Tag Archives: sentencing commission

First Step Act Beneficiaries By The Numbers – Update for January 25, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


imageThe Romans had a phrase for it: “Cui bono?” Last week, the U.S. Sentencing Commission tried to answer that question about the First Step Act.

The extra seven days of good time granted by the Act will benefit the most inmates, about 142,500 federal prisoners (79% of the 180,390 federal prison population), excluding only people with life sentences or sentences of less than a year and a day (which are ineligible for good time under 18 USC 3624[b][1]). The earned time credit the Act awards for completing programs that reduce recidivism is in second place. The Commission estimates that it will benefit about 106,000 eligible inmates (about 59% of the population).

The retroactive Fair Sentencing Act provision of the First Step Act only touches about 2,660 inmates, but it has an outsized effect on racial disparity: 90% of whom are black.

elderly180517The elderly offender home detention program expanded by the Act has 1,880 inmates who are currently eligible (the right age, right offenses and right amount of time served). Of course, the EOHD program, unlike the other First Step programs, will see an influx of additional inmates who reach the right age and service of sentence.

The Commission also issued an 8-page fact sheet answering questions about implementing the sentencing portions of First Step. In it, the USSC notes that First Step requires no changes in the Guidelines (which is a good thing because the 7-member Commission is down to only two voting members, leaving it unable to approve any new Guidelines until the Senate approves additional commissioners).

USSC, Sentence and Prison Impact Estimate Summary (Jan. 18)

USSC, ESP Insider Express: First Step Act (Jan. 18)

– Thomas L. Root

Pounding Pervs: Sentencing Commission Looks at Mandatory Sentences for Sex Offenses – Update for January 11, 2019

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


The US Sentencing Commission issued a report last week examining the application of mandatory minimum penalties specific to federal sex offenses.

perv160201Relying on 2016 data, the 81-page report analyzes the two types of federal sex offenses with mandatory minimum penalties, sexual abuse and child pornography (CP) as well their impact on the Federal Bureau of Prisons population. Among its findings:


• Two out of three sex offenders receive a mandatory minimum sentence, and half of those sentences are for at least 15 years incarceration.

• Sex offenders convicted comprised only 4.2% of federal defendants sentenced in 2016, but sex offenses accounted for 19.4% of offenses carrying a mandatory minimum penalties.

• Between 2011 and 2016, sex offenses, however, increased in number and as a percentage of the federal docket, and sex offenders were more frequently convicted of an offense carrying a mandatory minimum penalty.

• Sex offenders are demographically different than offenders convicted of other offenses carrying mandatory minimum penalties. Native Americans are a larger percentage of sex abuse offenders than of any other offense carrying a mandatory minimum penalty. White offenders constituted over 80% of offenders convicted of a CP offense (80.9%). The average age for all CP offenders was 42, five years older than the average age for federal offenders convicted of any other mandatory minimum penalty.

• While there is little distinction between CP receipt possession offenses, the average sentence for receipt offense defendants, which carries a five-year mandatory minimum, is 30 months longer than the average sentence for offenders convicted of a possession offense, which carries no mandatory

US Sentencing Commission, Mandatory Minimum Penalties for Federal Sex Offenses (Jan. 2, 2019)

– Thomas L. Root

More of the Same Ol’ Same Ol’ at the Sentencing Commission – Update for August 28, 2018

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.



The U.S. Sentencing Commission last week approved a list of policy priorities for the coming year, including a multi-year examination of the “differences in sentencing practices that have emerged across districts, within districts, and, in some cases, within courthouses under the advisory guidelines system.”

In light of the Supreme Court’s decision in Koons v. United States, the Commission will also consider application issues related to the calculation of retroactive sentence reductions for certain offenders convicted of mandatory minimum penalties.

newsun180828For the third consecutive year, the Commission also set as a priority the adoption of a uniform definition of “crime of violence.”  The Dept. of Justice has raised several application issues that have arisen since the Commission’s 2016 amendment, including the meaning of “robbery” and “extortion.”  The Commission will also consider possible amendments to Guideline § 4B1.2 (the “career offender” guideline) to allow courts to consider the actual conduct of the defendant in determining whether an offense is a crime of violence or a controlled substance offense.

