Tag Archives: stash house sting

ATF Stings Are Slimy… Just Not Slimy Enough – Update for March 20, 2018

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


stash171120We have reported ad nauseam about the battle over whether stash house stings – where federal agents convince unwitting defendants to rob nonexistent stash houses of nonexistent drugs, all so they can arrest them – are designed to target minorities.

Last December, we told you that the issue had come to a head in an unprecedented three-day hearing in Chicago before a panel of nine U.S. district judges.

Each of the judges on the panel was presiding over one or more of 12 separate stash-house cases, with the liberty of 43 defendants at stake. The judges  simultaneously heard expert testimony about the stings after lawyers for all 43 defendants moved for the stash-house charges to be tossed on grounds of racial bias. The testimony focused on dueling experts who reached starkly different conclusions about the racial breakdown of targets in the stash house cases. 

Real life is not like the movies…

In a decision last week, the chief federal judge in the Northern District of Illinois issued the first of at least nine decisions on the issue, finding that the controversial drug stash house stings run by the ATF have an ugly racial component and should be discontinued. However, Chief U.S. District Judge Ruben Castillo  stopped short of dismissing charges against eight defendants, finding that the evidence fell short of proving the stings unfairly targeted blacks and Hispanics.

“These… cases have served to undermine legitimate law enforcement efforts in this country,”  Judge  Castillo said from the bench. “It is time for these false stash house cases to end and be relegated to the dark corridors of our past… Fortunately for the government, the question before this court is not whether the practices used in these sting operations are honorable or fair.”

The remaining judges are expected to issue opinions of their own in coming weeks, and any significant differences among the rulings are expected to lead to appeals.

ATF180321How the 13 Chicago-area cases are decided is being watched across the country, where hundreds of similar stings have been used over the past two decades. While judges in other districts have criticized the operations for inventing crime and targeting vulnerable people, Judge Castillo’s ruling was the first to call them out on the issue of race.

United States v. Brown, Case No. 12-cr-632 (N.D.Ill. Mar. 12, 2018)

– Thomas L. RootLISAStatHeader2small

Momentum Against Stash House Stings Growing? – Update for December 19, 2017

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


stash171120The battle over whether stash house stings – where federal agents convince unwitting defendants to rob nonexistent stash houses of nonexistent drugs, all so they can arrest them – are designed to target minorities came to a head last week in an unprecedented three-day hearing in Chicago before a panel of nine U.S. district judges.

Each of the judges on the panel is presiding over one or more of 12 separate stash-house cases, with the liberty of 43 defendants at stake. The judges chose to hear expert testimony simultaneously after lawyers for all 43 defendants moved for the stash-house charges to be tossed on grounds of racial bias.

The testimony focused on dueling experts who reached starkly different conclusions about the racial breakdown of targets in the stash house cases. How they decide — possibly in a single ruling — is expected to influence how courts nationwide deal with similar claims.

expert160905An expert hired by the Federal Criminal Justice Clinic at the University of Chicago Law School — which is leading the effort to have the cases dismissed — concluded that disparity between minority and white defendants in the stings was so large that there was “a zero percent likelihood” it happened by chance. Defense expert Jeffrey Fagan said that out of 94 stash-house defendants in the Chicago area during an 8-year period, 74 were black, 12 were Hispanic and just eight were white. If the ATF criteria for picking likely defendants were racially neutral, he said, far more whites would have been snared.

Government lawyers have essentially argued that the numbers are unsurprising, because people in wealthier white areas are unlikely to be attracted to such a violent, illegal enterprise. In other words, the ATF goes where the business is good, and the business is good on Chicago’s South and West Sides. The government’s expert testified that Fagan wrong to assume that hundreds of thousands of people in eight counties in and around Chicago would be willing to entertain the idea of arming themselves and storming a stash-house.

