Tag Archives: BOP

Thanksgiving Week: Stuffing Goes With Turkey – Update for November 26, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Walter Pavlo reported in Forbes last weekend that the Bureau of Prison – despite being told by Congress in the First Step Act almost six years ago to expand halfway house capacity to accommodate prisoners using FSA credits, has increased contracted-for halfway house bed space by a paltry 1% in the last 6 years.

stuffedturkey241126The BOP Office of Public Affairs reported that as of January 1, 2019, the BOP was contracting for 10,408 halfway house beds. As of two months ago, the BOP contracted for 10,553 halfway house beds. Pavlo wrote that “the BOP is now telling some halfway house providers… that they are canceling some solicitations for additional capacity because of ‘budgetary and staffing considerations.’”

Pavlo reported, “Many prisoners and their families are telling me that case managers are telling them that there is no room at halfway houses, and the result is that many minimum security prisoners spend a greater portion of their sentence in prison rather than in the community… BOP notes that ‘many of the unfilled beds in a halfway house are at locations that are hard to fill or are outside of the release residence area of individuals requesting community confinement placement’.”

So the Bureau argues to prisoners that the halfway houses are stuffed without room for people, who therefore lose the benefit of their FSA credits. Pavlo says that’s a myth. He and former BOP Director Hugh Hurwitz surveyed halfway houses and BOP usage of them, finding that only 82% of the BOP’s contracted halfway house capacity is being used. What’s more, the halfway houses have even more space open than that, space the halfway houses would like to fill but is not under BOP contract.

halfwayhouse241126“BOP could look to modify those existing contracts to increase the number of beds available,” Pavlo wrote.

For now, it appears that the halfway house shortage has less to do with stuffed beds and more to do with BOP unwillingness to fill them.

Forbes, Bureau of Prisons Halfway Houses Must Change Due to First Step Act (November 23, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

Home Confinement Authority Gathers Dust – Update for November 8, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


shelfware241108ABack in the days of the dinosaurs, when computer programs came on CD-ROMs or (even more antediluvian), on stacks of mini-floppies, many of us were familiar with the concept of “shelfware.”

Writing in Forbes last week, Walter Pavlo reminded us that the Federal Bureau of Prisons has its own version of “shelfware,” a provision in 18 USC § 3624(g)(3) that lets prisoners spend their First Step Act credits – days earned for successful completion of programming under 18 USC § 3632 – on sentence reduction, halfway house or home confinement.

When a prisoner has earned enough FSA credits to where his or her remaining sentence equals the number of FSA credits earned, § 3624(g) requires that the BOP use those credits for one or more of the three options provided. The BOP’s practice is to first apply credits to sentence reduction: up to 365 credits can be used to reduce a sentence by a like number of days. The BOP has been diligent about this, and prisoners have been able to watch their sentences shorten on a monthly basis as FSA credits are earned.

Once the sentence reduction has been maxed out at 365 days, the balance of the credits is to be applied to additional halfway house or home confinement. Pavlo points out that “[t]he First Step Act gives the BOP a lot of discretion to place prisoners in the least restrictive, and least costly, confinement.” While the BOP has sole discretion to decide what that confinement will be, but it must be one of the two.

nobrainer241108A BOP decision to use its home confinement authority should be a no-brainer: The halfway houses are filled, causing prisoners to be denied the use of their credits despite their absolute statutory right to them. Home confinement, however, lacks the space limitations (at least not to the same degree).

Unsurprisingly, the BOP has left it home confinement authority on the shelf. As Pavlo observes, the BOP’s “interpretation of the First Step Act at every turn has been to minimize the use of the law to return prisoners to society sooner. The BOP has the law behind it to move thousands more prisoners into the community and to home confinement, if it only had the will to do so.”

Trust the BOP to mismanage things. Pavlo notes that

[p]risoners with 18 months of First Step Act toward prerelease custody should be sent directly to home confinement but they are languishing in halfway houses using resources they do not need. Other prisoners who are not First Step Act eligible and who have longer prison terms, are being passed over for placement in halfway houses in favor of those on First Step Act. The costs are now higher because a prisoner is staying in a higher security prison because there is no halfway house and a minimum security prisoner is stuck in a halfway house when they could be at home.

