering whether we would see any clemency from President Biden this year. As I was putting it up this morning, the President announced one mass pardon and commutations of sentences for “11 fellow Americans who are serving unduly long sentences for non-violent drug offenses.”

First, the mass marijuana pardon. The President granted a pardon 

to all current United States citizens and lawful permanent residents who, on or before the date of this proclamation, committed or were convicted of the offense of simple possession of marijuana, attempted simple possession of marijuana, or use of marijuana, regardless of whether they have been charged with or prosecuted for these offenses on or before the date of this proclamation.” The pardon covers people violating 21 USC § 844 (simple possession on federal property), 21 USC § 846 (attempts to possess pot), DC Code sections prohibiting simple possession of marijuana, and any of a thundering herd of Federal regulations that prohibit “only the simple possession or use of marijuana on Federal properties or installations, or in other locales, as currently or previously codified.

numbersBeyond that, the President commuted the sentences of 11 people convicted of drug offenses. His clemency picks by the numbers:

• Two of the recipients had trafficked in methamphetamines and nine in cocaine or crack;

• Four of the recipients were serving life terms, five were serving 20-year sentences, one a 22-year sentence, and one a 15-1/2 year sentence;

• For the non-life sentence people, the average sentence was 235 months. The commutations cut those sentences by an average of 19%;

• One life sentence recipient had served 15 years, the other three had served from 25-27 years;

• Two of the life-sentence inmates still have substantial time left to serve, one 8 years and the other 12 years; and

• Nine of the recipients were in prison, two were already on home confinement or in halfway house;

Any clemency is good clemency, but President Biden’s production is a little paltry. Last year, Biden issued pardons to six people on December 28, four for various low-level drug offenses, one for the illegal sale of whiskey, and one to an 80-year-old woman who killed her husband 47 years ago. All of the people were convicted for crimes that occurred at least 20 years before. No one had served more than two years.

At the time, the White House said the pardoned people had served sentences and “demonstrated a commitment to improving their communities and the lives of those around them.” This time around, the President said that the commutation serves “to uphold the values of redemption and rehabilitation.”

President Biden’s clemency performance to date is tepid. Law professor Mark Osler, one of a handful of clemency scholars in the US, wrote in The Atlantic:

Obama granted more than 1,700 commutations, which, unlike a pardon, shorten a sentence while leaving the conviction standing. But he accomplished this by cranking the broken system hard; he never changed the process. The news since then has been depressing. Donald Trump used clemency largely to reward tough guys, fraudsters, and others he knew or admired, and only a couple hundred of them at that. Joe Biden is the most lackluster user of the pardon power in memory. He has done little beyond granting commutations to people who are already out of prison and pardons to minor marijuana offenders. He has yet to even deny any petitioners by presidential action. An enormous backlog of petitions languishes, ignored.

clemency231222The politically safe but meaningless blanket pardon for simple marijuana possession will likely garner the headlines. Remember, when the President announced a mass pardon in October 2021, none of the eligible recipients was even in prison. President Biden’s action today has cut the number of pending petitions for clemency by an estimated six-one hundredths of a percent. There’s a reason I tell people wanting a federal clemency to use the $1.00 it will cost to mail it for a lottery ticket instead: the odds of winning big in Powerball are so much better.

White House, A Proclamation on Granting Pardon for the Offense of Simple Possession of Marijuana, Attempted Simple Possession of Marijuana, or Use of Marijuana (December 22, 2023)

White House, Clemency Recipient List (December 22, 2023)

Reuters, Biden reduces sentences of 11 facing non-violent drug charges (December 22, 2023)

The Atlantic, The Forgotten Tradition of Clemency (December 16, 2023)

AP, Biden pardons 6 convicted of murder, drug, alcohol crimes (December 30, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

President Vows to Block GOP Plan to Lock Up People Remaining on CARES Act Home Confinement – Update for December 1, 2023

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


return161227The White House has threatened to veto a Republican-sponsored Senate resolution that would send about 3,000 federal offenders who were released to home confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic back to prison.

NPR reported yesterday that as early as next week, the Senate could vote on S.J.Res. 47, sponsored by Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and more than two dozen other Republican senators. The resolution would negate Dept. of Justice rules that permit over 3,000 federal prisoners sent to home confinement during the COVID pandemic by the CARES Act to complete their sentences at home absent misbehavior.