Bootstrapping your way to higher sentences...
Bootstrapping your way to higher sentences…

Stash house stings have been criticized on other grounds, several times in this blog – here, here, here, here and here, for example – because agents can and usually do arbitrarily increase the sentences meted out by increasing the amount of non-existent drugs they tell defendants are in the non-existent stash houses. After all, why conspire to steal one kilo of smack when you can conspire to steal 50? Of course, the sentencing guidelines – not to mention the drug distribution statute itself – dictate much higher sentences according to the amount of drugs with which the conspiracy is involved, whether those drugs are physical or virtual.

The groundbreaking hearing is being closely watched in federal districts across the country. How it plays out could have ramifications far beyond the 43 Chicago defendants who are seeking to have their charges thrown out. The judges are expected to issue separate rulings at a later date, although some lawyers think there could be joint opinions issued by several judges if any are in agreement.

Chicago Tribune, Judges hear arguments on ATF’s alleged racial bias as landmark hearing opens (Dec. 14, 2017)

Fox News, Dueling statistics used at hearing on racial bias in stings (Dec. 15, 2017)

– Thomas L. Root


Reeling in Some ‘Desperate Targets’ – Update for November 20, 2017

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.




You know the story by now. After prison, Tracy Conley was getting his life together. He had a job, a car, and a girlfriend. He was regaining his footing one step at a time.

stash171120At least he was, until a series of unfortunate events. Tracy got to work one day to find the machine he operated was down. His employer sent him home. He started to drive back to his girlfriend’s house, but in a second stroke of bad luck, was running out of gas. He stopped at a gas station, and saw two friends, from whom he tried to borrow a few bucks for some fuel.

The friends convinced him to come to a meeting instead, where a guy named Myreon pitched them all on robbing a drug stash house stuffed with cocaine. Of course, there was no stash house and no 50 kilos of powder. Instead, the whole scheme was orchestrated by the ATF.

Tracy and the others were thus ensnared in what the 7th Circuit called “a now familiar government set up in which a government actor, pretending to be a criminal, presents the defendant with an opportunity to be part of a robbery of an illegal drug stash house. The stash house is fictional, of course, and so the government decides which and what quantity of drugs it will have (in this case, fifty kilograms of cocaine) and how high or low the barriers to the crime will be (in this case it was allegedly protected only by two armed and one unarmed guards). Tracy took the bait and ended up with a sentence of 180 months’ imprisonment on drug distribution and weapons charges.”

The Circuit upheld Tracy’s conviction and sentence (which was way below his Guidelines range), but had to pinch its collective nose shut to do so. Reviewing the district court’s unhappiness with the case and widespread judicial criticism of stash house “stings,” the 7th said:

The district court’s discomfort with this case echoes a substantial body of criticism of similar stash house cases both from this circuit and others. Beginning many years ago, we criticized these cases as “tawdry,” noting in particular how these operations are “directed at unsophisticated, and perhaps desperate defendants” like Tracy who easily take the all-too-tempting bait put out for them by the government.

stash171031In this case, Tracy may have been starting down a straighter path, after a life filled with many poor choices. He was gainfully employed, had obtained his GED, enrolled in some college courses, and had skills in electronics and marketing. But he was also an ‘unsophisticated and desperate’ target, so down on his luck that he did not have even enough money to get home from work on the day he was approached by his co-conspirators… Like the district court, we ‘question the wisdom and purpose of expending the level of law enforcement resources and judicial time and effort in this prosecution’. But the resources have been expended and the district court conducted an exceptionally thorough post-trial review and ‘after much consideration, time, reflection and review of the parties’ arguments and the trial record’ properly denied the motion for acquittal or new trial on all charges.

United States v. Conley, Case No.15-3442 (7th Cir. 2017)

– Thomas L. Root


Trick-or-Treat… It’s the ATF – Update for October 31, 2017

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


ATF-o-lantern171031Richard Zayas, ATF agent and professional “stash house sting” promoter (with more than 100 to his credit) took his show on the road to Cleveland, where he was again successful in finding young, poor black defendants to recruit into his fictitious robbery ring.

The “recruits,” including one poor kid with no prior criminal record, showed up at “work call,” guns in hand, ready to pull off the nonexistent job. The ATF cuffed them all and hauled them away. They were, of course, convicted in due course.

