Happy Birthday to Us! – Update for November 30, 2020

We post news and comment on federal criminal justice issues, focused primarily on trial and post-conviction matters, legislative initiatives, and sentencing issues.


On November 29, 2015, LISA published its first newsletter. Volume 1, Number 1 was sent to 13 inmates. We’ve published one every Sunday night since then (except for one week in July 2019, skipped so the editor could take his wife on a 40th wedding anniversary trip). That’s 260 newsletters.

Happy birthday to us.


In five years, our subscriber base went from 13 to 10,971. Then last October, the Federal Bureau of Prisons banned us for a day (an accident, they said), and when we were turned back on, our subscriber base had been wiped out.

Still, six weeks later, we are back up to over 3,500 inmates.

What you see on the website (besides the newsletter itself) is an expanded version of what we run in the newsletter. Our goal in the newsletter is to provide federal prisoners with legislative and judicial news that is factual, well-sourced and timely. On the website, we tend to let our opinions show, but we keep the newsletter as neutral as we can.

After five years, the newsletter is still free and is still sent every Sunday night. 

– Thomas L. Root

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