Tag Archives: peters

The King is Dead, Long Live the Queen – Update for July 18, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Colette S. Peters, the longtime director of the Oregon Department of Corrections, has been tapped to lead what The New York Times last week called “the chronically mismanaged and understaffed federal Bureau of Prisons.”

Dumpster220718The appointment comes after a 5-month search to replace current BOP Director Michael Carvajal. Carvajal announced his retirement in January under pressure from Senate Democrats – especially Judiciary Committee Chairman Richard Durbin (D-IL) – who questioned his management.

The Times said Peters “was considered the favored candidate for a job seen as one of the Justice Department’s most demanding and thankless assignments.” Kevin Ring, president of FAMM, was blunter:  “Colette Peters is walking into a dumpster fire. From sexual violence and medical neglect to understaffing and years-long lockdowns, the BOP’s leadership has allowed a humanitarian crisis to develop on its watch. Families with incarcerated loved ones have been begging for change.”

The Associated Press reported that “Peters, who championed steeply reducing [Oregon’s] inmate population in the last decade, will inherit a federal agency plagued by myriad scandals. Her hiring comes about seven months after Director Michael Carvajal submitted his resignation amid mounting pressure from Congress after investigations by The Associated Press exposed widespread corruption and misconduct in the agency.”

Those issues include health and safety problems, physical and sexual abuse, corruption and turnover in the top management ranks. Staffing issues, exacerbated by the pandemic, have resulted in a huge shortage of prison guards and health personnel, according to an AP investigation last year, which uncovered a wide array of other shortcomings.

bureaucracy180122When she takes office on Aug 2, Peters will become only the second director in BOP history with no prior experience in the federal prison system. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, who led the search to replace Carvajal, said DOJ had been looking for someone focused on reforming an agency that has had cultural issues for decades.

Durbin had been especially critical of Carvajal, who started his BOP career as a correctional officer 30 years ago, accusing him of failing to properly implement the First Step Act. Last winter, he called repeatedly for Carvajal’s firing, describing the BOP as rife with abuse and corruption.

The accuracy of that criticism was underscored this week by a Forbes report that 42 months after First Step became law, the BOP is only now beginning staff training on how to apply earned-time credits for inmates, with training set to start next month. Forbes said, “While the training on FSA is a great idea, it also serves as verification that the BOP is way behind on implementing the most important aspect of the law, which is to allow prisoners to earn time off of their sentences. After training, it will take months to coordinate local training at the institution level. Until then, expect the chaos to continue and questions to go unanswered.”

Shane Fausey, national president of the Council of Prison Locals, which represents BOP employees, welcomed the selection of Peters. “We believe that the lessons [Peters] learned while leading the Oregon Department of Corrections can be used to effectively improve the BOP,” he told Government Executive.Additionally, it is extremely important that officer and employee safety are prioritized in all decisions.”

Rep Fred Keller (R-PA), chair of the House BOP Reform Caucus, said, “I look forward to maintaining an active and productive relationship with Director Peters in her new capacity on BOP priorities such as improving the agency’s operations, increasing correctional officer staffing levels, and ensuring the safety of staff and inmates.”

Peters has faced criticism during her stint as ODOC chief. She was accused in a lawsuit of placing underqualified friends in high-ranking positions within the ODOC and creating openings for them by firing other employees or creating a hostile environment causing other employees to quit.

Bobbin Singh, the executive director of the Oregon Justice Resource Center, last week expressed concern about Peters’s appointment given his experience with her. “This appointment is an insult to all those incarcerated in Oregon who are fighting for their civil rights and dignity,” Singh told the online publication Law Dork last Tuesday.

Less than a month ago, his organization sent a report to Oregon lawmakers detailing ongoing problems at ODOC. In the letter to lawmakers accompanying the report, Singh wrote, “Despite a cascade of evidence revealing serious issues within the department, ODOC continues to put forward a misleading narrative that either ignores the issues entirely, profoundly sanitizes the facts, or wrongly shifts blame and responsibility away from itself.”

goodbad220718Law Dork reported, “Another person familiar with Peters’s work helped explain how Singh could have such criticisms and DOJ could nonetheless want Peters for the job: ‘She both runs a bad system and is one of the handful of best DOC heads in the country. She has made some concrete improvements to the system. But the system is still really bad. It says so much about American prisons that ODOC can both be very bad — and be one of the better ones in the country.’”