The resolution is brought under the Congressional Review Act, legislation passed 27 years ago to create a process for Congress to overturn federal agency rules.

Blackburn’s office told NPR that “the COVID national emergency is over, and criminals need to be behind bars, not on the streets.” NPR reported that DOJ says only 27 of the 13,000 prisoners released to extended home confinement during COVID were rearrested or returned to prison custody for committing a new crime.” Blackburn’s office alleges that some of those 27 people “face charges for assault, drugs and human smuggling,” according to NPR, “but analysts who follow the criminal justice system say the people released during the pandemic have a very low recidivism rate – less than 1%, much smaller than the rate for all federal prisoners, according to government statistics.”

Writing three weeks ago in The Hill, Sarah Anderson of the R Street Institute noted that CARES Act home confinement recidivism “is a less than 0.2 percent recidivism rate, which is less than 1/200th of the federal government’s overall self-reported recidivism rate of 43 percent. Put differently, a staggering 99.8 percent of those sent to home confinement under the CARES Act succeeded in establishing and maintaining law-abiding lives outside of federal brick-and-mortar custody. Advocates of public safety and the rule of law should count that as a bonafide win.”

veto231201In a statement of administration policy released Wednesday, the Office of Management and Budget said flatly that President Biden will veto S.J.Res. 47 if it makes it to his desk. OMB cited the extraordinarily low recidivism rate among those released to home confinement and the reduced cost to taxpayers compared to incarceration:

Of the over 13,000 people released to home confinement under the CARES Act, less than one percent have committed a new offense—mostly for nonviolent, low-level offenses—and all were returned to prison as a result. Moreover, since home confinement is less than half the cost of housing someone in prison, this program has saved taxpayers millions of dollars and eased the burden on [Federal Bureau of Prisons] staff so they can focus on the higher risk and higher need people in Federal prison.

Daniel Landsman, Vice President of Policy for FAMM, said, “Our federal prison system is approaching crisis level with understaffing and its ability to properly care for and keep safe both the people who live and the people who work in their facilities… [T]he thought of adding, in one fell swoop, 3,000 or so people back into the population when we’re already struggling to adequately staff and keep people safe just doesn’t make sense to me.”

recividists160314Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) issued a policy brief last June that declared “CARES Act home confinement has been a resounding success in safely reintegrating individuals into the community without compromising public safety.”

The effect of a Biden veto would probably be to kill S.J.Res. 47. With the Democrats controlling the Senate and the Republicans having a razor-thin majority in the House, the likelihood of both chambers to rustle up a two-thirds majority to override a Biden veto is extremely remote.

S.J.Res. 47, Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Justice relating to Office of the Attorney General; Home Confinement Under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (October 30, 2023)

Reason, Biden Threatens To Block GOP Plan To Send 3,000 People Back to Federal Prison (November 30, 2023)

Reason, 11,000 Federal Inmates Were Sent Home During the Pandemic. Only 17 Were Arrested for New Crimes (August 22, 2022)

Dept of Justice, Office of the Attorney General; Home Confinement Under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, 88 FR 19830 (April 4, 2023)

Office of Management and Budget, Statement of Administration Policy: S.J. Res. 47 – A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Justice relating to “Office of the Attorney General; Home Confinement Under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act” (November 30, 2023)

Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ), CARES Act Home Confinement – Three Years Later (June 23, 2023)

The Hill, The Senate should codify — not reject— CARES Act’s home confinement policy (November 9, 2023)

NPR, Hundreds released from prison during pandemic may be sent back under Senate proposal (November 30, 2023)

– Thomas L. Root

Sisyphus and Marijuana Reform – Update for July 13, 2023

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Just kidding.

sisyphus230713Sisyphus – who pushed the rock up the hill, for you mythology-challenged readers – was a model of efficiency compared to Congress. That’s generally so, but hardly better illustrated than in the world of marijuana reform.

Marijuana – now known by its preferred pronoun “cannabis” – has nearly reached the top of legislative mountain before. States have OK’d it for medical use and in some places, for recreational toking. I drove through Michigan last weekend, where you can no longer see the forests for the recreational “cannabis” dispensary billboards. But federal recognition of the states’ fait accompli? Not even close.

Forbes last week ran a piece explaining why federal legalization of marijuana (which I figured was a done deal when the 2021 Congress convened) is at least a decade away.

