Tag Archives: fdc miami

A No-BS Zone About The President and The BOP – Update for February 20, 2025

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


Legend has it that President Harry Truman was giving a speech when an enthusiastic supporter shouted, “Give ‘em hell, Harry!” The President replied, “I don’t give them hell. I just tell the truth about them, and they think it’s hell.”

I got an email from a reader who said, “We appreciate your work on the news letters. but a LOT!!! of us are Trump fans. We don’t want to listen (read) liberal bs about our president.”

noBS190509No BS, no hell, just the facts:

President Trump’s new attorney general, Pam Bondi, issued as memo her first day in office outlining general policy regarding charging, plea negotiations, and sentencing for prosecutors. She directs that in federal criminal cases, prosecutors “should charge and pursue the most serious, readily provable offense. The most serious offenses are those punishable by death, or those with the most significant mandatory minimum sentences (including under the Armed Career Criminal Act and 21 USC § 851) and the most substantial recommendation under the Sentencing Guidelines.”

Last Friday, Bondi reversed a Biden administration decision, ordering the transfer of George Hanson, a federal inmate to Oklahoma so he can be executed, following through on Trump’s executive order to more actively support the death penalty.

death200623Bondi directed the Bureau of Prisons to transfer an inmate serving a life sentence at USP Pollock who is also under a state death sentence for a different crime. Oklahoma asked for the transfer several years ago, but the Biden Administration refused. Oklahoma wants the transfer to be done quickly so that it can kill him in its May execution cycle.

ABC reported on Friday that it obtained a memorandum of understanding between the BOP and Immigration and Customs Enforcement that despite chronic staffing shortages to manage its existing population, the Bureau will house ICE detainees at FDCs in Philadelphia, and at Atlanta, Leavenworth and Berlin FCIs.

KQED reported last Friday that ICE officials and BOP national and regional staff inspected FCI Dublin – a women’s prison that closed last April due to a staff-on-inmate sexual abuse scandal – to determine its availability to hold immigrant detainees.

privateprisons180131“With the contract that ICE and BOP have entered into and the needed bed space…and then their assessments — them coming to the facility and doing these assessments — my opinion would be the indication is absolutely there that this is potentially going to be converted to an ICE facility,” said John Kostelnik, western regional vice president for the AFGE Council of Prison Locals No. 33. “There’s a lot of unofficial notice from agency officials and others that are telling us that this is what is happening.”

I received reports from several people last week that the BOP has returned all non-citizens in halfway house or on home confinement pursuant to FSA credits to secure custody. The reports came from several different parts of the country and appear reliable, but they are not officially confirmed.

In a press release and earnings call last week, CoreCivic’s CEO told investors that the company – which has contracts to detain people for ICE in its private prisons, expects a massive increase in the number of people it will be holding. The company also expects growth from BOP contracts. Trump has allowed the BOP to again contract with private prison operators after Biden canceled BOP private prison contracts in 2021.

Finally, the BOP issued a press release confirming that because of Trump’s January 20 Executive Order directing agencies to remove content related to gender ideology from their publications — “some content on our public website (www.bop.gov) is temporarily unavailable as we work to fully implement the Executive Order.” For the last four weeks, the BOP’s extensive online library of program statements has been unavailable.

Attorney General, General Policy Regarding Charging, Plea Negotiations, and Sentencing (February 5, 2025)

Associated Press, Bondi orders federal inmate transferred to Oklahoma for execution (February 14, 2025)

ABC News, Males detained by ICE to be housed in federal prisons, new memo says (February 14, 2025)

BOP, Agency Complies with Executive Order (February 11, 2025)

KQED, ICE Weighs Turning FCI Dublin Into Detention Center, Union Leaders Say (February 14, 2025)

Arizona Republic, Private prison company CoreCivic anticipates ‘growth opportunities’ under Donald Trump (February 11, 2025)

– Thomas L. Root

Trick or Treat: The Sequel – Update for October 31, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


What we kids used to call “Halloweening” (I know, it’s not really a verb, but a lot of non-verb words are being used as verbs these days) continues today.

hugathug221031BOP Director Colette Peters sat for her first national media interview last week, telling Associated Press reporters Michael Balsamo and Michael Sisak – who have covered BOP crises, scandals and miscues in detail for the past three years – that skeptics who denounce her approach to running a prison system “hug a thug” are simply wrong.