NY Times, Justice Department Taps Oregon Official to Run Troubled Bureau of Prisons (July 11, 2022)

Associated Press, Justice Dept taps reforming outsider to run federal prisons (July 12, 2022)

Forbes, 42 Months After The First Step Act Was Signed Into Law, The Bureau Of Prisons Starts Training Staff (July 15, 2022)

Govt Executive, A New Federal Prisons Director Has Been Named, and Union Officials and Lawmakers Are Optimistic She Will Bring Positive Reforms (July 12, 2022)

Law Dork, New Prisons Head Comes From Oregon, With Baggage (Jul y 13, 2022)

FAMM, FAMM releases statement on new Bureau of Prisons Director (Jul 12)

– Thomas L. Root

ETC FUBAR at BOP, As New Director Search Finally Over – Update for June 16, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


If there is a common refrain in emails coming into this Newsletter in the past several months, it is that inmates are not getting their earned-time-credit calculations from their Unit Teams.

don'tcallus220616A recap: The First Step Act authorized the award of credits to inmates who successfully complete programs that have been found to reduce recidivism. The acronym-crazy government calls them “EBRRs,” that is, “evidence-based recidivism reduction” programs. Inmates could receive “earned time credits” (ETCs) that will reduce their prison time up to a year, grant them more halfway house or home  confinement, and even get them more phone time and commissary.

(Confusingly, the government called ETCs “FTCs” for awhile – “federal time credits” – but seems to have settled on the preferred terminology now).

Inmates are classified using a system called PATTERN according to their likelihood of recidivism.  As they complete programs, age, and behave, their PATTERN score decreases, increasing the number of ETCs they may receive.

So all is roses in the BOP. Inmates are happily earning ETCs, the staff is contentedly helping prisoners forsake their prior evil ways…

FUBAR220616Right. In fact, implementation of ETCs (and awarding time off) is becime a FUBAR.

Last week, Walter Pavlo reported in Forbes on an internal BOP memo acknowledging the frustration:

Institutions are likely getting a lot of calls from outside family members and/or questions from the inmates themselves. We ask that you refrain from referring inmates or their family members to the DSCC or Central Office. As we move toward a fully automated auto-calculation process for the calculating and awarding of FTCs, neither the DSCC nor the Corrections Programs Branch are directly involved in the process.

Forbes said the memo directed institutions to give inmates and their family members a “canned response” asking “for their patience” during the implementation of an automated credit calculation system:

While all eligible inmates are able to earn credits, the Agency is prioritizing those inmates who are within 24 months of their Statutory Release date and eligible to both earn and apply Federal Time Credits. The Agency is in the final stages of development and testing of an auto-calculation app, and once finalized all eligible inmates will have their records updated and the Federal Time applied consistently with the Federal Rules language.

Late breaking news: The BOP has finally found someone who will admit to being considered for the director’s slot, replacing Michael Carvajal (whom Sen. Richard Durbin [D-IL] wants to usher into retirement as quickly as possible). 

Could MIke Carvajal finally be leaving the building?
Could MIke Carvajal finally be leaving the building?

The Oregon Capital Chronicle reported yesterday that Colette Peters, director of Oregon’s prison system, confirmed to the paper that she is a finalist for the BOP Director’s job.

She has been director of the Oregon Department of Corrections since 2012, where she is in charge of  4,400 employees and 12,124 prisoners.

As director of the Oregon prison system, she changed the agency’s reference to “inmates.” Oregon’s prisoners became “adults in custody.”

Forbes, As Biden Touts Action On First Step Act, Federal Prisoners Await Action From Bureau Of Prisons (June 4, 2022)

Oregon Capital Chronicle, Oregon’s prison director a finalist to lead federal prison system (June 15, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root