On appeal, the defendant argued that the indictment should have been dismissed based on outrageous government conduct. They argued that the Government’s conduct “created and encouraged the defendants’ commission of the offense by luring the impoverished… defendants with the promise of a large payoff, making repeated requests for meetings over a short period of time, making repeated demands for their commitment to the conspiracy, suggesting and enabling their possession of firearms, by providing transportation via the confidential informant to a pre-robbery meeting, and by providing them with a car to use for purposes of the robbery.”

stash171031Last week, the 6th Circuit upheld the convictions. The Court noted that while some circuits said that under the outrageous government conduct defense, government involvement in a crime may be “so excessive that it violates due process and requires the dismissal of charges against a defendant even if the defendant was not entrapped,” the 6th Circuit had not previously held that the government could be so outrageous as to bar prosecution, and it was not going to do so here.

One of the defendants, who was recruited by an informant acting on Agent Zayas’ direction, claimed “indirect entrapment.” Entrapment is normally carried out by law enforcement; indirect entrapment occurs when “a person is brought into a criminal scheme after being informed indirectly of conduct or statements by a government agent which could amount to inducement.”

Maybe people are indirectly entrapped somewhere else, the 6th Circuit said, but it has “explicitly chosen not to adopt the doctrine of indirect entrapment.” The defendants were out of luck.

Like other “stash house stings” across the country, this opinion drew a sharp concurring opinion. While upholding the conviction, Judge Stranch complained that the stings preyed overwhelmingly on minorities in impoverished neighborhoods. She wrote,

it seems we remain without an established vehicle in the law to define a dividing line between law enforcement practices that are honorable and those that are not. In the interim, these questionable schemes continue to use significant government resources and to adversely impact the poor, minorities, and those attempting to re-integrate into society. And they apparently do so with no increase in public safety and no deterrence of or adverse effect on real stash houses. These costly and concerning sting operations do not accord with the principles of our criminal justice system and I hope they will be discontinued.

United States v. Flowers, Case No. 15-3988 (6th Cir., Oct. 24, 2017)

– Thomas L. Root


3rd Circuit Losing Patience with “Stash House” Reverse Stings, Approves Easier Standard for Defense Discovery – Update for Friday, September 1, 2017

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


We recall a counter-culture cartoon from the early 1970s criticizing big business getting into the environmental business: one fat cat telling another, “We get paid to make the mess. We get paid to clean it up. Business couldn’t be better.”

mess170901The old punch line comes to mind every time we read another “stash house” reverse-sting case. The story line is well known to everyone except, it would seem, the black guys in the poor part of town. An ATF undercover officer convinces some poor sap to rob a fantasy drug “stash house” that invariably is alleged to contain 10 kilos of drug or more. The unemployed “mark,” who has a felony record that makes getting a job problematic, doesn’t have two nickels to rub together. But he can perform simple math, and the math is 10 kilos of coke at $40,000 a key divided five ways equals a bigger pile of money than he’s ever seen before. So he recruits some other guys as desperate as he is, and they all gather with whatever guns they can find, in order to set off with the undercover guy to the target stash house.

There is no stash house, but there is a SWAT team ready to take them down.

The ATF manufactures the crime. The ATF performs the bust. Business couldn’t be better.

Notice we said “poor black guy.” That’s not a stereotype, but rather an acknowledgement of fact.  In this case, acting on what appeared to be insider information from a drug courier, Askia Washington and his three co-conspirators planned to rob a Philadelphia “stash house” where they thought 10 kilos of cocaine were being stored for distribution.  They discovered on the day of the robbery that the “stash house” was a trap set by ATF.

The cocaine did not exist, but the entirely fictitious 10 kilograms triggered a very real 20-year mandatory minimum for Askia, contributing to a total sentence of 264 months in prison — far more than even the statistics show that the defendants trapped in the reverse sting net are overwhelmingly black, so much so that some serious charges of discrimination have been raised against the practice.