What he does not mention is that other prisoners entitled by law to the benefit of FSA credits they have earned are being denied halfway house placement because the places are full, in part with prisoners the BOP could move to home confinement.

The BOP could save money, too. When halfway houses monitor people on home confinement, it charges the BOP about half the cost of keeping them in halfway houses. According to the BOP, an inmate in home confinement cost an average of $55.26 per day as of 2020 —less than half the cost of an inmate in secure custody.

Moneyburn170208President-elect Donald Trump, as one of his plethora of promises made during the campaign, said he would slash federal spending. His disdain for anything related to the DOJ is well known. In a November 7 Forbes article, Pavlo said, “[L]ook for an unhappy Trump look for more ways to cut costs at the BOP. In 2018 when Trump made the cuts the BOP’s budget was $7.1 billion. The BOP has asked for $8.6 billion in FY2025 and another $3 billion to bring its facilities up to date. Spending at these levels is simply not going to happen.”

The BOP is required to let prisoners spend their FSA credits. It may be compelled by circumstances and budget to push FSA credit users, especially those who are minimum security and recidivism risk, to home confinement. Even now, doing so would make good sense, which leads commentators like Pavlo to wonder why the agency hasn’t done so.

Forbes, Bureau of Prisons Could Do More To Send People Home, Why Aren’t They? (October 30, 2024)

Dept of Justice, Home Confinement Under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, 88 FR 19830 (April 4, 2023)

Forbes, The Bureau Of Prisons Under A Trump Administration (November 7, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

Just in Time for the Holidays: BOP Announces Restrictive Mail Policy – Update for October 25, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Federal Bureau of Prisons Director Colette Peters announced last week that the agency will introduce new procedures in November 2024 in all prisons other than minimum-security facilities. All general correspondence (including photos and commercial greeting cards) sent to prisoners will be photocopied, and only color photocopies will be provided to the inmate.

mailB241025The new restrictions, which Peters said was a result of “[t]he rise in illicit substances sent to incarcerated individuals through US mail,” will require that all incoming general correspondence must be on plain white paper and in a white envelope. No glitter, labels, stickers, perfume, lipstick, crayon, or marker will be accepted.

Legal and special mail will continue to be opened in the presence of the inmate after BOP investigators verify that the identified sender really is the sender. Peters warned that while efforts would be made to deliver legal mail within 24 hours, that may not happen because “thorough vetting is required to ensure the highest level of security.”

A BOP mailroom supervisor at USP Atwater died last August, apparently from contact with a drug-laden document sent to an inmate by legal mail. Speculation in the media at the time blamed fentanyl for the death, but the three defendants charged in the death thus far have been accused only of a conspiracy to distribute only one named drug, “AB-CHMINACA and MDMB-4en-PINACA, commonly referred to as Spice.”

This is not to say that fentanyl was not a factor, nor that it was uninvolved in the poisoning of a BOP employee at USP Thomson in early September, just that it has not yet been identified as being present. In the Atwater case, it is unlikely that autopsy results will be revealed prior to trial.

United States v. Jones, Case No 1:24-cr-209 (E.D.Cal.)

BOP, Message from the Director and CPL-33 President (October 16, 2024)

AFGE 4070 Press Release, A Correctional Officer was exposed to what was believed to be amphetamines. The staff member was given Narcan before being transported to a local hospital. (September 2, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

Mass Punishment: Always a Bureau of Prisons “Go-To” – Upsate for October 17, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


BOPemail241017As everyone knows, the Bureau of Prisons’ Trulincs email system was modified on September 30 to limit outsiders (like the LISA Foundation) from sending emails to groups larger than 10 inmates. Previously, the system let an outside user set up groups of up to 1,000 inmates.