The USSC will also continue to study recidivism among federal offenders as well as the use of mandatory minimum penalties in the federal system.

Over the past two years, the Commission released eight reports on those topics. Despite the net effect of the prior reports (being zero), the Commission plans an additional recidivism report this coming year, as well as reports on the use of mandatory minimums in cases involving identity theft and sex offenses.

U.S. Sentencing Commission, Final Priorities for Amendment Cycle Ending May 1, 2019 (Aug. 22, 2018)

– Thomas L. Root


Women Behind (Federal) Bars – Update for July 10, 2018

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.



The Sentencing Commission issued one of its regular “Quick Facts” reports last week on women in federal custody. The “quick facts” series, started five years ago as a way to give the USSC’s short-attention-span readers (which includes most of Congress) “basic facts about a single area of federal crime in an easy-to-read, two-page format,” are issued several times a year. This is the first report focusing on women in federal custody.

The report notes that for the period Oct. 2016 through Sept. 2017:

• Women made up 13.1% of federal prisoners, a slight decrease from 2013, when they were 13.3% of offenders;

• 68.0% of female federal prisoners were Criminal History Category I when sentenced;

• women used weapons less frequently (6.1% of cases) than do men (10.1%);

• 76.9% of convicted women were sentenced to imprisonment, less than the 93.8% rate for men

•  women offenders were sentenced within the guideline range 36.6% of the time, compared to 49.8% of the time for men; and

•   the average sentence for women was 28 months in 2017, compared to 27 months in 2013.

U.S. Sentencing Commission, Women in the Federal Offender Population (July 3, 2018)

– Thomas L. Root


Won’t Get Fooled Again by USSC Proposed Priorities – Update for July 5, 2018

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.



fool180705Federal inmates who felt like the U.S. Sentencing Commission left them at the altar last April when the much-ballyhooed First Offender proposal disappeared from the amendments list without so much as a squeak ought to be forgiven for thinking the Commission should have released its set of proposed priorities for 2018-19 amendment cycle last week to the tune of the Who’s “Won’t Get Fooled Again.”

The Commission begins each amendment year by proposing priorities, which the public may comment on prior to adoption, either arguing against the proposals or even suggesting other priorities the commentators believe the Commission overlooked. Last year, the nonprofit prison group Prisology carried public participation in the USSC priorities inquiry to a new level, causing a flood of over 80,000 comments proposing that the USSC adopt a newer, kinder sentencing table.

In an action (or perhaps inaction) that spoke volumes about the contempt the Commission has for the agency rule making process, the Commission not only failed to adopt Prisology’s modest proposal  that revisiting the 30-year old sentencing table, it did so without so much as a single comment about having received 90,000 public comments on a single topic. To be sure, the Sentencing Commission, being a judicial-branch agency and not an executive-branch agency, need not comply with the Administrative Procedure Act, but a layperson (and even a lawyer) could be forgiven for asking what the point is of seeking public participation only to ignore it so completely as not even to acknowledge in a footnote that it ever happened?

futility180705One of last year’s priorities that did get adopted related to a proposed reduction in sentence levels to recognize that there are Criminal History I defendants and then there are Criminal History I defendants. Some Crim I people have a misdemeanor history that garners them one point, still little enough to fall in Crim I (the best criminal history category to land in). Other Crim I people may have done hard time, but did it so long ago that their incarceration ended more than 15 years ago. A few Crim I people have a virginal criminal history, never so much as a speeding ticket.

The USSC proposed to reward the virgins with not just the Criminal History I category, but an extra point or two off their Guidelines offense level score. The suggestion, called the First Offender proposal, made the priorities cut, then even the proposed proposed-amendments cut, only to disappear without a trace when the amendments to the 2018 Guidelines were adopted three months ago.