“President Joe Biden isn’t pro-cannabis, nor are any of the other major declared candidates, including former President Donald Trump,” Forbes stated. “Trump said that drug dealers should be executed. Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who opposed cannabis legalization during his first bid for president in 2016 and referred to tax revenue from pot sales as “blood money,” said during a town hall on CNN that he would end parts of America’s drug war, but still opposes legalization. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running as a Democrat and got arrested for marijuana and heroin decades ago, said he would decriminalize weed, but he stopped of supporting legalization.”

Forbes recounted that Morgan Paxhia, co-founder of San Francisco-based cannabis investment firm Poseidon, “was lobbying in Washington, D.C. late this spring when he finally accepted that America’s prohibition on pot is not going to end soon. Any hopes that the Biden Administration will remove marijuana from the list of controlled substances is ‘dead in the water,’ according to the politicians and staffers Paxhia met with. “My feeling of federal legalization is that it could be 10 years or more,” Forbes quoted Paxhia as saying.

potbillboard230713However, writing in Marijuana Moment last week, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) noted that the NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports is recommending the removal of marijuana from its list of prohibited substances and that the House has passed legislation to enable state-legal cannabis companies to have banking services seven times. Despite the fact this happened last year, when the Dems controlled the House, Blumenauer hopefully writes, “Perhaps this is the final stretch towards ending the failed war on drugs. If the NCAA is issuing a call for a reasonable, rational drug policy, can Congress be far behind?”

Meanwhile, Robert Wood – writing in The Hill last week – argued that justice demanded that the stalled EQUAL Act be passed. Wood, who won a sentence reduction under First Step Act’s Section 404, which made the 2010 Fair Sentencing Act retroactive, argued that the EQUAL Act’s opponents “often fail to comprehend the human aspect of these unjust sentences. We are talking about individuals who have served 10, 15 or even 20 years in prison, with some serving life sentences. These men and women are not statistics; they are our fellow citizens, who have families and communities to return to… The goal of passing the EQUAL Act and ensuring its retroactivity is to rectify the wrongs committed under an unjust system. By providing these individuals with an opportunity for redemption, we embrace the core principles of fairness, equality and justice. As a nation that prides itself on these values, we must not turn a blind eye to the suffering caused by outdated policies.”

No hearings have been held on EQUAL this year, and I suspect that none will happen. Jacob Sullum noted in Reason last week that “Donald Trump can’t seem to decide whether he wants to execute drug dealers or free them from prison. The former president’s debate with himself reflects a broader clash between Republicans who think tougher criminal penalties are always better and Republicans who understand that justice requires proportionality.”

warondrugs211028Trump, who brutal drug warriors like Rodrigo Duterte, the former president of the Philippines, said last fall that “We’re going to be asking everyone who sells drugs, gets caught selling drugs, to receive the death penalty for their heinous acts.” When he repeated that two weeks ago during a Fox News interview, anchor Bret Baier pointed out that a policy of executing “everyone who sells drugs” was inconsistent with Trump’s record as president, which included passage of First Step and clemency aimed at reducing drug penalties that Trump described as “very unfair.” Baier pointed out that Alice Marie Johnson, a first-time, nonviolent drug offender whom Trump granted a commutation and later a full pardon for her participation in a cocaine conspiracy, would have been “killed under your plan,” Baier noted, “as a drug dealer.”

As long as the presidential campaign, which has over 15 months to go, is focused on crime, expect nothing from Congress.

Forbes, Why National Cannabis Legalization Is Still A Decade Away (June 30, 2023)

Marijuana Moment, If NCAA Can End Marijuana Ban, So Can The Federal Government, Congressman Says (July 3, 2023)

The Hill, Justice for all: It’s time to end the discrimination between crack and cocaine sentencing (July 4, 2023)

Reason, Trump Can’t Decide Whether To Free Drug Dealers or Kill Them: The Former President’s Bloody Rhetoric Undermines His Defense of Sentencing Reform (June 28, 2023)

– Thomas L. Root

Biden Commutes Sentences of 31 People Who Are Already At Home – Update for May 1, 2023

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


obtaining-clemencyPresident Biden commuted the sentences of 31 federal prisoners last Friday, all of whom are currently on CARES Act home confinement. In each of the cases – involving sentences from 84 to 360 months – the commutation cut their imprisonment-at-home terms to end on June 30, 2023.