From a defense perspective, it’s very hard to make a case for selective prosecution. The prevailing standard pretty much requires that you have the smoking gun in your hand in order to even win the right to engage in discovery to try to find the smoking gun. Exacerbating the problem is the obvious: you’re not arguing your client did not do what the indictment said he did, but rather arguing that how the government ensnared him is so contrary to fairness as to violate his right to due process of law.

The courts do not much like “stash house” cases, but they continue to hold their noses and uphold convictions. That happened earlier this week in Philadelphia, but the 86-page decision lightens the load for defendants attacking the “stash house” scheme and implies that the courts’ patience may be nearing an end.

stash170901The story is quotidian: Acting on what appeared to be insider information from a drug courier, Askia Washington and his three co-conspirators planned to rob a Philadelphia “stash house” where they thought 10 kilos of cocaine were being stored for distribution. They discovered on the day of the robbery that the “stash house” was a trap set by law enforcement. Their “courier” was an under ringleader of the conspiracy received.

His co-conspirators took pleas (getting sentences from 27 months to 180 months). Askia went to trial, beating an 18 USC 924(c) count but losing on the drug conspiracy and Hobbs Act counts. The jury found that the conspiracy involved at least 5 kilograms, and a very old drug possession conviction Askia had was used to increase the mandatory minimum sentence to 240 months.

Before trial, Askia tried to get government records to support his claim that Philadelphia-area “stash house” sting targets were selected by race, but the district court denied him on the ground that he could not show evidence of discriminatory effect and discriminatory intent, that is, evidence that similarly situated individuals of a difference race or classification were not prosecuted, arrested, or otherwise investigated.

dog170901This of course has the flavor of a dog chasing its tail. You need the evidence you’re trying to obtain in order to get permission to obtain it. But that has heretofore been the standard for getting the right to pursue a selective prosecution claim.

With considerable reluctance, the 3rd Circuit upheld Askia’s conviction and sentence, but not without a lot of misgiving:

In sum, we conclude that the 5 kilograms of cocaine charged in the indictment and found by the jury did not amount to an impermissible manipulation of sentencing factors by the government. To the extent that the fictitious 10 kilogram quantity is relevant, we find too that Washington has shown neither improper manipulation nor prejudice. Nevertheless, we remind the government that we have expressed misgivings in the past about the wisdom and viability of reverse stash house stings. That this case fell on the safe side of the due process divide should not be taken to indicate that all such prosecutions will share the same fate. As one of our colleagues said in a prior case, “I do not find it impossible for the Government to exercise its discretion rationally to set up stash house reverse stings. But I share the concern that this practice, if not properly checked, eventually will find itself on the wrong side of the line.

The Circuit differentiated between “selective prosecution” claims and “selective enforcement” claims. “‘Prosecution’,” the 3rd said, “refers to the actions of prosecutors (in their capacity as prosecutors) and ‘enforcement’ to the actions of law enforcement and those affiliated with law-enforcement personnel.” The key distinction between prosecutors and law enforcement is that prosecutors are “protected by a powerful privilege or covered by a presumption of constitutional behavior”… while FBI and ATF agents “regularly testify in criminal cases” and have their credibility “relentlessly attacked by defense counsel.”

boot170111The Circuit held that in “stash house” cases, a district court may conduct a limited pretrial inquiry into the challenged law-enforcement practice on a proffer that shows some evidence of discriminatory effect, saying that “the proffer must contain reliable statistical evidence, or its equivalent, and may be based in part on patterns of prosecutorial decisions… even if the underlying challenge is to law enforcement decisions.”

Although Askia’s conviction remains in place, the Circuit remanded the case for the district court to permit the limited discovery. If evidence of selective enforcement was developed, the district court is free to dismiss the indictment.

The lone dissenting judge blasted Askia’s 265-month sentence:

Surely, sentences should bear some rational relationship to culpability. Otherwise, the entire enterprise of criminal sanctions is reduced to little more than an abstract matrix of numbers and grids. Yet, on this record, there is absolutely nothing to suggest that Washington would not have conspired to rob a stash house containing, for example, a kilogram less than the 5-kilogram mandatory trigger. No mandatory minimum would have “applied” had this trap been baited with the illusion of a stash house containing four kilograms (translating roughly to upwards of $160,000 in value based on the trial testimony)—thereby placing him beyond the reach of the perceived need to impose a 20-year statutory mandatory minimum sentence.