Unsurprisingly, the new priorities make no reference to the late First Offender proposal, either. It has become the Sentencing Commission version of George Orwell’s “unperson”: not only dead, but abolished, with any identifiable reference to it scrubbed from the record.

Nevertheless, if you are among the dozen or so people in America who think that public comment on the USSC’s priorities exercise  will amount to anything more than flatulence in a hurricane, here are the more interesting proposed priorities:

The Commission proposes considering how to reduce costs of incarceration and overcapacity of prisons by

• looking at the structure of the guidelines post-Booker to promote proportionality and reducing sentencing disparities, and to account appropriately for the defendant’s role, culpability, and relevant conduct;

• continuing to work with Congress to implement its recommendations to revise the career offender directive to focus on offenders who have committed at least one “crime of violence” and mandatory minimum penalties (including mandatory stacking of 18 USC 924(c) penalties; and

• considering possible amendments to the commentary of 1B1.10 (Reduction in Term of Imprisonment as a Result of Amended Guideline Range (Policy Statement)) in light of Koons v. United States, study of the operation of 5H1.6 (Family Ties and Responsibilities (Policy Statement)) with respect to the loss of caretaking or financial support of minors; and study of whether 1B1.13 (compassionate release guideline) effectively encourages the BOP Director to file a motion for compassionate release when “extraordinary and compelling reasons” exist.

Public comments are due by August 10, 2018. After that, the Commission will meet August 23 to select its priorities for the coming cycle. Don’t bet on the final list deviating from the proposed list by as much as a jot or a tittle.

But if you want to comment, knock yourselves out.

U.S. Sentencing Commission, Proposed Priorities for Amendment Cycle (June 28, 2018)

– Thomas L. Root

2018 Guideline Amendments… The Rest of the Story – Update for April 17, 2018

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues. 


As we reported last Friday, the U.S. Sentencing Commission killed the First Offender proposal by neglect, never mentioning it during the half-hour meeting last week at which the USSC adopted a slate of new amendments to the Guidelines Manual to be sent to Congress.

khat180417That’s not to say, however, that the Commissioners did nothing. They did vote to update the federal sentencing guidelines to address synthetic drugs. The amendments addressed synthetic cathinone (the active drug in African khat, used in bath salts) and synthetic cannabinoids, including K2. To address fentanyl, the USSC adopted a four-level sentencing enhancement for knowingly misrepresenting or knowingly marketing fentanyl or fentanyl analogues as another substance (a 50% increase in sentence).

release180417The Commission also adopted a new application note suggesting judges consider alternative sentencing options to prison for “nonviolent first offenders” whose applicable guideline range falls at 8-14 months or less. Eligible defendants must not have any prior convictions and must not have used violence, credible threats of violence, or possessed a firearm or other dangerous weapon in the offense. The alternatives include probation, halfway house confinement and house arrest.

The USSC also increased offense levels for certain Social Security fraud offenses to incorporate statutory changes, and adopted a non-exhaustive list of factors that courts may consider in determining whether a prior Indian tribal court conviction warrants an upward departure from the recommended sentencing range.

Nothing in the proposed amendments, which will be effective November 1, 2018, applies to people who have already been sentenced.

U.S. Sentencing Commission, Amendments to the Sentencing Guidelines (Preliminary) (Apr. 12, 2018)

– Thomas L. Root


Not With a Bang But A Whimper Does ‘First Offender’ Die – Update for April 13, 2018

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues. 


In a half-hour meeting ending yesterday, the U.S. Sentencing Commission promulgated amendments which will become effective on November 1, 2018, unless Congress blocks their effectiveness. As expected, the Commission proposed tough new sentencing guidelines for synthetic drugs like fentanyl. But not as anticipated, the USSC mentioned nothing about its ballyhooed First Offender Proposal.

planethype180413Last year, the Commission proposed a “First Offender” amendment, one that would give additional Guidelines benefit to people with pure criminal records. The USSC proposed that the virgins of the criminal world – people who had no prior convictions – get bonus points for a prior record that’s even better than Crim I.