Every Sunday night, LISA Foundation would send its newsletter to about 14,000 prisoners. Setting up the email and sending it to 14 separate 1,000-prisoner groups took about a half hour. The system was clunky, but sending the email 14 times was not an enormous inconvenience.

Now, to do the same, LISA would have to send the email about 1,300 times. To do that would take about 68 hours.

Writing in Forbes, Walter Pavlo reported last week that BOP Public Affairs staffer Ben O’Cone told him, “In response to an Office of Inspector General (OIG) audit of the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ (FBOP) Monitoring of Inmate Communications to Prevent Radicalization (March 2020), the OIG recommended that the FBOP establish controls that mitigate the risk of individuals communicating with unknown and un-vetted parties and take steps, including the utilization of available technological features as found in TRULINCS, to reduce the risk of mass emails being receiving by high-risk individuals, including terrorists. As a result, the FBOP’s Executive Team decided to reduce the number of emails that an outside party could send to a group of incarcerated individuals to ten. This measure was taken to comply with the OIG audit.”

O’Cone was referring to OIG findings that “thousands of communications made by terrorists and other high-risk inmates that were only partially monitored… Overall, we identified more than 7,000 emails that had not been monitored at all, and determined through further testing that some of these emails contained content that needed to be evaluated by the BOP and counterterrorism experts.”

The closest the Report came to recommending the type of group email limit the BOP has imposed was to note that “[w]e agree with BOP staff that reasonable limitations are needed in order to effectively monitor general population emails while also satisfying the monitoring requirements for high-risk inmate communications. The limited time staff has to review emails along with other forms of communication, and the inability to obtain official translations for general population emails without prior approval is concerning because some general population inmates may exhibit radical or other high-risk behavior after incarceration.”

bopproblem241016The Inspector General’s study focused on under 600 inmates identified as terrorist-affiliated and examined a 3-year period ending in December 2017. Now, 7-1/2 years after the study period, the BOP has decided that problems with communications involving one out of 250 inmates ought to result in drastically limiting inmate access to mass emails, many of which are from advocacy groups or news reporting services.

The fly has been swatted.

Forbes, Bureau of Prisons To Restrict Mass Emails To Prisoners (October 8, 2024)

OIG, Audit of the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ Monitoring of Inmate Communications to Prevent Radicalization (March 25, 2020)

– Thomas L. Root

Senate Passes Bill to Crack Down on Prison Cellphones – Update for October 15, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


quickbunny241015People who have watched Congress let criminal justice reform measures like the EQUAL Act and marijuana reform  – even the two-year trek for the First Step Actlanguish for years may be surprised to see that the U.S. Senate can be quick like a bunny when it wants to.

Senator Jon Ossoff (D-GA) spent two years getting his colleagues to pass last summer’s Federal Prison Oversight Act (S.1401), a bill that tightens Dept of Justice review of prisoner mistreatment. However, when he introduced S.5284 – a bill that makes it a felony for people to smuggle cellphones into prison or for inmates to possess cellphones inside a facility – the Senate only took two days to pass the measure.

cellphonefelony241015The bill passed unanimously. After members return to Washington after the election, the House of Representatives will take up the measure in November. When the House passes the bill (and I expect the House will do so), the bill should dramatically increase prosecutions of inmates and their outside smuggling associates and make the use of cellphones inside much riskier.

Just in the past week, authorities intercept two attempted drone deliveries of contraband at federal facilities, one at FCI Pollock and the other at FCC Beaumont.

