Tag Archives: Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act

Feds To Reschedule Marijuana As Prescription Drug – Update for May 3, 2024

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


mrnatural240503The Justice Department last Tuesday said that it had recommended easing restrictions on marijuana in what could amount to a major change in federal policy.

A DOJ spokeswoman said the proposed rule, which hasn’t yet been made public, would downgrade marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III, making it obtainable with a prescription.

The change does not end the criminalization of the drug. However, it is a significant shift in the government’s view of the safety and use of marijuana for medical purposes and reflects President Biden’s effort to liberalize marijuana policy in a way that puts it more in line with the public as increasingly more Americans favor legalizing the drug. The proposal would recognize the medical uses of marijuana and acknowledge it has less potential for abuse than some of the nation’s more dangerous drugs.

Rescheduling would not legalize marijuana outright for recreational use. But there can be little doubt that such a change–recreational cannabis (the politically popular term for marijuana) is now legal in 24 states–is coming.

The change may also lead to beneficial changes in Section 2D1.1 of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines, where the base offense level for marijuana could drop in response to its falling from Schedule I to III.

In October 2022, Biden pardoned thousands of people convicted of simple marijuana possession under federal law and called upon regulators to review whether the drug should be reclassified, saying “it doesn’t make sense” that the government controls pot more tightly than cocaine or fentanyl.

marijuanahell190918Once the Office of Management and Budget signs off, the DEA will take public comment on the plan to move marijuana from its Schedule I–alongside heroin and LSD–to Schedule III, alongside ketamine and some anabolic steroids. After public comment and review by an administrative judge, the agency will publish the final rule.

“Today, the Attorney General circulated a proposal to reclassify marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III,” DOJ Director of Public Affairs Xochitl Hinojosa said in a statement. “Once published by the Federal Register, it will initiate a formal rulemaking process as prescribed by Congress in the Controlled Substances Act.”

The Los Angeles Times said, “Late last year, Biden pardoned people who were convicted of using marijuana on federal land. That tiny step was merely a down payment on his promise of decriminalization. So is the Justice Department’s most recent move. The federal government should pick up the pace.”

Some in the government may have done so. Last Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, (D-NY), Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ) reintroduced the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act, legislation to end federal marijuana prohibition by removing it totally from the Controlled Substances Act.

The bill also aims to empower states to create their own cannabis laws; ensure federal regulations protect public health and safety; and prioritize restorative and economic justice, according to the sponsors.

marijuana221111While the DEA’s move to reclassify marijuana is a “necessary step” that’s “long overdue,” Schumer said, it’s not the end of the story. “It’s not all we need to do,” he said. “It’s time for Congress to wake up to the times and do its part by passing the cannabis reform that most Americans have wished for. It’s past time for Congress to catch up with public opinion and to catch up with the science.”

New York Times, Justice Dept. Recommends Easing Restrictions on Marijuana (April 30, 2024)

Wall Street Journal, Biden Administration Aims to Reclassify Marijuana as Less Dangerous Drug (April 30, 2024)

Associated Press, US poised to ease restrictions on marijuana in historic shift, but it’ll remain controlled substance (April 30, 2024)

Los Angeles Times, Editorial: Reclassifying marijuana is not decriminalization, but is a welcome step in that direction (May 1, 2024)

Cannabis Business Times, Senate Democrats Introduce Bill to Federally Legalize Cannabis (May 1, 2024)

S.4226, A bill to decriminalize and deschedule cannabis, to provide for reinvestment in certain persons adversely impacted by the War on Drugs, to provide for expungement of certain cannabis offenses, and for other purposes (May 1, 2024)

– Thomas L. Root

Hopes for Marijuana Criminal Justice Reform In This Congress May Be Dead – Update for December 6, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


reefer181210It turns out not to matter that voters want cannabis reform, or that the MORE Act has passed the House and probably could have passed the Senate by a filibuster-proof majority, or even that Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer said just a few weeks ago that he was pushing for marijuana reform this year.

On Saturday, Axios broke the news that Schumer would bring the Secure and Fair Enforcement Banking Act (H.R. 1996) to a vote, giving up on comprehensive reform that included expungement of federal marijuana trafficking convictions. The compromise legislation does not legalize marijuana on a federal level, leaving pot as a Schedule I drug, like heroin and LSD.

The MORE Act (H.R. 3617) is dead. The replacement Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (S. 4591) – which also included retroactive expungement of federal marijuana convictions – also appears to be dead. The only measure that could include any criminal justice reform is the National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 8900), which the House may use as a vehicle for drug criminal justice reform.