For prisoners, the proposal has been the most hyped change in the Guidelines since the 2014 drug table amendments, despite the fact that its retroactivity was in doubt. Yet at yesterday’s meeting, without a single mention, the Commission adjourned without acting on the proposal.

As we have reported, if President Trump is successful in get his latest two nominees past the Senate and onto the Commission, retroactivity will enter the dark ages. But judging from yesterday’s nonevent, it looks like things could not get a whole lot worse for the already-sentenced.

U.S. Sentencing Commission, Amendments to Sentencing Guidelines (Preliminary) (April 12, 2018)

– Thomas L. Root LISAStatHeader2small

Sentencing Commission Meets: Nothing New – Update for January 22, 2018

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


The U.S. Sentencing Commission met last Friday, and federal inmates were anxious. Chiefly, the anticipation was due to an email newsletters circulating in the institutions have been predicting adoption of a Guidelines change that will cut sentences.

Virgin180102The change has been dubbed the “first offender proposal.” As the Guidelines are currently employed, the advisory sentencing ranges are set out in a chart. The y-axis of the chart is the Total Offense Level, determined by an assigned base offense level for the crime, along with additions and subtractions for various facts. The x-axis is the defendant’s criminal history.

For example, a guy with a prior state conviction for felony burglary is convicted in federal court for supplying cocaine to two street-level dealers who sold for him. After being indicted, he pleads guilty. The amount of cocaine he moved may set the base level at 26. Because was a manager of two other people, 2 levels get added. But because he pled guilty as soon as he was indicted, 3 levels get subtracted for acceptance of responsibility. His Total Offense Level is 25. The prior felony gets him 3 criminal history points, placing him in Criminal History Category II.

For someone with a Total Offense Level of 25 and Crim History II, Guidelines sentencing table sets an advisory sentencing range of 63-78 months.

senttable180122A few years ago, the Sentencing Commission noted that while some people had led exemplary lives up to their federal indictment, others fell in Criminal History I despite the fact they had some prior brushes with the law. A guy with a misdemeanor possession of drugs, for example, may have gotten 30 days suspended, and thus scored only one criminal history point, which kept him as Crim History I. Another guy may have done five years for a felony, getting out of prison in 2000. Because his prior bit ended more than 15 years ago, it no longer counted in the Guidelines criminal history score.

The Commission considered whether to modify the Criminal History guidelines to account for the difference between a virgin and someone who fell into Criminal History I more by luck than by conduct. It thus floated a proposal to reward the virginal defendant with a reduction in Total Offense Level. The proposal, made in December 2016, went nowhere, primarily because everything that was proposed then went nowhere: an unusually large number of USSC commissioner terms expired in December 2016, and due to Obama leaving and Trump arriving, no one got appointed to replace them right away. Without a quorum, nothing could happen.

By April 2017, the Commission was back to fighting strength, but too late to adopt proposed changes by May 1st. The USSC statute makes that date magic, because Sentencing Commission amendments must languish in front of Congress for six months (to give legislators a chance to veto any they don’t like) before becoming effective on November 1st. So the Commission decided to skip a 2017 Amendment cycle altogether.

indecision180122In August, the Commission refloated the proposed amendments that were orphaned the previous January. The Commissioners are still trying to figure out whether the first offender proposal should reward any defendant with zero criminal history points, or whether it should only reward defendants who are truly tyros, having a lifetime history of no convictions. The USSC is also undecided whether to reward first offenders with a one- or a two-level reduction.

There is one additional wrinkle: A change in the Guidelines, as a rule, only affects people who have not yet been sentenced. If it is to affect any of the 183,000-odd federal prisoners who are already doing time, the USSC must first declare it retroactive. Retroactivity is never a done deal. Instead, it depends on a lot of factors, some objective (such as whether retroactive motions for sentence reduction would clog the courts) and some subjective (such as whether fundamental fairness requires retroactivity).