S.5284 – Lieutenant Osvaldo Albarati Stopping Prison Contraband Act

Press Release, Sen. Ossoff’s Bipartisan Bill to Crack Down on Contraband & Organized Crime in Federal Prisons Passes U.S. Senate (October 10, 2024)

DOJ Inspector General, Statement by DOJ IG Michael E. Horowitz on the Senate Passing the “Lieutenant Osvaldo Albarati Stopping Prison Contraband Act” (October 10, 2024)

KBMT-TV, Jefferson County deputies confiscate drone used to bring contraband into United States Penitentiary (October 7, 2024)

KALB-TV, 2 arrested for flying drone full of contraband into federal prison in Grant Parish (October 10, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

Better Late Than Never, BOP Comes To The FTC Party – Update for October 7, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


One of the recurring problems with the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ reluctant implementation of the First Step Act’s system for granting inmates credit for completion of programs designed to reduce recidivism is this: Prisoners are to earn credits as long as they are in BOP custody – including while in halfway house or home confinement – much like good conduct time credit under 18 USC § 3624(b) – but the agency has up to now adopted no system that would capture those latter FSA time credits (FTCs) and apply them to the benefits to which 18 USC § 3624(g) entitles inmates.

bureaucracy241007Instead, the BOP has been refusing to grant FTCs to people within 18 months of their release. It has been as though your employer decided not to pay you for your last month working for him because figuring out your final checks is just too much effort.  Your bureaucracy in action.

Two months ago, however, prisoners’ Sentence Computation forms suddenly included a line for “Conditional Placement Date.”  But nearly as soon as the forms were available, the BOP withdrew the date, claiming an error in calculation. For the last two months, prisoners were denied any documentation of their FSA credit calculations pending further work by the BOP on the subject.

Last Friday, the BOP announced that it will now start calculating three “conditional” dates for inmates. When a prisoner first enters the system, the BOP calculates a release date premised on the inmate earning all of the good conduct time under 18 USC § 3624(b) that he or she could possibly get. Now, the same will be done for FTCs.

The BOP will calculate three dates on a prisoner’s sentence comp sheets:

FTC Conditional Placement Date: The date when an inmate may be eligible for halfway house or home confinement based on the application of his or her maximum potential FTCs.

Second Chance Act (SCA) Conditional Placement Date: The date when an inmate may be eligible for release under the SCA, which allows for up to 12 months halfway house placement. SCA eligibility is based on an individualized assessment by BOP staff. Nothing is promised, with SCA placement being anywhere from zero months to a full year.

Conditional Transition to Community Date: This date is the earliest possible date for transfer from prison to halfway house or home confinement, based on a combination of FTCs and SCA eligibility.

The BOP promises that staff will use these new conditional dates to make release decisions starting 17-19 months before the Conditional Transition to Community Date. The BOP said that “[f]or eligible individuals, this could include recommendations for direct home confinement, bypassing [halfway house] placement where appropriate.”

funwithnumbers170511The BOP warns that “FSA Conditional Release Date is a projected date based on various factors, including continued eligibility for FTCs, participation in programs, and eligibility and appropriateness under SCA.”

Writing in Forbes this past weekend, Walter Pavlo recounted the BOP’s sorry record on FTC implementation, having “been plagued with computer problems to calculate the credits, inconsistent interpretation of the First Step Act and poor communication to the line staff at prisons who are tasked with implementing the programs. The result is that the BOP has held prisoners in institutions longer than necessary and in some cases held them beyond their release date.”

So, hypothetically, someone beginning a 120-month sentence on Jan 1, 2024, would have a good time release date of about July 1, 2032. The first 365 days of FTCs she earned would move that date to July 1, 2031. Between the start of her sentence and July 1, 2031, she would earn 1305 FTCs. After using 365 of those FTCs to reduce her time by a year (under 18 USC § 3624(g)(3)), she would have 940 days left. Those 940 days would let her transition to halfway house or home confinement on about Nov 3, 2028. That date should be her FTC Conditional Placement Date.

Under the Second Chance Act, she could get an additional year in halfway house. That would make her Conditional Transition to Community Date about Nov 3, 2027.

It is close to misfeasance that it has taken the BOP nearly six years from the passage of the First Step Act to finally figure out a system that a kid with an Excel spreadsheet could have accomplished in under an hour. What’s worse is that so many prisoners have been denied their full FTC benefit by an agency hidebound by stasis and contempt for the people entrusted to its custody

beating241007Note that while BOP Director Peters’ kinder, gentler BOP calls inmates “adults in custody,” I do not. When the people locked up in BOP institutions are treated like persons in custody instead of inmates, prisoners, or numbers, I will call them AICs.  For now, the BOP treats them with contempt. Calling them AICs doesn’t change that.