The 31 people whose sentences were commuted were doing time for nonviolent drug offenses, but none was in a secure facility. Instead, they were already living at home, working or going to school, attending religious services, shopping, but being confined to their homes otherwise, a White House official said. Nevertheless, the people whose sentences were committed, according to the Biden Administration, “have demonstrated rehabilitation and have made contributions to their community.”

Many of those receiving commutations would have received a lower sentence if they had been convicted of the same offense after passage of the First Step Act.

I don’t doubt that the 31 deserved commutations. My complaint is that addressing overly-long sentences that could no longer be imposed and mass incarceration by commuting 31 sentences is like bailing the ocean with a spoon.oceanclemency230501

The 31 commutations appeared to be window dressing to last Friday’s announcement of the White House’s broader initiative that aims to bolster the “redemption and rehabilitation” of people previously incarcerated through greater access to housing, jobs, food and other assistance. The announcement came at the end of Biden’s proclaimed “Second Chance Month,” which the White House says is an attempt to put a greater focus on helping those with criminal records rebuild their lives.

The “second chance” effort, described in a Dept of Justice 66-page Strategic Plan Pursuant to Section 15(f) of Executive Order 14074 issued last Friday, is an ambitious plan to provide rehabilitation services to federal and state prisoners, including programs for education, addiction treatment, services to female inmates, reduction of the use of SHUs and the now-obligatory plans to address LGBTQI+ prisoners, especially transgender ones. It promises changes to provide immediate Medicaid healthcare coverage to people being released, access to housing, enhance educational opportunities; expand access to food and subsistence benefits, and provide access to job opportunities and access to business capital.

As part of the push, the Dept of Education will make 760,000 federal and state prisoners eligible for Pell Grants through prison education programs and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will make some prisoners eligible for limited Medicaid coverage shortly before their expected release.

bureaucracybopspeed230501The plan begs the question of why, with First Step now over five years old, DOJ is only now providing its hagiographic description of what it intends to do. For example, the Dept of Education announced that it would renew the availability of Pell grants for prisoners – once common in the BOP but discontinued as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 – 20 months ago. But so far the BOP has only made access to Pell Grants “currently available through a pilot program to seven sites within BOP, where 300 incarcerated students are enrolled in college courses with two additional sites beginning implementation.”

Thus, with a head start beginning in August 2021, the BOP has signed up only 0.2% of its population for college course (which, incidentally, count for FSA credits).

clemency170206As for the clemency, the President’s commutation action brings the total number of federal prisoners whose sentences he has reduced over more than two years to 111, according to DOJ data. With 17,145 clemency petitions on file, this means that in Biden’s presidency thus far, he has acted on about 0.6% of petitions on file.

Biden’s promise early in his presidency to set up a White House commission to efficiently and fairly assess clemency petitions has never come to pass, just as his two large commutation announcements – 75 commuted in April 2022 and 31 now – appear to have just been a gimmick: heavy with women last year and all on home confinement with nonviolent drug convictions this year. One can only hope the DOJ’s ambitious “strategic plan” is more substantive than the President’s other criminal justice reform initiatives.

The White House, Clemency Recipient List (April 28, 2023)

DOJ, Rehabilitation, Reentry, and Reaffirming Trust: The Department of Justice Strategic Plan Pursuant to Section 15(f) of Executive Order 14074 (April 28, 2023)

Washington Post, Biden grants clemency to 31 drug offenders, rolls out rehabilitation plan (April 28, 2023)

Washington Times, Biden reduces sentences for 31 drug offenders (April 28, 2023)

The Hill, Biden to commute sentences of 31 nonviolent drug offenders, releases new rehabilitation plan (April 28, 2023)

– Thomas L. Root

‘Nothing’ Really IS Sacred – Update for April 25, 2023

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


partytime230425In honor of President Biden’s March 31 proclamation marking April as Second Chance Month, the Dept. of Justice’s Office of Pardon Attorney hosted “A Celebration of Second Chances” last Friday.

The event featured opening remarks by Deputy Attorneys General Lisa Monaco and Kristen Clarke and a panel of DOJ speakers and prior clemency or compassionate release recipients. who will discuss the impact of second chances through clemency. OPA said in a press release that it “is dedicated to supporting the President’s work to provide second chances to individuals who are currently or previously were incarcerated by the federal justice system.”