United States v. Washington, Case No. 16-2795 (3rd Cir., August 28, 2017)

– Thomas L. Root


The ATF Klan – Update for September 28, 2016

We’re still doing a weekly newsletter … we’re just posting pieces of it every day.  The news is fresher this way …


We’re already familiar with the criminal enforcement activities of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). In a post last month, we wrote about the popular stash house sting:

“Here’s how the sting works. The ATF agent starts with an informant, who introduces an undercover agent to some “homies” (and, make no mistake, “stash house robbery” sting defendants are overwhelmingly poor and black). The undercover agent tells the boys in the ‘hood about a “stash house” he knows of containing five, 10, even 20 or more kilos of cocaine, and convinces them show up at a specific time and place with guns to rob the place. The defendants are enticed: it seems like easy money, a lot of easy money. They all show up at the staging area, agents arrest them, and they get charged with a drug possession conspiracy and gun offenses. Mandatory minimum sentences usually start at 20 years.”

It turns out that our suggestion that the ATF preferred defendants of color for such stings was not far off the mark.

atfkkk160928After USA Today found that over 91% of defendants recruited into ATF stash house stings in 2014 were minorities, the backlash against the practice has been growing almost as fast as the government’s scramble to keep the data out of the hands of defendants and the public.

entrap160928A federal judge in southern California ruled earlier this year that the ATF entrapped defendants for a “fictitious crime” they wouldn’t otherwise have committed. A previous case in Los Angeles was dismissed for the same reason in 2014, but the 9th Circuit – despite its misgivings – ruled that Circuit precedent required its reinstatement.

Defense lawyers in three states have asked judges to DOJ to turn over records they intend to use to prove racial bias claims against stash house stings. Last year, U.S. District Court Judge Ruben Castillo, agreed and ordered lawyers from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Illinois to turn over statistical information, saying there was a “strong showing of potential bias.”

Justice Department lawyers have fought to block the disclosures. In another Chicago case, the U.S. Attorney refused to comply with discovery, solely to get the indictment dismissed so it could appeal. The 7th Circuit reinstated the indictment, but noted that “the racial disproportion in stash-house prosecutions remains troubling, however, and it is a legitimate reason for discovery…”

A motion to dismiss because of selective prosecution/enforcement has been filed in United States v. Williams, again before Judge Castillo. Last Friday, the defendants’ expert witness filed his disturbing findings.

profil160928The expert witness, a law professor and professor of epidemiology at Columbia University, found that the chances that all but one of the defendants in ATF stings from 2006 to 2013 would be minorities – if they were deliberately picked because of their minority status – were under 1-in-1000. He concluded that “ATF engaged in nearly exclusive recruitment of non-White persons over a three-year period from 2011-2013. From 2011-2013, the selection of only one White defendant among the 57 Stash House defendants recruited in that period suggests that Black and Hispanic persons were targeted for selection by the ATF.”

He also found that many of the “Stash House defendants were recruited into the Stash House Program without having met the explicit criteria of violent crime set forth in ATF policy and guidelines. Many defendants also appear to fail to meet expanded offense criteria articulated by the ATF and prosecutors during the course of this litigation.”

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has more than quadrupled its use of stash house stings during the past decade, making them a central part of its attempts to combat gun crime. The operations are designed to produce long prison sentences for suspects enticed by the promise of pocketing as much as $100,000 for robbing a drug stash house that does not actually exist.

“There’s something very wrong going on here,” USA Today quoted University of Chicago law professor Alison Siegler as saying. Siegler, part of the team of lawyers challenging the ATF’s tactics in Williams, said, “The government is creating these crimes and then choosing who it’s going to target.”

Current and former ATF officials insist that race plays no part in the operations. Instead, they said, agents seek to identify people already committing violent robberies in crime-ridden areas, usually focusing on those who have amassed long and violent rap sheets. “There is no profiling going on here,” said Melvin King, ATF’s deputy assistant director for field operations, who has supervised some of the investigations. “We’re targeting the worst of the worst, and we’re looking for violent criminals that are using firearms in furtherance of other illegal activities.”