BOP, FBOP Updates to Phone Call Policies and Time Credit System (October 4, 2024)

Forbes, Bureau of Prisons Announces Updates To First Step Act Calculations (October 5, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

“You’ve Got (Scanned) Mail” – Update for September 26,2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.



Senators Robert Casey (D-PA) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM) last week introduced legislation to require the Federal Bureau of Prisons to screen all prison facility mail for contraband.

S. 5128, the Interdiction of Fentanyl at Federal Prisons Act, is intended to “reduce the risk of intentional poisoning or lethal exposure from illicit substances in federal prisons and support the 38,000 BOP corrections officers and staff that are dedicated to keeping prisons safe,” according to a press release.

The bill would require the BOP to deploy equipment and technology to achieve 100 pct scanning capacity of postal and legal mail arriving at Federal correctional facilities, ensure that inmates “receive a digital copy of all mail addressed to them, including legal mail, while remaining consistent with the law and BOP procedures governing attorney-client privilege” and “guarantee the delivery of all contraband-free original mail after it has been screened as soon as is practicable.”

The bill promises to “provide the BOP with an estimated $377 million in savings over a 10-year period.” Although as of this morning, the text has not yet been published, Filetr magazine reported this week that the newly proposed bill appears nearly identical to H.R. 5266, the Interdiction of Fentanyl in Postal Mail at Federal Prisons Act, introduced in August of last year. H.R. 5266 has languished in the House ever since but has collected 127 cosponsors since being introduced by Rep Don Bacon (R-NE), with Republican sponsors outnumbering Democrats 87 to 40.

Exactly how the BOP would pay for all of this scanning and where the “estimated $377 million in savings” would come from remain unexplained.

Filter blasted the bills as being lagnappes for private contractors:

Passive fentanyl exposure is a myth. Mail scanning has always been motivated not by safety, but by money. As the nationwide understaffing crisis deepens in state prison systems as well as the BOP, private contractors like Securus Technologies are promoting their automated mail-scanning services as the solution corrections departments are looking for. Some BOP facilities already use the MailGuard scanning service from SmartCommunications, a private correctional technology firm that claims to have pioneered off-site mail processing.

prisonmailbox200123I suspect that nothing will happen with these bills prior to the expiration of the 118th Congress at the end of the year.  If I am wrong, yet another connection to home will be stripped away from inmates for a spurious gain in staff safety.

S. 5128, A bill to require the Director of the Bureau of Prisons to develop and implement a strategy to interdict illicit substances and other contraband in the mail at Federal correctional facilities (September 19, 2024)

Press Release: The Interdiction of Fentanyl at Federal Prisons Act of 2024 (September 19, 2024)

Filter, The Prison Mail Bans Aren’t About Fentanyl. They’re About Understaffing. (September 23, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

Making MDC Nice for Diddy – Update for September 24, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Last month, U.S. District Judge Gary Brown of the Eastern District of New York sentenced 74-year-old Daniel Colucci to nine months in prison for a tax crime, conditioned on the Federal Bureau of Prisons not designating him to serve it at MDC Brooklyn, a BOP facility used largely for presentence detainees.

It’s a facility Judge Brown described as being “dangerous [and] barbaric.” It’s also the new home for Sean “Diddy” Combs, 

dungeon180627The Judge apparently struck a nerve. Last week, BOP spokeswoman Randilee Giamusso told the New York Daily News, “Effective since August, the Federal Bureau of Prisons has temporarily paused all initial designations to the minimum security cadre component of MDC Brooklyn.” As of now, only 42 of the 1,200 MDC inmates are serving sentences at the facility.

Judge Brown’s opinion, which detailed conditions at MDC Brooklyn – including lengthy lockdowns, vicious assaults and significant delays in providing medical care – came several weeks after an MDC inmate was killed in a fight there. As a result of the opinion, Colucci was sent to FMC Devens.