The event featured a panel of DOJ speakers and prior clemency or compassionate release recipients, who discussed “the impact of second chances through clemency.” OPA said in a press release that it “is dedicated to supporting the President’s work to provide second chances to individuals who are currently… incarcerated by the federal justice system.”

nothing230425Horror-and-fantasy cartoonist Gahan Wilson, whose work fueled my adolescent sense of irony way too many years ago, once drew a cartoon of strangely-clad cultists worshiping an altar festooned with the word “NOTHING” and a large “N.” One skeptic at the side of the crowd is asking another, “Is ‘nothing’ sacred?” Second Chance Month has succeeded in making life intimate art: Biden’s clemency initiative (as was Trump’s) is a ‘nothing,’ and Second Chance Month is worshiping it.

clemency220418Rarely has dedication been accompanied by such institutional failure. About 18,000 clemency petitions languish on file at DOJ, many dating from the Obama era. When elected, Biden promised a restructuring of the clemency process to expand its use and remove what he saw as excesses of the Trump era. That never happened. Biden granted clemency to 81 people last year (as well as people with federal marijuana possession, none of whom was in prison for the offense, had filed for clemency, or – for that matter – has even been publicly identified).

On an ACLU podcast last week, Cynthia Roseberry, Acting Director of the ACLU’s Justice Division, called on Biden “to retrospectively give clemency to people who have been charged previously and are sentenced disparately because they were charged with crack cocaine” during Second Chance Month.

DOJ Office of Pardon Attorney, Second Chance Month 2023 (April 12, 2023)

ACLU, Clemency Is One Answer to the War On Drugs (April 20, 2023)

– Thomas L. Root

Biden Pulls the Plug on CARES Act – Update for January 31, 2023

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


CARES Act To Expire:  President Joe Biden informed Congress yesterday that he will end the twin national emergencies declared by President Donald Trump 35 months ago.

pullingplug230131The end of the national emergency and the separate public health emergency will restructure federal coronavirus response, treating COVID-19 as an endemic threat to public health that can be managed through agencies’ normal authorities.

Biden’s announcement came in a statement opposing a House of Representatives resolution to be voted on later this week (H.J.Res. 7) to bring the national emergency to an end. Congress has the power to end a National Emergencies Act emergency declaration at any time by joint resolution under 50 USC § 1622(a)(1).

A similar resolution sailed through the Senate last November, suggesting that this one could have done the same, embarrassing the Administration. Biden’s announcement just about assures that the Congressional push against the national emergency will fizzle.

Among the myriad of federal responses mandated by the bloated Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (“CARES“) Act, a $2.2 trillion response to COVID-19 that runs some 324 pages in Volume 134 of the United States Statutes, the Bureau of Prisons was given authority to “lengthen the maximum amount of time for which the Director is authorized to place a prisoner in home confinement under the first sentence of section 3624(c)(2) of title 18, United States Code, as the Director determines appropriate.” Practically speaking, this gave the BOP the right to place prisoners on home confinement indefinitely, despite the old 18 USC 3624(c)(2) limitation of 10% of the sentence up to a maximum of six months.

home190109The BOP has placed 52,815 inmates, almost of third of its normal population, on home confinement since CARES passed. The agency has always pumped up the number by including people who would have been sent to home confinement at the conclusion of their sentence regardless of the CARES Act. Nevertheless, there are over 5,600 CARES Act home confines right now.

The CARES Act authority continues during what § 12003(a)(2) calls the “covered emergency period.” This period ends “on the date that is 30 days after the date on which the national emergency declaration terminates.” In other words, with the national emergency ending on May 11, the “covered emergency period” ends on Saturday, June 10th.

So will the BOP continue CARES Act placement until then? It makes economic sense for an agency struggling with an employee shortage, especially where inmates with low-security risk and high maintenance costs (read “costly medical care”), to unload as many prisoners as it can. The BOP’s inmate load has increased since hitting a low in 2020, even before having to absorb some 14,000 federal prisoners from private prisons after Biden ended contracting with private prison operators in his first days as president.

welcomeback181003What will become of the 5,600 on home confinement now? The Administration has taken the position that those on CARES Act home confinement will not necessarily be ordered to return to prison. The BOP, in its typical ham-handed way, issued a memorandum in December 2021 saying it intended to develop a plan to evaluate “which offenders should be returned to secure custody.” It clarified that to say it would propose rules governing the factors to be evaluated in calling people back to prison, but the proposed rules have not yet been announced.