That has not prevented a couple of outside businesses that take inmate money in exchange for “paralegal” services to trumpet that inmates need to hire them right now to assist in First Offender motions for reduction. This is despite the fact that (1) no one knows for sure whether the first offender proposal will in the USSC’s final 2018 amendment package sent to Congress; (2) no one knows for sure to whom and to what extent any first offender proposal would apply; and (3) no one knows whether the first offender proposal will ever be made retroactive. It is not all that comforting that the last change to the criminal history Guidelines, to eliminate a point previously added if the new offense was recent to a prior probation or prison term, was not made retroactive. But none of this deters hopemongers on the outside from collecting money from inmates and their families.

When the Sentencing Commission announced several weeks ago that last Friday’s meeting would include a “possible vote to publish proposed guideline amendments and issues for comment,” many thought that the vote would be to decide on which of the options in the first offender proposal to advance. Instead, the Commission advanced a synthetic-drug guideline, made changes in an immigration offense guideline, and voted on unspecified “technical amendments.” There was not a word on anything else.

bureaucracy180122Shortly after the meeting, however, the Commission clarified its rather opaque procedures. In a press release, the USSC noted toward the bottom of the page that “[t]oday’s proposals join other proposed amendments published in August 2017 that were held over from the previous amendment cycle. (Read “holdover” proposals”.)  The Commission is expected to vote on the full slate of proposed amendments during the current amendment year ending May 1, 2018.”

So the Commission meant only to add to the holdover amendments it published last August, when the latest iteration of the “first offender proposal” was promulgated. Still, they could have said that at some point in their 17-minute meeting. But apparently, the first offender proposal may still be on track, and may still be in the package to be voted on by May 1.

We’re not just one-issue voters, complaining about the Commission’s failure to explain that the first offender proposal was still in the package lurching toward May 1. Ohio State University law professor and sentence guru Doug Berman noted last Friday in his sentencing blog that “my own cursory understanding of all these proposals suggests to me that the holdover proposal addressing first offenders and alternatives to incarceration may be the only very consequential proposed amendment potentially in the works….”

U.S. Sentencing Commission, USSC Proposes Amendments (Jan. 19, 2018)

– Thomas L. Root


Sentencing Commission Readying Amendment Package – Update for January 9, 2018

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


USSC170511The U.S. Sentencing Commission has scheduled a public meeting for Friday, January 19, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. The agenda includes no substantive items other than a report from the chair and what the USSC terms a “possible vote to publish proposed guideline amendments and issues for comment.”

The “possible vote” could be to finalize a package of proposed amendments for public comment prior to recommending the package to Congress by May 1. Once sent to Congress, the amendments would become effective November 1, 2018, unless Congress blocked them.

Of primary interest to many inmates is the “first offender” proposal, which would give people who lack any prior criminal history points a reduction of 1 to 2 levels. The idea, which the USSC floated a year ago, has not yet been firmed up as to who would qualify for the reduction and how great the reduction might be. If the measure becomes an amendment to the Guidelines, it would not be retroactive to already-sentenced inmates unless the USSC decides in a separate proceeding to do so.

snakeoil180109The possibility that a “first offender” proposal may be adopted and may someday be retroactive has already spawned a cottage industry of the usual “hopemongers” trying to sell inmates “analyses” of their cases, to determine whether they would be eligible for a sentence reduction under 18 USC 3582(c)(2). Inasmuch as the Sentencing Commission does not itself know to whom the “first offender” proposal will fit, or whether it will ever apply to people already convicted, there would seem to be a little alchemy (or perhaps old-time snake oil) involved.

The USSC meeting will be streamed live over the Internet.

U.S. Sentencing Commission, USSC Schedules Public Meeting for January 19, 2018

– Thomas L. Root


Hope Springs Eternal in the New Year – Update for January 2, 2018

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Some commentators are predicting that 2018 will be a breakout year for criminal justice reform.

rocket-312767The conservative Washington Examiner said last week that “meaningful bipartisan legislation is poised for success in 2018.” The paper cited the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act, the CORRECTIONS Act, and the Mens Rea Reform Act – all currently in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee – as demonstrating a bipartisan desire to see reform enacted In the House, Rep. Doug Collins, R-Georgia, introduced the Prison Reform and Redemption Act last July.