Instead, Democrats in the Senate will push to liberalize banking access to the cannabis industry. The SAFE Banking Act would provide a “safe harbor” for regulated banks to work with cannabis firms in states where cannabis is legal.

Schumer says he will “more than likely” attach the legislation to a must-pass year-end bill like the NDAA, which gets a vote annually. The House of Representatives attached the EQUAL Act (H.R. 1693) to the NDAA last July 19 with bipartisan support, but no one is talking about the Senate doing the same.

ironyalert220523Ironically, the Schumer package also reportedly includes the Harnessing Opportunities by Pursuing Expungement Act of 2021 (H.R. 6129), known as the HOPE Act. According to a bill summary, the measure “authorizes the DOJ to make grants to states and local governments to reduce the financial and administrative burden of expunging convictions for state cannabis offenses.” In other words, Congress will authorize money to help states expunge marijuana convictions, but it won’t lift a finger to expunge federal convictions.

Yesterday, House lawmakers delayed committee consideration of the NDAA amid disagreements over key issues. Democratic leaders had hoped to see the NDAA advance with marijuana reform provisions attached.

The House Rules Committee was expected to take up the NDAA on Monday, but Chairman Jim McGovern (D-MA) deferred consideration, saying the “package is not ready yet.”

Abandonment of cannabis criminal justice reform by the Senate Democrats – who torpedoed the MORE Act to begin when Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ), Sen Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Schumer introduced the alternative CAOA – came at the end of a week in which the New York Times criticized last month’s Biden mass pardon of people with marijuana simple possession convictions. The Times reported, “And while many advocates welcomed the presidential act of forgiveness, they say far too many people — many of them Black and Latino — are not eligible for the pardons, leaving them with minor marijuana convictions that will continue to get in the way of job prospects, educational opportunities and financing for homes.”

warondrugs211028The Times observed that Biden was a “champion of aggressive drug laws earlier in his career, including the 1994 crime bill that led to mass incarceration,” although “he has more recently embraced leniency for those convicted of minor drug offenses.” Biden has said he does not support legalizing marijuana, “putting him at odds with 80% of self-described Democrats and 68% of Americans, according to a Gallup poll released this month,” The Times said.

The SAFE Banking Act is an incremental change in cannabis laws, being rolled out just as Marijuana Moment editorialized for taking such an approach. “It’s time to acknowledge that incrementalism is not selling out, it is not crumbs, and it is not failure,” the website said last week. “Failure is continuing to lock up our citizens while we quibble over who gets the spoils of a post-prohibition world.”

This leaves the Dept of Health and Human Services study rescheduling marijuana as the best hope for any change leading to sentencing reform. Last month, the National Law Journal reported that a panel of consulted legal experts estimated that marijuana will be rescheduled as a Schedule II or III drug by January 20, 2025.

Axios, Scoop: Senate plots pro-pot move for lame-duck (December 3, 2022)

Guardian, Senate Democrats to reportedly push banking reforms for cannabis industry (December 3, 2022)

Fox Business News, Senate aims to attach major marijuana legislation to end-of-year ‘must-pass’ bills: report (December 3, 2022)

Catholic News Agency, Bishops urge passage of bill that would give same sentences to crack and powder cocaine offenders (August 11, 2022)

Marijuana Moment, Democrats’ Focus On Social Justice Marijuana Bills Has Blocked Achievable Progress On Reform (December 2, 2022)

National Law Journal, Editor’s Roundtable: A New Biden Doctrine? (October 31, 2022)

Marijuana Moment, Fate Of Marijuana Banking Reform Uncertain As Lawmakers Delay Defense Bill Consideration Amid Disagreements (December 5, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root

Musings on a Slow Month – Update for July 26, 2022

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


summertime220725In the only good news to come from Washington so far this sleepy July, Senate Democrats have introduced a bill to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level this week, although the legislation faces long odds in the evenly divided chamber.

Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) worked with Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) on the measure. The senators circulated a draft of the bill last year and made tweaks after feedback from Senate committees.

The Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (S.4591) would remove marijuana from the list of drugs covered by the Controlled Substances Act. States, however, can still maintain and create prohibitions on producing and distributing marijuana.

marijuana160818The CAOA is the Senate’s answer to the MORE Act (H.R. 3617), passed in the House last spring on a 220-204 vote. Like the MORE Act, the CAOA will require all federal non-violent marijuana-related convictions and arrests be expunged within a year. Some lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have criticized Schumer for trying to push through a broad cannabis reform bill at the expense of a marijuana banking bill that has greater bipartisan support.