They just happen all to be minorities. Imagine that.

Motion to Dismiss for Racially Selective Prosecution/Enforcement, United States v. Williams, Case No. 12-CR-887 (N.D. Ill., filed Sept. 23, 2016)

Expert Exhibit To Defendants’ Motion To Dismiss For Racially Selective Law EnforcementUnited States v. Williams, Case No. 12-CR-887 (N.D. Ill., filed Sept. 23, 2016)


The Emperor Has No Clothes – Update for August 10, 2016

We’re still doing a weekly newsletter … we’re just starting to post pieces of it every day.  The news is fresher this way …


Over the past decade, ATF agents have grown to love the “stash house robbery” sting. And why not? It’s economical – you don’t need a real “stash house” or any real drugs – and you don’t have to catch anyone actually committing a substantive crime. What’s more, slamming defendants with staggering sentences is a breeze.

Here’s how the sting works. The ATF agent starts with an informant, who introduces an undercover agent to some “homies” (and, make no mistake, “stash house robbery” sting defendants are overwhelmingly poor and black). The undercover agent tells the boys in the ‘hood about a “stash house” he knows of containing five, 10, even 20 or more kilos of cocaine, and convinces them show up at a specific time and place with guns to rob the place. The defendants are enticed: it seems like easy money, a lot of easy money. They all show up at the staging area, agents arrest them, and they get charged with a drug possession conspiracy and gun offenses. Mandatory minimum sentences usually start at 20 years.

clothes160516Earlier this week, a Philadelphia federal court finally declared that the “stash house” Emperor has no clothes. District Judge Gerald McHugh refused to sentence Clifton McLean to a mandatory minimum 25 years for his role in a stash house robbery conspiracy that turned out to be an ATF sting. McLean, recruited by an ATF informant, was all too willing to participate in the robbery, but it was the ATF undercover who decided that the fictional “stash house” contained five kilos of coke, which happens to be exactly the amount needed to trigger a 10-year mandatory minimum sentence.

The government argued that pretending there was at least five kilos was necessary to make the scam seem believable (and thus protect the agent from suspicion it was a setup). Judge McHugh was skeptical: “Law enforcement’s tactical concerns should not control either the severity of charges against a defendant or the range of sentences. To the extent that the Government constructs a crime, its elements should be related to a defendant’s culpability. Here, where the record is clear that McLean was ‘in for a penny, in for a pound’, specifying such a high amount does not truly bear on his culpability. Once the Government established that McLean was willing to engage in an armed robbery of any quantity large enough to resell, its core law enforcement objective was met.”

Drug quantities drive both mandatory statutory sentences and the guidelines. The greater the quantity, the greater the crime. Agents and prosecutors figured out long ago that with conspiracies, actual drugs weren’t necessary, either – what defendants intended to do was all that mattered. The government obliged, driving the defendants’ intent with fanciful stories of drug riches beyond their dreams.

sting160810In this case, Judge McHugh held that “imposing the sentence prescribed for the quantity of cocaine charged would violate McLean’s constitutional right to Due Process of Law on the facts of this case.” Instead, the court sentenced McLean to two of the three mandatory minimums that otherwise applied, not accepting that five kilos was really involved. In his 29-page decision, the Judge explained that “a sting operation that constructs a crime implicates liberty interests in a unique way, in that the Government seeks out its citizens for the purpose of testing their willingness to commit a criminal act. There can be no greater manifestation of the coercive power of Government than creating what is, in effect, a morality test, while specifying the penalty for failing that test in advance. There is a legitimate and compelling interest in combatting violent crime and narcotics trafficking, but given the implications for liberty when the Government custom designs both crime and punishment, the prosecution that follows should be narrowly tailored so as not to exceed its genuine law enforcement interest.”

United States v. McLean, Case No. 13-CR-487 (E.D.Pa. Aug. 8, 2016)