The new policy was revealed during a September 12th sentencing of Stephen Mead in the Eastern District of New York. During the hearing, Assistant US Attorney Doug Pravda told the Court that the BOP designation policy “had recently changed, and MDC was broadly off the table,” Corrections1 reported.

Defense attorney Noam Biale, representing a pretrial inmate who did not receive his medication after an emergency appendix procedure, was quoted by the Daily News as having said “if both judges and the BOP recognize it’s not an appropriate place for people to serve their sentences, how can it be appropriate to jail people who are presumed innocent there?”

The BOP has not indicated when or if MDC Brooklyn might resume accepting sentenced inmates. Meanwhile, MDC Brooklyn is getting special attention even as a high-profile music celebrity was detained there instead of being bonded out.

BOP last week said it has cut inmate population at the MDC by 25% and increased staffing by about 20% to 469 employees, with 157 vacancies left. Before the hiring surge, the facility was at about 55% staffing, according to court filings.

An unidentified senior BOP official told The Associated Press that members of its Urgent Action Team, a group of senior officials focused on increasing facility staffing levels and ensuring adequate repairs, “have made repeated visits to MDC Brooklyn and… are giving the jail ‘sustained attention’ and ‘sustained leadership focus to mitigate issues at the lockup,” AP quoted the official as saying. The AP said the team is working to remedy “more than 700 backlogged maintenance requests and answering judges’ concerns.”

Urgent action required grunge rubber stamp on white background, vector illustration

Two weeks ago, I reported that nine FCI Waseca inmates had been hospitalized for adverse reactions to drug use. Last week, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported that Waseca has been under lockdown for the past two weeks because of the incident, which also resulted in two BOP employees being sent to a hospital for potential drug exposure.

In an email sent to the newspaper by a BOP official, the hospitalized employees are back at work and the inmates have returned to the prison.

Finally, former FMC Lexington correctional officer Jacob Salcido pled guilty in US District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky  a week ago to three counts of sexual abuse of a ward, admitting that over the last four months of 2020, he “knowingly engaged in sexual acts with three inmates.” He is due to be sentenced in December.

Corrections1, N.Y. facility halts intake of sentenced inmates (September 17, 2024)

Associated Press, Bureau of Prisons says it’s adding staff and making fixes at jail where Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs is held (September 20, 2024)

Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Waseca women’s prison has been on lockdown for two weeks (September 18, 2024)

DOJ, Former FMC Prison Guard Pleads Guilty to Three Counts of Sexual Abuse of a Ward (September 13, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

Food Fight – Update for September 19, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


numbers180327Walter Pavlo reported in Forbes last Friday that despite BOP Director Colette Peters’ statement to a House Judiciary Subcommittee two months ago that the agency is now using a forward-looking calculator for First Step Act credits – credits earned for successful participation in programs intended to reduce recidivism – the calculator remains only partly implemented, leaving federal inmates confused and frustrated.

The BOP is now calculating both a Projected Release Date – which shows a release date calculated only on how many credits have been awarded to date – and a Conditional Release Date that predicts how many credits the prisoner is likely to earn over his or her remaining sentence. Pavlo wrote that “case managers are confused over which one should be used for planning purposes. It may seem obvious that the Conditional Release Date would make more sense, but that is not how it is working.”

Pavlo reported that at the Federal Prison Camp at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama, prisoners engaged in a food strike last week, planning to continue until staff ensures that “their concerns are addressed.”

In keeping with its policy of maximum opacity, the BOP issued a public statement saying only that “numerous inmates” skipped lunch and that BOP employees “are looking into why.”


Pavlo knows why, as does anyone who has followed the BOP’s messy and incompetent implementation of the First Step Act. He explained:

Many prisoners there are eligible for FSA credits and they lined up outside of case managers’ offices last week to get answers to a simple question, “When am I leaving?” Tensions rose as prisoners were told to leave their units from 7:00am until 3:30pm as those meeting with case managers were not getting straight answers. According to prisoners I spoke with on condition of anonymity, tensions are high as case managers could not provide answers as to what the BOP’s position was on the new calculations.