The Dept of Justice did not help matters. Last June, DOJ issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, seeking public comment on a rule that delegated authority to the BOP to decide who would return and who would not. Those rules have not yet been finalized, but you can bet that they will be soon.

New  Memo Is Released:  Meanwhile, yesterday, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, I received the memo issued last month that gave assistant US attorneys (AUSAs) a say in some CARES Act home confinement decisions. The memo, issued December 21 (not December 19, as a BOP administrative remedy response erroneously stated), “supersedes the Home Confinement memorandum dated April 13, 2021.” I have posted a copy of the memo.

One reference to AUSA approval relates to inmates referred for CARES Act home confinement who have 5 years or more remaining on their sentences. It provides that the BOP’s Residential Reentry Management Office – which manages inmates in halfway houses and on home confinement – will contact the AUSA’s office “in the respective Court of Jurisdiction to solicit input regarding the request for Home Confinement. The input from the AUSA is to be considered among the factors used by the RRM Office in making a Home Confinement decision.”

fox230131The second is if the warden refers an inmate who does not fit the CARES Act criteria for placement. In that case, the referral is sent to the “Home Confinement Committee (HCC)… for further review.” The HCC will contact the AUSA’s office for input regarding the request, and any “input from the AUSA is to be considered among the factors used by the HCC in making a Home Confinement decision.”

Writing in Forbes last week, Walter Pavlo observed that “prosecutors have a role in court proceedings, such as when prisoners apply for compassionate release. In those instances, and based on our adversarial justice system, prosecutors rarely support compassionate release cases. However, those are court proceedings where prisoners, defendants, have an opportunity to support their position and them considered by a judge who makes a decision.”

His point is clear: the new CARES Act memo lets AUSAs dump on inmates without the prisoner knowing what was said, let alone having a chance to refute it. What is more, the BOP has issued no criterion to its staff on how to weigh what the AUSA says.

“To inject prosecutors into what is clearly a BOP decision is unfair,” a former federal prosecutor told Pavlo. “To inject the continued adversarial nature between inmates and prosecutors into what is clearly within the sole purview of a BOP decision can lead to unfair or skewed results.”

On March 26, 2020, and April 3, 2020, Attorney General William Barr set criteria for the BOP Director’s exercise of the power granted by the CARES Act to place inmates in home confinement. Pavlo points out that “nowhere in those memos does it state the role that federal prosecutors have in this process.”

AUSAs may have trouble squaring their complaints about inmates being sent to CARES Act home confinement with the government’s position in the Connecticut habeas corpus case, Tompkins v. Pullen, two months ago. There, the government argued that home confinement was nothing special and gave a prisoner no due process liberty interest.

At all times – whether on HC, at the RRC, or in secure custody… Petitioner has remained a “prisoner.” Although she was in a “community custody” status while designated to HC and supervised by the RRC, Petitioner remained a federal inmate and subject to redesignation to a secure facility if necessary to accommodate her security and programming needs… The halfway house is simply one of the facilities operated by the BOP. It is a different kind of imprisonment than maximum security, just as a supermax facility is different than a prison camp, but it is still imprisonment. The restrictions, although less than in some other facilities, remain onerous.

So CARES Act home confinement is a big deal that needs to be run past the AUSA, or it’s nothing different than any other designation decision. The BOP and AUSA may choose whichever argument is preferred at the time.CARESEnd230131

Unfortunately, it’s clear they only have to choose for the next 130 days. Then, while COVID-19 will still be with us, the CARES Act home confinement program is history.

Associated Press, President Biden to end COVID-19 emergencies on May 11 (January 31, 2023)

H.J.Res.7 Relating to a national emergency declared by the President on March 13, 2020 (January 9, 2023)

Bloomberg Law, BGOV Bill Summary: H. J. Res. 7, End Covid-19 National Emergency (January 27, 2023)

Bureau of Prisons, Home Confinement Criteria and Guidance (December  21, 2022)

Forbes, Federal Prosecutors Have Increased Role In CARES Act Home Confinement Transfers (January 24, 2023)

Attorney General, Prioritization of Home Confinement As Appropriate In Response to COVID-19 Pandemic (March 26, 2020)

