Contact Us


Contact us at:

LISA Foundation
P.O. Box 636
Norwalk, Ohio 44857-0636

Telephone: 419-660-1465
Facsimile: 234-678-4168

3 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. Good evening,

    My name is Megan Hallett Wragg and I am writing on behalf of my husband, Troy Benjamin Wragg. Currently, my husband is incarcerated at FCI Fort Dix in New Jersey where there is no air conditioning and a ventilation system that has been broken since August of 2019. He’s living in a room with 12 other men where social distancing is not possible and men are getting sick every day and taken to the hospital, despite what the numbers on the BOP’s website claim. My husband filed for Compassionate Release and unfortunately was denied. He is a Chronic Care inmate who has severe epilepsy, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and Myasthenia Gravis. Since filing his motion, he’s had 61 uncontrollable seizures that his bunkmates have had to help him through. We are looking for new legal counsel to help us appeal his case and Compassionate Release judgement and heard about your website through another family. If possible, could you point us in the proper direction? Thank you so much for your help and everything you do for our loved ones!

  2. Hi,
    My brother is an inmate in Virginia Department of Corrections with serious health problems. He has completed nearly 20 years of his prison sentence and has about 1 year remaining to be served. He is seeking an early release because of some legislation by the Governor due to Covid-19 to release some inmates early. He asked me to contact you for newsletters. Can you send newsletter directly to him in prison? His inmate names is: Jesus Jehovah, Inmate#1121372, Prison: Coffeewood Correctional Center Virginia.
    Thank you very much. Or can he be mailed a hard copy?
    Hope you and your loved ones are safe.

  3. My brother is in Beaumont FCI Camp. Today he was told that his COVID-19 test, taken on Tuesday 28 July is positive. The test from last week was negative. As your article says, Beaumont FCI numbers are miraculous!

    What options do we have to make sure Bongani Calhoun and others who are COVID-19 positive get proper care? BOP does not have the resources to care for them.

    Mr. Root, I’ve called you more than you’d like, but I need your expertise, my brother Bongani Calhoun’s life is now at serious risk!

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