While local news in Montgomery provided some information about the unrest at the federal prison, personal accounts from family members poured in telling of concern of escalation from staff who are taking away television time, visitation, computers and microwaves. “This is all about the BOP not giving us answers to things we know about from reading the First Step Act law,” said Donavan Davis a prisoner at FPC Montgomery, “I should be home now and nobody is listening.”

Pavlo reported that “[p]risoners told me that the BOP is not being clear about its position on First Step Act credits being awarded and many believe they are now being held against the law. Some provided information that confirms they could have been placed on home confinement months ago…”

I have heard from a number of inmates whose Conditional Release Dates have already passed without any indication from BOP officials that they are being placed in halfway house or home confinement as required by law. BOP Director Peters told the House Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance in July that “the shortage of halfway house space, the primary means of monitoring those on home confinement, is at a crisis level.”

We already knew that, but Pavlo underscored the BOP failure: The “limitation of halfway house space is keeping people in prison longer, and apparently, many have had enough.”

Diverse reports from prisoners in facilities across the BOP suggest that institutions are responding to prisoner demands for release on their Conditional Release Dates by refusing to provide inmates with copies of their FSA credit sheets. The theory apparently is if ignorance is not bliss, at least it deprives the “adults in custody” of proof that they’re being denied their rights and thus grounds for complaint.

foodstrike240918Food strikes aren’t going to make the BOP honor FSA credits. The BOP takes any organized protest by inmates as a serious matter, akin to a riot. The outcome is never good for the prisoners. The matter has to be solved in court, and the sooner the better.

Forbes, Bureau Of Prisons’ Issues With First Step Act Leads to Food Strike… (September 14, 2024)

House Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance, Oversight Hearing on Federal Bureau of Prisons Oversight (July 23, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

‘SORT’ of a FUBAR – Update for September 13, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


From the 10th Circuit this week comes a fascinating case – not so much for the dry-as-toast legal issue – whether under the Westfall Act, 28 USC § 2679, government employees were acting outside the scope of their employment when they assaulted fellow employees, but for the juicy facts, a Bureau of Prisons training exercise gone bad, punching them and (for good measure) administering a bit of tear gas.

policeraid170824BOP employees at FCC Florence were practicing how to respond to a hostage situation. The setting was a BOP office that, for the exercise, was assumed to be under the control of rioting inmates. BOP policy directs that in such a case, employees are to find a safe space in which to shelter, and to not let anyone in under any circumstances. For example, a fellow employee at the door begging for admission should be denied, because he or she might be under the control of a bad guy and being forced to try to get the shelterers to open the door.

In a hostage situation, the BOP first employs a team of people trained to negotiate a peaceful settlement. Only when that fails does the Bureau send in its Special Operations Response Team – the SORT Team – the agency’s own version of a SWAT Team, which is charged with using force to bring an end to the standoff.

In the Florence exercise, several employees hid in a cashier’s cage to which only one of the people taking refuge there had a key, a decision consistent with their training. However, during the drill, the BOP staff barricaded in the cashier’s cage overheard a radio call that they reasonably interpreted as meaning that rioters had taken control of the SORT Team by compromising one of the SORT squad members.

The negotiating team failed to bring the play-acting hostage situation to a peaceful conclusion (obviously, because had it done so, the SORT guys would not have had a chance to do their stuff). SORT crashed the practice and took down the pretend hostage-takers. It was then that everything went off the rails.

firecrackerB240913The SORT Team stood outside the cashier’s office door and instructed those inside to open it. The barricaded employees refused to answer, believing the claims that the inmates had been subdued to be a ruse. The SORT squad members became more strident in their demands, but the sheltering employees remained mute. Frustrated by this SORT member Chad Weise threatened to throw a flash strip – a kind of explosive charge – under the door.