Peters didn’t mind that, but she offers a different term: “chocolate hearts.” Her ideal BOP employee, she said, is as interested in preparing inmates for returning to society after their sentences as they are in keeping order while those inmates are still locked within the prison walls. She said she wants to reorient the agency’s hiring practices to find candidates who want to “change hearts and minds” and end systemic abuse and corruption. She told the AP she would not rule out closing problematic prisons, though there are no current plans to do so.

chocolatehearts221031Chocolate hearts or the ‘Thug Squeeze’, Peters nevertheless is still dealing with problems she inherited when she took the director’s job last August, and those problems are many.

Trick: Ruben Montanez-Mirabal (Montanez), a nurse at FDC Miami, was indicted last week on charges of bribery, smuggling contraband into prison and possession with intent to distribute K2.

According to the indictment, Montanez posted Instagram photos of him in a Lamborghini, a Rolls Royce and a McLaren. When one person wrote back to Montanez about how much he was paying for these cars Montanez responded, “Absolutely nothing. It’s all about having the right contact.” The cars were owned by the inmate at FDC Miami who was cooperating with authorities.

Treat: Peters won praise from Sen. Jon Ossoff (D-GA) for her decision to join him in inspecting USP Atlanta last Wednesday.

“I want to be really clear, I’m not here to tell you the problems are solved,” Ossoff told reporters. “We saw encouraging signs of improved management and I heard a firm commitment from the new leadership to continue improving this facility and safeguarding public safety in the community.”

The BOP emptied USP Atlanta of prisoners a year ago amid reports of rampant staff corruption, decrepit facilities and drug use and contraband possession among inmates. “We saw encouraging signs of improved management and I heard a firm commitment from the new leadership to continue improving this facility and safeguarding public safety in the community,” Ossoff said. However, he warned, “I’m a long way from being prepared to declare that the problem has been solved.”

callback221031Trick: While Peters was getting lauded by Sen Ossoff, she was taking it on the chin in Fort Worth. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram, which has been covering staff abuse and miserable conditions experienced by the female inmates and conditions at FMC Carswell, the BOP women’s medical center in Fort Worth, asked Peters for an interview on September 7. A BOP spokesman declined on her behalf, saying Peters’ “schedule is very full her first few months, but we can re-visit this request in the future.”

To determine when Peters may be available, the Star-Telegram requested her appointment calendar through a Freedom of Information Act request. Last week, the newspaper reported that the BOP told it the FOIA request would take a while because it “must be searched for and collected from a field office.” One month later,” the Star-Telegram said, it “had not received Peters’ calendar.”

On October 11, the Star-Telegram again requested to speak with Peters regarding abuse at FMC Carswell. A BOP spokesperson once again said “the director’s schedule does not permit an interview at this time.”

Treat: The FCI Dublin sex abuse scandal is working its way toward resolution. Last Thursday, a former BOP corrections officer accused of sexually abusing inmates there pleaded guilty.

Enrique Chavez entered a plea to one count of abusive sexual contact with a prisoner. Chavez was a food service foreman there two years ago when he locked the door to the pantry and fondled an inmate.

Chavez was the fifth Dublin employee to be charged with sexual abuse of inmates since June 2021. Others include the prison’s former warden and a chaplain. He is the third to have pleaded guilty.

computerhaywire221031Trick: Auto-calc, the new BOP computer app created to automatically calculate inmates’ earned-time credits” suffered a technical glitch as it was launched earlier this month (only 60 days late).

Instead of recognizing inmates’ ETC credits, NBC News reported Friday, “some said the opposite occurred, which suddenly shifted their release dates to a later time than they had anticipated. In extreme cases, some prisoners already released to halfway homes were erroneously told that the new calculations indicated they were deficient in the necessary credits and they would have to return to prison.”

Director Peters told NBC News on Thursday that prisoners’ time credit calculations are now accurately reflected and it was “unfortunate we had some IT glitches as it rolled out.”

“When you move from a human calculation to an automation, you always hope that the error rate drops, and so that’s our hope as well going forward,” she said.

AP, US Bureau of Prisons chief pledges hiring reforms amid staffing crisis (October 25, 2022)

Forbes, Federal Prison FDC Miami Nurse Indicted On Contraband Charges (October 24, 2022)

WSB-TV, Atlanta’s federal penitentiary being inspected after inmates could come and go through holes (October 26, 2022)

Ft Worth Star-Telegram, Bureau of Prisons continues to evade questions about sexual abuse at Fort Worth prison (October  27, 2022)

Corrections1, Federal prison worker pleads guilty to inmate sex abuse (October 28, 2022)

NBC News, Tech glitch botches federal prisons’ rollout of update to Trump-era First Step Act (October 28, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root