“We remain focused on comprehensive reform of the criminal justice system,” Mark Holden, senior vice president and general counsel at Koch Industries, told the paper. “It remains to be seen what Congress will be amenable to doing. However, both Speaker [Paul] Ryan and Senators Cornyn, Grassley, Lee and [Illinois Sen. Dick] Durbin have shown that they hope to pursue reforms in the coming year.” Holden and Koch Industries have been prime movers behind sentencing reform for several years. “Given the seemingly strong support for prison reform and re-entry reform,” he said, “this may be a starting point for criminal justice reform in 2018 which will hopefully lead to other reforms as well,” he said.

Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III
Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III

Rep. Collins’ bill would require Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III to develop a risk and needs assessment system for criminals, while giving them incentives to lower their risk of recidivism. “Last year we saw both sides of the aisle and both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue hone in on prison reform as a way to strengthen the justice system,” the Examiner quoted Collins as saying. “In 2018, I think we’re going to see even more lawmakers come together to push forward where we have consensus, and the Prison Reform and Redemption Act captures a big part of those shared priorities at the federal level.”

Holden and Collins both were part of a bipartisan roundtable meeting on federal prison reform at the White House in September, convened by President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

Not everyone is hopeful. Kara Gotsch, manager of the Sentencing Project’s federal advocacy work, said she sees the chances for sentencing reform as slight, and expressed concern over changes being made at the Dept. of Justice. “Areas to watch are how Sessions’ harsher charging and sentencing policies take effect now that more Trump-appointed U.S. attorneys are being installed,” she said. On the other hand, “the U.S. Sentencing Commission is poised to issue new guideline amendments related to alternatives to incarceration which would expand eligibility for federal dependents to receive a non-incarceration sentence.”

Virgin180102Also on the horizon is a Sentencing Commission proposal floated last year to adopt a “first offender” provision that would reduce the Guidelines score of people with no prior offenses. The Commission has not adopted the proposal yet, and has not yet settled on whether the reduction would be one level or two, and whether to qualify, a first offender would just need a criminal history score of zero, or whether he or she would need a prior record that was absolutely clean. Likewise, the Commission has not hinted whether a first offender proposal would be retroactive. Nevertheless, the possibility of a beneficial Guidelines change makes 2018 look more promising than the prior year.

Looming over sentencing reform, however, is the opioid crisis. Republican senators such as Rob Portman from Ohio and Democrats like Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts are making the case that opioid addiction should not be criminalized. The Washington Spectator said last week that “before in our nation’s history had we seen such a vocal and powerful bipartisan push among politicians to make sure that drug addiction, at least addiction to some drugs, is treated like the public health crisis it always was… Even when the Republican attempt to overhaul Obamacare failed this summer, bipartisan calls to protect opioid addicts didn’t die out. Again, this is a good thing as it suggests that even in the Trump White House, there might remain the possibility of at least some criminal justice reform. But protecting some is hardly protecting all, or even most, of the people who suffer the consequences of criminalizing addiction in this country. Indeed, those very same politicians who continue to clamor for a different approach to opioid addiction are now insisting that we must start “beefing up other tough-on-crime laws” for everyone else.”

got-skepticismEver cautious and thoughtful, Ohio State University law professor Doug Berman expressed skepticism in his review at his Sentencing Law and Policy blog: “As is my general tendency, I am hopeful but not optimistic about the prospects for federal statutory sentencing reform during a pivotal election year. If other possible ‘easier’ legislative priorities get completed (or falter), I could see at least some modest reforms making it through the legislative process. But inertia can be a potent political and practical force in this setting, especially in an election year, so I am not holding my breath.”

Washington Examiner, Criminal justice reform poised to take off in 2018 (Dec. 30, 2017)

Washington Spectator, Opioid Concerns Supplant Hopes for Broader Reform (Dec. 26, 2017)

– Thomas L. Root