At that point, one of the employees broke the silence and told SORT that there were people inside the cage. As the Circuit described it, the SORT squad

then repeatedly slammed their bodies against the cage door, demanding that plaintiffs open it, and threatened to deploy oleoresin-capsicum spray (OC spray) if plaintiffs did not comply… Next, Weise used a tool to pry open the steel shutters of the cashier’s window. At that point, one of the non-plaintiff individuals sheltering in the cashier’s cage demanded that defendants stop destroying government property and shouted ‘out of role’—a phrase that any BOP employee can use during a mock exercise to immediately end the exercise for safety reasons, and a phrase that no defendant ever used throughout the entire incident. Plaintiffs also repeatedly explained to defendants that they would not open the door because they believed that SORT was compromised. Even so, [one] SORT member… fired Simunition rounds at or into the cashier’s cage; five such rounds were recovered from inside the cage.

Meanwhile, the SORT squad continued to threaten to use OC spray, “and plaintiffs repeatedly responded by shouting that it was against BOP policy to use OC spray on staff.” The SORT squad radioed for permission to use the OC spray. “Authorization was never received. Undeterred, Weise notified the command center by radio that he was going to use the OC spray and then sprayed two bursts—one at the cashier’s window and one underneath the door of the cashier’s cage. Plaintiffs’ eyes began to burn, they began to cough and have difficulty breathing, and they shouted ‘out of role’ continuously.”

Three SORT officers finally pushed their way into the cashier’s cage in full tactical gear. “They told plaintiffs to get on the ground, which was not possible given the size of the room, the furniture, and the number of people in it,” the 10th said. Then, the three “repeatedly started punching and hitting the individuals inside the cashier’s cage, even though plaintiffs and the other individuals in the cage continued to shout ‘out of role…’ All three officers began punching the sheltering employees, and one shot an employee” in the chest at point [b]lank with a Simunition round, which burned through [his] shirt and left a bleeding laceration on his chest.”

musicstops220623The district court found that “BOP policy prohibits the use of OC spray and Simunition rounds in the absence of any threat, and the BOP’s employee-conduct standards state that ‘[a]n employee may not use physical violence, threats, or intimidation . . . toward fellow employees…’ At no point during these events did defendants report a real emergency to the prison’s command center. Thus, the district court concluded that defendants had violated BOP policy and had ‘no legitimate belief of a real threat or emergency situation to justify the incidents that occurred’.”

Four of the sheltering BOP employees sued six of the SORT team officers for state-law assault claims, but the government stepped in. Under the Westfall Act, 28 USC § 2679, federal employees are absolutely immune from state-law tort claims that arise out of acts they undertake in the course of their official duties. In a civil action raising state-law tort claims against a federal employee, Westfall lets the government certify that the employee was acting within the scope of his or her employment at the time of the incident.

That’s what the government did here. However, the district court rejected the Westfall certification. The government appealed. Last week, the 10th Circuit agreed with the district court.

In assessing the scope of employment, courts apply the respondeat superior law of the state where the incident occurred. Colorado’s two-pronged test for determining whether an employee’s alleged intentional tort is within the scope of employment requires that the employee must (1) be doing the work assigned by the employer, or what is necessarily incidental to that work, or customary in the employer’s business and (2) have the intent in committing the tortious act to further the employer’s business.

punch160328The Circuit found that the SORT defendants had abandoned their legitimate work of clearing the business office by making no effort to communicate to plaintiffs that the exercise was over, using OC spray and Simunition in violation of BOP policy, and “essentially engaging in combat with staff members.” The 10th agreed with the district court that the SORT team’s “conduct was not intended to further the BOP’s business. Instead, the district court concluded that defendants acted out of frustration in response to plaintiffs’ justified refusal to respond to defendants’ questions and demands to exit the cashier’s cage.”

The suit can now continue against the six SORT officers in district court.

Arroyo v. Hall, Case No. 22-1307, 2024 U.S. App. LEXIS 22928 (10th Cir. Sep. 10, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root