Attorney General, Increasing Use of Home Confinement At Institutions Most Affected by COVID-19 (April 3, 2020)

Gvt Memo in Support, Motion to Dismiss (ECF 14-1), Tompkins v Pullen, Case 3:22-cv-00339 (DConn, filed April 13, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Are CARES Act’s Days Numbered? – Update for January 24, 2023

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


When Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”) nearly three years ago, it included an unprecedented home confinement program for federal prisoners that let the Bureau of Prisons designate prisoners to home confinement during the COVID national emergency.

caresbear230124President Trump declared a one-year national emergency because of COVID on March 13, 2020, under authority of the 46-year-old National Emergencies Act (“NEA”). Since then, President Biden has extended it twice, the last time being Feb 18, 2022, each time for one year. Unless Biden extends it again, the COVID national emergency will expire after Feb 28, 2023.

The CARES Act lets the BOP designate inmates to home confinement without regard for the 10%/6 month limitation set out in 18 USC 3624(c)(2) during the “covered emergency period,” which CARES defines as beginning on March 13, 2020, “and ending on the date that is 30 days after the date on which the national emergency declaration terminates.” If Biden does extend the COVID emergency for another year, the CARES Act placement will end on March 30, 2023.

On Jan 11, 2023, the Dept of Health and Human Services extended the COVID-19 public health emergency through at least April 11, 2023. The public health emergency is not the same as the NEA emergency. Politico reported two weeks ago that “senior Biden officials are targeting an end to the emergency designation for Covid as soon as the spring, after debating doing so last summer and taking a pass… The decision, which has not yet been finalized amid more immediate efforts to manage a recent spike in Covid cases, would trigger a complex restructuring of major elements of the federal response…”

Walter Pavlo wrote in Forbes, “While there are other factors involved with the consideration of ending the National Emergency Declaration, prisoner’s health continues to be an issue even today. Prisoners represent a population with substantial added risk for developing COVID-19 due to multiple factors stated by the CDC, including the inability to social distance.

home210218Pavlo notes that while the federal prison population had been decreasing prior to the start of the pandemic in April 2020, despite the CARES Act, the BOP population has increased 2.5% and is now 158,844. “Many in prison are hoping that President Biden extends the Covid-19 National Emergency Declaration until at least Summer 2023 to get a better picture on the trajectory of the virus,” Pavlo wrote. “Continuing the program can only protect lives of prisoners, many of whom will be returning to society in a few years anyway.”

Writing in USA Today last Thursday, Ingrid Jacques said, “Next month, Biden will again consider whether to extend the COVID national emergency declaration that has existed since early 2020. Congress has signaled it’s ready for it to end. In November, the Senate – including 12 Democrats – passed a resolution calling for a termination of the [NEA] emergency. Now that Republicans hold the House, expect that chamber to join in.”

But the death of the NEA emergency may not be at hand. Biden has found the NEA emergency very convenient for mandating change without the need for Congress. Relying on the NEA emergency, Biden “forgave” hundreds of billions of dollars of federal student loan debt. The courts have blocked that plan, and the Supreme Court will hear the argument in early March. If the NEA emergency is not renewed, it could weaken the Administration’s case.

Plus, the Biden administration was in court last week defending its right to order masks on airplanes, buses and trains. The Dept of Justice is arguing that the administration has the authority to require masks in the name of public health.

dontcare170123Axios reported last month that lawmakers who voted to end the NEA emergency “probably aren’t focused on the programs [that would be lost] as much as making a statement that the country has returned to normal… “[The pandemic] is over. I’m going to keep voting until we get it over,” said Sen. Joe Manchin [D-WV]. “We should get back to normal lives.” Sen. Tim Kaine [D-VA] said the Biden administration didn’t provide senators with a good reason to keep it in place – only sending a memo to offices urging a “no” vote 10 minutes after the vote.

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, Pub.L 116-136, 134 Stat 281 (March 27, 2020)

National Emergencies Act, Pub.L 94-412, 90 Stat 1255 (September 14, 1976)

Politico, Biden team eyes end of Covid emergency declaration and shift in Covid team (January 10, 2023)

Forbes, Federal Prisoners Concerned Over End Of CARES Act National Emergency Declaration (January 20, 2023)

Senate, Joint resolution relating to a national emergency (S.J.Res. 63) (November 15, 2023)

Axios, What happens when the COVID national emergency ends (December 9, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root