The bad is that the EQUAL Act (S.79), which passed the House (361-66) last September, remains stalled in the Senate. The Act, which would equalize sentences for crack and powder cocaine (and offer retroactivity to anyone serving a crack offense now) has well over 60 votes in the Senate. The Senate Majority Leader – the guy who schedules votes on bills – is a cosponsor. So what’s the holdup?

In a long article on a crack cocaine defendant who finally got compassionate release, the Mississippi Free Press last week reported, “FAMM President Ring told the Mississippi Free Press more about what he sees as the senators’ political calculations. ‘The problem is that lawmakers are scared that if this bill comes up, Republicans will be allowed to offer amendments to it because that’s usually how the process works,’ he said.

Ring said that votes on amendments unrelated to the bill can be “weaponized by political opponents… As a result, the political calculation has been made to shelve the bill in the Senate.”

crackpowder160606In addition, Dream Corps JUSTICE Policy Director Kandia Milton, in June 23, 2022, letter, indicated that the group is concerned about a competing Senate bill sponsored by Sen Charles Grassley (R-IA) — the SMART Cocaine Sentencing Act, S.4116 – that “maintains a disparity between these two forms of the same drug (2.5-1), lower the mandatory minimum threshold to 400 grams from 500 grams and, worst of all, mandates that the U.S. Attorney must approve all petitions for retroactivity.” Milton wrote. “Our sense of urgency is driven by the reality that if we do not pass [EQUAL] by the August recess, we won’t get another clean shot until after the midterm elections, an unpredictable two-month window at the end of the year,” he added. “We are very close to eliminating the disparity between crack cocaine and powder cocaine, and we recognize there is more work to be done.”

The weird: Two weeks ago, the Senate Judiciary Committee whiffed for a second time on approving the nomination of the seven candidates for the Sentencing Commission. At the beginning of last Thursday’s work session, Durbin said, “We have decided on a bipartisan basis to hold over for a second time the Sentencing Commission nominees while members are in… we’re going to try to find a path for all seven nominees to move together, which I think would be a positive thing and maybe even historic around here.”

The terse statement suggested some substantial pushback on one or more nominations. Laura Mate, who signed a 2014 letter to Congress supporting more reasonable mandatory minimums for sex offenders, and former federal judge John Gleeson, whose criticism of the Guidelines while on the bench was legendary, were both pilloried by several Republicans during their June nomination hearing.

Nevertheless, last week the Committee finally got the job done. It advanced the slate of seven nominees to the floor of the full Senate for its approval, bringing the Commission one step closer to being able to amend the Sentencing Guidelines.

noquorum191016The USSC has been unable to implement the First Step Act or, for that matter, do anything else after losing its quorum just as the bill was enacted in December 2018.

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted to send to the full Senate four Democrat and three Republican candidates nominated by President Joe Biden to revitalize the Commission.

Committee chairman Durbin told the Committee that while he had reservations about some nominees, it was important to move them forward as a group to “enable the commission to get back to doing its work.” He said, “[T]he Sentencing Commission has not had a quorum for three years. With no quorum, the Commission—created in 1984 and tasked by Congress to promote transparency and consistency in sentencing—has been unable to update the sentencing guidelines to provide guidance to judges. Today, we make an important step to rectify the situation… [and] enable the Commission to get back to its work.”

Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (S.4591)

Seeking Alpha, Senate Democrats-backed marijuana legalization bill coming next week (July 14, 2022)

Bloomberg, Pot Gets Senate’s Attention in Long-Shot Decriminalization Bill (July 14, 2022)

Politico, Schumer’s legal weed bill is finally here (July 21, 2022)

KYFR, North Dakota lawmakers, advocates push for equal sentencing in federal cocaine and crack crimes (July 12, 2022)

Senate Judiciary Hearing (July 14, 2022)

Mississippi Free Press, ‘Model Inmate’: Father Finally Has Crack Sentence Reduced as U.S. Senate Shelves Reform Bill (July 22, 2022)

Independentcloud.com, Cannabis Bill Senate: US Democrats Demand Senate Pass Its Own Marijuana Banking Bill (July 21, 2022)

Reuters, US Senate committee advances nominees to restock sentencing panel (July 21, 2022)

Sen Richard Durbin, Judiciary Committee Advances Ten Nominees, Including Two Judicial Nominees, Seven Sentencing Commission Nominees, And An Assistant Attorney General (July 21, 2022)

– Thomas L. Root